Lady of Curses

Chapter 60-Similar morning

''Are you sure that this is right?'' In a dimly lit room, a woman's voice sounded as she spoke to the person before her. 

''We don't have a choice, if we let them be they will only get worse.'' The man kneeling across the woman answered.

''I guess you're right, even I can't forgive them after what they did to Lucy and Lucas.'' The young woman clenched her dress that has gotten a little dirty while she was kneeling on the floor.

''I know, even I couldn't believe what they have done after we found out.'' The man looked at the floor gritting his teeth while the memories played in his head. 

''Brother why did they do that?'' The sister's tears landed on her lap, as she grieved the loss of the happy family, knowing that it was now all fake, or at least filled with lies. 

''I don't know, but if we don't do something then more people will suffer, and maybe even us, if they find out that we knew about it.'' The brother lifted his face and saw his sister's blond hair blocking her face, but he could still see her falling tears. He couldn't blame her after all just some time before they had this happy, perfect family, but now they knew what their parents were doing behind the scenes, and the visage of this perfect family was shattered.

''I understand, but will this be enough?'' As she spoke the sister wiped her tears, but the paths her tears traveled down her face were still visible even in this dimly lit room. 

''It should be enough, it has to be enough.'' The brother said as he looked at the materials put inside the white circle that was drawn with chalk. It was unfortunate that they couldn't get better materials or that neither of them knew much about summoning, or anything else that could help right now. 

''Let's get started.'' The brother said that as he took a last glance outside the window that showed the everlasting winter. After that, he turned his gaze to his sister and saw determination in her blue eyes, and the sister saw the same determined blue eyes looking back at her. 

With a nod they both put their hands on the wooden floor near the drawn circle and closed their eyes, they put all their focus on making this summoning a success, it was their only chance. 


''Yaaawn~'' Aella awoke in already familiar room with sunrays shining on her face. The last night was amazing and she could still taste some of Zira on her tongue, and this time she wasn't black-out drunk and could actually remember the wonderful time she spent with Zira. 

 Looking around the room she saw that her clothes were neatly folded in one corner, and just like the last time she was left alone with Zira nowhere to find.

''Mmmmm~'' Aella didn't mind and got out of bed. Before getting dressed she stretched out her body and enjoyed the sun's rays on her naked body. She slowly got dressed before leaving the room. She has already been here once, so she knew where to go. So without any problems, she went downstairs. 

''♪~'' When she got to the living room, she saw that Suria was in the kitchen humming a nice tune and cooking something. Aella wasn't quiet so the cheery healer heard her.

''Breakfast?'' Suria stopped her merry melody and turned her head so that she was facing Aella, as she ask if the dark lady wanted some breakfast.

''Yes please.'' Aella knew that she didn't have to eat, but she wanted to taste Suria's cooking, plus it wasn't her style to decline a free meal. 

''♪~'' After that short conversation Suria continued with her tune, and Aella didn't mind. Instead, she sat down closed her eyes, and enjoyed her humming. The melody was kind of soothing, and Aella felt like she could easily fall asleep while Suria's calming voice played in the background. 

*Tud* And she almost did fall asleep but fortunately, she was quickly awakened from her drowsy state when she heard Suria put a plate in the table in front of her. 

''Please enjoy.'' Aella was greeted by a nice stack of pancakes, that had some berry jam on them.

''I will, thanks.'' She didn't hesitate to dig in, she used the fork to nip off a small part of one of the pancakes. The pancake was so soft that the fork easily went through easily separating her a small piece. After getting the piece on the fork she dipped it into the jam, and then put it in her mouth. 

''Mmmmm~'' The moment those flavors hit her tastebuds she couldn't help but express the delicious taste vocally.

When Suria saw Aella's antics and that she thoroughly enjoyed the pancakes, Suria couldn't help but widen her smile. She observed Aella for another moment before she returned to her own stack of pancakes. 

They enjoyed their food in silence. Suria was first to finish and after she finished she went to the kitchen and brought out two glasses and a pitcher that contained some kind of fruit drink.

While Suria was pouring the drink, Aella finished her food too, and with a grateful nod took one of the glasses.

''I have to say you're a great cook.'' Aella was the first to break this silence with some compliments to the chef. 

''Thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed that.'' Again another silent moment appeared while both of them took a sip of their drinks. ''So tell me have you found a job or another way to get some income?'' This time it was Suria who spoke first. 

''Actually yes, just yesterday I found a way to sell my curses, and by the looks of it I have a way to get constant income.'' Aella couldn't help but smile when she remembered that. ''But talking about money, it's really strange.''

''What is strange?'' Suria inquired before taking another sip of the drink. 

''Well, the currency as a whole, because it sometimes looks like the prices in this settlement are random.'' Aella took a sip and then continued. ''The rent costs one growth crystal and five pastries cost the same, but the hot spring costs five. Some of the stalls have even more chaotic pricing.'' Aella was a little confused about it because it looked like their currency didn't have a set value. 

''Ah, I see.'' Suria started to explain with her warm smile still on her face. ''You see we Safury didn't really need much to survive, except for shelter most things for us are luxury, so mostly the prices are equal to what the seller thinks their service is worth without looking at the market price or things like that. Of course, there are exceptions, one of them being that there are Safury that want to let as many people enjoy their services as possible, so they usually set a low price, and if you're asking why not free, well because no one will refuse some extra growth crystals.'' After saying that Suria took another sip of her drink.

''I see, I guess that makes sense.'' Aella had to agree with Suria, if the only thing needed for survival was shelter, and it was this cheap, or even free if you become the lord's subordinate then yes this somewhat chaotic economy was expected.

''Actually, talking about income and economy, if it's okay with you I'm interested in what you and Zira do.'' Aella pulled a black strand of her face out of her face as she continued. ''I know that you're a healer, but is that all, and what does Zira do?'' 

''Well you're not wrong about me healing people, but I do sometimes go hunting, and as for Zira she usually goes hunting if she needs some extra growth crystals to splurge.'' Suria didn't hesitate to answer, it even looked like she was happy to get asked this question by Aella.

''Hunting huh, that probably isn't for me.'' Aella remembered the disaster her last hunt was. ''The last time I went hunting was a disaster.'' She still remembers the nightmare that was the transportation of all those bodies. 

''I can understand that.'' It looked like Suria had some memories of her own, but it didn't look like she was willing to share those. 

While Suria was thinking about the past she felt something and pulled out the same green, glowing crystal, from last time.

''Well, looks like I'm needed elsewhere.'' She quickly gulped down the rest of her drink before she went for the door. ''I was hoping that we could chat a bit longer, but duty calls, so I hope that next time we can spend some time longer with each other.'' With those words, Suria left and Aella was now alone in the living room, slowly sipping her drink. 


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