Lady of Curses

Chapter 61-One big ”happy” family

While thinking about some stuff, Aella finished her drink. She liked the taste of the drink so she took the pitcher and poured herself some more. She didn't have any place to be, and she could leisurely spend her time, and spending time just relaxing on some soft furniture and enjoying a delicious drink was a good option on this wonderful morning. 

That is until she saw a circle forming under her. Aella saw the magic circle slowly form around her, but she didn't mind it and just continued to sit there while the circle appeared around her. While the circle was forming Aella took a sip and formed a smile when she tasted the drink, she had no idea what Suria used to make this drink, but she will need to find out the recipe, or start visiting this house more often. As she was thinking about the drink's taste she turned her black eyes to the glass pitcher.

'Suria wouldn't mind right?' Right before the circle finished forming Aella grabbed the pitcher and put it in her lap and secured it with her left hand, while her right hand still held onto her glass. She was hoping that Suria won't mind that Aella borrowed her pitcher for this trip because she just couldn't resist the taste of the drink. 

When the circle was finally complete black smoke started to rise from the edges and engulfed Aella like a cocoon. Aella didn't mind and just pressed the pitcher closer to her body, she was relaxed until she felt the couch disappear from under her. The moment she felt emptiness under her she maneuvered her body and hands so that the drink doesn't spill from the pitcher or her glass. 

The result of her antics was shown when the black smoke dissipated, and she was left in an awkward position on a wooden floor. So right now Aella was lying on the floor, with her right hand stretched up, and her left hand holding the pitcher that was on her stomach, but even though she was in this unique position she succeded and didn't spill more than a few drops of the drink. 

Aella slowly got up so that she could better scout her surroundings, and the first thing she saw, or better say person was a man in his early twenties with white hair like snow and ice blue eyes, looking at her with somewhat confused expression. But Aella didn't say anything she just continued to look around the room. 

With a little bit more looking she saw the other person, a girl in her late teens by the looks of it, with blond her and blue eyes. Aella could see that the girl had been crying not too long ago. 

The last thing she paid attention in this room was the window, that showed a view of the snow falling from the sky.

''How can I help you?'' After Aella got more comfortable on the floor, she turned back her attention to the white-haired man, and while she waited for his answer she took a sip from her glass. 

''We want you to kill our parents.'' He said that with determination, his confused look was gone, and in its place was an ice-cold resolve.

''Sure, but you know, you could have probably done it without summoning me, right?'' Aella took another sip of her drink and then continued. ''You know the classics, stab them in the heart when they are sleeping, or maybe put some poison in the food, something like that.'' They lived in the same house, so it shouldn't be that hard, or maybe it was that hard after all she has never tried to kill her family member, so maybe it's more difficult than the media portrayed it.

''We wish we could, but because of multiple circumstances, they have to die from a disease or another natural cause, so that's why we tried to summon someone who deals with plagues and diseases.'' The man's eyes didn't waver and he was looking right at Aella as he said that. 

''I see, well I don't deal with diseases or something like that.'' The moment those words left Aella's eyes she could see his eyes lose hope and that cold determination. ''But I can make it look like they died from natural causes.'' And with those words, the light in his eyes returned.

''So then how are we going do this, because I use curses, and the best option would be to use them when they are sleeping.'' Aella got up and started talking to the siblings about their plan. 

While she was getting up she saw a circle drawn with chalk on the floor, and in that circle, she saw some kind of dark grey root vegetable, a black dead beetle, a dried paw from some kind of animal, and what looked like a vile of dark blood. The pair of siblings were really trying to summon something. 

''Then we can do it tonight, soon we will be eating dinner, and after that, we can execute the plan, but until then please stay in this room.'' As the man talked the sibling pair too stood up. 

''Sure.'' Aella looked around and saw a simple bed and a table so she didn't mind staying in this room until they were ready. So with that in mind, Aella put the pitcher on the table and sat down on the bed, and started looking out of the window while drinking her drink from the glass. 

Looking out the window Aella was a little reminiscent of her past life because when she left Earth it was winter and the snow was deep where she lived, so seeing snow in this world for the first time she couldn't help but think about the past. 

While Aella was swimming in her memories the siblings both left, ready to start their scheme of killing their parents. Aella had no idea why they wanted to kill them, but she didn't care that much, she wasn't too keen on other people's family drama.  But she did care about pay, and she totally forgot about her compensation for this job, because she was more concerned about the drink and the pitcher. 

'Well, it happens.' And with that though Aella took another sip and continued watching the snow fall.


''So have was your day today Elec?'' The family of four was gathered at the dining table and enjoying a lavish meal, and a man who looked like in his fifties addressed the younger man. Both of them had similar features and even their snow-white hair color was similar. 

''It was good father.'' Elec answered his father before taking another bite of some meat. ''And in a few days, there should be another shipment of fire crystals.'' 

''Good, good, it looks like you will soon be able to take my position and I and your mother will be able to retire.'' The man chuckled as he said that to his son, and the mature lady with blond hair sitting next to him also made a happy chuckle agreeing with her husband. 

Elec also faked a smile, at his father's voice, so that they don't suspect anything. 

''Elsa dear you're awfully quiet today, is everything okay?'' The mother looked at her daughter and saw that today the girl was much more quiet than usual, because normally she is energetic and is always happy to share her day even if no one asked, but today she hadn't said anything but a few words.

''Hm?'' Elsa lifted her head and looked at the mother. ''It's fine mother, I've just stomped a little bit in my ice magic studies, and I just can't stop thinking about it.'' Elsa quickly made up a believable lie. 

''I see, but if you need help you can ask father to help.'' The woman's concern lowered. 

''I know mother, I will ask if I won't be able to figure it out myself.'' Elsa gave her mother a huge smile as she answered. 

Just like that the family talked from time to time while they were eating, and from the servants perspective, who were around the dining room, it looked like the perfect loving family.

As they talked they finished their main course and servants brought out the dessert, and it looked like some kind of pudding. The parents of the family didn't bat an eye as they started eating, the sibling on the other hand took their time to eat theirs, and they ate it slowly and in small pieces. But even then the conversation didn't stop and they continued to talk about their day, or some plans that were happening in the future. As if they were one big happy family. 



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