Lady of Curses

Chapter 62-The slow death

''Yaaaawn~'' After they finished the dessert the family still stayed at the table and continued their conversation while enjoying some warm tea. That was until the father of Elec and Elsa gave out a big yawn.

''It looks like I was more tired than I thought.'' The father was a little surprised by that yawn and the feeling of sleepiness that was coming at him but at the same time, it wouldn't be the first time so he didn't think about much and got ready to leave and get some night's rest. 

''It looks like it's time for us to go to bed.'' The mother similar to her partner was getting sleepy too so they both stood up, wished their children a good night, and went to their room. 

Elec and Elsa stayed for a few more minutes and talked about their day, they did this so that the servants didn't find them suspicious. Probably if they just went out of the dining room the moment their parents left, the servants wouldn't find it suspicious, but even then it was better to be safe. 

After they had spent enough time like this they left the table and started walking to the room where they left Aella. 

''Here.'' While they were making their way to where Aella was, Elec pulled out two small vials from one of his jacket's inner pockets. In both of these vials, there was a light green liquid in them. 

Elsa didn't say anything but just took one of the vials from her brother, and after opening it she downed the liquid in one gulp without hesitation, and her brother followed soon after. 

After they both emptied their vials, Elec took both of those vials and put them back in the same pocket he took them out. For the rest of their walk to the room, they didn't say anything they just walked in silence, fully aware of what they were about to do. 

Finally, they arrived at the room that was placed at the far end of this mansion. Elec led the way as he opened the wooden door and Elsa followed right behind him as they entered the dimly lit room. 

The scene hadn't changed much from the time they left, Aella was still sitting on the bed sipping her drink as she watched the snow fall outside. The only visible thing that had changed was that the pitcher was a little emptier than before they left for dinner. 

''It looks like you are ready to start the plan.'' Aella took another sip before she turned her gaze to the siblings. Her black eyes scanned them as an empty smile formed on her face.

''Yes.'' Was the only word Elec muttered to Aella, and then just stood there waiting for her. 

''Very well lead the way.'' Aella stood up from the bend and made her way to the siblings, and along the way, she grabbed the pitcher from the table. 

Again the siblings didn't say anything but just started to lead the way as Aella walked behind them. Aella didn't pay much attention to the surroundings and just followed them, while at the same time, she started to make up scenarios in her head trying to guess why the siblings wanted to kill their parents. Those scenarios included something simple as they wanted their parents wealth and just couldn't wait, to something like, the siblings are in a cult and they have to kill their parents so that they could move more freely so that they can more easily accomplish their goal of summoning the demon king, or another horrific being. 

There was even one scenario where Aella imagined that the siblings were taken over by some kind of brain parasite and they needed their parents dead bodies to make more of those parasites. 

While Aella was letting her imagination run wild, she could still feel the heavy feeling that was oozing out of those two, but she didn't say anything. It didn't really interest her that much, so she didn't ask.

''We're here.'' It took some walking but they finally arrived at the room where their parents were sleeping. Elec carefully opened the door and all of them stepped quietly inside, and when all of them got inside the tool Elec closed the door behind him without making any sound. 

''They should be deep in sleep, and they shouldn't awaken until the morning no matter how loud you are.'' Elec said that while looking at the two sleeping figures. ''But I would prefer if you're as quiet as possible.''  

Aella just nodded as she looked around the room. She couldn't see much as it was dark, but the dim light from the outside illuminated the room enough that Aella could discern some things. But she quickly lost interest as it didn't look like they had anything interesting, so she turned her attention to the two sleeping people. 

''So you want me to take care of those two?'' Aella indicated to the sleeping siluets leaning her head as she spoke to Elec. The white-haired looking at his parents and just nodded at Aella's question. 

Without saying anything more Aella got ready. She needed to concentrate because she couldn't just curse them and be done, because if she did that there will be cursed markings all around their bodies and they would probably figure out what was going on quite quickly. 

So she intended to curse only a specific part of them, specifically their hearts. Now there were two ways she could go about it, concentrating all her curse to that one spot, or just not letting it grow further, basically cutting it off from the rest of the body, and right now she could only do one of those things, and that was the cutting off method. 

The difference between those two methods was that one made the curse stronger and the other weaker, and she could do the one that made her curse less effective, in most situations.

If she had to compare those two, it was like drilling a small hole in the middle of a lake, in one scenario you somehow compress all the lake's water inside the hole, and the other method was you take a bucket and start scooping up the lake's water and throwing it somewhere else until the only place that has water in that lake is in the hole. 

In the first scenario, the curse is concentrated in one spot and is more potent even though it has a restricted area, but in the other, its the same as cursing the person normally, but then cutting off the excess making it so that the curse is only in that one area but it isn't stronger, but weaker. 

Aella would really like to learn how to get all 100% of curse's power in one area, but she still didn't know how, all she knew was how to reduce the % until it was only in the area she needed and then restricted it. But fortunately, she had [Growing curse] so it shouldn't be a problem.

So while thinking all that she put down her pitcher and the glass on a nearby nightstand. She stretched out her hands and started to concentrate, slowly two black smokey tendrils came out of her hands, one from each, and flew towards the sleeping couple. After the smoke made contact it got absorbed in their bodies. 

Elec and Elsa could see black chains slowly forming on their parents bodies, but before the chains could fully form they faded away, leaving their skin the same as before. And just like that Aella had put [Curse of weakness] on them and restricted the curse only to their hearts, she put [Growing curse] on her curses so with time the curses will get stronger and eventually their hearts will get too weak for them to support these people bodies.

''I'm done, I put a curse on them that weakens their hearts, and with time it will get stronger, so you might need to wait a bit, but eventually, they will die.'' Aella turned to the siblings as she talked, while at the same time, she took her pitcher in one hand and the glass in the other hand. 

''I just hope you have adequate compensation for my services.'' Aella didn't forget about the pay, after all, she wasn't here to do a favor but to do business.



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