Lady of Curses

Chapter 63-Wooden skull

''Of course.'' Elec took another look at his sleeping parents and then guided Aella and Elsa outside the room. They quietly left the room and then grouped like before, with the siblings leading the way and Aella following them from behind. 

This time their walk wasn't as long as before, because the room they were going to was pretty close to where they were. They stopped when they arrived at a decorated, wooden door. 

Aella didn't have time to see all the decorations, and engravings on the door, because Elec opened the door the next moment and walked in the room. 

On the other side of the door, Aella was greeted by what looked like an exhibition room. The room was somewhat dim, but Aella still could see quite clearly around the room. She saw some impressive-looking weapons, some amazing clothing pieces, some accessories, and other things, but all these things were put on display, as it was a small museum. 

''These are the things our father collected over the years.'' Elec walked deeper into the room and brushed his fingers against one of the sword blades. ''All of these items are of high quality or have inserting  properties, so you can choose one of these items as your payment, I hope this will suffice.'' Elec's icy eyes turned to Aella. 

Aella looked around inspecting the items, she took another sip and nodded. ''Yes, this will suffice.'' 

With that Aella started to walk around the room looking at items, trying to find something that looked interesting to her. Although there were plenty of weapons none of them really interested her that much, but if she couldn't find anything else that she wanted then maybe it wasn't that bad of a choice. 

Some armor caught her eye, especially the ones made out of leather, probably made from some powerful monsters materials and Aella knew that good protection was important in this kind of world. Unfortunately, she didn't find any crystalized skills, because if she did she would probably take that. 

There were some trinkets here and there that truly were looking interesting to Aella, but she continued to look around and kept them in the back of her mind. She walked around for a bit, keeping in mind some items that looked interesting to her until she stumbled upon a necklace. 

The necklace greatly interested her, because for some reason she was instinctively pulled towards it. For some reason, her instincts told her to take it, that this was what she needed. 

The neckless itself looked like a wooden wolf skull. She put the pitcher and the glass on a nearby raised surface, that had full armor displayed on it, and took the necklace in her hands. The narrow skull was made out of wood and had dark markings on it, at first glance the markings looked black but in some angles of light, they looked like they were really dark red color. 

By further inspecting it Aella found out that the jaw of the skull could be opened and closed, and she tested it a few times. She didn't know why she craved this necklace, but it looked like she found her item. 

''I will take this.'' She turned and showed the necklace to the siblings who were quietly following right behind her all this time. 

''I see, we don't really know what this neckless does, maybe our father does, but I do know that it belonged to a dark shaman.'' Elec explained the history of this necklace to Aella, it was a little unfortunate that she couldn't find out its function, but she was sure that with time she will figure it out. Plus hearing that it was from a dark shaman Aella was sure it has to do something with curses or something similar.

''Well, then it looks like our transaction is done.'' Aella put the necklace on her belt, and let it hang there by its string, then she picked up the glass and the pitcher. ''But I have to ask, won't your father find this necklace missing?'' 

''No, he won't, her rarely visits the room, he usually shows this room to his guests, but he doesn't really come here without a reason.'' Elec looked around the room as he answered. 

''I see, well then it was nice doing business with you, I will be going now.'' A magic circle formed under her, and then she got engulfed by black smoke. After the smoke cleared the siblings were the only ones left in the room.

Elec and Elsa didn't say anything, they just looked at each other for a brief moment before they left the room and went to their rooms, fully aware that their parents would die in the near future. So with that knowledge, they went to sleep. 


Aella appeared back in the Safury plane and was standing up, with the table in front of her and a couch behind her. So she sat down while at the same time, she put the pitcher on the table and took a sip from her glass. She was back at Suria's and Zira's house. 

''Oh welcome back.'' Aella was a little surprised by the voice but soon found the greeter. It was Suria with her normal smile looking at Aella.

''I'm back, sorry about the pitcher, but the drink was too delicious, to leave it behind.'' Aella greeted Suria back. 

''I don't mind it, and I'm happy that you like the drink that much.'' Suria didn't hold it against Aella for taking the pitcher on a trip. ''So how it went?'' But Suria was interested in the adventure itself. 

''Well somewhat interesting.'' Aella didn't mind sharing the details. ''Two kids wanted to kill their parents, but they had to make it look like they died from natural cause, I have no idea why they wanted it, but I did get this cool necklace.'' With the last part, Aella took the necklace and showed it to Suria. 

''May I.'' Suria got closer and asked Aella if she could get a closer look at it. Aella didn't mind and just nodded and gave the necklace to Suria.

''What an interesting piece, does it have some function or it's just a necklace?'' Suria was still inspecting the necklace and following the markings with her finger, as she asked Aella about it. 

''No idea, all I know is that it belonged to a dark shaman, but nothing more.'' Aella looked at the necklace as she answered Suria's question. ''But for some reason, my instinct wanted for me to have it.''

''Oh I see, then this thing might be quite interesting.'' Suria handed the necklace back to Aella, with a mischievous smile. Aella took the necklace and put it on her hip.

''But you should probably get it appraised so that the effects are known.'' Suria sat down right across from Aella as she spoke. ''After all who knows if the effects will bring you some trouble.'' 

''I guess you're right, better safe than sorry.'' Aella agreed with Suria that it is better to get this thing appraised as soon as possible, although she doubts it has any negative effects on her, she still would like to know what this necklace can do, and maybe through appraisal she could find out why she was so drawn to it.

''If you want I could show you a place.'' Suria offered Aella to show a place where she could appraise her necklace.

''Sure, but before we go let me finish this.'' Aella pointed at the pitcher, she wanted to finish the drink before they went to appease her more recent bounty. 

''Sure just say when you are ready and we will go.'' Suria didn't rush Aella, but allowed her to do her thing and enjoy the drink, while the sunny healer herself just waited for Aella to finish.


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