Ladybird’s Yanderes

Chapter 23: A Mother’s Lament

Lily sat kneeling on the floor in front of her mother who was sitting on the bed. “Explain.” She said as she looked down at her trembling daughter. Lady had been excused to the bathroom in order to change out of the shirt and wash off the spilled soda. Lily meanwhile was currently being interrogated by her mother. “It was an accident, I swear, we just fell.” She pleaded. Her mother looked less than convinced “So you accidentally fell and ended up on top of him. On your bed? How did that happen?”

Lily’s gaze shifted around nervously like a cornered animal. “He was about to open my closet on accident cause he thought it was the bathroom so I tried to stop him and we just fell.” Her mothers eyes narrowed in suspicion, “And why didn’t you want him to see inside the closet, what's in there?”

“Clothes” Lily said sheepishly. “Who’s clothes?” Her mother asked. “Mine” Lily said as she looked down. Her mother excused her and told her that she would give Lady a ride home after Lily had apologized to him. After that, She left the room while shaking her head. Lady emerged from the bathroom several seconds later. He was wearing one of her brother's shirts, a bright red tee sporting the image of several superheroes. It made him look somewhat childish.

“I'm sorry if I got you in trouble,” he said as he approached her. “No it’s my fault,” she replied. “I was being a bit rough and I made you uncomfortable.” He blushed slightly as he said “It’s ok, and it didn’t make me uncomfortable.” Lily could barely contain herself after hearing something like that. She doubted that Lady knew just how dangerous those words were.

She noticed that he was carrying the white tee that had been stained with soda in his hands. “I can wash it for you and return it on Monday if you want. It's the least I can do after what happened,” she said while gesturing to the shirt. He agreed and handed it to her before heading towards the door. “I had fun today,” he said as he stood in the doorway. “Me too” she muttered as she watched him leave.

She sat on her bed holding the shirt as she listened to the sounds of the front door opening and the car starting. Once she was certain that Lady and her Mom had left, she buried her face in the shirt and fell back onto her bed. It was a simple white tee from a rather common brand, likely the type that was bought in a set. It wouldn’t be too hard to find the same shirt at a nearby store and give it to him on Monday. I wonder if I could do the same with his other clothes, find similar ones and switch them out, but I’d have to do it while he’s not home, she thought.

She felt sick realizing how easily she had gone down this train of thought and tried to think of something else. Eventually, she just focused on the lingering scent of the shirt. The blend of his smell and the spilled cola created a sweet aroma that was slightly different from the scent of his usual smell. She imagined herself dripping cola onto his bare pale white skin and licking it off. No matter how hard she tried, her mind always drifted back to perverted thoughts. Eventually, she gave in and pleasured herself while using the shirt, hopeful that her mother wouldn’t return soon.


Abigail watched as Lady exited the car and returned to his apartment. He was an odd boy, looking and acting younger than he was but possessing a level of maturity not present in most kids his age. She was glad that the boy her daughter had invited over wasn’t the leather wearing slick haired smooth talker that served as every mothers nightmare. After meeting him though, she was a bit worried for his sake.

She drove off but took a slight detour and parked on a quiet street. Stepping out of the car, she pulled a pack of cigarettes from her purse. Her husband had asked her to quit years ago to which she had begrudgingly agreed. Despite her promise, she still enjoyed the occasional smoke behind his back. A puff of smoke wafted into the air and dispersed as she breathed out. It seemed that her daughter had taken a certain interest in Lady. If her daughter were normal, she would have been overjoyed. As much as it pained Abigail to say though, her daughter wasn't exactly normal.

She had discovered this fact while her daughter was in middle school. At the time, everything had seemed alright but she felt like something was off with lily. She asked her daughter if there was anything going on at school, anything she wanted to talk about but Lily had claimed to be fine. In the end, that turned out to be a lie though as Abigail was contacted by Lily's teacher who reported that Lily was being bullied. Abigail had a meeting the following day with the teacher where she also learned about the specifics of the bullying.

According to the teacher, rumors were circulating that Lily had been caught smelling the boys' used gym clothes and was a pervert responsible for other similar acts. She wanted to believe that her daughter was innocent but deep down, she knew differently. Lily was a good girl and an honest kid but she was also a fighter who knew how to stand up for herself. If the rumors at school had been false, Lily would have told Abigail or the teacher that she was being falsely accused and bullied. The fact that she had endured the bullying without standing up for herself or getting help meant that in all likelihood, she felt guilty.

At first Abigail was unsure about what to do. The parenting guides she had read as a newlywed hadn't prepared her for anything like this. It was inevitable that at some point, Lily would grow up and go through puberty but her unconventional awakening wasn’t something Abigail could have predicted. She wasn’t mad that her daughter had awakened to a strange fetish, after all, it would be hypocritical considering Abigail's own tastes. Abigail began by pulling her daughter from school and then having her transferred to another school where she could experience a fresh start. She figured it was best to deal with the bullying issue first before addressing the cause. The only problem was, she never got around to that part.

Abigail always felt like she could’ve handled the situation better. Maybe she should have confronted Lily about her fetish and told her it was alright but at the time, her daughter was still reeling from the pain of being ostracized and Abigail didn’t want to make the wounds any deeper. Instead, Abigail had helped her daughter transfer schools and then metaphorically, left the door open. She had hoped her daughter would walk through the door, would open up about the bullying and her problems but she never did. In actuality, Abigail had left Lily alone, afraid and ashamed of who she was.

She dropped the dying cigarette bud on the ground and stomped it out with her foot. She was fairly certain that that boy knew about her daughter’s condition and accepted her regardless but, unless her daughter could accept it herself, neither of them would be happy. As she stepped back into the car and began driving home, Abigail steeled her resolve. She would make her daughter confront her desires, and support her as best she could. It may have taken her two years, but she would be there for her little girl.


Lady returned home and collapsed on his bed. The occurrence between him and Lily that resulted in her falling on him kept replaying in his mind. He couldn’t help but think it was slightly erotic. Lady had just been happy to hang out with a friend but looking at things objectively, he had spent most of the day alone with a girl at her house. His heart had been pounding before he left her house.

Lady got up and walked across the room to the area that made up his apartment's kitchen. He grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured himself a glass of water. He had just taken a sip when there was a knock on his door. Maybe it’s Miss Hill, he thought to himself as he approached the door. His guess proved to be incorrect as he opened it revealing none other than Rachael.

“Hi Lady, long time no see she said” as she entered his apartment. “Can I help you with something?” He asked her as she took her shoes off by the door. She lifted a brown paper bag and responded, “I never got to properly thank you for what happened at the bookstore, so I thought I’d cook you dinner.” Thank you but there’s no need to go this far. And besides, how did you get here?” Lady glanced outside but he didn’t see any cars around.

She ignored his question as she set the bag down on his kitchen counter. “Don’t sweat the details. Tonight's your night to relax so loosen up a bit. It’s not every night a woman cooks for you or a cute high school girl spends time alone with you, right?” Lady couldn’t help but notice the change in her tone of voice. His mind flashed back to the time he spent at his English teacher Miss Sierra’s house or more recently, the day he had just spent at Lily’s.

Lady watched her as she pulled vegetables out of the bag and began chopping them. His eyes were drawn to the knife in her hands and he shuddered. To everyone else, she seemed like a perfect and cute high school girl but Lady couldn’t shake the bad feelings he had about her. He felt slightly guilty that he treated her with so much suspicion but he couldn’t help it. His body always responded like a cornered animal in her presence. She continued chopping vegetables as she filled a pot with water and set it to boil on his two burner stovetop. Despite what his instinct might indicate, she was one of the few people that had treated him with kindness. He decided that just this once, he would lower his guard and try to get to know her. As he thought this, he failed to notice the small packet of white powder she emptied into the steaming pot. Needless to say, it was not part of the recipe.

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