Ladybird’s Yanderes

Chapter 24: Surprise Sleepover Party

Lady was washing several dishes in the sink, hands lathered in soap as he worked the grease out of a bowl. He reached up to grab a sponge and his hand brushed the hand of the girl standing next to him. She retracted her hand quickly and accidentally knocked it against the sink handle. The lukewarm stream of water that Lady had his hands under suddenly became scalding hot. He winced as a hiss escaped his mouth and he leapt backwards. The girl next to him began apologizing profusely as she shut the sink off and looked at his hands. The skin was red and irritated but would likely be better after a night of rest. Before that though, the two of them still had yet to eat.

"I'll set the table so just sit down," Rachael said as she took the freshly washed bowls and began drying them off. She had just finished making a vegetable soup when Lady realized that there was no clean kitchenware. Living on his own and on a budget, Lady had the bare minimum in terms of tableware and utensils. He had been washing a pair of bowls for the two of them when his hands had been burned. Rachael finished setting the table and sat down across from the boy. “I still feel terrible about what happened. Will you be able to eat like that?” she asked him. “I’m fine.” Lady replied. “It doesn’t hurt too much.” He tried to prove his words by picking up the spoon in front of him but winced and dropped it.

“Wait. Be careful.” Rachael said as she sat up and moved her chain next to Lady’s. “Let me do it, after all, It’s my fault you got hurt.” She picked up the spoon and scooped some of the soup out of the bowl. Blowing on it lightly, she moved the spoon closer to his mouth while saying, “Open wide.” Lady suddenly became flustered and turned his head away. “There’s no way I can do that. It’s just, that’s too weird. Besides, I’m not a kid. I can eat on my own.” Rachael, who looked disheartened, replied “I know it’s embarrassing but it’s the only way. I don’t want you to hurt yourself even more.” Lady became angry yelling, “I can do it fine on my own and besides, It’s your fault I’m hurt in the first place.

Tears began to form in Rachael's eyes as she slowly lowered the spoon back into the bowl of soup. “I’m, I’m sorry. I should just go.” She began to stand up as tears rolled down her eyes. “Wait.” Lady said. “I’m sorry for getting angry. I know it was an accident.” Rachael sat back down and began to wipe the tears off her face. The boy opened his mouth as he looked up at her sheepishly, no doubt embarrassed. “Please, can you not stare? It’s embarrassing.” He said. Rachael stifled a laugh as she began spoon feeding the young boy. Lady felt like he would die of embarrassment throughout the course of the meal but continued on as he didn’t want to see the girl cry again.

After they had finished eating, Lady suddenly began to feel incredibly tired. Rachael insisted he lay down in bed while she cleaned up in the kitchen. “Do you have any Aloe Vera lotion?” Rachael asked, intending to treat his burns. “No…” He replied “I can get some… at the store…. Tomorrow.” his speech was slightly slurred as he struggled to keep his eyes open. “I’ll run and get some. Just rest here.” she said. “Don’t… dangerous… for girls…. at night” he tried to protest as he grew increasingly tired. She admired his concern but it was somewhat unfounded. She was armed with a taser and pepper spray after all. She grabbed his house key which was hanging by the door and left after locking the door behind her.

She began walking to the nearest convenience store which was only a few minutes away. So far, everything had been going according to plan. Rachael reckoned that before she returned, Lady would be fast asleep. She couldn’t wait to play with her new toy when she got back to their apartment. Of course she fully intended to treat his burns when she came back. She didn’t want to leave her pet with any permanent injuries or scars. Not yet at least. The blend of embarrassment and pain on his face while she was feeding him dinner had been especially arousing. It had taken everything she had to restrain herself and she was still incredibly wet. She hummed to herself as she continued walking to the store, giddy with anticipation regarding the night to come.


Rachael returned to the apartment carrying a shopping bag in her hand. She was practically panting as she began unlocking the door, her mind flooded with fantasies about what she wanted to do to the unconscious boy. She turned the knob and opened the door only to find something she hadn’t expected. Anna was sitting on Lady’s bed and cradling the unconscious boy in her lap. She was stroking his thin gray hair when Rachael entered the room. “I didn’t think you were the type to steal someone else's prey” she said as she locked the door behind her and hung the key up. “I’m only protecting him. I’m not like you.” Anna replied as she continued stroking the boy's hair.

“So you're saying you don’t want him? After all, you could’ve taken him while I was gone. You must have a lot of self restraint, or could it be that you’re scared?” Rachael said as she approached the bed. Anna bit her lip. “I won’t let you do this.” She said as she suddenly pulled Lady into a hug. “Tsk. I don’t like it when other people try to steal my things” Rachael said as she dropped the plastic bag on the floor and pulled a personal taser out of her pocket. “He’s not yours” Anna replied as she pulled one of Lady’s kitchen knives out from behind her. “He would have been if you hadn’t gotten in the way” Rachael said, taking another step towards her.

“Hmmm…” Lady suddenly muttered, “Don’t leave me. Please don’t go.” The two girls quickly threw their weapons away and held their breaths. Lady continued muttering something but his eyes remained firmly closed. “He’s talking in his sleep,” Anna commented. She tried to let the sleeping boy go but he held onto her tightly. “Hold still” Rachael said as she picked up the bag she had dropped and pulled out a bottle of lotion. She climbed onto the bed as Anna asked, “What are you going to do?” Rachael squirted some of the lotion onto her finger. “He burned his hands so I went to buy something to put on them.”

Anna narrowed her eyes as the blonde girl circled around her. “Oh, did you plan on doing that before or after you violated him.” Rachael sat down on the bed behind Anna and began massaging the lotion into Lady’s hands which were still wrapped firmly around Anna. “Before” she answered. Lady winced, apparently still able to feel the pain despite being asleep, so Anna nestled his head further into her bosom and resumed stroking his hair. After a few minutes, Rachael announced that she was finished and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Anna reluctantly let go of Lady and laid him down in the center of the bed.

The two girls both sat on the edge of the bed as the room was plagued in an awkward silence. “You can go now, I’ll watch over him” Rachael said. “Hell no. You leave first. I’m not leaving you here alone with him.” Anna replied. “Don’t worry, Anna, I'll take real good care of him for you” Rachael said with a smirk. She then reached a hand back and began tracing a finger down the sleeping boy’s chest. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Anna said.

She looked at Lady. His sleeping face was incredibly cute. Anna wished she could enjoy it alone but unfortunately, there was Rachael to contend with. She heard a peculiar noise that sounded like the rustling of clothes and turned to look at the girl next to her. "What the hell are you doing!?" Anna cried. Rachael had taken off her shirt and was currently pulling off her pants. "Since neither of us are leaving anytime soon, I might as well get comfy" she said as she slipped them the rest of the way off.

Anna didn't want to admit it but she was also feeling rather hot. Whether that was due to the situation or the room's temperature was up for debate. "We should really leave though. It won't be good if he wakes up soon." Anna said as she stole another glance at the sleeping boy's face. "Don't worry about it" Rachael said as she moved from the edge of the bed to Lady's side. "He won't be waking up till morning, regardless of what we do." She nibbled on his ear to emphasize her point. "So you really did drug him, didn't you!?” Anna yelled. She had suspected as much after she had ‘gotten into’ Lady’s apartment only to find him asleep.

She had been worried about Lady after seeing Rachael enter his apartment and had spied on them from the balcony window but she could only gleam so much of what was happening while trying to stay hidden. After hearing the apartment door open and seeing Rachael leave, Anna had broken in. She looked at Rachael who was laying on Lady’s right side and sighed. There was no way she would back down from this proverbial Mexican standoff so her only choice was to spend the night. She knew she would regret it in the morning but there was no other option. She couldn’t leave Rachael alone with the boy and she didn’t have the means to force her to leave.

Anna stripped down to her underwear before cuddling up on Lady’s left side. The act of taking her clothes off was entirely unnecessary but the fact that Rachael had done the same thing somehow justified it in her mind. Lady continued to sleep peacefully, unaware that there were now two half-naked classmates lying with him in his bed. Both of the girls soon felt themselves growing tired as the hour grew late and eventually, they both succumbed to sleep.

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