Ladybird’s Yanderes

Chapter 25: A Troubling Situation

Lady was roused from his sleep by the light filtering through the balcony’s glass door. He rubbed his eyes and blinked several times, or at least tried too but instead, his hands knocked into his glasses. He never wore them to bed so the fact that he had them on now was surprising. It was likely more surprising though to find that lying in bed next to him was a scantily clad girl. Her bright red dyed hair and sleeping face were incredibly familiar to the boy though not in this context.

The person in bed next to him dressed only in her underwear was his former bully and online friend, Anna. He studied her as his mind tried to process what had happened, memories of the previous night seeming to elude him. Lady’s curious gaze eventually wandered down from her face to her ample chest and toned stomach. The rest of her figure was thankfully hidden under a blanket but Lady was left with little to imagine as the thin fabric didn’t do much in the way of hiding her figure.

He peeled his eyes away as soon as he began to feel his heart rate spike. The feeling of arousal was quickly washed away by panic as he began to wonder how he had wound up in this situation. Lady could vaguely remember that Rachael came over last night but everything after dinner was a blur. He slowly retreated to the other side of the bed as his breathing quickened. Had they done adult things last night? Had he been kidnapped? Was this some kind of blackmail? A flood of questions began forming in his mind as Lady struggled to stay calm.

He nearly leapt out of his skin as the girl began to stir. Her arm formed a wide arc as she stretched and her eyes slowly fluttered open. Lady watched helplessly as she slowly began to wake. Her Dark brown eyes locked onto his gray eyes and the two teens stared at each other for several seconds. Anna suddenly realizing what was happening practically rolled off the bed taking much of the blanket with her. Lady turned around and closed his eyes but he could still hear the girl behind him panicking. “Wha! My clothes! Where are my clothes?” She cried as she began frantically looking around the room.

Anna quickly realized that her partner in crime and enemy Rachael was nowhere to be seen. What’s more, Anna’s clothes were nowhere to be found. She had to leave, before things got any worse. She bolted to the door and practically flung it open, still wearing only her underwear. Anna had only taken a single step out of the room when she felt a slight tug on her arm. Lady’s small hands were both clutching her arm tightly, “You can’t. You can’t leave like that.” he was right, there was no way she would be able to make it home in this state safely. Despite the fact that Lady was significantly weaker than her, she couldn't pull away for some reason.

Her legs grew weak and Anna dropped to her knees. She felt like crying. No, she was crying. Tears were streaming down her face as she curled up on the floor in a fetal position. She wondered if Lady hated her now. More than he likely already did. She could vaguely make out the sound of the front door closing under the sound of her own sobbing. A sudden warmth enveloped her as she felt a blanket being draped around her. "Are.. Are you okay?" She could hear Lady saying, "I don't really know what's going on but I, Um, Well if you need anything or." He stuttered as he tried to find the right words to say. Unsure of how to comfort the crying girl considering he was still rather fuzzy on their current situation.

"Clothes" Anna muttered sheepishly, pulling the blanket over her head. "Could I borrow some clothes?" Lady jumped up and started opening his dresser drawers, " of course. I'm not sure if anything will fit you, but I'm not saying you're fat! Not at all! It's just that I'm small. I mean like my height and everything!" This time, it was Lady's turn to be enveloped by a sudden warmth as Anna embraced him from behind, wrapping her long arms around his slender body. "Thank you" she whispered in his ear.

The two stood like that for some time before Anna finally released Lady and allowed him to finish getting a pair of clothes that would fit her. Well, fit wasn't quite the right word to use considering that she had barely managed to slip on the largest set of clothes he had. An oversized t-shirt that Lady often wore to bed stuck tightly to her body and emphasized her chest while a pair of basketball shorts he had found clung erotically to her thighs. Lady found it hard to know where to look as he sat across from the girl. "The last thing I remember is eating dinner with Rachael. After that, I don't really remember much” he said. Anna knew she had to choose her next words carefully.

It was obvious that Lady was trying his best to believe her but even he had to be suspicious. Especially considering that he had woken up in bed with a girl he didn't remember meeting the night before. A perfect blend of truth and lies would be necessary to not only create a believable narrative but also one that painted her in a positive light. She had considered just telling him the truth but certain things like her stalking habit might become apparent. “Last night, I was called over by Rachael who said you had passed out and wouldn’t wake up. She told me to stay with you in case something happened” Lady blushed as he continued listening to Anna.

“It must have been a prank though because when I woke up this morning, she was gone and so were my clothes. I know it sounds stupid but please believe me, I didn’t do anything strange to you, I was just worried.” There were tears forming again in her eyes as she finished her story. She had omitted key details in the hopes that Lady would overlook them or draw his own conclusions. She had been tempted to disclose to him the fact that he had been drugged but if he actually went to the police and it was confirmed he had been drugged, it would only lead to more trouble.

Lady nodded as she wrapped up her story. He still didn’t fully believe Anna but at the moment, her story and his vague memories were the only things he had to go off of. “How are you going to get home?” He asked her, trying to shift the conversation. Hoping that she would take his question as a cue to leave. The only reason he had stopped her from leaving earlier was because he was worried about her safety. Especially considering how she had been in her underwear. “I can just walk home,” she replied, “I’ll be fine and my house isn’t far.” She got up and bowed her head while apologizing for troubling him. Opened the door and left, still wearing the clothes he had given her.

Anna walked down the metal stairs that allowed access to the apartments second floor only to find someone she hadn’t expected at the bottom. A busty young woman with brown hair and brown eyes. It was a woman Anna faintly recognized from the group that had gathered at his apartment several days prior after his release from the hospital. His part time boss, Noel. “Lady told me you needed a ride home, follow me” she said as she turned and began to walk towards the alley behind the apartment.

Anna followed her cautiously while staying vigilant. She knew the woman was likely lying considering that Lady hadn't mentioned anything of the sort. Still, her curiosity was piqued and she thought it might serve as an opportunity to get closer to one of the people in his orbit.

Noel approached a car that was parked in the alleyway and opened the driver's side door. “Get in” she said before stepping into the car herself. Anna cautiously approached the vehicle and got in the front passenger seat. She closed the door as Noel pulled out of the Alley and onto the main road. The young teen opened her mouth to speak but Noel cut her off saying, “Don’t worry, I already know where your house is.”

“What do you want from me?” Anna asked as she tensed up slightly. “Why were you and Rachael at his apartment last night?” Noel asked. Anna repeated the lie she had told Lady moments prior. Noel turned to Anna and frowned. “Tell me the real reason you were there, MagicalGirlLover. And don’t lie this time.” Anna immediately panicked upon realizing that Noel knew her in game alias. “How do you know my username?” She asked. Noel ignored her question and repeated her own. “Why were you at his place last night?”

“Rachael drugged him, and was going to do things to him. I couldn’t leave him alone.” She explained. “But why were you at his apartment in the first place? He didn’t send any messages inviting you over” Noel retorted. “I was protecting him” Anna cried. Noel grew angry, “No, I’m protecting him. you were stalking him. Unlike you and that other girl, I’m not just some horny teen that wants to get into his pants. I care about Lady which is why I won’t let someone like you get near him.”

The car rolled to a stop in front of Anna’s house. She opened the door and turned towards Noel before saying, “I care about him too, more than anyone.” Noel watched as the girl exited the car. “If that’s true, then stay away from him.” She drove off as Anna entered the empty house. The teen left her shoes by the door and made her way to the couch. She felt relieved despite her argument with Noel because in the end, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Lady didn’t hate her. All that mattered was that despite everything she had done, the boy still cared about her.

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