Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch21- Rushing Home

Shout out to newest Patron, clap your buttcheeks for! Trevor! Thank you! This novels are written by your help!

The group immediately sprang into action, their previous plans forgotten as they prepared to face the sudden Hollow attack.

"Everyone, stay close," Kai instructed, his voice steady and determined. "Gather all the students and hide inside the building. Orihime and Tatsuki, you have to protect the students. I'm sorry to put such a burden on you, but I need to go and find my mother and sister."

Orihime and Tatsuki exchanged determined looks, nodding in agreement. "Don't worry, Kai. We'll take care of everyone," Orihime said, her voice filled with resolve.

Tatsuki clenched her fists, her eyes blazing with determination. "Yeah, we've got this. Just make sure your family is safe."

Kai nodded, gratitude etched on his face. "Thank you. I'll be back as soon as I can." With that, he turned and sprinted towards his home, leaving the girls to handle the situation at the school.

Since students cannot hear or see Hollows, it is impossible to convince them to get inside the building. Luckily, Tatsuki is known by her peers as a fierce Karate fighter, and her fierce gaze frightens students, making them follow her directions.

"Everyone, get inside the building now!" Tatsuki shouted, her voice filled with urgency. The students looked at her, sensing the gravity of the situation from the tone of her voice.

"What's going on, Tatsuki?" a fellow student asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"We don't have time to explain, just trust us and get inside!" Orihime added, her eyes darting around the school grounds, keeping watch for any potential danger.

The students hesitated for a moment, but Tatsuki's intimidating glare was enough to spur them into action. They hurried towards the school building, a sense of panic beginning to spread.

Chizuru and Michiru, having recently gained the ability to sense Hollows, exchanged worried glances. "We'll help guide the students inside, too," Chizuru said, determination in her eyes.

Michiru nodded in agreement, her fear momentarily pushed aside by her newfound resolve. "Yes, we'll do everything we can to help."

As the students began to file into the school building, Orihime and Tatsuki took up positions near the entrance, preparing to defend their classmates from the Hollows. Their hearts pounded with anxiety, but they knew they had to remain strong for the sake of their friends and fellow students.

Meanwhile, Kai raced towards his home, his heart heavy with worry for his mother and sister. The ominous feeling that had washed over him earlier only intensified as he drew closer, and he knew that time was of the essence.

Upon reaching his house, Kai threw open the door and called out for his mother and sister. "Mom! Aiko! Are you alright?"

Kai found his family watching TV in the living room, completely unaware of the danger lurking nearby. He sighed in relief, grateful that they were safe for now. However, he knew they couldn't stay here with the Hollows so close.

"Mom, Aiko, we need to leave right now," Kai said urgently, his voice filled with worry. "There's an emergency at the school, and we need to get there as soon as possible."

Emiko looked at her son, concern etched on her face. "What's going on, Kai? Are you sure everything is alright?"

Kai hesitated for a moment, knowing he couldn't tell them the truth about the Hollows. "I can't explain right now, but please trust me. We need to go."

Aiko frowned, her protective instincts kicking in. "Alright, Kai. If you say we need to go, then we'll go."

Taking their hands, Kai led his family through the streets towards the school, his heart pounding with anxiety. As they ran, Kai caught sight of a Hollow in a playground where little children were playing football. He cursed under his breath, knowing he had to act quickly to protect both his family and the innocent children.

Not wanting to involve his mother and sister in the battle, Kai touched their foreheads, imbuing them with a small amount of his spiritual power. As they lost consciousness, he gently laid them down near a wall, ensuring they were out of harm's way.

With his family safe for the moment, Kai pulled out his Shinigami soul from his body and dashed towards the playground. As he approached, the Hollow sensed his spiritual pressure and turned its attention towards him, its monstrous form towering over the terrified children.

Kai gritted his teeth as he rushed towards the Hollow, his Shinigami soul pulsing with determination. He thought no one could see him, but the little girl among the children was following his movements. He recognized her as Kurosaki Karin, Ichigo's sister, and cursed under his breath. Time was of the essence, and he couldn't afford any distractions.

With a burst of speed, Kai dashed forward and slashed his blade through the Hollow, cutting it down before it could harm anyone. He could sense its spiritual energy dissipating, and he breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the children were now safe.

Turning his attention to Karin, who stood in shock, he spoke with a sense of urgency, "Karin, take your friends and follow me to your brother's school, now!"

Karin, her eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination, nodded firmly. "Okay," she said, quickly herding her friends after him.

As she led the children to safety, Kai returned to his body, his heart pounding with adrenaline. Scooping his mother and sister into his arms, he took off towards the school, praying that Orihime, Tatsuki, and the others were okay.

Meanwhile, back at the school, Orihime and Tatsuki had managed to lead the majority of the students inside the building. Their faces were tense with concentration as they stood guard, ready to defend their classmates from the Hollows.

Chizuru and Michiru, having guided the remaining students inside, joined Orihime and Tatsuki. Their newfound spiritual awareness only heightened their concern, but they were determined to help in any way they could.

Due to being delayed, Kai was late when a hollow appeared in the school. The four girls looked at it with varying emotions, mostly fear. It was a large Hollow whose body was composed of twelve large, lavender tentacles of sufficient length for her to prop herself up between buildings. Her mask resembled a jellyfish, with six appendages at the bottom and three circles of protrusions at the top. The mask had heart-shaped openings around her eyes, as well as long teeth with no lips or gums. Her Hollow hole was above her mask at the meeting point of her tentacles.

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