Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch22- Girls! Fighto!

Shout out to newest Patron, clap your buttcheeks for! Zain! Thank you! This novels are written by your help!

Orihime and Tatsuki stood in front of Chizuru and Michiru. Unlike both of them, Orihime and Tatsuki had awakened Fullbringer abilities with Kai's help and could fight.

As the Hollow approached, Orihime clenched her fists, her eyes filled with determination. "We can do this, Tatsuki. We've trained for this."

Tatsuki nodded, her face set in a fierce expression. "You're right. We've got to protect everyone."

Chizuru and Michiru, their fear evident, stood behind Orihime and Tatsuki, trying to gather their courage. "We'll help however we can," Michiru whispered, her voice trembling.

Tatsuki glanced back at them, offering a reassuring smile. "Just stay close and stay safe. We'll handle this."

The Hollow let out a menacing roar, charging towards the girls. Orihime activated her Fullbringer powers, calling forth her shield, the Santen Kesshun. The shield formed a barrier between the Hollow and the girls, blocking its attack.

As the Hollow recoiled from the impact, Tatsuki unleashed her Fullbringer powers as well, her hands glowing with energy as she struck at the Hollow's tentacles. The force of her blow sent the Hollow reeling, creating an opening for Orihime to counterattack.

Orihime called forth her offensive ability, the Koten Zanshun. A blade of energy sliced through the air, cutting into the Hollow's flesh. The creature screeched in pain, its remaining tentacles flailing wildly.

Chizuru and Michiru watched in awe, their fear slowly being replaced with admiration for their friends' bravery and skill. They exchanged glances, their resolve strengthening.

"We need to help them," Chizuru said, her voice firm. "We can't just stand here and do nothing."

Michiru nodded, her determination evident. "You're right. Let's do what we can."

As Orihime and Tatsuki continued to battle the Hollow, Chizuru and Michiru moved around the school grounds, helping to guide frightened students to safety. They did their best to keep their own fear in check, focusing on their desire to protect their friends and classmates.

Meanwhile, Kai had finally arrived at the school, carrying his unconscious mother and sister in his arms and Karin with her friends behind him. He laid them down in a safe corner before heading towards the sound of battle, his heart pounding with worry for his friends.

When he reached the scene, he saw Orihime and Tatsuki fighting the Hollow with everything they had, while Chizuru and Michiru tried to help the other students. His eyes filled with pride and gratitude for their courage and determination, he stepped forward to join the battle.

"Orihime! Tatsuki!" he called out, his voice strong and clear. "I'm here to help!"

The two girls looked over at Kai, relief and renewed determination in their eyes. "Kai!" Orihime cried out, her voice filled with relief. "We're glad you're here!"

Seeing that the girls were handling the situation well, Kai decided to watch over them, ready to jump in at any second. His eyes constantly scanned the surroundings, ensuring no other Hollows were nearby. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Karin approaching him, her expression a mixture of confusion and determination.

"Hey, what the hell is going on?" she asked quietly, making sure her friends couldn't hear her. "And what are those monsters?"

Kai wanted to ignore her, also wanted to ditch her to her brother. He didn't want to deal with Karin , but he also knew she was pain in the ass. Finally, he decided to deflect her question. "Ask your brother," he replied curtly.

Karin's eyes narrowed, clearly unsatisfied with his response. "Fine, but you better believe I'm going to get to the bottom of this," she said, her voice filled with resolve.

As Karin stepped back, Kai turned his attention back to the battle. Orihime and Tatsuki were still holding their own against the Hollow, their teamwork and determination shining through. The Hollow was weakening, its movements becoming slower and more desperate.

Orihime took a deep breath, her eyes locked on the Hollow. "Tatsuki, let's finish this," she said, her voice firm.

Tatsuki nodded, her eyes filled with determination. "Right, let's do it together."

With a final surge of energy, Orihime and Tatsuki charged towards the Hollow. Tatsuki's fists glowed brightly as she unleashed a powerful blow, striking the Hollow's remaining tentacles and sending it reeling. As the creature staggered, Orihime activated her Koten Zanshun, the blade of energy slicing through the air and cutting into the Hollow's body.

The Hollow screeched in agony, its spiritual energy beginning to dissipate as it started to disintegrate. The girls stepped back, their breathing heavy and their bodies covered in sweat, but their eyes shining with victory.

Kai couldn't help but feel a swell of pride for his friends. They had faced a dangerous situation head-on and had emerged victorious, proving just how far they had come since he had first helped them awaken their powers.

Chizuru and Michiru, who had been helping the other students, rushed over to Orihime and Tatsuki, their eyes wide with amazement. "You two were incredible!" Chizuru exclaimed, her voice filled with awe.

Michiru nodded in agreement. "We couldn't have done it without you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude.

As the girls basked in their victory, Kai took a moment to check on his mother and sister, relieved to find them still unconscious and safe. He then turned his attention to Karin, who was standing nearby with her friends, her eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"I know you told me to ask my brother," she said, her voice low and serious, "but I want answers now. What are those things, and how did you and your friends fight them?"

Kai sighed, glancing at the other girls. They were still celebrating their victory, but he knew they were also listening closely, waiting for his response. He took a deep breath, knowing that it was time to tell the truth.

"Those creatures are called Hollows," he began, his voice steady. "They're spirits that have become twisted and evil, preying on other spirits and humans alike. As for us..." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "We have special powers that allow us to fight against them and protect those who can't defend themselves."

Karin's eyes widened, her mind racing as she processed the information. "So, you're like some kind of supernatural guardians?" she asked, trying to make sense of everything she had seen and heard.

Kai nodded. "Yes, that's one way to think of it. We use our abilities to protect people from Hollows and other spiritual threats."

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