Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch29- Teaching Sado

Attention, everyone! Let's raise our virtual glasses and give a big, hearty cheer for the one, the only, Abdullah! With an incredible taste in literature and an impeccable sense of humor, Abdullah has joined our merry band of readers, bringing joy, laughter, and a touch of intellectual wit to our esteemed community

Kai took a deep breath before he began to explain Fullbring to Sado. "So, Fullbring is the ability to manipulate the souls in inanimate objects, giving them a unique power," Kai said as he pulled out a small rock from his pocket. "This rock is a perfect example. I can manipulate the soul within it to create a shield, a weapon, or even a rope."

Sado looked at the rock in awe as Kai continued his explanation. "Fullbring is unique to each individual, meaning that everyone's Fullbring will have a different ability. It's also incredibly versatile, allowing you to use it in a variety of ways."

Yoruichi let out a soft purr as she curled up in Kai's lap, content to listen to the conversation. Sado nodded his head as he took in the information, his eyes flickering with curiosity.

"So, how do I use my Fullbring?" Sado asked, his voice deep and rumbling.

Kai smiled as he leaned back against the wall, adjusting Yoruichi in his lap. "Well, the first step is to find the object that resonates with your soul. It could be anything, from a piece of clothing to a musical instrument."

Sado's eyes narrowed as he thought about it. "I'm not sure what that could be for me," he admitted.

Kai looked thoughtful as he recalled the day of the Hollow attack when he had seen Sado protecting his friends. "During that Hollow attack, I saw you from a distance, Sado. Your arm had transformed into something... weapon-like. I was about to help you, but when I saw the surge of spiritual energy, I knew you could handle it yourself."

Sado's eyes widened as he remembered that day. "Yes, I remember that. My arm... it changed when I was trying to protect my friends."

Kai nodded and asked, "Were you wearing anything that day? Something with sentimental value?"

Sado furrowed his brow in concentration before his eyes lit up with realization. "Actually, yes. I was wearing a pendant that belonged to my late grandfather. He gave it to me before he passed away, and I've always kept it with me since then."

Kai smiled encouragingly. "That's a great start, Sado, but the transformation occurred in your arm, not to the pendant. Were you wearing anything else on your arm?"

Sado shook his head, causing Kai to ponder the situation further. "Say, Sado, you are not 100% Japanese, right?"

"No, I am half Mexican," Sado answered with pride. Sensing Kai's curiosity, Sado began to tell his story. "Abuelo, was from Mexico. He was a strong and kind man who taught me the importance of loyalty and friendship. He always said that true strength comes from protecting those who are important to you."

Kai listened intently, seeing the admiration in Sado's eyes as he spoke of his grandfather. "That's a beautiful sentiment, Sado. It's clear that your grandfather had a significant impact on your life."

Sado nodded, his expression softening. "Yes, he did. In fact, the pendant I mentioned earlier was his. It's a symbol of our connection, and I always carry it with me as a reminder of the lessons he taught me."

Kai looked at Sado's tanned skin, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Sado, are you proud of your darker skin? I mean, compared to most people in Japan, you stand out."

Sado's eyes flickered with determination as he nodded. "Yes, I am. My Abuelo taught me to be proud of my heritage and my identity. He used to say that our skin color is a symbol of our strength and resilience, a reminder of where we come from and what we've overcome."

Kai's eyes lit up at Sado's words, and he leaned in closer. "That's it, Sado. That's the key to your Fullbring. Your skin resonates with your soul, and it's the source of your power."

Sado looked surprised but intrigued by this revelation. "Really? My skin is the key to my Fullbring?"

Kai nodded, his enthusiasm contagious. "Yes, I'm certain of it. Now, let me explain how you can tap into that power."

Sado leaned in, eager to learn more. Kai took a deep breath before continuing. "To access your Fullbring, you need to focus on the connection between your soul and your skin. Think about what your Abuelo taught you and how your skin represents your identity and heritage."

Sado closed his eyes, concentrating on the lessons his grandfather had taught him and the pride he felt in his darker skin. Kai watched closely, a smile spreading across his face as he saw the determination in Sado's expression.

"Now, imagine that connection as a well of energy within you," Kai instructed. "Visualize that energy flowing through your body and into your skin, empowering you and enhancing your abilities."

Sado continued to focus, his breathing steady as he pictured the energy flowing through him. Slowly, his skin began to glow with a faint, golden light.

"That's it, Sado. You're doing great," Kai encouraged, his voice filled with excitement. "Now, try to channel that energy into a specific part of your body, like your arm."

Sado's expression tightened with concentration, and the glow around his skin intensified. Moments later, the energy seemed to gather in his right arm, the light growing brighter and more concentrated.

Kai grinned, impressed by Sado's progress. "Excellent! You're a natural at this, Sado. Now, let's take it a step further. Try to shape that energy into a weapon or a shield, something that represents your inner strength and determination."

Sado's eyes remained closed as he focused on the energy in his arm. The golden light began to shift and change, eventually forming a large, armored gauntlet on his right arm. The gauntlet was intricately designed, with symbols and patterns reminiscent of Sado's Mexican heritage.

Kai's eyes widened in amazement as he admired Sado's Fullbring. "Incredible! You've unlocked your Fullbring, Sado. This is just the beginning. With practice and determination, you'll be able to master your abilities and use them to protect your friends."

Sado opened his eyes, gazing at the gauntlet in awe. "Thank you, Kai. I couldn't have done it without your guidance. I promise to use this power to uphold the values my Abuelo taught me and to protect the people I care about."

Kai smiled warmly, placing a hand on Sado's shoulder. "I have no doubt that you will, Sado. You have a strong spirit and a kind heart. Just remember to never lose sight of who you are and what you stand for."

Sado nodded, his eyes filled with gratitude and determination. "I will, Kai. I promise."

Kai looked at the armored blackened arm with purple stripes, and pondered, "This is probably not the full form, but you can train it further later. For now, name it."

Sado stared at his transformed arm, considering its appearance and the power it represented. He thought back to his Abuelo's lessons, the pride he had instilled in him, and the strength that was now a part of him. After a moment, he spoke with conviction. "I will call it Brazo Derecha de Gigante, in honor of my Abuelo and my heritage."

Kai nodded approvingly, impressed by the strength in Sado's voice. "A fitting name, Sado. I'm sure your Abuelo would be proud of the person you've become and the power you've unlocked."

Sado smiled, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Kai. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I'm truly grateful for your help."

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