Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch30- Sado Awakening

Kai looked at Sado with a smile, "You know Sado, you are pretty lucky. Skin is the biggest organ in the human body. That means you can have more abilities. Let's focus on your left arm for now."

Sado's eyes widened in surprise, but he was eager to learn more. "Alright, I'm ready."

"First, let's try to draw energy from the same source as before – your pride in your heritage and your connection to your Abuelo," Kai instructed. "But this time, focus on channeling that energy into your left arm."

Sado nodded and closed his eyes, concentrating on the lessons his grandfather had taught him and the pride he felt in his darker skin. He visualized the energy within him, flowing through his body and into his left arm.

Kai watched carefully, his expression a mix of anticipation and excitement. As Sado's concentration deepened, the familiar golden light began to surround his body. It gradually intensified, moving into his left arm and taking on a different hue.

"That's it, Sado! Keep going!" Kai encouraged, his voice full of enthusiasm.

Kai looked as Sado's left arm transformed, his face tightening with determination. The energy in his left arm grew stronger, and soon it began to take shape, mirroring the armored gauntlet on his right. The left arm was white, with a red stripe running down the length of the center. His fingertips had red diamond-shaped marks on them, and a spike protruded from the shoulder. Two more spikes, resembling claws, extended over his chest.

Sado opened his eyes, staring in awe at his transformed left arm. He flexed his fingers, feeling the power coursing through his body. The intricate details of his Fullbring were a testament to the deep connection he had with his heritage and the lessons his Abuelo had taught him.

Kai, amazed by the transformation, smiled proudly. "Sado, you've done it again. Your Fullbring is incredible. Now, give this one a name as well."

Sado gazed at his transformed left arm, considering its appearance and the power it represented. He thought back to the strength his Abuelo had instilled in him and the resilience that had always been a part of him. After a moment, he spoke with conviction. "I will call it Brazo Izquierda del Diablo, in honor of my Abuelo and my heritage."

Kai nodded approvingly, impressed by the strength in Sado's voice. "Another fitting name, Sado. Your power is truly remarkable."

Sado smiled, but suddenly, his expression shifted to one of pain. He stumbled forward, falling onto his knee as he clutched his chest. The spiritual energy he had channeled seemed to be overwhelming his body, and he struggled to catch his breath.

Kai's eyes widened in concern, and he quickly moved to Sado's side, supporting him. "Sado, are you alright? What's wrong?"

Sado gasped, his voice strained. "I don't know... I just... I feel like I've used up too much energy. It's like my body can't handle it."

Kai's expression softened with understanding. "You've tapped into a great amount of spiritual power, Sado. Your body might not be used to handling it all at once. It's important to pace yourself and not push your limits too quickly."

Sado looked at Kai, concern etched into his features. "Will I be able to control this power, Kai? What if I lose control and hurt someone?"

Kai placed a reassuring hand on Sado's shoulder. "You'll learn to control it, Sado. With practice and determination, you'll be able to master your abilities and use them to protect your friends. Just remember that true strength comes from knowing when to hold back as well."

Sado nodded, taking a deep breath as he tried to steady himself. "You're right, Kai. I can't let fear hold me back. I need to trust in my abilities and in the lessons my Abuelo taught me."

Kai smiled warmly. "That's the spirit, Sado. Now, let's take it slow. Focus on releasing the energy from your Fullbring, and let it return to its dormant state."

Sado closed his eyes and concentrated, feeling the energy in his arms begin to recede. The light that had enveloped them faded away, and soon his arms returned to their normal appearance. Sado let out a sigh of relief, feeling the weight of the spiritual power lift from his body.

Kai patted him on the back, pleased with his progress. "Well done, Sado. You've taken the first step towards mastering your Fullbring. With time and effort, you'll be able to harness its power with ease."

Sado looked up at Kai, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Kai. I can't express how much your guidance means to me. I'm determined to train and improve, to become someone who can protect those I care about."

Kai's eyes twinkled with pride. "I have no doubt that you'll achieve that, Sado. You have a strong spirit and a kind heart. Remember that it's not just about the power you wield, but also how you choose to use it."

Sado nodded, the determination in his eyes unwavering. "I will, Kai. I promise."

Kai stood up, stretching his legs. "Now that you have unlocked your Fullbring, it's time to begin your training. For now, we'll focus on controlling your two arms, Brazo Derecha de Gigante and Brazo Izquierda del Diablo. Once you have a better grasp on their abilities and your spiritual power increases, we can explore if you can awaken more powers."

Sado rose to his feet, his expression resolute. "I'm ready, Kai. Let's begin."

Kai led Sado to a training area, where they spent hours practicing and honing Sado's Fullbring abilities. Sado learned to summon and release his Fullbring at will, as well as how to control the flow of energy within him.

As they trained, Sado discovered that each arm possessed unique abilities. Brazo Derecha de Gigante granted him immense strength and defense, while Brazo Izquierda del Diablo allowed him to channel powerful energy blasts. With each passing day, Sado grew more proficient in using his Fullbring, and his confidence in his abilities soared.

During a training session, Kai observed Sado as he sparred with a training dummy. The power behind each of his strikes was impressive, and the control he had over his Fullbring had improved significantly.

Kai called out to him, a smile on his face. "Sado, you're doing great! I can see the progress you've made."

Sado paused, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Thank you, Kai. I couldn't have come this far without your help."

Kai nodded, his expression serious. "You've made incredible progress, Sado, but there's always room for improvement. As you continue to train, you'll discover new aspects of your Fullbring and unlock even greater power. Just remember to stay true to yourself and the values your Abuelo taught you."

Sado clenched his fists, his eyes filled with determination. "I will, Kai. I promise to never forget who I am and what I stand for."

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