Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch37- Dragonfly

Attention, dear readers! Let me introduce you to the illustrious Angelo, a patron with a heart as big as the universe and a sense of humor that could rival even the wittiest of characters. Angelo, our newest addition, brings a spark of joy and enthusiasm that will undoubtedly illuminate our literary journey together.

After trying on all the yukatas, Kai and the girls gathered together to decide on the final choice. They all agreed that the dark blue yukata with a subtle pattern of silver stars that Tatsuki had chosen was the best fit for him. It made him look both cool and sophisticated, and the girls couldn't wait to see him wear it at the festival.

As they left the store, each with their chosen yukatas, the girls couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had not only found the perfect yukatas for themselves but had also managed to find one that suited Kai perfectly.

The five of them walked slowly through the evening, the warm summer air embracing them as they made their way towards the Onose River. The fireworks were being shot off at the city field across the river, and they planned to sit near the riverbank to get the best view. The anticipation was building in their chests, and the excitement was palpable.

As they walked, they chatted and laughed, each girl occasionally stealing glances at Kai. They couldn't wait to see the look on his face when the fireworks began, and they secretly hoped that the night would bring them even closer together.

Upon reaching the riverbank, they found a secluded spot with a clear view of the sky. They spread out a large blanket, and the girls eagerly unpacked the food they had prepared for the occasion.

Orihime held out a container of rice balls, her eyes sparkling with pride. "I made these just for tonight, Kai. I hope you like them!"

Kai took one, smiling warmly at her. "I'm sure they're delicious, Orihime. Thank you."

Tatsuki revealed a plate of yakitori, grinning confidently. "I picked these up from my favorite stand. They're the best in town, I promise."

Kai's mouth watered at the sight, and he eagerly took one. "You have great taste, Tatsuki. These look amazing."

Chizuru presented a box of colorful mochi, her eyes shining mischievously. "I know how much you love sweets, Kai. I hope these will hit the spot."

Kai chuckled, accepting one of the mochi. "You know me too well, Chizuru. Thanks."

Finally, Michiru shyly offered a container of fresh fruit, her cheeks flushed. "I thought these might be refreshing on a warm night like this."

Kai smiled, taking a piece of fruit. "You're so thoughtful, Michiru. Thank you."

As they ate, they shared stories and laughter, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. The sun slowly dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow across the sky. The anticipation continued to build, and they knew that the fireworks would begin any moment now.

As they sat together, the atmosphere between them was warm and comfortable, a testament to the deep bond they had formed. At this time, Yoruichi approached the group, wearing a stunning yukata that only served to accentuate her beauty. The yukata was a rich, midnight blue with a delicate pattern of golden crescent moons scattered across the fabric. The vibrant colors contrasted beautifully with her dark skin, and the elegant design seemed to dance around her as she moved.

Yoruichi pouted as she approached Kai, clearly upset that she had been left out of the yukata shopping excursion. Without a word, she positioned herself on his lap, her pout still firmly in place. Kai, understanding the source of her irritation, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him, gently pressing a tender kiss to her nape.

"I'm sorry, Yoruichi," he murmured softly. "I thought you were still training the kids. If I had known you had time, I would have picked you up as well."

Yoruichi's pout softened, but she didn't immediately respond. Instead, she leaned into his embrace, allowing herself to be comforted by his warmth and affection. After a few moments of cooing and gentle reassurances, Yoruichi finally forgave him, although she made it clear that she had no intention of leaving his lap.

Sighing helplessly, Kai and the others settled in to wait for the fireworks to start, with Yoruichi still perched on his lap.

As they waited, more familiar faces began to arrive at the riverbank. Ichigo showed up with his friends, Sado, Keigo, and Mizuiro. They greeted Kai and the girls with friendly waves and smiles, chatting animatedly as they found a spot nearby to set up their own blanket.

Ichigo's father, Kurosaki Isshin, also made an appearance, accompanied by his daughters, Karin and Yuzu. They exchanged pleasantries with Kai's group before finding a spot a little further away to enjoy the festivities.

Lastly, Urahara arrived with his assistants, Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu. They greeted everyone with warm smiles and joined the growing crowd near the riverbank.

The atmosphere was lively and festive, filled with laughter and excitement as everyone eagerly anticipated the fireworks display. The sky grew darker, the stars beginning to twinkle above them as they waited.

Finally, the first firework shot into the sky, exploding into a brilliant display of color and light. The crowd gasped in awe, their eyes glued to the dazzling spectacle above them.

Kai, with Yoruichi still in his lap, glanced around at the girls surrounding him. Each of their faces was illuminated by the vibrant colors of the fireworks, their eyes wide with wonder and joy. He couldn't help but smile, feeling incredibly grateful for the love and support they had shown him. In that moment, he knew that he would do anything to protect and cherish the bond they shared.

As the fireworks continued to light up the night sky, the group exchanged glances and smiles, their hearts swelling with happiness and affection. They knew that they were experiencing something truly special, and they silently vowed to treasure the memory of that night forever.

As they all sat together, enjoying the fireworks and the comforting presence of each other, Kai noticed a red dragonfly flitting nearby. He raised his finger, catching Orihime's attention. She looked at him in shock, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Kai, what are you doing?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Without responding, Kai simply continued to hold his finger up, as if waiting for something. Moments later, the red dragonfly landed gracefully on his outstretched finger, its delicate wings fluttering slightly.

Orihime's eyes widened even more, and her breath hitched as tears welled up in her eyes. The sight brought back a flood of memories – of her older brother, Sora, who used to attract red dragonflies for her when they were children. It was a skill she had always admired and wanted to replicate, but she had never been able to do it herself.

Kai, sensing her emotions, reached out and gently took one of Orihime's hands in his own. He carefully guided her finger toward the red dragonfly, which hesitated for a moment before stepping onto her outstretched digit. Orihime couldn't help but sob, overwhelmed by the tender gesture and the memories it evoked.

"I've always wanted to do that," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "But I could never make it work."

Kai smiled softly, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I could sense your desire, Orihime," he murmured. "You deserve to experience this simple joy."


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