Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch7- Protagonists Are Pain in the *ss

I will publish another chapter in a few hours today, and then I will start a schedule of five chapters a week. In Patreon, you will have access to up to 15 advanced chapters from each novel, which means a total of 45 chapters. I will provide more details in the next chapter that I publish today.

Orihime and Kai walked hand in hand, their fingers intertwined as they made their way down the familiar streets after school. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow on the surroundings, and Orihime couldn't help but smile at the comfort of Kai's presence.

Suddenly, Orihime gasped, her eyes widening as she pointed at a corner where a little girl was seated under an electric pole. "Kai, I see her!"

Kai followed her gaze, surprised to find the girl barely visible, her form slightly translucent. He hadn't expected Orihime to retain her ability to see souls, but it seemed that his help wasn't just a one-time thing. They exchanged a glance, and without another word, they approached the little girl together.

The girl looked up at them, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and hope. She appeared to be no older than eight, small, slim young girl with long brown hair worn in high bunches that are held in place with cherry hair bobbles. She had a long side fringe which hangs over the left side of her face, and wore a collared dress that reached her knee. Her left eye could not be seen because it was covered by a large splatter of blood, which is also dribbling from the left side of her mouth

"Hello," Orihime said softly, crouching down to the girl's level. "My name is Orihime, and this is my friend, Kai. What's your name?"

Orihime continued to smile warmly at the little girl, hoping to put her at ease. "My name is Ayaka," the girl finally replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Ayaka, it's nice to meet you," Orihime said, looking into the girl's eyes, trying to ignore the blood staining her face. "Are you okay? You seem a bit scared."

Ayaka hesitated for a moment before she spoke, "I'm scared because the sky feels...heavier, in a strange way."

Orihime glanced at Kai, her eyes filled with concern, silently pleading for his help. Unable to resist her imploring gaze, Kai concentrated on his soul. In the next second, his soul left his body in the form of a Shinigami, dressed in black clothes with a katana fastened to his waist. Orihime's eyes widened in shock at Kai's new form, but she quickly shifted her focus to his lifeless body. She hastily moved Kai's body to lean against a nearby wall instead of lying on the ground.

Turning back to Ayaka, Kai explained, "I can help you move on to a place called the Soul Society. It's a peaceful place where souls can find rest and happiness. There are beautiful gardens, towering buildings, and plenty of other souls to befriend. You'll be safe and content there." He paused, giving Ayaka a moment to process the information. "Would you like to go?"

Ayaka stared at Kai, her eyes shimmering with a mixture of hope and fear. She glanced at Orihime, who offered her a reassuring smile, then looked back at Kai. "Yes," she whispered. "I want to go there. I want to be happy again."

Just as Kai was about to touch Ayaka's forehead with the butt of his sword, an orange-haired teenager appeared in front of them, his expression a mix of anger and confusion. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded, eyeing Kai with suspicion.

The teenager was Kurosaki Ichigo, another person who could see souls. He had grown close to Ayaka, bringing her a vase and flowers every day, and had mistaken Kai's intentions as harmful.

Ichigo's eyes widened in shock as he recognized Kai and Orihime. "Kai? Orihime?" He muttered, concern etched on his face. Shifting his gaze to the little girl, he asked, "Ayaka, are you okay?"

Ayaka nodded hesitantly, her eyes darting between Ichigo, Kai, and Orihime. The tension was palpable, and she clung to the hope that they were there to help her.

Kai, on the other hand, was not in the mood to deal with Ichigo. He hated trouble, and he didn't like Ichigo. He had seen him in the memories of Zannosuke and saw that in the future Orihime was injured because of him. He didn't want to deal with him. Narrowing his eyes, Kai snapped, "We're trying to help Ayaka pass on to the Soul Society. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you back off."

Ichigo glared at Kai, his fists clenching in anger. "From what I've seen you were about to hit her with your sword. That doesn't look like helping someone Ichigo's voice terse.

Orihime, sensing the escalating tension, stepped in between Kai and Ichigo, her hands outstretched to keep them apart. "Kurosaki-san, please calm down. We're all here to help Ayaka, and fighting won't do her any good. Let's talk this through, okay?" She pleaded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Ichigo hesitated, his anger faltering as he looked at Orihime's pleading face. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

Ichigo clenched his jaw, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "Alright, then explain to me what's going on," he demanded, his tone harsh and accusatory.

Kai's eyes narrowed further, annoyance building within him. He despised Ichigo's attitude and didn't appreciate being accused of having malicious intentions. He was about to lash out when Orihime stepped in once again.

"Kurosaki-san," she began gently, trying to defuse the situation. "Kai is a Shinigami – a Soul Reaper. They help guide souls to the Soul Society, a peaceful place where souls can rest and find happiness. He can help Ayaka move on, and she won't have to be alone or scared anymore." Orihime's voice wavered as she spoke, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Ichigo stared at her, his expression a mix of skepticism and disbelief. "That sounds like bullshit," he finally said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "And even if it's true, why would you trust someone who's only just shown up out of nowhere? You don't even know him!"

Kai's temper finally snapped, his annoyance reaching its boiling point. "Listen, Kurosaki," he growled, glaring at the orange-haired teenager. "I don't care what you think. Orihime trusts me, and that's all that matters. I'm not here to cause trouble, but if you want to stand in our way, then you can fuck off." The anger in his voice was palpable, making the air feel heavy and tense.

The two young men glared at each other, their expressions filled with animosity. Orihime's eyes widened in alarm, knowing that they were on the verge of a potentially dangerous confrontation. She opened her mouth to intervene, but before she could say anything, Ayaka timidly stepped forward.

The little girl approached Ichigo, her eyes filled with determination despite the fear that lingered. She reached up and gently tugged on his sleeve, her small voice barely audible. "Onii-san," she whispered, using the term of endearment that she had come to associate with Ichigo. "I want to go with them. I believe in pretty Nee-chan and cool Nii-chan."

Ichigo's eyes softened as he looked down at Ayaka, his anger dissipating at her words. He could see the trust in her eyes, and he knew that she believed in Kai and Orihime. Despite his own misgivings, he couldn't ignore Ayaka's wishes.

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