Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch8- Teasing Orihime

I have started my Patreon account, where you can read up to 15 advanced chapters from three novels for the price of 1! Check it out to support me and read 45 chapters in advance!

Three months had passed since Kai and Orihime had started helping souls cross over to the Soul Society. Together, they had become an unstoppable team, assisting those in need and protecting the living world from the threat of Hollows. On this particular evening, the sun was setting on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the town. The sky was a beautiful mix of oranges, pinks, and purples, with a full moon on the opposite horizon about to rise.

Hand in hand, they walked down the familiar streets, the atmosphere between them warm and content. Their bond had only grown stronger over the months, and they had fallen into a comfortable rhythm as they went about their mission.

As they turned a corner, they spotted a mother and her young son hugging each other tightly, their forms faintly translucent. The mother appeared to be in her late twenties, her eyes filled with a mix of fear and sadness as she held her son close. The boy, who looked to be around six years old, clung to his mother, his small face buried in her chest.

Orihime approached the pair, her expression gentle and empathetic. "Hello," she said softly, offering them a warm smile. "My name is Orihime, and this is my friend, Kai. We're here to help you."

The mother looked up, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in Orihime's kind face and Kai's steady, reassuring presence. "Help us?" she asked hesitantly, her voice trembling slightly.

Kai nodded, his expression solemn. "We can guide you and your son to a place called the Soul Society. It's a peaceful world where souls can find rest and happiness. You'll be safe there, and you won't have to be afraid anymore."

The mother exchanged a glance with her son, who had peeked out from behind her with curiosity shining in his eyes. She hesitated for a moment, her gaze flitting between Kai and Orihime, before finally nodding. "Alright," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of relief and gratitude. "We'll go with you."

As Kai prepared to help the mother and her son cross over, Orihime took out a small notepad from her bag. Flipping it open, she wrote the number 243, her eyes shining with a sense of accomplishment. Kai glanced over at her notepad, a wide grin spreading across his face as he realized the significance of the number.

In the time they had been working together, Kai had helped 243 souls find their way to the Soul Society. Orihime had promised him a reward for every soul he helped, and she had diligently kept track of each one. Neither of them had ever imagined that there would be so many souls in need in their town alone.

Orihime blushed as she caught Kai's grin, feeling both proud and shy under his gaze. She knew that their work was far from over, but the progress they had made together was undeniable. They had made a difference in the lives of so many souls, and it was a feeling that filled her heart with warmth and happiness.

As Kai was about to tell Orihime that it was time to go home and he would check in on some of the rewards, a loud scream reverberated throughout the city. It was louder than any he had heard so far. Afraid that something might go wrong, and sure that it was a Hollow, he quickly returned to his body and scooped Orihime up into his arms, carrying her in a princess hold.

"Kai, what's happening?" Orihime asked, worry etched on her face as she clung to him.

"I think there's a Hollow nearby. We need to get back to my house. My mom and sister are there, and I can't leave them alone," he replied, determination in his eyes.

Orihime nodded, her grip tightening on Kai as they dashed towards his home. As they ran, Kai could feel that the creature was moving in another direction. Although he didn't know where, he hardly cared. Just because he helped harmless souls didn't mean he had suddenly become a hero. He knew there were Shinigami from Soul Society stationed in the city to deal with Hollows. They could handle whatever was going on.

As they approached Kai's house, he slowed down and gently set Orihime on her feet. "Stay close, Orihime. I don't want anything to happen to you," he told her, his voice filled with concern.

She smiled reassuringly at him. "I will, Kai. You don't have to worry about me. I know you'll protect me and your family."

Kai and Orihime stood outside the Kurogami household, taking a moment to compose themselves and make sure they looked proper before walking in. They knew that Kai's family had no idea about their side job helping souls or the existence of Hollows and the Soul Society. The last thing they needed was to raise any suspicions.

As they entered the house, the familiar scent of home greeted them. Kai's mother, Emiko, was in the kitchen, and his sister, Aiko, was sitting on the living room couch, her eyes glued to the television. She glanced up as the couple entered, a teasing grin spreading across her face.

"Well, well, look who decided to show up," Aiko said playfully, her eyes darting between Kai and Orihime. "You two have been spending an awful lot of time together lately."

Orihime's cheeks flushed a soft pink, and she stammered, "W-we're just friends, Aiko."

Kai rolled his eyes at his sister's antics, unfazed by her attempts to fluster him. He moved to sit on the couch, pulling Orihime down to sit beside him. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as if to prove a point to Aiko.

Aiko raised an eyebrow, clearly not giving up so easily. "Oh, really? Just friends? You two look awfully cozy to me," she said, a sly smile playing on her lips.

Orihime's blush deepened, and she tried to pull away from Kai's embrace, but he held her steady, his expression calm and unflappable. "Aiko, you're always making a big deal out of nothing," he said, his tone nonchalant.

Aiko shrugged, her teasing grin unwavering. "Can you blame me? I'm just looking out for my little brother. Besides, Orihime is practically part of the family now. It's my job to tease her, too."

Kai sighed, then looked at Orihime and planted a soft kiss on her cheek. Orihime's face turned a brilliant shade of red, her eyes wide with surprise. Kai's action caught Aiko off guard, and she stared at her brother, her mouth hanging open in shock.

Kai smirked at his sister's reaction, pleased to have finally flustered her. He turned to Orihime, his voice gentle and caring, whispered "Don't worry about the Hollow, Orihime. There's nothing we can do about it right now, and there are Shinigami in the city who can handle it."

Orihime nodded, her expression still a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. "Thank you, Kai," she whispered, leaning into his embrace for comfort.

Emiko, who had been listening to the conversation from the kitchen, finally chimed in. "Dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you two set the table?"

Kai and Orihime obliged, moving to the dining room to prepare for the meal. As they worked, Aiko followed them, her curiosity piqued.

Aiko couldn't help but press further about their relationship, not believing that her baby brother had grown up so much and had managed to score a hot babe like Orihime.

"Come on, you two. You can't honestly expect me to believe that you're just friends," Aiko said, her voice filled with a teasing lilt as she leaned against the dining room doorway, arms crossed.

Kai sighed, rolling his eyes. "Aiko, seriously, drop it. We're just friends who happen to be close, that's all."

Orihime, still blushing from Kai's earlier kiss, looked down at the plates she was setting on the table, trying to avoid eye contact. "Y-yeah, that's right," she stammered, her voice barely audible.

Aiko tilted her head, her eyes narrowing as she scrutinized the couple. "Alright then, if you're just friends, you wouldn't mind if I asked Orihime out on a date, would you?" she challenged, a mischievous grin on her face.

Kai raised an eyebrow, refusing to let his sister's cheekiness get to him. "Go ahead and ask her, Aiko. I'm curious to see if you can score a date with Orihime," he said, smirking at his sister.

Aiko, not one to back down from a challenge, stepped forward, her posture confident and relaxed. "Well, Orihime, what do you say? Would you like to go out with me?" she asked, putting on her most charming smile. She placed a hand on her hip and posed to show off her body, which was indeed just as attractive as Orihime's.

Orihime's cheeks flushed even more as she looked between Kai and Aiko, unsure of how to respond. She glanced at Kai, who seemed completely unfazed by the situation, and then back at Aiko, who was still grinning at her.

"Aiko, I… umm… I appreciate the offer, but I'm not really interested in dating right now," Orihime stammered, her embarrassment growing by the second. She fiddled with the hem of her shirt, desperately trying to avoid eye contact with both siblings.

Aiko's grin grew even wider, and she leaned in closer to Orihime, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Come on, Orihime, don't be shy. I promise I'll show you a good time," she teased, nudging Orihime playfully. "Oh, I can also arrange a date for my brother. My friend from work was interested in him. We can go on a double date."

Kai, seeing Aiko's aim to make Orihime jealous, held Orihime's hand under the table and responded to his sister with feigned enthusiasm. "Sounds good to me. Is it Hana or Kuina? Both are beauties."

Aiko's eyes sparkled with excitement. "It's Hana. She's always talking about how cute and mysterious you are," she said, winking at her brother. "This double date is going to be so much fun!"

Orihime, feeling Kai's warm hand in hers, looked up at him, her eyes filled with love and trust. She didn't seem bothered by the idea of Kai dating someone else; instead, she appeared to be genuinely happy for him. Her smile was radiant as she squeezed his hand gently, conveying her support and affection.

Kai, a bit surprised by Orihime's reaction, returned the squeeze and turned his attention back to his sister. "Alright, Aiko. We'll go on this double date, but only if Orihime agrees."

Aiko shifted her gaze to Orihime, her eyes full of anticipation. "So, what do you say, Orihime? Are you up for a fun night out with me and my handsome little brother?"

Orihime hesitated for a moment, her cheeks still flushed from the earlier teasing. She looked into Kai's eyes, seeking reassurance, and he gave her an encouraging nod. With newfound confidence, she replied, "Yes, Aiko. I would love to go on a double date with you and Kai."

Aiko clapped her hands excitedly. "Perfect! I'll set everything up. You two better be ready to have the time of your lives!"

As Aiko bounced out of the dining room to make the necessary arrangements, Kai turned to Orihime, his expression serious. "Are you sure you're okay with this, Orihime? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or pressured."

Orihime smiled at him, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Of course, Kai. I trust you, and I know that you're doing this to help your sister. Besides, I think it'll be a fun experience for all of us."

Kai let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Orihime's support. "Thank you, Orihime. I promise that I'll make this up to you somehow."

Orihime shook her head, her smile never fading. "You don't have to, Kai. I'm just happy to be by your side, no matter what we're doing."

As the couple shared a tender moment, Emiko called out from the kitchen, announcing that dinner was ready. Kai and Orihime exchanged a quick, affectionate glance before joining the others at the table.

Read 45(15 chapters for each novel) advanced chapters in my Patreon!


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