Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Chpt. 1) Going out of the box.






[⁠—Binding success!—]

[Initiating Archetype change process…]


Who was getting a phone call at this point in time? No, that’s not even the right question. Why was I hearing phone notifications? 


My consciousness was brought back from curiosity. Although I truly had no idea. 




Was this how death was like? My mind playing tricks on me through hallucinations to make me feel better about myself? That was funny. From phone notification sounds to a strange growl. 


Was I imagining things? I opened my eyes, and yet I saw nothing. The only reason I knew my eyes were open was because I could feel it, but that was about it. 


“Grrr…” I was indeed imagining things, it had happened again. This time accompanied by a dire sensation I had never felt before, it was painful yet it felt kind of empty. It was a lingering sensation, well nothing I could do in my situation. I was in my final moments after all… 


I wondered how long it would last? Was I supposed to enjoy my final moments? I did not understand, one thing was for certain. I was no hero, to anyone. Just a waste… Maybe dying in an uncomfortable state was deserved.  


And so I waited, for time to pass by, I had nothing to do; there was nothing I could do. 




I waited.



And waited.



“How long is this going to take?!” Did I just word out my own thoughts? No, it was just a habit… But, something was… off. It felt as if the words flowed out of my mouth, it was just… effortless. What had happened to the struggle and gasping for air? 


My brain was definitely playing tricks on me, my voice was also how I imagined some of the girls would speak on the novels I read. High-pitched and cutesy. 


“To believe I would die with my mind having such random wishes…” I muttered, and of course, that voice accompanied it. “Well, it will all come to an end, even if it’s a bad dream…” With hope, I made an attempt to clear my mind. 


I did not want to stay in such a state, I just wanted to be… done, I suppose. And so, I just imagined random things as my mind drifted away, not thinking about anything in particular and just thinking about how I was feeling surprisingly comfortable. While the weird sensation would come every now and then, my body itself felt comfortable. 


* * * 


A jolt of coldness ran through my face. “Huh?!” My eyes were open and yet once again all I saw was darkness. “Was this the eternal abyss of death?” I asked myself, but my voice just echoed, and in the eternal abyss of death voice shouldn’t exist…or at least I thought it shouldn’t, It was a distasteful joke.


Also, something felt… odd… It felt as if my center of gravity had twisted, which was weird. Since I couldn’t move, or rather, barely move would be more accurate. And yet, it felt like my body’s position had switched dramatically. 


“Ah whatever, this will end soon.” I relaxed myself once again. I felt something come in contact with my back. “W-what?” I panicked, something was behind me, however, it went back to the comfortable feeling of laying down.


A sensation I had never felt before, I felt insecure; unsafe… was it… fear? I did not want to feel that again… or rather, the fact that somehow my body had moved… After death… Was this something like a coma, except I was dead or something?! I did not want to be in such a state. 


A few minutes went by and yet I did not feel it again, it was truly scary. I relaxed once again, I don’t know what I was scared of. There was nothing to be afraid of. I was waiting for death to come and take me, and then finally. The nightmare would be truly over, once in for all. 


I waited once again. Feeling so comfortable, in a cool and solid surface as my imagination went away, all I could think about was how comfortable I felt. My consciousness faded away once again, at last this would be ov⁠— 


“Eek!” Another strike of cold ran through my face, like a shock. It like a chill. I opened my eyes. “Fine, you win!” I gave up on trying to die, it was only a matter of time anyway. Although it was boring, knowing I couldn’t do anything and I couldn’t see anything either. 


Grrr” And there was also a persistent growl followed by a vacant sensation that was accompanied by pain. I truly wondered what made my brain unconsciously think about it. 


“Sigh.” I paused. My brain had just gotten an idea. “No.. Calm down, you can’t…” My heart kept racing hearing my voice. “W-Well, I suppose it’s fine… I am going to die after all…” I justified with a bit of excitement. 


I breathed in and out. “My name is Leah! Heroine of⁠—” I can’t… It was too embarrassing even when dead… But the voice felt perfect.  


“Nyahaha! You have fell to my dubious schemes! Pff⁠—” I started laughing, this was too funny to even process. Although one thing was certain, I was going to have some fun for as long as this was going to last. 


“Nyaaa~” I made the catgirl sound I always read, it was cute and melodious. “This is amaz⁠— COUGH.” My throat burned, even though I couldn’t see anything. Why was I feeling pain? What type of dream lets you feel pain?! 


“Ha… My brain is mean, just why would you do such a thin⁠— *grrr*.” The strange growling did not go away either. It was weird and unfamiliar, every time it happened I felt some pain in the area where my abdomen would be, although I could not see anything. It was also oddly loud. 


Yawn, I wonder how can one get sleepy when they are already dead?” I questioned myself as I fell asleep. My mind felt worn and the weird pain would not go away, thankfully it wasn’t anything too bad. Just a bit unsettling. 

* * * 


I felt a warm sensation striking my face, it was nice and comfy, although it also felt slightly annoying. This continued for a while. I finally regained some consciousness and realized that my vision was orange. Or tinted orange rather. 


I yawned again and “stretched”, until I finally opened my eyes. “Eh…” Those were my first words, of the day. I was looking at a rocky wall and ceiling, but that wasn’t all. My voice was still the same, I could smell the dust, I could see it. I also heard it echo once again. 


“Am I not dead?” I asked myself with the same cutesy voice. I looked down and saw porcelain-like arms, that were surprisingly thin. I was confused. 


I slowly looked around me and it seemed like I was surrounded with something akin to hay and a dirty cloth cover placed over it. It was messy and fumbled. “Also, what’s with the bones?” The entire cave ground was packed to the brim with bones. Also, why was the cloth messy, I did not move it...


“That would mean… Wait…” I was sitting up straight. I tried to move my arm, and well… it moved! It was effortless, I had never felt anything like that. I stood up with a slight struggle. 


“Woah.. this is… hard…” I struggled as I saw my weird legs tip-toe'd on the ground. “I think I am getting used to i⁠— Kyaa!” I fell back down, and worst of all, I made the kya sound… 


“Still… Why am I alone… and more importantly, why am I not dead?! Also, what’s with the bones...” My high pitched voice echoed in the cave I was in, but no response. I sighed and laid on the hay, closed my eyes I was hoping it was just a bad dream, just hoping to sleep and maybe I would wake up, or just have something happen. I rolled into a more comfortable sleeping position. 


I really tried, but after, a few seconds went by… “This isn’t working at all! I wonder, what will ha⁠— eek!” I jumped as I saw a skull facing me, ended up tripping and falling on my back. 


“Less than a minute in and I’ve already had a myriad of emotions…” There was a full skeleton on the bed next to me, yet I never seemed to realize it. I had slept with a skeleton… 




[Title acquired: Ultimate Grim Reaper ⁠— You have a unique thing for skeletons and slay them in more ways than one. ⁠+200% Bonus damage against bones ⁠— First.] 


“Are you kidding me…” I just saw a window with text. Wait, were all the notification sounds I heard previously also like these? I don’t remember… 




[Title acquired: Champion ⁠— There is always a first. ⁠⁠+30% Charisma — Top 1%.]



[Process failed…] 


Stop with the dings, it's giving me a headache! 

[Requirements met: Archetype Change ⁠— You are the survivor, and inherit the will! You may now “live”.]


Ha?  “ Is this an RPG? And also, live? I am supposed to die… You stupid brain!” I protested and, of course, I got no reply. Well, if it was an RPG it should certainly have a character sheet. “Status.” Nothing happened. “Menu, help, inventory!” I kept spouting words associated with RPG systems, at least the ones I thought would work. 


“Statistics!” I continued saying words until an hour or so passed. 


“Haa… what a problematic RPG… Am I just a prisoner of my own brain? Was my death a joke and I ended up in a coma instead?! Someone, please tell me something!” I pleaded, but of course, the only reply I got was silence. “Sigh, just why…” I muttered with downcast eyes as I doodled in the ground with my frail finger.


“Eh?” I saw a strand of hair blocking my view, it was silver, which was a completely unnatural color… “Yep, it’s a dream…The worst part is that it’s not even a normal dream since I can feel pain…” I pinched my arm just to be sure. “Ouch…” Sigh. “What a problem.” I seated myself and thought about things. 

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