Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 82 – Sylphy’s Birthday

— Leon Greyrat —

Three months had passed since the birth of my wonderful daughter, Aria, and quite a few things had changed since then.

Quite obviously, the biggest development was the introduction of Aria into my life.

I had experience from my time taking care of my sisters when they were little, but between the diapers, the sponge baths, and the constant crying, it was definitely a shock to the system.

Really… while it was starting to calm down a little, no matter the time, Aria always cried.

But I could understand.

After all, everything was so new and scary to her, so it was obvious that she would be afraid.

And it was my job to comfort her. 

It was my job, as her father, to show her that the world wasn’t so scary, and that I would always be there to protect her.

So, while it was a bit annoying to have to wake up in the middle of the night, I loved her cries.

That wasn’t quite right… rather, I loved calming her down from them.

Seeing her terrified, confused, and saddened face calm down into a gentle expression… and knowing I soothed her to that point… that I was the one who had made her feel safe and comforted…

It was the most fulfilling feeling in the world.

I already knew how fast this period would pass thanks to my sisters, so I wanted to make sure that I experienced and enjoyed it to the fullest while I still could.

After all, my little Aria would sadly not stay so small and cute forever, no matter how much I lamented that fact.

Of course, with her producing breast milk, Roxy was the main one taking care of the little Aria, but both me and Sylphy tried to chip in when we could, ensuring that our baby could always be held and talked to whenever she wanted or needed to.

But that wasn’t all.

Most notably, only a few weeks after Aria arrived, Sara announced her pregnancy, and a few days later, she and Rudy got married.

It was a short ceremony, but a sweet one. And while marriage wasn’t too important outside the Millis religion, Rudy tried his best to get her a nice ring and festive celebration.

I would be sure to do the same for my ladies when the time came, even if traditionally, the house party we had so long ago was considered a wedding celebration.

I also began my position as a swordsmanship instructor a month ago, and with Roxy recovered from her pregnancy, she was planning to become a teacher at the university too… but in magic, obviously.

But despite the two of us becoming employed, I made sure that we stuttered our schedule with Sylphy so that one of us could always be with Aria… kind of like now.

“Agh!” she babbled, reaching her hand up to grab my hair.

Hmm… it was shoulder-length now, and I’d been meaning to cut it or at least wear it in a bun… but it was simply too cute when Aria always reached to grab it.

She was at that stage of development, after all, and who was I to take away her favourite toy?

Even if it sometimes hurt…

“You’re just too cute, huh?” I said, tickling under her chin as I held her in my arms. “You’re going to have Dada in the palm of your hand when you’re older.”

“Boo!” she responded, my words falling on deaf ears.

Well, even if she didn’t understand, I always made sure to talk to her when possible.

After all, how else are they supposed to learn?

“Fufu! I think she already has you, Leon,” Mama said from the side. 

Well… that was probably true.

I already knew I was weak to the women in my life, and Aria seemed to be no different.

In fact… it was a bit worse in this case.

That was the power of a daughter for you.

“Truly… you’re just too damn cute,” I said, lightly poking her nose.

“Aghaha!” she laughed, her lips spread into a silly smile.

She really was growing quite fast.

It felt like just yesterday that she was taking her first breath, and now she was happily giggling, smiling, and babbling back to me whenever I spent time with her.

At least, when she was awake.

“Baboo!” she cooed, once again reaching for my hair.

Of course, I dipped my head down to make it a bit easier for her to grab.

Really… she was incredibly cute.

Aside from the head of blue hair, she also had a small nose like her mother, but her eyes… they were like mine.

Wide and warm, with the most adorably brown colour that seemed to make anyone smile when she looked their way.

“My… to think that kid from back then would end up being such a doting father,” Hilda said, taking a sip of her tea. “While I wish it was Eris’, when I see something like this, I can’t really complain.”

Watching Lilia playing a game of cards with Julius with a smile, I felt Mama nudge me from the side, her lips forming a pout as her eyes darted back and forth from me and Aria.

She wanted to hold her… and quite badly at that.

Still, I had tried to have Aria greet her grandmother once I arrived, but she quickly broke out into tears, so I don’t think this would be any different.

It seems that in these three months, she had begun to recognize Roxy, me, and Sylphy as her parents, and she… really didn’t like separating from us.

While it was a bit sad to see Mama’s pouting face, I couldn’t help but feel a bit happy that my cute daughter was so clingy.

So, sorry Mama.

“So?” I said. “You said Philip got a job?”

“Yeah, my husband seems to have gotten a position as vice-principal Jinas’ assistant,” Hilda said. “His scheming side won’t get much use, but his management skills were quite sought after. And this way, if our troublesome ties come to bite us, we’ll have the university’s protection.”

Ah… I see.

That’s… probably for the best.

Enemies didn’t just go away, after all.

But it was good that Philip was only taking a management position.

His scheming side was quite scary.

“And your father finally decided to stop being lazy as well,” Mama said, scooting closer to me in an attempt to get closer to Aria. “It seems he wanted to be a knight again, this time for a city instead of a rural village. Luckily, he’ll be an in-city guard most of the time. Millis knows he doesn’t need any more adventures in his life.”

Yeah… especially with a child on the way.

But still… everyone was growing, and things were slowly changing… it made me quite happy.

— Leon Greyrat —

The season was turning to fall… well, if we were back in Asura.

It was already snowing up here in the north.

Anyway, with the eighth month of the year upon us, it meant that it was now Sylphy’s fifteenth birthday, the day she would become an adult.

Although… I had already made her one over a year ago… but that was beside the point.

Anyway, considering her tenth birthday was missed due to the Displacement Incident, we had to be sure that it was a big celebration.

Although, aside from Ariel and her attendants, Sylphy didn’t really have any friends, so… it ended up being a smaller group than I had hoped.

But still, there was our family there, as well as Lina and Cliff, so it wasn’t all that bad.

There was lots of good food, most of which were lovingly made by Mama and Lilia and were Sylphy’s favourites. And of course, there were gifts as well.

Though… seeing the familiar-looking vial that Luke and Ariel gave Sylphy, as well as the blush Sylphy had as she looked at me with sparkling eyes, I… had a feeling I would not be sleeping much tonight.

I guess, aside from the earrings I had gotten her, I would be giving her another gift once the party wound down.

To be honest… I was excited.

But still, despite this being Sylphy’s celebration, Aria ended up being the star of the night, with everyone getting a chance to meet the growing girl.

Of course, some tried to hold her, like Ariel, but were quickly put off when Aria began sobbing, reaching her little arms out for one of her parents.

Hehe~ Aria only loves her daddy and mommies, so sorry everyone~ but not really sorry~

“Leon, what’s with that stupid grin?” Roxy said, looking at me with a small smile. “You look like your father.”

“Take that back,” I said, straightening my face. 

Shaking her head good-naturedly, Roxy continued, “Honestly… Anyway, you have to say goodbye to Princess Ariel. It’s not good to be rude to guests, much less one that’s a princess.”

“Err, right,” I said, handing Aria, who had fallen asleep, over to her. “And she’s knocked out, huh?”

“But probably not for long,” Roxy said, looking at Aria with a smile.

Shaking her head, she looked over at Sylphy who was speaking with Ariel and Luke, before turning back to me.

“I’ll handle Aria, alright?” she said, releasing a sigh. “I think Sylphy deserves a good night on such a special day, so give her a nice memory without worrying about anything else.”

“Uhh, I got it,” I said.

If that vial was anything to go by, I think I would end up giving her a good night anyway, whether I wanted to or not.

Though it still felt a bit weird for my lover to encourage me to bed another woman… I guess they had a good relationship, huh?

That was nice.

And I would be sure not to let her feel alone tomorrow in exchange.

After all, she had long since recovered from the birth with the help of healing magic, and I’m not sure if going through childbirth had awakened something, but she was much more… active in bed.

Perhaps it was part of that selfishness she had displayed?

Either way, I liked it quite a bit.

“Okay… goodnight, then,” I said, giving her a kiss.

“Goodnight, Leon,” she returned. “But don’t be too loud, okay? While I promised to watch Aria, I do want to get some sleep tonight.”

“I-I got it,” I said.

Well, I doubt we would be able to keep quiet, but that was where my lovely sound magic came in.

Magic… it really was amazing.

Heading over to Ariel, she gave me a smile as she put on her cloak.

“Why… are you coming to see me off?” she asked, tucking her hair behind her ear. “How lucky, to be treated so kindly by the newest swordsmanship instructor… should I call you ‘teacher’?”

“That… is not necessary,” I said, shaking my head. “And could you stop teasing me?”

“Hmm? Oh, if that’s what you think is me teasing you is like, you are in for a surprise…” she said, chuckling into her hand.

Uhh… what did that mean?

I was a bit afraid now.

“But aside from that… Aria is quite the cutie,” she said, looking over at Roxy as her expression changing to something… softer.

That smile looked quite good on her, if I was being honest.

“Tell me… that sounds like my name, no?” she said. “Don’t tell me you named her after me~”

“In your dreams,” I huffed. “Besides, it was Roxy who named her.”

“Is that so?” she said, looking back at Roxy as she went up the stairs. “Well, still… I can’t help but feel close to her. She’s certainly a charmer.”

I guess that was good.

It seemed that the princess had good taste.

Wait… I wouldn’t have to worry about her in the future, right?

This princess wasn’t that deplorable… right?

“Anyway, I really should be going now,” she said, walking towards the door. “And Sylphy? Be sure to use our gift to completion, alright?”

“I-I got it, Ariel!” Sylphy said, walking over to grab my arm. “I’ll… make the most out of it!”

…That vial was definitely what I thought it was, huh?

“Ensure that you do,” Ariel said, nodding. “Because I want all the details.”

Again… how much did Ariel know about my sex life by now?

It was surely more than I would want, but alas, I think it was too late by now.

And with that, she departed, with Luke and another attendant that I forgot the name of as her guards.

With my family, Lina, and Cliff having already left, that meant that Sylphy and I were now alone, and as soon as the door closed behind the princess, Sylphy turned to me, her fingers tentatively tapping together.

What had gotten her so meek?

“U-Umm, Leon, it’s… my birthday, right?” she said, looking up at me with a blush. “So-”

I interrupted her by capturing her lips in a kiss, and in a smooth motion, I picked her up into a princess carry.

“I hope you remember the last time you sneaked an aphrodisiac on me,” I said, looking down at her. “Don’t expect to sleep tonight.”

“I-I know… and, can you… not use ‘that’ spell?” she said, her eyes staring at me with determination. “I… that big, warm family I’ve dreamed of… I want to start contributing too.”

Oh… I see.

Well, she was an adult now, so…

“Of course, Sylphy,” I said, kissing her forehead.

And so, with that, I then carried my beautiful fairy up to her room to do the deed.

While I had the main room, with a big bed to fit everyone on most nights and a bassinet to hold Aria, both Sylphy and Roxy had their own rooms.

While they both usually slept together with me, unless one of them needed a break from the crying Aria, they both had their own use for their rooms, with Roxy’s slowly turning into a library and Sylphy’s being used for Ariel whenever she stayed over and otherwise simply storing her clothes.

But tonight, well… it would be serving a different function.

I just hoped she would change the sheets before Ariel came back.

I had the feeling I might see something I would rather live without if she didn’t.

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