Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 83 – A Way to Fulfill a Promise

— Leon Greyrat —

“Your stance is wrong. Widen your hips and keep your legs bent,” I instructed, moving a student’s leg to the proper position with my wooden sword. “Stay like that and keep swinging until it’s natural, alright?”

“Ah! Thank you, teacher!” he responded.

“Well… this is my job, so no problem,” I said, moving on to the next one.

I still couldn’t get used to being called ‘teacher’. Especially considering the student in question looked to be a year or two older than me.

Anyway, as one might expect, I was currently teaching my swordsmanship class, where for the moment, we were in the practice swing part of our lesson.

It was something I did at the start of the class as a way to ensure everyone’s foundation was growing stronger, and warming them up for the rest of the period.

I guess you could call it a way to get into the ‘swing’ of things, hehe.

…Wow, I really was a father, huh?

I even had the shitty jokes now.

Anyway, while this part was mostly individual, I did make sure to correct anyone’s form when I noticed something wrong, and with my Demon eye, I also guided them on drawing out their touki, and with the few Advanced-ranks in the class, helping them use it more efficiently.

After this would either be spars, where everyone would grab a partner and… well… spar, or I would do instruction, where I would teach the entire class a technique or a movement in the three great styles.

But ultimately, while I was quite good at teaching, this class wouldn’t be turning out any Saint-rank fighters anytime soon.

After all, if they were that skilled, they would have simply gone to a dojo instead, but there were still some talented people in here.

As it was an ‘advanced swordsmanship’ class, everyone was at least at the Intermediate rank in their chosen style, but there were a few Advanced-rank fighters in here as well.

So, with such a skilled group, at least compared to the average person, they were quite prideful in their abilities.

And as one might expect, having a new teacher who was not only unknown, but also younger than many of the students… they were initially quite skeptical of me.

Well, to quell that skepticism, I simply allowed them to attack me as they wished before reversing the flow of their touki as they struck me, standing unmoving with my arms crossed as every attacker was sent flying backwards.

Needless to say, they quickly began listening to me after that.

While I didn’t know anyone in this class, aside from one of Ariel’s attendants, once Sara gave birth, I expected her to join the class as she still wanted to improve upon her swordsmanship.

I do wish Norn would come as well, but she left her sword training for home, where she could spar with either me or our father.

Maybe in a year or two she would join?

I wasn’t sure, but I hoped so.

Nothing would make me happier than having my sister with me during my work, and even if it was frowned upon, I would definitely be giving her some preferential treatment.

But overall, aside from a few students who were still stubborn to my advice, it was a nice class, with an equally nice salary to go alongside it.

Although… around a month ago, right after Sylphy’s birthday, I did get all those annoying beastfolk guys challenging me to a fight.

Apparently, as it was the mating season for them, the beastfolk had the tradition of having duels between a man and a woman, where afterwards, they would get married, with the winner being the leader of their ‘pack’.

How did this relate to me?

Well, to be honest, I still wasn’t quite sure, but apparently, many of the beastfolk men wanted to have these duels against Linia and Pursena due to their position as princesses in the Great Forest, but Rudy had already ‘claimed’ them, becoming their defender each year during the mating season.

He had never lost a duel, of course, so they had begun to give up the two beastfolk princesses… until I arrived.

According to the idiots, if they were able to defeat me, who Rudy touted as being a better fighter than him, he would then give up the princesses without a fight.

Yeah… idiots.

I don’t know whether they thought I was simply a better match-up for them, or that Rudy was vastly overestimating me, but they came at me regardless

After the first one got sent flying against the wall with one swing, you would think the rest would back off, but nope.

They were a really obstinate group of idiots.

But it wasn’t all bad, as I was able to use their duels as an instruction session without the worry of hurting my own students too bad.

Ah, and speaking of Rudy, it was almost time for lunch… I wonder what the cafeteria would have for me today?

— Leon Greyrat —

“How was your class, brother?” Rudy asked.

“It was fine,” I said, shrugging. “And what about you? You had your healing class, right?”

“Detoxification,” Rudy corrected. “But healing is tomorrow.”

“I see,” I said before turning to the other people sitting with us. “And what about you guys? Anything interesting happen?”

“Hmm… melded magic is getting interesting,” Cliff said. “Though I do wish I could take a class with Lise. I’m too advanced for her magic classes, but maybe I could join the survival ones?”

Ah, yeah… Lina also became a student.

If it was before she found Cliff, I would be worried about the innocence of the student population, but luckily, she seemed very happy and loyal with the man.

Though I wish she wouldn’t divulge in all the details of their nights when we talked…

And about him not being in her class, that was likely for the best.

I had already caught them in what I thought to be an empty classroom more than a few times now.

“And how goes your research into her curse?” Rudy asked. 

Right. There was that too.

“It’s… difficult, but invigorating,” Cliff said. “For a genius like me, I am certain I will be able to complete it, and the introduction of multi-layered circles and aiding Miss Silent Stars with her experiments has been quite helpful.”

“I see… well, if you need a lot of mana, you can always come to me,” Rudy said, turning to Zanoba. “And speaking of multi-layered circles, how about that doll? Anything good?”

“I’m slowly discovering the genius of such a creation,” Zanoba said, pushing up his glasses. “I believe it will take a while to use any of my discoveries for my own projects, but it is pleasing to do nonetheless. Although… it is a shame that I am unable to practice your teachings regarding creating figures, Master. Not that I was very good at it anyway…”

And now he was sad…

Don’t worry, Zanoba. I wasn’t very good at making figures, either.

“Hm? What teachings?” Linia asked.

“Well, overall, Zanoba is quite… clumsy with his hands,” Rudy explained. “But most importantly, I make figures with chantless earth magic, and it seems that it is near impossible for someone to learn chantless casting once they’re an adult.”

Unless you were Roxy, of course.

Ah, speaking of her, she was at home with Aria now, but she was probably bored, right?

Maybe, if my cute daughter was asleep, I could go over and give her some ‘excitement’, since my classes for the day were finished.

“So only a kid can learn to make figures like you?” Linia asked.

“I… believe so, yes,” Rudy nodded. “Though I would have to teach them.”

“Then why not just get one?” she asked. “There are a few slave markets around the merchant district, right?”

My fork that was lifting toward my mouth paused.

“That… isn’t a bad idea,” Rudy said, widening his eyes. “Zanoba, would you like to check it out later today?”

“That sounds wonderful, Master!” he responded.

“Great! And what about you, brother?” he said, looking at me.


I narrowed my eyes as I began to remember the beastfolk smugglers, how they treated those poor children and then raided the forest…

And there were still kids in slavery, even all the way up here.

In fact, it was even more prevalent, as it was one of the main drivers of the economy.

And I… hated that shit.

It was disgusting.

“Y-Yeah… sure,” I said, taking a drink to help swallow down my food.

But just because it was disgusting, that didn’t mean I should close my eyes to it.

No… that was even more of a reason to face it.

I had already told myself, right?

I wouldn’t run away from the bad things in the world… even if it hurt to see.

Dammit… I didn’t feel like eating now.

— Leon Greyrat —

With Cliff separating to continue his work on Lina’s curse, and the beastfolk princesses going to their final class for the day, it was just me, Rudy, and Zanoba going to purchase the slave.

As I followed them through the slave market, I noticed the many attractive women and strong-looking men lined up along the various storefronts out of the corner of my eye, dressed only in loincloths and sometimes even nothing at all, likely to show off the ‘goods’ to prospective customers.

As I thought… this place really was dirty.

“While we’re here with the aim to purchase someone who could learn chantless magic, it wouldn’t be bad for them to be good with their hands too,” Rudy said. “So… we should get a dwarf, right?”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking, Master,” Zanoba agreed.

“Right, so a dwarf child… and preferably a cute little girl,” Rudy said, turning to me. “And it’s a dwarf, we still should be able to communicate with them, right, brother?”

My eyebrows furrowed further in disgust as I glanced around the surroundings, not to mention Rudy’s calmness.

I guess he had done stuff like this before, huh?

Well… while I hated it, it was something natural in this world, so I shouldn’t be surprised.

“Whatever,” I said. “Let’s get this over with. I want to go see Aria.”

Yes, Aria… my daughter…

My eyes drifted over to a human child, no older than seven, as she held up a sign for one of the individual slave shops in the market, her eyes downcast with a shackle fastened around her neck.

…Yeah, I really hated this place.

“A-Alright, then… we have our requirements, so let’s see if one of the merchants can help us out,” Rudy said, walking towards a kiosk, where a shady-looking man sat behind the desk.

“Excuse me,” he said, going up to the man. “We’re looking to purchase a slave, can you help us?”

The man nodded his head.

“Alright. Do you know what you’re lookin’ for? We got a lot of fighting types, and even a few magicians. We even got a few women who are good in bed. No diseases, of course,” he said, tapping his fingers against the desk.

“Ah, well, we’re hoping you had a dwarf. About five years old, if possible, and…” Rudy said. “Preferably a girl.”

Rudeus… why?

“Oh? So you’re into that, huh?” the man said, shaking his head as he began to flip through a book, probably a record of the inventory.

I felt my fist clench.

‘Into that’… I didn’t need to wonder what he was talking about.

To say something like that so casually… that meant it must be a regular occurrence around here.

It made me sick.

“Well, we don’t really get many- Ah! Actually, we have one! She just came in, so that’s perfect timing,” he said. “A five-year-old dwarf girl. Hmm… seems her parents got into debt, so she was sold off… She’s fine in health, if a bit malnourished, and she’s still a virgin… She doesn’t speak the human tongue, and can’t read, obviously. Is that fine?”

“More than fine,” Rudy said, nodding happily. “Can we go meet her?”

“Yeah, I’ll get someone to lead you to her,” the man said, ringing a bell.

How he could converse so easily and politely with such people… my brother really was amazing.

I could never do it.

Especially not now.

My mind… it was chaotic.

A girl… a five-year-old girl, younger than my sisters… why she was here in such a place?

Because her parents were a pair of idiots?

That… I couldn’t accept that.

What a sick fucking joke.

Another man came to lead us to the girl, his name passing through one ear and out the other, much like the rest of the conversation between him and Rudy as walked through the market.

The market-like surroundings quickly changed into one filled with cages that were holding people of many various races, sizes, and ages, ranging from middle-aged strong-looking men that sent glares my way, to children weeping in their cramped cages, hiding away from the world.

The smell of sweat and feces… the sound of crying and the crack of a whip… the desolate atmosphere… the kids… the fucking kids…

I hated it.

I hated all of this.

“Brother?” Rudy asked, turning back to look at me. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I lied, gritting my teeth. “Just keep fucking walking.”

 “H-Huh? Umm, got it,” he said, turning back.

It didn’t take long before we reached our destination, stopping in front of a cage with a little girl inside of it, her messy brown hair draped past her shoulders as she hugged her knees to her chest, eyes completely devoid of life as she stared at her feet.

My teeth clenched even harder at the sight.

Really… to hide away from such a thing… something so normal in this world, especially up here in the northern territories… I really was a coward.

“That’s her. Bring her out,” the man to lead us ordered his subordinate. “Ah, of course, as you can see, she isn’t in the best condition… not to mention only knowing the Beast God tongue… so we’ll give you a discount.”

The subordinate then unlatched the cage, pulling on the chain that was connected to a collar around the child’s neck to bring her forward, the girl slowly lifting to her feet as she moved over to us.

My chest tightened.

This… I fucking hated this… that blank look… those dirty rags… that scrawny body… 

She already seemed to have one foot in the grave, if not physically, then at least mentally.

That… no. Children… kids… they should be happier than that.

They should be running around, smiling, giggling, learning… not… not this.

“Strip her,” the man said, breaking me out of my trance.

“Do it, and you’re dead,” I said, releasing some bloodlust as my hand went to my sword.

Glaring at the subordinate, I watched him fall on his ass as I stepped forward, moving to crouch down in front of the girl.

“Do you have a name?” I asked in the Beast God tongue.

She didn’t respond, simply staring blankly ahead as I slowly undid the shackle around her neck.

“U-Uh, S-Sir, you-”

“We’re buying her,” I said. “So this shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

“I-I suppose not…” the man said.

Now free from the chains, I looked down at the dishevelled rags covering her body.

Well… these were no good.

Reaching out, I slowly undressed her, hiding her from the others with my body as I grimaced at the scrapes and bruises covering her thin body.

Seeing such a sight, I began to cast healing magic on her, feeling the cold of her skin as I did so.

Yeah, no… this wasn’t good at all.

Here in the corner was quite far from the furnaces, so with the weather getting colder, the temperature could quickly become deadly.

“L-Leon, are you-”

“We’re buying her,” I said, interrupting Rudy.

I then undid my coat before wrapping it around the girl, guiding her hands into the sleeves as she remained still.

It was much too big on her, but… it was better than the rags from before, both in warmth and hygiene.

I then reached out, pulling her into a hug as I rested her chin on my shoulder, lifting her as I stood up and turned to face the others.

And to my surprise and slight delight… her arms around my neck squeezed back a bit as her face buried itself into my shoulder.

Yeah… so she wasn’t completely gone… that was good.

Casting some healing magic through her back to alleviate any lingering pain, I then walked back to Zanoba and Rudy as my brother finished paying the required price.

She needed food… she needed a lot of things… and now that she was somewhat my responsibility, I intended to see it through.

“Zanoba,” I said, looking at the man. “This girl… I’m going to make sure she’s happy, whether it’s with you, or not. So treat her well.”

“I have no plans to mistreat a future student of Master!” he said, placing his hand on his chest.

Well… I would rather him promise to not mistreat a child because they were a child, but I suppose that works too.

“Then… let’s go,” I said, walking back the way we had arrived.

As I continued walking, I held the much too frail girl in my arms, and while doing so, I couldn’t help but imagine that it was Aria pressed against my chest.

And then the cries of the other children… they were much too sickening to ignore now.

It was all too much.

But also… I felt motivated.

A spark of inspiration, so to say.

My promise to Mom… could this be a way to fulfill it?

I could only hope so.

Because I really… really hated this.

And now that I had seen it so intimately, I don’t think I could overlook it.

Not anymore.

“Leon?” Rudy said, lightly tugging my sleeve. “Y-You’re scaring me a bit.”

Oh… I had been releasing my bloodlust ever since I picked up the dwarf girl, and it had only grown stronger as we passed the cages once again.


I guess I lost control of my emotions a bit.

“Sorry,” I said, reining it in.

“Is… something wrong?” he asked.

Was something… wrong?

“Isn’t it obvious?” I spat. 

Slavery was common here, I understood that.

“Criminals, or idiots making shit decisions… I don’t care about them getting enslaved,” I said, gently squeezing the child’s back. “But innocents… and especially children… I can’t accept that. How can I?”

Now, every time I looked at one of the kids, I couldn’t help but picture Aria in the same position.

With a daughter of my own, and surely more to come, I couldn’t get that out of my mind.

It was painful.

“I… also find it distasteful,” Rudy said, grimacing a bit. “But it’s not something we can change with violence, no matter how strong you are. It’s just… a part of this world.”

“…I know,” I said, gritting my teeth.

I knew that.

I knew that already, dammit.

This wasn’t something I could change with might, at least not at an institutional level.

But… perhaps with Ariel…

No, that could only happen in the future, but for now… I could see a path.

That orphanage idea I had thought about back in Roa… it was correct.

The employees could be innocents taken from their homes, much like the smugglers back in the Great Forest, and as for getting children… I now knew exactly where to find them.

I could buy in bulk, especially since children were not treated as well and considerably cheaper, and if they tried to overcharge… well, the world wouldn’t notice a few missing slavers, right?

Yeah… that sounded good.

But for now, we had to make this dwarf girl feel a bit more comfortable.

— Leon Greyrat —

After purchasing the now-named Julie, which Zanoba decided to name after the little brother he accidentally killed with his monstrous strength as a child, we quickly went over to Rudy’s house to give her a bath, some new clothes, and a meal in her stomach before I left to go home.

Only after getting Ginger’s promise to take care of her, of course.

I know Zanoba had promised, but I couldn’t trust him unconditionally for… obvious reasons.

After all, with his clumsiness, and calling her that ominous name… he was really tempting fate.

So, with my mind exhausted from the day’s events, I trudged back home, wiping off my shoes at the entrance before I went into the living room, only to see Sylphy and Roxy sitting on the couch, with Roxy holding Aria while Sylphy calmly knitted at her side.

Ah… I could feel my mind healing…

“Leon?” Roxy said, looking over to me. “You’re back awfully late. Did something come up?”

“You could say that,” I said, slowly walking over to them. “It was just a long day.”

Kneeling down in front of the couch, I let my head rest between the two of their legs, Sylphy stopping her knitting to hesitantly run her hand through my head while Aria began pulling my hair from the opposite side.

My daughter wasn’t nearly as gently, but I appreciated it nonetheless.

“What’s wrong, Leon,” Sylphy asked gently.

I said nothing, instead deciding to crawl up and sit between them, wrapping my arms around the two and pulling them closer as I stared up at the ceiling.

Yeah… it was a long day.

“Here, take her,” Roxy said, passing Aria over to me, her pudgy hands reaching out to me. “She seemed to have been missing her father.”

“I think she just missed playing with my hair,” I said, a small smile forming on my face as I took her into my arms.

She was so small… and so beautiful… with the loveliest blue hair, and the cutest big brown eyes that were currently staring at me as she continued reaching for my hair.

What a cutie.

Feeling a warmth blossom in my heart, I pulled her into my chest as I explained what had happened to the two. From the initial conversation at lunch, to arriving at the slave market, all the way to leaving Julie with Ginger and Zanoba.

“I… don’t want children to feel such sadness and pain,” I said, my fingers gently brushing through Aria’s hair. “I promised my mother, Alice, that I would find a way to help people, and this… might be it.”

Roxy and Sylphy both glanced at each other before looking at me, confused.

“Leon… what exactly are you talking about?” she asked.

Oh, right, I got too ahead of myself.

“An orphanage,” I said, looking down at Aria’s silly grin and returning a smile of my own. “Or… something like it. I just don’t know how to start… or how to fund it.”

A house, food, clothing, hobbies… that all added up quite quickly.

And while I had a good salary from the university, and a comfortable amount of savings left over from the teleportation labyrinth, I couldn’t use it all on my philanthropic venture.

After all, while I did want to help those kids, my obligation was to Aria and her future siblings first and foremost. 

I wanted all of them to live comfortably, being able to do what they want, all without money getting in the way.

“Haa… Dada just doesn’t know what to do,” I said, tickling under Aria’s chin, causing her to break out into a fit of giggles.

Yeah… just too cute.

Just too damn special.

“Abaa!” she babbled, reaching out her hand to grab my finger, gently trying to pull it back to her.

Looking down at her, my sweet daughter, I knew she was the most important and precious thing in the world.

But… weren’t other kids special as well?

They could be another Sylphy, Eris, or Roxy… they could grow up to be important, if not to me, then to someone else, and have their own happy lives.

Or at least… they deserved the chance to.

I wasn’t naive enough to think I could save every single child in pain.

That… was something I could never change.

Not even that all-giving and all-powerful Saint Millis from legends could do such a thing.

But if it was just a few… if I could give them a better life… wouldn’t that be good enough?

I’d like to think so.

“I understand,” Sylphy said, reaching down to take my hand. “That kindness… that’s why I love you. It’s that kindness that saved me from those bullies all those years ago and made me who I am today.”

“Mmm… me too,” Roxy said, leaning her head on my shoulder. “But that is a problem, huh? Unfortunately, I do not know how to support such a thing.”

“Yeah, it’s okay,” I returned, kissing her head. “This is something I’ll just have to deal with.”

It seemed that Aria had decided to stick my finger in her mouth, eagerly chewing on it with her gums.

Ah… she must be teething now, huh?

But isn’t that a bit unsanitary?

Taking it away from her, I ignored her annoyed cry as I washed my finger thoroughly with water and detoxification magic before letting her grasp it again.

Maybe I should get a wooden pacifier or something.

“Leon, I can’t say for sure, but… I can ask Ariel for some help,” Sylphy said, bringing a hand to her chin in thought. “While she might not be able to help with any funds until she’s back in Asura, she might be able to convince the mayor to give up unused houses and land. Especially if she mentions your strength as a bargaining chip.”


I knew that Ariel was gaining some connections up here in the north, but to have such influence in only a little under two years was impressive.

“Thanks, Sylphy,” I said, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “You two are the best.”

“I didn’t really do anything, though,” Roxy mumbled from the side.

“You being here is plenty enough,” I said, leaning my head on top of hers.

“Aboo!” Aria cooed, shaking my finger back and forth.

“Right, you too,” I said, smiling down at her before I leaned down to kiss her forehead.

Truly… family made everything better.

Leaning back, I noticed Sylphy and Roxy exchange a glance before Sylphy moved a little closer to me.

“Leon, I can see you’re still a bit sad, so…” she said, leaning her head in to whisper in my ear. “Once Aria’s asleep… we can make you feel a little bit happier.”

I widened my eyes at the implications, looking over to Roxy only to see her cheeks flushed.

Huh? Was this… happening?

“It’s our duty as your future wives, right?” she said, bringing a hand to one of her braids. “Plus… you’re still too much for either of us to satisfy alone.”

I swallowed down my anticipation at the thought.

Both of them together… while I had definitely dreamed of it, the most we had actually done as a trio was me pleasuring them both with my mouth or fingers.

“Uh, no, I’m plenty satisfied-”

“Shh~” Sylphy hushed me, pressing a finger against my mouth. “Just let us do this.”

…Well, I certainly wasn’t going to refuse, so I guess I had my night planned out.

But I had a gnawing feeling that once I crossed this line with them… it would be difficult to go back to bedding one of them at a time.

Such was the danger of these incredibly tempting women.

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