Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 97 – A Princess’ Feelings

— Sylphiette Greyrat —

“Then… if that’s all, I think it’s time I visited Clara and the kids,” Leon said, stretching his arms as he got up from his chair. “Don’t stay here too late, you three.”

“Of course. That would be incredibly inefficient,” Ariel said, giving him a smile. “But thank you for the help today.”

“Well, those beastfolk are always a bit unruly when they first get here,” he said, shrugging. “And I am technically a teacher, even if it’s only a few days a week.”

“Ah, of course, how could I forget,” Ariel chuckled. “Then, I will see you later, teacher.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Leon said, shaking his head as he headed towards the door. “Oh, and don’t forget to pick up that new dress, Aisha.”

“I won’t, Big Brother,” she responded. 

“Right… and Sylphy?” he said, looking over at me.

“Yes?” I asked, my heart thumping with how his eyes softened as he stared at me.

Really, even after all this time together, as well as the birth of Anna, Leon still had that same effect on me.

“I love you,” he said, making my lips quirk up in happiness.

Haa… even after so many years, I still felt like that same little girl, hopelessly in love with him.

But at least now, I knew he reciprocated that love, and lately he had been reminding me every moment he could.

For some, the attention would perhaps be a little overwhelming, but for me… I couldn’t help but love it every single time.

After all, even though we were now husband and wife, the feeling of his touches still remained just as exciting as the first time.

“I love you too, Leon,” I said, smiling back at him. “And why don’t you bring Aria and Anna? I’m sure they would love to see some kids their age.”

Hmm… for some reason, Leon’s smile seemed a little… pained, but at the same time… relieved?

No, that must just be my imagination.

He knew how much I loved him, and if he didn’t… well, I did want a big family, so perhaps I could give myself to him for the night.

“I was planning on it,” he said as he closed the door behind him. “Anyway, see you later.”

As the door shut closed, I then looked down at Ariel, my princess.

“Haa…” she sighed dreamily, resting her chin on her hand as she stared out the door.

Yes… there was that too…

Speaking of the love and affection that Leon and I shared… I had noticed.

Just like right now, after spending some time together, when my husband eventually left the room, Ariel couldn’t help but sigh dreamily as he parted. 

It was even worse when there was a window, as she would stare at his departing form until he was out of sight.

And then there was the way she had been glancing at him with every passing moment… and then the lovely smile she wore when they conversed… the way her face glowed whenever Leon opened the door for her as a guard… how she sat up straighter with a newfound energy after talking with him…

And then there was how she acted with him, how open and genuine she was, how relaxed she seemed, and how happy she obviously felt…

She was in love with him. And quite badly at that.

From her first meeting with Leon, I knew that my princess was interested in him, but that was not an interest of love.

Rather, it was curiosity of the perplexing man that was my husband, both due to the love he shared so easily with his family, and how genuine he was, even though he was a guarded individual.

Ah, as well as his strength. Ariel was interested in that as well.

Then, after his return from the Begaritt Continent, she changed yet again, as if starting to see him as someone she could connect with rather than simply observe from the side.

And finally, after he saved her from the assassins, and then comforting her after realizing the Notos’ betrayal… that’s when she changed.

I was sure that with those two story-like events, as well as the time they spent together afterwards, my friend and princess, Ariel Anemoi Asura, had fallen hopelessly in love with Leon Greyrat.

Haa… honestly, my husband's charms were much too powerful, so I didn’t blame her, but it was still a bit aggravating to see from the side.

I would call my husband dense, but I knew how loyal he was to us three, so the thought of betraying us with another woman didn’t even cross his mind, hence he was oblivious to any affections, and if not, he ignored them.

Not to mention how skilful Ariel was at hiding her true feelings…

But either way, Ariel was in love with Leon. That was a fact that I could no longer deny.

Oddly enough… I didn’t feel jealous, even though I probably should.

Did that make me a bad wife? Or perhaps too loyal of a friend?

Either way, I couldn’t change how I felt.

If it was any other girl, I would definitely be angry, and perhaps, if I was angry enough, I might use my years of training to scare them off or worse… 

But when it was my dear friend Ariel… when I was to see her so happy and carefree… I couldn’t come to feel jealous of her.

And while before, when I first noticed her blossoming feelings, I was still hesitant as I doubted the feelings she had for him, now that it was so obvious how genuinely in love she was…

Moving my gaze to the side, I met Aisha’s eyes, both of us sharing a look of understanding.

Truly, this girl was a genius.

Even though she had only known the princess for a little over three years, she could already understand just as clearly as me what Ariel was feeling.

Well, it was that genius that won us the student council after less than a year of being students, so perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised.

Releasing a small sigh, I gave her a nod, allowing her to say what I was sure she was holding back.

Honestly… even though I wasn’t jealous, I was still a bit worried about how this would all go.

As my dear husband puts it, this was sure to be troublesome.

— Ariel Anemoi Asura —

“Princess Ariel… you love my brother, don’t you?” Aisha asked.

Hmm? What was this?

“Is that a sort of joke, Aisha?” I asked.

“Don’t get defensive,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me before she grew a warm smile. “I don’t blame you, after all. Especially since he rescued you so valiantly and promised to keep you safe~”

I felt my cheeks heat up as I turned away from her.

“T-That… is ridiculous,” I said. “I admire him, and I enjoy hearing of his nighttime exploits, but that is the furthest thing from love.”

And saying that while Sylphy was right there… there was no need to bring up such a thing, this troublesome assistant of mine.

“You’re not fooling us, Ariel,” Aisha continued.

My eyebrows turned down as I delved into thought.

No… perhaps I couldn’t fool her. She was a genius, after all.

Even if I denied it outwardly, there was no denying this feeling that had sprouted in my heart.

I loved Leon Greyrat.

Truly, I was a horrible princess, was I not?

Not only was my focus for the throne diverted by a man, but for that man to be the one married to my most beloved guard… 

Haa, but as Aisha said, it was that man’s own fault.

Protecting me so valiantly… discovering my enemies and pledging his support… comforting me so warmly…

A womanizing talent that was on par with Luke, but instead of it being turned to the masses, it was only turned to those he cared about, which made the effects all the more dangerous.

But yes… as the days have gone by, I have not been able to stop thinking about him.

And such sweet actions like those from a few days ago didn’t help.

I had been trying extremely hard recently to prepare for my eventual return, especially now that a terrifying being like the Man-God was on the side of my opponents.

And of course, with both of them being by my side, Sylphy and Leon quickly noticed, and allowed me to rest on them as they continued my work for me. Even if it was simple greeting letters, it helped me greatly.

And then the feeling of Leon rubbing my head… I knew it wasn’t romantic.

If anything, his caring touch and attention was a product of his awakened fatherly side, but still… I couldn’t help but love it all the same.

But alas… these feelings of mine that I had only recently discovered… despite how amazing it all felt, it was not meant to be.

I was the future Queen of Asura, after all. Not to mention how Leon already had three.

“Perhaps… you are right,” I said, my hand raising to caress that hair ribbon he had gifted me so long ago. “I do love him. Perhaps ‘enamoured’ is the right word, but nonetheless… I can’t be with him. My ambition and promise to take the throne is more important than a relationship.”

Shaking my head with a smile, I then looked over to Sylphy, who’s eyes I had been avoiding for the last few moments.

“I am sorry, for falling for him… I am sure that must be unpleasant to see,” I said, bowing my head. “But do not worry. Such a relation is nothing but a dream. It will never be possible.”

Sylphy frowned a bit, crossing her fingers together, as she then shared a look with Aisha.

“Ariel… why is such a relationship impossible?” she then asked.

Ah, as I thought, she was still worried.

I would have to be sure not to let my guard down around him anymore, lest I cause my beloved guard any more pain.

“I am a princess. And one aiming to become Queen,” I said. “I am not able to marry anyone I like. After all, my husband would become the King of Asura. It is not a title fit for anyone.”

Yes… even without the fact that Leon was more than happy without me as his wife, it was simply not meant to be.

“I see… but… is that really true?” Sylphy asked.

“Hm? What do you mean?” I said.

“What she means, Princess Ariel, is that Leon is already an Emperor-ranked swordsman and healing magician, and from how he has only gotten better, he will likely be a God-rank soon enough,” Aisha said, answering my question. “That alongside his connection to Orsted, the Dragon God… is that not enough pedigree for a husband?”


She… was correct.

Had I really been so blind?

Was it due to my newfound love clouding my vision?

There was a reason it was seen as a weakness, after all.

No, perhaps I was just using that as an excuse as to why it couldn’t be, rather than my own shortcomings as a woman.

Ha. How unlike me.

But alas… Aisha was right.

Leon definitely had the status to become my husband, and even if he didn’t, he had more than enough power to command authority and respect from those that disagreed.

But still… that was only one issue of many.

Not only was it unlikely for Leon to feel the same, despite what some of his actions may imply… there was something more important to consider…

“Sylphy?” I said, looking at her as I revealed a small hint of my true vulnerability. “That… this… is it-”

“I… am fine with it,” she said, crouching down to take my hands in hers. “In fact, I would be ecstatic if such a thing happened.”


With her eyes looking deeply into mine, I didn’t need to ask if she was serious.

But still…

“Why?” I asked. “He’s… you always bragged about how good it felt to have him do such things to you… would you not feel angry at me receiving the same?”

“Hmm… perhaps it was another woman, that may be so, but… you’re my friend, right?” she said, raising her hand to caress my cheek. “It should be obvious that I want you to be happy.”


What kind of logic was that?

Even though I was extremely inexperienced, even I knew that there was something weird here.

“W-What do you mean?” I asked. “Isn’t that a bit too ridiculous?”

But despite my hesitance… I was extremely grateful.

To think she would care about me so much… I always knew that Sylphy was a kind girl, especially to me, but I thought that her loyalty would lessen after finding a family.

It may have been presumptuous… but I hoped that the reason for her care wasn’t because she didn’t completely devote herself to her family, but rather because she already considered me a part of it.

“Listen, Ariel… I have long accepted that Leon wouldn’t be mine alone,” she said, shaking her head with a sigh. “As long as you truly love him, and you don’t stop him from loving me… that was good enough.”

Ah… this girl truly was amazing.

“But… what about Eris and Roxy?” I asked.

While not to the same extent as Sylphy, I had also grown closer to the other wives of Leon, and I knew that Sylphy cared about them as well.

I… didn’t want to ruin such a lovely family with my selfishness.

“That… I cannot say for sure,” she said, forming a difficult expression. “But I’ll try talking to them. At the very least, you should deal with these feelings of yours. And I’ll be right here to support you.”

Ah… Sylphy… you were doing bad things to me.

At this point, it may be you that I turn my lust towards.

“Fine…” I said, smirking slightly. “But don’t be disappointed if he falls head over heels for me.”

Sylphy smiled back. “In that case, I would only have to win him back. I am not one to lose when it comes to Leon. Even to you, princess.”

Hmm… we could also try to win him over together in bed, just like my recent fantasies I had been divulging in during the nights.

But for now, I would keep that to myself.

Yes… I loved Leon Greyrat, and while it wasn’t necessary for my goal… I would try to make him my husband.

I was always a greedy princess, after all, and even if it didn’t work out… I suppose it was better to try and fail then to never try at all.

— Leon Greyrat —

After putting the girls to bed, with Anna deciding to give me the gift of a dirty diaper to clean up beforehand, I made my way down the hallway, intending to head downstairs where I could cuddle with Eris and Roxy on the couch.

But as I was making my way towards the staircase, I was stopped by two familiar faces.

“Leon… would you mind talking with me?” Ariel asked.

“Uhh… sure. Do you want to head into the study for this?” I asked, wondering if this was related to the recapture of the kingdom.

“No need. Here is fine,” she said, shaking her head.


Why did she seem so… odd?

Perhaps it was just me?

Looking at Sylphy who was standing next to her, I gave her a confused glance, to which she simply smiled back at me.

Another odd thing…

They were later coming back than I expected, did something happen?

“Leon Greyrat, I have a request,” Ariel said, staring into my eyes. “Become my husband.”


“Sorry… I think I misheard,” I said.

“No, you did not,” she said, shaking her head. “Please marry me, Leon.”

Looking over at Sylphy to see if this was some kind of new form of teasing, I saw that she was only holding her head in disappointment as she looked at Ariel, but not in the way that showed that this was some kind of joke.

Was she serious?

I looked back at Ariel, only to see that same practised smile that she showed to others that I had come to despise.

She used to use that same smile with me, with her lips placed perfectly, and her eyes lidded in order to not display any emotion.

But no… she didn’t use that smile when teasing me.

She only used this smile when she was aiming for furthering her goal.

But aside from that… marriage? With me?

How ridiculous.

I remember hearing her plan about life after taking the throne, and she was more than happy with collecting a group of lovers to play with… and for the horny princess I had come to know, that seemed just like her.

But there was no mention of marriage.

Whether it was for a fun or in order to ensure no husband of hers could use the title of ‘king’ to further their goals, Ariel Anemoi Asura never planned to be with someone in such a way. Much less myself.

“I will only be with someone exclusively, at least outside my wives,” I said, narrowing my eyes. “And most importantly, I will only be with someone who loves me just as I love them. You already know this, right, princess?”

Her expression didn’t even tremble for a moment as she nodded at me.

“I know. And I have prepared for such a thing,” she said. “While I don’t know what love truly is… I think I might love you. And if not, then I can learn to love.”

My eye twitched in annoyance.

What was this?

Saying such a thing with such a straight face… how could I believe that?

“And as for the exclusivity… I don’t need any other men. As long as you give me lots of children, of course,” she said, smirking a bit. “Besides, how could I be dissatisfied when I get a harem of pretty girls alongside you? I do prefer the buds of young maidens rather than the firm staff of a man, after all.”

My frown deepened as she continued talking.


I… thought she was more genuine around me.

I thought that I was a place of comfort for the woman I respected enough to fight for her place on the throne.

But now… it was as if we had reverted to our initial meetings.

I could see it plainly in her expression.

There was no fluctuation, no sign of affection, no sign of… love.

She was just saying the words I wanted to hear, or at least trying to, in order to make me her husband.

But… why?

I was already firmly on her side, so why did she want marriage?

And wasn’t Sylphy her friend?

Though seeing how my wife didn’t look displeased, I had the feeling they had already talked about it.

But still… how could I accept someone who didn’t even seem to love me?

Not to mention that, I already had three wives that I was firmly loyal to.

Whether it be the pact I made upon our marriage, my verbal promise to stay faithful before then, or the simple fact that I didn’t want to hurt them by being too greedy, I was not one to accept another woman when I was more than happy with my current family.

“I refuse,” I said firmly. “I’m still confused as to why you brought up such a thing, but I can’t marry you.”

Ariel continued to look at me, her smile tightening as she then nodded to me.

“I see… ah, well… that is a shame, but I suppose your support is more than enough,” she said, turning away. “Then… I bid you a good night, Leon.”

And with that, she started towards Sylphy’s room, which had essentially turned into Ariel’s room and office, as Sylphy followed behind her, but not before looking back at me.

“Leon… no, nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “Just… I’ll be with Ariel for a bit.”

“Okay…” I returned a bit confused.

Sending me one last conflicted look, Sylphy followed Ariel into her room, closing the door behind them.

What… what was that?

A joke… no, I could tell it wasn’t.

But… why? What the hell had just happened?

Truly… what a weird fucking night.

I wasn’t one to follow in the footsteps of my old man, but I really felt like having a drink right about now.

— Sylphiette Greyrat —

Closing the door behind me, I released a sigh as I then looked over to Ariel, who had sat herself in front of the desk.

“I would like to be left alone,” she said, not looking at me as she pulled out her diary and a quill. “Sylphy… please…”

“You know I can’t do that, Princess,” I said, shaking my head. “But I can look away.”

“I… suppose that’s enough,” she returned.

Turning to stare out the window, I watched as snowflakes began to fall, blanketing the already-white ground in more snow as the seconds passed.

As it was currently the third month of the year, the season was slowly changing into spring, so this could very well be the last snowfall for a while.

But then again, up here in the north, you could never discount the possibility of cold weather.

Hearing Ariel begin to etch her quill across the pages of her diary, I looked up into the reflection of the window, only to see her cupping her mouth with her free hand, and wiping away some tears that had leaked out of her eyes.

Ariel… she was crying?

That… was something I had never seen before.

She must have truly been affected by what happened earlier.

Just like I had thought, she had completely fallen for Leon, and to have him reject her like that must have hurt, especially as she had never felt such feelings before.

While I had told her to open up to her true feelings yesterday, I didn’t expect her to be so bold as to do that, but still… I don’t think Leon would have been so adamant to refuse if she had simply shown her true feelings.

The facade she wore… I know that she loves Leon, but despite that, she had used her practised facade like a shield in the earlier conversation.

Perhaps it was to ensure she would not get hurt, as it wasn’t the ‘true her’ being rejected.

Or maybe it was simply because she didn’t know these new feelings of love, or possibly out of consideration for me, but still…

I didn’t like seeing her like this, all sad and alone.

Despite what she might think, I know that Ariel was able to love.

The care she showed me… the way she so valiantly fought for those that fell protecting her… there was no way such a girl was incapable of love.

And seeing her cry over a rejection only cemented that fact.

But still… no matter what I did, Ariel would never earn Leon’s attention if she continued wearing that facade, and after today, I doubt that she would ever be genuine around him again.

Leon valued trust and honesty most importantly, and while love was still most important, I don’t think I had to worry about that here.

But to show him her true feelings… how could I do that?

…Ah. Of course.

She was crying right now… showing her true feelings of frustration of sadness… all while she continued to write in that diary.

I don’t know what’s written in there, and despite being her closest confident over these past years, I had never seen its contents, but I had a feeling that it would be the closest thing to her honest feelings.

Hmm… perhaps, if I could get Leon to read that somehow… yes, that might work.

I would have to make a plan.

After he discovered the princess’ true feelings, I would leave Leon to decide what to do and what he felt, but I know that I can’t leave things like this.

It was simply too sad, to have such a possible happiness cut off by a misunderstanding.

So… please don’t think of my coming actions as a betrayal, Princess Ariel.

It is simply the act of a friend wanting you to find love… even if that love is with my husband.

Haa… just like usual, Leon was correct.

My princess truly was troublesome.

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