Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 98 – A Princess’ Love

— Leon Greyrat —

It was the day after Ariel’s… unusual confession, and after a morning that was thankfully bereft of any awkwardness, Ariel then headed out to begin her student council duties with Luke accompanying her as a guard.

Sylphy was also going to join them later, but had to feed Anna first as she still refused to eat puréed foods.

I was also a big fan of Sylphy’s breast milk, so it seems my daughter and I already had something in common.

But just as I was about to send her off with a big kiss and a hug, she gave me a request.

“Leon… can you get something from Ariel’s room?” she said. “There was something she meant to bring up in the morning, but reading it yourself should be just as effective.”


Ah, the awkwardness of the morning must have made Ariel forget, which was unusual for her.

So even she was affected by my refusal… it didn’t look like it, though.

“Okay… is it a report or something?” I asked. “But even then, I can usually only help with the rare thing or two…”

“It’s just something you have to read,” she said adamantly as she cupped my cheek. “Okay? Read it for me… please?”

Yeah… this was definitely strange, and I doubted it was a report like I had thought… but I knew I could trust Sylphy.

If she wanted me to read something, then I should do so.

“Alright,” I said, leaning in for a kiss. “I’ll come by later.”

“No,” she said, shaking her head after she separated from my lips. “I think you should take today off to think.”

Uh… okay?

“Anyway, I should get going,” she said, removing her arms from my neck as she went out the door. “And absolutely read it, okay? It should be on her desk!”

“Uh… got it, I will,” I said, nodding.

And with that, she departed.

Well… I guess I should read through whatever she wanted me to, just like I had promised.

So, giving Roxy a hug as she prepared to leave for her classes, I then went upstairs before hesitantly entering Ariel’s room.

Ugh… this felt a bit wrong, to enter a girl’s room like this, especially that of a royal princess… but it was fine, right?

Not only was this a room in my house, but Sylphy had also given me express permission, so this should be fine.

Besides, knowing that Ariel, even if I found something embarrassing, she would probably just get excited from it.

Walking over to the desk, I quickly noticed the book that was resting in the middle of it, a ribbon in the pages which likely signified what I was meant to read.

This… did not look like a usual report.

Sitting down, I opened it to read the first page.

‘Today was a meeting with the royal family of Ranoa. It seems that the princess has an interest in adventuring. I was glad to have Leon there to entertain her. He has surprisingly been quite a big help outside his fighting strength.’

Hm? This… did not read like a report either.

Just like I had thought, there seemed to be some ulterior motives in Sylphy’s request.

I wasn’t annoyed at Sylphy being a little sneaky, but I was confused.

Why should she want me to read this?

‘It seems that among the new batch of students, there are a few skilled in diplomacy and economics. While Aisha is plenty in terms of those skills, it wouldn’t hurt to have more support for any open positions later on. Luckily, a few are young girls, so I will have Luke bring them over to our side. Or, at least, form an initial connection. His lust is useful for that, even if it does often get him in trouble.’

This… was a diary, wasn’t it?

And seeing how the next entry seemed to describe Ariel’s enjoyment of dinner and subsequent nighttime relief, it wasn’t one focused on her exploits towards the throne.

It felt too personal.

I… didn’t think it was right to read any more.

But Sylphy wanted me to, right?

And while I know she loved me and our family, I know that she loved Ariel just as much, so at least according to her, this invasion of privacy was in the princess’ best interests.

I was conflicted.

But, to be honest… I was intrigued as well.

When I was alone with Ariel, or when Sylphy and Luke were with us, I was able to catch a glimpse at the princess’ true feelings, but never to the extent of knowing her thoughts.

To see some part of the woman who was so often veiled behind that practised facade… I wanted to know more.

Turning a few pages, I then noticed that she had written about me right after the encounter with the assassins.

‘I was attacked. Two North Kings and a North Emperor were sent to kill me. A terrifying circumstance. But even against such insurmountable odds, Leon defended me. Even now, my heart is pounding in my chest from the experience, and I had the odd feeling that it wasn’t simply out of fear, but rather another form of excitement… However, those thoughts would have to be put aside for now. Wii Taa… the prospect of his appearance is very concerning. I will have to look into things back home.’

And I continued to read, going up to where I returned from my trip to Asura.

‘The Notos has betrayed me. I had somewhat expected it, but it was still a shock. To think I would now be alone… though that wasn’t quite right. I had my faithful attendants, and just as Leon said, I could gain more allies. And I also had him… a powerful fighter who apparently had an impressive aptitude for infiltration. But more importantly… I had his support. With him standing by my side, I felt more confident than ever about taking back the throne. I feel extremely grateful.’

After this entry, I noticed that my name began to turn up more and more as I frantically flipped through the pages.

‘Today, Leon smiled at me. Sylphy did too. For some reason, even after the fact, my practised smile felt easier to perform. How odd.’

‘I have noticed that recently, the world seems a bit more beautiful. Is this perhaps love? Or was it something else? Either way, it was quite a nice feeling. I didn’t want to let this go.’

‘Today I learned that Leon likes berries. Is it because of the sweetness, or the sourness? Either way, it’s nice to know. It was pleasant to watch him eat. It was… cute.’

‘I've become more aware of the little things when I'm around Leon. The way he holds a cup, the sound of his voice when he's deep in thought, even the way his eyes light up when he talks about something he loves… They are useless details, especially since he is already on my side and reveals his true self, but still… I wanted to know more.’

‘Leon and I walked together today, side by side. I couldn't help but notice how our footsteps matched perfectly. It was such a small thing, but it made me feel connected to him in a way I can't quite explain. I wonder if he noticed too. And if he did… did he enjoy it?’

‘Leon smiled at me today when he thought I wasn’t looking. It was just a small, soft smile, but it made my heart skip a beat. I wonder what he was thinking about at that moment. I hope it was something nice. I hope it was something about me.’

‘Leon and I shared a quiet moment today, just sitting together without saying a word. It was peaceful… comforting… I could hear the gentle rhythm of his breathing, and it made me feel safe, like I was exactly where I was meant to be.’

‘I saw Leon laughing today. A real, genuine laugh. It was not rare for him to laugh like that, especially when recounting a silly thing that his daughter did, but for some reason, this one was so enchanting that it took my breath away. I wish I could make him laugh like that every day.’

‘Leon stopped my from falling today after I tripped over my feet. It was intentional on my part. Really, I am such a bad woman. Either way, it seemed that my attempt at teasing quickly backfired, as I became quite flustered. Though I’d like to think I kept my cool enough to not be noticed. But Leon… up close, he has the scent of a campfire. That was nice to know.’

‘Leon brushed a stray hair out of my face today. It was a gentle and innocent gesture, but it made my heart race all the same. Thankfully, I was able to keep my calm facade, but on the inside, I was melting. How does he have this effect on me without even trying?’

‘Today, I caught Leon staring at Eris and Roxy as the two played with Aria. His expression was indescribably serene, as if everything was perfect in his world. I was happy he could make such a face, but I couldn’t help but wish he would make such a face for me.’

‘I want Leon to look at me more. I want to see his gentle side more. I want that gentle side to come out for me more.’

‘I like getting Leon’s protection, but I want more of it. I was always a greedy princess, after all. That overprotectiveness that he saved for his family… I want to feel that.’

There were even more entries like those, filled with sweet words and various emotions.

It was enough to drive me crazy.

Was this the true Ariel Anemoi Asura?

Was she really such an innocent romantic?

‘Leon gave Aria a ride on his shoulders today. Seeing him act so soft… so gentle… so different from that fierce and determined aura from when he defended me back then. It was amazing. It was arousing, sure, but more than that… it was comforting. Was it presumptuous to want him to show that side to me? Or perhaps… our children? …That was embarrassing to write down, even for me. But what could I do? It was his genuine loving side that made me do such a thing, after all. Such a horrible man… I wanted him to be my horrible man.’

‘I love him. I love him deeply, that I am sure of. And most of all… I want him to love me in turn.’

“…Fuck,” I said, raising my hand to my chest.

Feeling my heart thump painfully against it, I lightly shook my head.

“That… that’s just unfair,” I mumbled to myself.

What the hell?

This diary was much too sweet and tender!

This… this was actually Ariel…

She was truly serious about what she said last night… no, considering what I read here, the prospect of marriage was only the cusp of her true feelings and desires.


Flipping over to the last entry, I noticed that the page was unusually covered with a few tear stains, the paper wrinkled from the wetness.

‘I asked Leon to marry me today. I was rejected, just as I had expected. Honestly, I was surprised that Sylphy was fine with me asking, and even urged me to do so, but still… it was not meant to be. Ah… I’m crying now. I haven’t cried since I was eight, if I remember correctly. It was a sign of weakness, after all. One that could easily be exploited in the royal palace.’ 

‘I hadn’t even cried when Derrick died, yet I was reduced to this state just by being rejected for Leon’s love. Does that make me a heartless woman, or a hopeless romantic? I don’t know. Right now, I’m just too tired to think of such questions. At this point, while I promised myself to try to make him mine, should I really continue pursuing him? If I continued my advances, would he grow to hate me over time? I don’t think I could handle that. He was an important piece to not only my path to the throne, but also to my happiness. I don’t want to lose such an important person.’

And with that, I flipped to the next page, and seeing that it was blank, I closed the diary as I leaned back against the chair, pressing my palm to my forehead.

“Haa… dammit,” I sighed. “You’re leaving me in a very difficult position, princess…”

What do I do now?

Well… it was obvious, right?

Yes… yes it was.

I needed to talk to her in person.

Whether these feelings were true… if she could still stomach living with us… I needed some answers.

And then… I would definitely need to talk with Eris and Roxy.

Even though I had no intention of betraying my vows, they still deserved to know about such a complicated situation.

— Leon Greyrat —

Having marched my way over to the student council room, I only knocked on the door a few times before opening it, revealing Ariel sitting behind the desk with Luke and Sylphy at her sides.

“Ariel… we need to talk,” I said before glancing at Luke. “In private, if we could.”

Ariel responded with a nod as Sylphy went to push Luke out of the room.

The man seemed confused about what was happening, but I didn’t find it in me to care.

Instead, my eyes were transfixed on the golden-haired girl in front of me, as well as my wife, who was coming towards me.

Sylphy… did she know what was in there?

And getting me to read it… this was definitely something she wanted.

I didn’t think she was one to share me even more, but considering this was Ariel, her best friend, we were talking about, I guess the situation was a bit different.

“Leon…” she said as she reached the door, stopping at my side for a short moment. “I won’t force anything on you, but… just make things right. Please.”

“I got it, Sylphy,” I said.

Nodding at me with a smile, she gave one final push to Luke, shoving him out the door before she closed it behind them.

Taking in the moment of silence, I then turned my gaze forward, looking at the princess who had been causing me a lot of stress in the past hour.

No, for the past day.

And now… we were alone.

Just like Sylphy said, I needed to make things right.

I needed to know.

“Leon, how rare it is for you to ask to speak with me alone… is this perhaps about my marriage proposal?” she asked, tilting her head.

“It is,” I responded.

“Ah, as I thought… well, you don’t have to worry about such a thing,” she said, shaking her head with a calm smile. “I just thought it would be a good way to ensure I had your protection and that other noble families wouldn’t try to entrap you after revealing yourself, but then again, you’re strong enough to stay independent, so do not mind it.”

A lie… but an expertly crafted one.

Despite my ability to see through deceit, I would have believed her if it wasn’t for reading her diary.

This wasn’t the Ariel I wanted to talk to.

No… I wanted to speak with the true Ariel.

The one that wrote those sickeningly sweet words filled with love and insecurity.

I wanted to know more about her.

“Don’t lie to me, please, princess,” I said, walking up to her. “You love me, do you not?”

Her eyes widened a bit before she suddenly turned away, her cheeks gaining a hint of a blush.

“I… don’t know what you mean,” she said. “Those are awfully arrogant words, don’t you think?”

Was she still denying it?


She did mention in her last entry not pursuing it any further…

But now that I looked at her, I began to notice a few subtle signs of her deceit.

That little blush, the way I could hear her heart pounding a little faster, how her fingers fidgeted over each other…

She was hiding her true feelings.

The true feelings that was her love for me.

I was confident that I was correct, but still… I wanted to hear her say it.

“Ariel… please tell me,” I said, reaching out to turn her head towards me. “Tell me how you feel about me… please.”

Now that I was looking at her so close, I once again realized how strikingly beautiful this woman was.

Her perfectly proportioned face… her bright blue eyes, glistening with emotion… her lightly tinted cheeks… her fair, unblemished skin…

Yeah, if it was any other man in my position, they would have lost to their instincts long ago.

I mean, even I was feeling my heart begin to race, but that was more to do with the thoughts that I knew were hidden behind that face rather than the beauty by itself.

“Ariel… I will never hate you, so please say it,” I asked once more.

And then, with my words dispelling the worry I knew she had… her facade broke.

“I love you,” she said truthfully, bringing her hand up to hold mine. “I love you, and I don’t want anyone else. I can’t think of such a thing. I… want to have your children. I want you to look at them with that warmth you show Aria and Anna. I want you to look at me how you do with Roxy, Sylphy, and Eris…”

Looking down, she lightly bit her lip before glancing back up at me, her lips quirking up into a sad smile as tears threatened to leak from her eyes.

“You showed me how to love… how it felt and how badly I wanted it… and now look at me,” she said, shaking her head. “I won’t ask you to take responsibility, but… at least understand how painful it is to admit all this.”

Taking a deep breath, she then reached out to caress my cheek. 

“But I do love you, Leon Greyrat,” she said softly. “And that is the truth.”

Guh… yeah, I could definitely tell that it was.

And because of that, I couldn’t help but feel my face heat up, both in embarrassment and happiness.

Happiness… I really was a bastard, huh?

But how could I not feel that way?

I already respected Ariel, both as a ruler and a person, so having someone I cared about say they felt that way towards me… it wasn’t like I could be upset at that.

Not to mention her beauty, which I could appreciate a bit more now.

“I see…” I said, closing my eyes as I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

So… what do I do now?

Dammit… while I wanted to know her true feelings, it just made everything much more difficult.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the door opening, revealing Sylphy as Ariel hastily retracted her hand.

“Apologies for listening in, Princess Ariel,” she said, bowing lightly with a soft smile. “However… I am very glad that you aired out your feelings.”

Ariel gave her a soft smile in return.

“Yes… I am as well…” she said before turning to me, her eyes shining with a mix of mirth and worry as she began to play with a strand of her hair. “So? After forcing me to say such embarrassing things, are you just going to stand there?”


I needed to respond seriously to her genuine confession.

I knew that.

I knew that, so… could you stop staring at me so intensely, Sylphy?

Taking a deep breath to clear my thoughts, I then looked at Ariel, staring seriously into her eyes.

“Ariel…” I said, trying to find the words to say.

“Y-Yes?” she asked, averting her eyes slightly.

Okay… let’s do this.

“I understand your feelings… and I know they’re genuine, and I appreciate them…” I said. “And to be honest… I like you too. I already respected you enough to fight for your dream of taking the throne, and after hearing such a heartfelt confession, I could easily see myself falling in love with you, but… I won’t.”

Yes… I could easily see myself loving Ariel, but… I couldn’t.

“I promised never to fall in love with anyone else when I made my wedding vows, and even without them, I was always faithful to my women, so… I can’t love you,” I explained. “And I already said I would only marry for love… so I will still have to reject your marriage proposal.”

Regretfully, this time.

Ariel let out a sad sigh as she shook her head.

“How cruel… to say that after making me confess… you are a terrible man,” she said, smirking slightly. “Yet despite that, I still can’t help but love you… I always knew these feelings were a weakness.”

“In my defence, all of this is all Sylphy’s fault,” I said, turning to my wife.

Sylphy, meanwhile, was looking at me with an unusually serious expression.

Huh? What is it?

Was she mad at me outing her?

“Leon… you said you could easily fall in love with Ariel?” she asked.

“Yes… you aren’t going to be mad at me for saying that after doing all this, are you?” I said. “If it’s about Roxy and Eris, I don’t plan to keep this a secret, either.”

She shook her head. “No, that’s not it. It’s just… betraying the three of us… is that what is holding you back?”

Umm… I felt quite a dangerous undertone there.

“Yes… you could say that,” I said. “I am more than happy with you three, and I don’t plan on making them unhappy for my selfishness. Even if you accept it, it doesn’t mean those two will. I’m already asking for a lot with the three of you.”

She narrowed her eyes.

“Then… if they did accept such a thing… would you take Ariel as your wife?” she asked.

Ah… I see where this is going.

“Yes,” I said. “I would. Happily at that.”

Ignoring the way Ariel smiled bashfully at my words, I went up to Sylphy as I looked down at her.

“I think I know what you’re planning, and while I won’t stop you from talking with them, I won’t let them think that I am unsatisfied with how things are,” I said. “Understood?”

Hearing my harsher tone, the one I usually brought out only in bed when Sylphy wanted to be submissive, her cheeks flushed as she nodded seriously.

Dammit… this was all fucking weird.

Having a wife talk with my other two in order to accept a fourth… this was definitely odd.

Either way, after Sylphy talks with them, or perhaps before, I needed to talk with Roxy and Eris as well.

I needed them to know that I was more than satisfied with them and how everything is now.

I already didn’t deserve them, so doing anything else would be asking for too much.

Besides, it was already hard to manage things with four people, so adding a fifth would make things increasingly more complicated.

“Yes… I understand,” she said, reaching up to hug me. “You know that Eris isn’t one to let something like that slide, and Roxy is smart enough to point it out. But past that… you trust me, right?”

“Yes… I do,” I said, hugging her back.

“Mm. Good,” she said, releasing me. “How about you take Aria and Anna to play at your parents’ house while we handle the conversation, okay?”

“…Fine,” I said. “Just not too late, okay?”

“Right,” she returned.

Looking back at Ariel, I saw her send me a warm smile before averting her eyes, awkwardly looking away in a gesture that was very unlike her.

A gesture that also made my heart thump against my chest.


Honestly, this princess was too sweet.

And seeing such a side to her, who was always so careful to keep up her facade…

Well, I just had to hope the conversation between the girls went well, because with the diary and her genuine confession… I felt a bit of danger concerning the woman.

— Eris Greyrat —

“So?” I asked, crossing my arms as I nodded towards the houseguest. “What’s this all about, Sylphy?”

Feeling a bit uncomfortable to rest my arms on my now larger stomach, I moved it to below my breasts.

Honestly… pregnancy was extremely annoying.

Not only did I notice my emotions getting more agitated as time went on, but I had also been feeling exhausted lately.

And then there was the growing belly, which messed up my balance and made it so that I couldn’t rest on my stomach…

Haa, but at least I knew that after a few more months, I would be birthing a son after all this trouble, so I could deal with it.

And besides… it wasn’t all bad. Pregnancy, that is.

After all, Leon had been showing me a lot more gentle care lately because of this, and I was enjoying the extra attention to the fullest.

But anyway, that wasn’t important right now.

My eyes drifted over to Ariel, who was sitting at the table with Sylphy, Roxy, and I, her eyes meeting mine for a moment before she looked down, her expression difficult to understand.

Hmm… confusing.

That wasn’t like the usual prideful princess and houseguest that I had come to know.

“Indeed. I am also curious,” Roxy said, narrowing her eyes at the two. “Although… considering Leon took the kids away, and how apologetic he looked, I have a feeling I know what this is about…”

Sylphy gave both of us an apologetic smile.

“Well… you are probably correct,” she said, taking a deep breath. “To put it simply, would you two accept Ariel becoming Leon’s wife?”

“…Explain,” I said sharply.

I was not an idiot.

Actually, no, I was an idiot, but I wasn’t completely blind.

That Princess Ariel was absolutely in love with my husband.

I knew this because she was acting just like I was back on the Demon Continent, even if she hid it a little better.

I trusted Leon, so I didn’t really care.

After all, even if he couldn’t release his urges with me, I knew that Sylphy and Roxy were more than happy to take care of him, so that wasn’t an issue.

“W-Well… to put it simply, I may have… caught feelings… for your husband,” Ariel said, bowing her head slightly. “I apologize for that.”

“No need,” Roxy said, waving her hand. “I know most of all how charming he is. It’s no wonder you caught feelings after living with him. Ah, and I already knew about your feelings. It was quite obvious.”

Oh… so it wasn’t just me.

“I’m not confused about that, but rather, what this meeting is all about,” Roxy said, twirling her hair in her hand. “Either you didn’t tell all this to Leon, which in that case, there is obviously something you need to do first; or the more likely option, you already have, as that would explain him taking Anna and Aria, as well as the awkwardness from this morning. But in that case, what is this meeting about? Did he accept, or not?”


I was wondering that too.

I guess it would be best to leave this to Roxy, though I would definitely speak up if they pissed me off.

Ha… Leon just had to get on another girl’s good side.

And not just any girl, but a damn princess.

Tsk… I really didn’t like how this princess acted sometimes.

She was veiled, deceitful, and annoying… just like my pathetic father of the past, though she didn’t take any bullshit, which I respected.

Still, if it was that conniving side of the princess saying this, trying to win Leon over for some political games or something, I would immediately shut her down, and cut her down if she didn’t relent, even if I had to fight Sylphy to do so.

But I also was able to notice some gentle sides to the princess, especially when she was here in our house, so for now… I would sit quiet and listen.

“Well… I guess we’ll explain everything from the start…” Sylphy said.

And then, she did exactly that, with Ariel providing some context to events as well.

I didn’t need to know that Sylphy had told Ariel about the night the three of us attacking Leon together, but I suppose she thought it was important, for some reason.

Either way… yeah.

I could see how Ariel felt now.

After all, Leon had protected me throughout our entire adventure in the Demon Continent, and even before then, he was the bright light of warmth that warmed my heart, so it was obvious that I could relate to the princess.

But even if I could relate… it didn’t mean that I would accept it.

Not until I got some confirmation.

“I see… I’m fine with it, then,” Roxy said, thrumming her fingers against the table.

“Y-You are?” Ariel asked, a bit surprised.

“Indeed,” Roxy said, nodding. “If Leon had already agreed and this was just a meeting about the new addition, I would be quite angry, but seeing that he wanted our approval first, I can accept it. Still… I admit that I am a bit peeved.”

Ariel’s eyes turned down, her eyes turning to the side to see the pair of high chairs at the table.

“No… you don’t need to accept it,” she said sadly. “I don’t want to step on any toes. After all… your family is wonderful. I wouldn’t want to destroy this happy place.”

There it was… that pathetic, deceitful tone that I hated.

“Hey,” I said, slamming my hand against the table, causing the princess to jolt up as she stared at me.

“You… what do you like the most about Leon?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Huh?” she voiced, surprised.

“I asked what you like the most about him,” I repeated, lifting my chin at her. “Why do you want my husband? Do you want him to push you down and give you a child or something? What is it?”

Ariel’s cheeks gained a bit of a blush at my words.

“Well… I certainly wouldn’t mind that,” she said before shaking her head. “But no… if I had to say why I loved him… it would be his warmth.”

Her lips then curled into a pleasant smile.

“There’s also that overprotectiveness that I’ve come to desire, as well as his unwavering support,” she continued. “But if you’re looking for a physical trait… I suppose it would be his eyes. They’re so genuine, after all. They’re very… comforting.”

I stared at her for a few moments before my lips quirked up in a smirk.

This girl… she wasn’t bad.

“I see… then I accept,” I said.

If she had said something about his face or body, or even his strength and power, then I would definitely have refused.

But if it was for something like that… well, at least I knew she wasn’t playing games with him.

She was serious.

“H-Huh? That easy?” she said, confused.

“It wouldn’t be like this for anyone, princess” I said, narrowing my eyes. “But since you’ve been living with us for a while, it doesn’t really change much at home, does it? And you’re spending so much time with Leon anyway, so if we’re keeping things equal, it won’t change how much attention we get once he gets home either.”

At least it better not.

“Mm. I accept as well, for similar reasons,” Roxy said. “But still… the three of us work because we’re equals. I trust Leon would ensure everything is like that, and I am sure that he wouldn’t neglect us, but the three of us work because we all know we’re equals. Can you accept that, princess?”

Ariel smiled at both of us before she shook her head.

“I understand, however, I don’t know if I can accept being an equal,” she said. “After all, I am the so-called ‘homewrecker’, no? How can I hold a candle to you three…”

Sylphy was about to speak up, but Ariel held out her hand to stop her.

“But… I still plan to hold a special place in Leon’s heart, just like you three do,” she said, looking between Roxy, Sylphy, and I. “And I don’t plan on being abandoned.”

There was that confidence that made me respect this woman, despite having no fighting talent to speak of.

Her determination was impressive.

“Still… I doubt Leon plans on treating you as anything lesser. If he did that, he knows that our family wouldn’t be as stable as he wishes,” Roxy said. “Anyway, now that you’ve been accepted, we need to talk about scheduling time. Especially since you will eventually become Queen.”

“Oh? You’re very confident about that,” Ariel said, surprised.

“This is Leon we’re talking about,” Roxy replied. “If I wasn’t sure about your success before, even with his promise and the Man-God thing, now that you will be his family, I have no doubt he’ll make you succeed.”

“Ah… right…” Ariel said, beaming as she looked down at the table. “Family… we’ll be a family…”

Well… at least she seemed happy.

“Yes, and to keep such a happy family, we’ll need to talk a bit more,” Roxy said, her lips quirking up into a small smirk. “But… that can wait for later. After all, I think you have something to do first.”

Ariel tilted her head in confusion before looking out the door, watching as a small ball of fire lit up the end of the path, revealing a tall man with a sleeping child riding his shoulders as she rested against his head while another was held in his arms.

“Oh… yes… I suppose I do,” Ariel said, getting up. “But… I do think this will require privacy, so… I will be in my room.”

And with that, she departed from the dining room towards the stairs, the wooden stairs creaking as she ascended.

Haa… well, I knew that our family would be growing a bit bigger soon, but I expected it to be Ars.

But this… well, it wasn’t the worst.

But I still felt a little frustrated.

Leon will just have to give me a nice night to make it up to me.

— Leon Greyrat —

“I’m… home,” I said, looking into the house.

“Ah… welcome back,” Sylphy said, coming out from the dining room. “Did… everything go well?”

“Yeah, Aria tired herself out by playing with Julius, and Anna looks to be crawling soon,” I said, taking the sleeping Aria off of my shoulders. “So… how did the talk go?”

“It went well,” Sylphy said, taking the snoring Anna from me as she gestured into the dining room. “You already know my stance on it, but you should talk to them.”

“I planned to,” I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Mmm… and just so you know… she’s up in her room right now, likely feeling very anxious,” Sylphy said, looking at me. “Just so you know… I’m fine with just sleeping for tonight. Love you.”

And with that, she gave me a kiss back before heading upstairs, likely for the night.

Well… I guess I knew what Sylphy wanted me to do.

Releasing a sigh, I then headed into the dining room, where Eris and Roxy were both sat at the table.

“Hey…” I said, readjusting Aria as I went over to them. “How are… well…”

“We’re fine with it, Leon, so you can stop worrying,” Eris said, turning to me. “But that doesn’t mean we’ll just fade into the background, understood?”

“Indeed,” Roxy said, reaching out for Aria as I deposited her into her mother’s arms. “We know that the princess has genuine feelings and that you two spend a lot of time together already, so there’s no displeasure on that front. But… just don’t forget about us.”


“That’s ridiculous,” I said, looking at the two of them. “You know I would never do that.”

Roxy smiled slightly. “Yes, we know. And we don’t plan on letting that happen, either. But still, we need you to remember that.”

“Yeah… I remember that…” I said. “But… are you sure you’re fine with it?”

Eris crossed her arms. “Obviously. Don’t ask such a stupid question.”

Roxy simply shook her head. “I trust you to respect our decisions, and the fact that you needed our approval before even thinking of following through was enough.”

Damn… they were serious about this.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “You… you know I’m more than happy with just you three, right?”

“Yep,” Eris said, nodding her head. “So stop wasting your time around here. If you refuse Ariel after everything for our sakes, I’ll be pretty mad.”

“Well… I wouldn’t be mad, per se, but you should know that we are fine with it,” Roxy added, squeezing my hand. “And I can already tell, you know. You like her as well.”

The pressure of her grip increased to the point where I questioned if she was really a magician.

Roxy… I was getting some mixed signals here…

But she was right.

I felt extremely happy right now that they all accepted Ariel, because the entire time I had been at my parents playing with Aria and Anna… I hadn’t stopped thinking of her.

The way she smiled at me, the sweet words in her diary that still resonated in my head… my mind was filled with that troublesome princess.

I had already betrayed them.

Perhaps not Sylphy, since she was the one who made this all happen, but I did betray these two, as I already loved Ariel before I got their acceptance.

I had always respected her, and after seeing a bit more of her true self, I planned to devote myself to protect her, both as a ruler and a person.

But after seeing that diary, it made her seem so… normal.

So human.

Like a regular girl that was madly in love… madly in love with me.

A regular girl that I wanted to make happy, and a regular girl that I wanted to keep to myself.

Truly… I was extremely selfish.

“I’m sorry…” I said, leaning down to kiss both of their heads.

“It’s fine,” Eris huffed. “You’re still mine, and she’s only allowed because I approve.”

“Yes… it’s the same for me,” Roxy said. “But keep it at four. Even we have our limits.”

“I… really don’t plan on loving anyone else,” I said, frowning a bit.

I would definitely stop at four, right?

Yeah… even though I never looked at her as a lover, Ariel was essentially part of our family before this, so she was an exception.

“But I’m still upset, so tomorrow, I expect you to make me a very happy woman,” Roxy said, pinching my cheek. “But for now… I suppose Ariel can have the night. As long as you come to bed afterwards.”

“Uh… I got it,” I nodded, feeling a mix between astonishment and excitement.

I had already planned on taking Roxy and Eris on a date, but that just cemented those plans.

“And I’m only letting you go because I can’t, alright?” Eris added, pulling my ear. “So stop wasting your time down here.”

Oh… oh, they wanted me to do that.

Well… I guess it was my time to be a man, and it would certainly relieve Ariel’s anxiousness.

“R-Right…” I muttered, giving them each a final kiss goodnight before turning to the stairs.

Truly… this was such an odd situation.

Ignoring the oddness, I walked forwards, heading towards the stairs.

Arriving at the second floor, I looked ahead to Ariel’s door as I slowly raised my hand.

Haa… right. Let’s do this.

Ignoring my rapidly beating heart, I knocked a few times before slowly opening the door, revealing the sight of Ariel languidly sitting on her bed, her hand pausing its way through her hair as she looked over at me.

“Ah… Leon… welcome back…” she said, fiddling awkwardly with her hair.

Such a cute gesture… love really changed how you see things, huh?

“Yeah… I’m back…” I said, shutting the door behind me.

The tension in the air was palpable as I slowly made my way over to her, sitting down next to Ariel as I looked forward.

Now… how would I do this?

Ariel… the princess…

Right, the princess.

I suppose I should start with what made me interested in her before all this love stuff.

My respect for this woman… the one I planned to make queen, even before the introduction of the Man-God.

“Ariel,” I said, my words causing her to tense beside me. “I… have always respected your drive to take the throne… and I enjoy being there for you…”

She nodded her head.

“Yes… and I thank you for that, regardless of… us,” she replied.

Right… us…

“Ariel… you said you love me, right?” I asked.

“Are you going to make me say it again?” she replied, turning to me with a pout and flushed cheeks.


Did she pick that up from Sylphy?

“No, it’s just… how much do you love me?” I said, turning to face her seriously. “If I asked you to give up your dream for the sake of us… would you do it?”

She stared at me in shock for only a moment before narrowing her eyes. “I would refuse.”

Yeah… I expected that.

That wasn’t like the princess I had come to know and love.

She was more determined than anyone to fulfill her duty, even willing to give up her newfound love and comforting warmth of family for it.

“Haa… I’ll need to get another ring, I guess,” I said, leaning forward.

Ariel Anemoi Asura… she was tantalizingly beautiful, so there was no hesitation on that part.

Instead, all of my hesitance was to do with feelings.

Did she love me?

Well… her diary pretty clearly answered that.

Was she prepared to be with me?

Her heartfelt confession earlier today answered that eloquently.

And then, there was the last thing… was she simply drunk on her feelings?

The princess that I respect and fell in love with was just that, a princess.

A princess fighting for her homeland’s throne, both for personal promises, and also to better the nation.

And knowing that she was still that same woman… I felt all my hesitance fade.

Bringing my hand up to cup her cheek, I gently placed my lips on hers, relishing in the feeling of the softness.

Her mouth widened slightly in surprise, but a moment later, she reciprocated, her hands crawling up my arm as we continued with our kiss.

And then… after a moment of both of us looking into each other’s eyes… I kissed her again… and again… and then the world disappeared.

The passion that she had kept to herself, as well as the passion I had begun to harbour, all exploded as we continued to kiss, before finally, we both separated. The two of us taking some calming breaths as we looked at each other in silence.

Yeah… I did love her. 

Perhaps before, it was more the kind of love one holds for one’s partner, as well as the love that one holds for a friend. But knowing that she held me so dear, that love was able to easily transform into something romantic.

Were we moving so fast?

Perhaps so.

But I loved her, and she loved me, and I didn’t plan on letting her go, so this… this was more than fine.

Hesitation was for those unsure about something, and there was none of that in this case.

So kissing her… especially when it made us both feel so good… there was no need to wait.

“Leon… please hold me,” she asked, leaning her head forward.

“Of course, Ariel,” I said, granting her request.

Pulling her head into my chest, I felt as she wrapped her arms around me, cuddling close as I heard her began to sniffle.

“Is something wrong?” I asked, gently raking my hands through her hair.

“N-No… not at all,” she said, halting her crying as she looked up at me. “It’s just… I’m really happy.”

Looking down at her face, I felt my body freeze.

That smile… that soft smile she was showing right now… 

Without a doubt, it was the prettiest smile that I had ever seen on her.

It was the sort of smile that could easily win over a country and seduce any man.

Well… with me here, there was no need for that… but it did make my breath hitch, so that was nice.

And to know that this was a face that only I could see from her… that only I brought out of her…

It felt very good, to say the least.

“Well… I don’t really need a ring at the moment,” she said, unlatching from me as she reached back to let down her hair.

Taking off the black ribbon that I had gifted her so long ago, she tenderly wrapped it around her finger before looking back up at me.

“But… this should suffice for now, no?” she said. “Besides… there are other ways to show that I’m yours.”

She then grabbed my hand, placing it on her breast as she gave me a sultry smile.

“But first… I want to hear you say it,” she said.

Say it?

Ah… right.

It seems that feeling her breasts had caused me to stop thinking for a moment.


“Yes… I love you, Ariel,” I said, leaning forward to kiss her again. “I want to be there for you, in more ways than just getting you to the throne. I want to make you feel safe, happy, comfortable, and most importantly… loved.”

And those were my true feelings.

Sure, it would be ignorant to say that I felt as much of a connection with her as I did with my other three wives, but considering our feelings, as well as our connection in the future with our love… I was fine to grow our relationship with time.

“Good… then, as a potential, queen, it would be prudent to produce an heir,” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck. “So how about we get started, Leon~”

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