Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 3 – Perks of the Life

Two more steps, and she opens the door. I see the standard large chest almost always attached to a powerful woman. "Hello, welcome; need to relieve some stress?" I say, giving a hint of sexual feelings.

"Yes, I was walking down this way yesterday but didn't see it available. I see now why that is. I believe that means the endings are limited," she responds professionally. More like she is here for a business meeting than having a herm massage every part of her and then getting eaten out.

"Yes, I hope that is still ok. I'm very skilled with all parts of my body. You'll leave very relaxed. Any pent-up frustration will be gone." I promise, turning up the flirty undertone. If someone sent her to figure out how good I am, she wouldn't be leaving based on how I talk to her, but maybe she would relax a little. How she is now would likely make for a poor time for both of us. There is a limit to how rough they can get after a massage, so it is a time that I somewhat enjoy the sex. So, I would rather not have someone who can't relax ruin that little joy if I can help it.

"I see. That is fine. Please lead the way. I paid yesterday; you should have the note for Lady Zhanu."

"I have a note, but I'm sorry I can't read it. A helper is around the corner, and I'll have her send a message asking about it. If she confirms, you won't have to pay when you leave; otherwise, you'll need to pay. Is that ok, my Lady?" I give a short bow at the end. I can only hope she doesn't get mad. I don't know why Mistress doesn't do anything about me not knowing my letters. It puts me in dangerous positions like this. One Lady sent a fireball at me. I was so surprised I didn't dodge it, taking it in the chest. After I healed, I had to serve her for two days for offending her. I never got an apology from Mistress. I asked her to tell me about prepaid in advance or have someone around who can read, but obviously, that hasn't happened.

"Hurry, I'm already mad about having to wait a day. I don't enjoy being in this district."

"Of course," I quickly turn and go past the curtain. There is always an orphan there to help with anything the counters need. She heard everything, so I just had to ask her to go and head back. Returning to the front, "Please follow me."

We walk back to the room without talking. The clicking of our heels is the only sound we hear. Her legs are a fair bit shorter, so her steps are faster. Mine are a bit louder with my extra weight, but both show the large amount of practice we've had in them. The sound excites me; I've found a direct connection between women with outstanding practice in heels and how toned their legs are.

I start to exaggerate my leg movements to shake my ass and tail more. I don't have much time to get her at least receptive to the massage. I hate that nobles still doubt my touch. I've never had anyone leave without agreeing that my massage relieved their muscles. When the short walk through the hallway is complete, I open the door for the client and follow her in.

"Would you prefer to be clothed or naked for the massage? Naked has the best results, but I can still work through the clothing if that would make you more comfortable. I have some shelves here where you can place your clothing. If you are ok with being naked, we can also start with a relaxing bath."

"Naked is fine. The bath would be nice." Still in the greater-than-thou tone, she holds out her hands, a motion for me to help her out of her dress. I start on the strings, loosening the dress enough to take it over her head. I carefully fold it and place it on the top shelve. Grabbing some soap while I'm here. My clothing is water resistant, so I don't need to take it off to bathe the noble. I kneel at the side and begin to wash her body. She relaxes in the bath, making it easy to move her around to clean her thoroughly. I start on her feet and move up. I don't touch any private areas, except her breast, during the bathing.

"Would you like me to clean your hair?" her hair is much shorter than mine, barely reaching her shoulders, so it wouldn't take too long to do a quick wash.

"No, your hands are living up to the gossip," she says, finally in a friendly tone.

"I'm glad I can please you, my Lady. Then shall we get started on the true massage and prove the gossip undersells my abilities?"

"You best live up to that slave." She looks me directly in the eyes, causing me to look down immediately. I'm not supposed to look into the client's eyes, being a breeding slave and all, but I get a better understanding of how they feel when I do. This makes it easier to tell if I'm working the right spots, but if they aren't distracted or happy, I risk a problem like this.

"I'm .."

"Don't worry. I imagine you have a good reason to be looking where you shouldn't. Do a good job, and I'll forget about it. Otherwise, I will be extracting my dues." Her voice was still relaxed, like a few moments ago, so it seemed I didn't offend her yet. She is getting up, so I quickly grab a towel and dry her off. There is a little magic around the small bath to help, so it only takes a few minutes for her to dry completely. I lead her over to the table and help her up.

"Are you ok with oils being used?"


I grab a moisturizing oil and start on her calves. I work each muscle deep, forcing them to relax. I send some life magic through my hands to help with the soothing process. The Lady muffles the little moans my hands cause. Her muscles are powerful but exhausted, giving my life magic plenty to rejuvenate. I take my time on her legs, slowly making my way to her round ass. I work from the inside thigh to the outside, bottom to top of her thighs after the calves. I'm starting to add a bit of my erotic touch and arousal aura. I keep it to a meager amount for the backside to keep them relaxed, but I start opening them up to the idea of me massaging the deepest part of them. This is the small amount of control I get each day, so I've taught myself to near perfection.

I can hear it working as her moans have changed tone just a tad as I reach her plump ass. During the bath, I saw her rounded ears, and she had no other extra marks or body parts, so she's most likely a human. I start on her back, which truly needs the most work. Her back is lovely, and her muscles are solid and toned. They feel fantastic as I work them with my hands. I work extra carefully on it, memorizing the feeling so I can do a little dreaming later. Her legs were more muscular than most, but legs are dull to touch and wonderful to look at. Sure, thighs are fun to tease, but the back and chest are where the fun is to be had. So I put the most work into remembering how the back and chest feel. I can picture the legs just from how people walk. So far, she has given me plenty of time to memorize her back; I just need to hope I get the same time with her front. Then I can have some beautiful dreams.

She is moaning a lot as I work her muscular back. I think she has strength-type classes and probably uses a great sword. I like to dream a little with these types. I need to make a good backstory, so I'm not just taking advantage of a body. I need a mind behind it to truly enjoy myself. I worked on her arms and found they were thick; she must be a fighter. My excellent sword dream may not be too far off. Her arms are just as sore as her legs. They're thick, nothing ridiculous as my head size, but probably triple the size of my arms.

Done with her back, I help her flip over and get to work on her feet. Here, I start turning up my touches to start arousing my client. Her moans are getting more and more sexually charged as I try to get her ready for me to finger her. I once again work from the inside of the thigh to the outside, slowly approaching my goal.

"You've had a lot of practice. I'm just now noticing the skill use." She moans out as I reach halfway up her thighs. Her words surprise me. Most either never notice or don't care to say anything about it.


"Quiet, max it out. If I leave sexually frustrated, I'll have two things to punish you for. My back and legs haven't felt this good in years, and you've already got me horny. So be a good little girl and take responsibility for what you've started." Her breath gets heavy as I increase the mana sent to my skills. I kept the same pace, ensuring the massage left all her muscles feeling perfect. When I reach her slit, I keep one hand there to play with it while the other starts on her toned abs. The plan is to get the hand up to her breast and work both fully till she is ready, maybe get my mouth involved if needed. My left hand finds her clit and just starts teasing her. I keep a slow circle going. She'll likely orgasm before my right hand is finished with her abs, which is perfect. I can attack her breast right as she starts coming down from it and hopefully push her to the second one quickly.

Her moans are loud and frequent. Then she tensed up and did her best to hide the orgasm. I move my left hand faster and set my right to work on her left breast. My Lady must have sensitive nipples, letting out long moans as she gripped the table. I keep my thumb on her clit and start slipping my fingers inside.

"Oh yes, yes, that is what I need. Hard, hard, please. Don't you dare stop!" Her first words after her orgasms. I'm more than happy to oblige. Using the extraordinary reach of my arms, I'm able to keep working her pussy and bend my head to her free nipple. One of her hands reaches the top of my head. I relax and wait for her to control me by my horns. It never comes. It isn't a new feeling, but usually, those are the older women or the ones that stay home. Instead, a warrior is petting me here, not that I mind. It is much better than someone controlling me with just one horn.

It's a little unfortunate we can't go further. I'm pretty sure she would be an excellent partner, actually caring about my pleasure. But orders are something I can't disobey, so I'll have to settle for dreams.

Her moans are still coming through strong. I have three fingers inside and moving everything rough and fast. I decide to keep going as long as she is petting me.

After a few more orgasms, her breath is starting to change, so I begin to slow down. Her hand is now just resting on my head. I stop my right hand and just keep sucking on her nipples.

"Thanks for that. I didn't believe when she said you would make me want to have sex. Can you just rest your head on my chest?" She says in bliss.

"I can if you are ok with my horns." I don't get this request often. I love it, but the table height is wrong. It's too tall to be on my knees, so I must stand and bend over.

"That is fine. I just want to pet your hair and face more, then clean off the oil."

I move my head into position and try to enjoy her touch in the awkward position. The table is too tall to kneel, so I must bend at the waist or squat. I just bent at the waist and hope I can move soon.

We stay like this for a few minutes before she gets up. I quickly straighten out and head over to the towels. Returning, she has gotten off the table and has her arms out, making it easy to start wiping the oil off, giving me one last chance to touch her breast, back, and ass. Once I finish drying her, I help her back into her dress.

"Thanks. It seems I won't need to punish you." Her professional tone is back. "You are correct about the gossip selling you short."

"Thanks for the praise, my Lady. If you would follow me out." Bowing once more and turning, making sure not to look her in the eyes again. I open the door for her. She steps to the side and lets me back into the lead. The ritual repeats for the door to the entrance. The orphan girl turns the corner, gives a simple bow, and returns to her place behind the current.

"Sorry for causing the doubt. I hope you have a lovely night. I'm not working the floor tonight, but one of our other girls could follow up on the work I've started, or tomorrow, I could show you what happens when everything is available." Now, back in my flirting voice, hoping to turn my dreams into reality. I doubt it will work, but a girl has to try.

"I don't find the idea awful, but I don't have the time. This extra day has already put me behind schedule. Maybe in a few months." It's pure business mode.

"I hope you can make it work. You seem to work too hard and could use the stress relief more often. You'll do nobody any good if you hurt yourself." It is best to try to appeal to the business side of things if that is how she will take this—my last-ditch effort for another chance with her body.

"I'll keep that in mind." She responds, the click of heels starting as she turns to the door. Once the door closes, I sigh, returning to my station. Two and a half hours is about how long each session lasts. Leaving me 2-3 more tonight, I'll have to do. Hopefully, they are as lovely as the last girl.

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