Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 4 – Problems With Being a Slave

It doesn't take long to hear new sounds coming up the stairs. This one I'm familiar with, one that never takes my suggestions. The man is one of the few males that comes here without a chaperone. Men are typically weaker when you factor in magic. Plus, there are a lot fewer of them around, though they are more common than herms like me.

I don't have much time. I need to warn Mistress to have someone outside the door to stop him from raping me. I quickly move past the current, startling the orphan despite my heels clearly showing I was coming her way.

"Go tell Mistress I will need help not getting pregnant from a customer," and just as quickly, I move behind the counter. Just a second passes and the door opens. I smile at a man who has given me much pain and a few nightmares over the last few years.

He is tall, only a few inches shorter than me, though my heels make him a lot shorter, helping my smile feel more genuine. His natural bright blonde hair was cut short to show off his stupid pointy ears. Elves don't usually have much muscle mass; he is no exception. While I like muscles, I can appreciate a slim body, but he just pisses me off. The torture and humiliation he has put me through are too easy to remember.

"Good, the slave bitch is back. I was taking a stroll yesterday and didn't see the light. I was worried for you. I thought someone of a more fitting stature bought you. Maybe one of the barbarians in the slums? Well, I suppose I can use you a little. This counter is about the massage thing, right? My wives were saying I was a little stiff from my work. I really should talk to the Mistress about why having a slave give a massage costs so much. Five gold is ridiculous," he says, a constant stream of insults I have to smile through.

"Due to my limitations for today, it is three gold," I respond.

"What limitations? You're a slave," Doubt filled his voice.

"Mistress is giving me a chance to recover from my labor yesterday, so only oral for after activities," I say uselessly.

"Whatever, here is the stupid gold. Hurry up, I already know the way."

"Of course, sir," I say, speeding up due to his command. I make the same trip as before, passing paintings of all the girls who worked in the room. My painting is above the doorway. There are spots for other girls, but I'm the only one using it enough to be displayed. When I first started, there was another girl there. She left about a year after I started, giving me full use of the room.

"Would you like a bath?" I ask after entering the room, following the script.

"Yes, get me out of these clothes," he says. "Hurry, I don't get why you always go so slow. If you sped up a little, I could do more."

"I don't want to damage your clothing, sir. They look costly," I say as we continue my conversation whenever I have to deal with him in this room.

"Hmp, these are my cheapest pair. To think these are expensive, you are even lower than I thought," his ego showing fully now. "Finally, remember to pick a good scent, none of that lavender shit you normally use."

"Of course, sir." I'm doing everything I can to be polite. The slave collar is even helping me by forcing the edge out of my voice. I grab the soap I use for the few men who come through and kneel next to the bath to begin.

"That won't do get in," he demands.

"I can't, that will ruin my clothing, and I'm not allowed to take it off. If I did, accidents might happen, and that would go against my Mistress's orders," I say back, hoping he gives up. I start working on his shoulders, hoping he falls asleep so I don't have to do much for him. I've only had that happen once to a young woman working too hard to get stronger. Her body was excellent. I didn't do anything sexual to her, but she did get a complete and thorough massage while asleep. I wonder how she is doing; I haven't seen her in eight years. Maybe it is seven. I probably won't see her ever again. I hope it isn't because she died.

"What is the point of having a slave do the work if there are rules? Get your ass in here before I truly get mad," he states.

"I have to follow Mistress's rules. Going into the bath will cause me to break them. So no matter how much you demand, I can't follow. I'm sorry," I say back. I hate having to apologize to this piece of shit, but the rules are absolute. The most I can do is delay me following them, and that hurts way too much to do just to have me do the act anyway.

"Fine, then hurry up. The fun part happens after all this stupid foreplay trash."

"Sir, you paid for a massage. This isn't foreplay. This is simply to prepare you for the massage and then give one to you," I say. I'm not sure how he still acts like this is just a long way to sex with me.

I finally cleaned his body, including his penis, unfortunately. So I dry him off and help him onto the table.

"Use oil; don't want your rough slave hands to hurt my skin," he demands. So I grab one from the cabinets before starting on his feet. Once again, I take my time, though I don't use my skills. I know he will get bored at about the same time, 45 minutes in, so it doesn't matter what I do. I just have to be prepared to scream and release my mana to trigger the alarm when he starts to try and strip me.

I reach his ass. He's still calm. I'll probably finish his back and just start on his front when he decides he is done. He doesn't have as much muscle mass as the previous warrior, but he isn't weak. Elves always have less mass, but they use it all well. Getting to his shoulder blades, he starts to become restless. Just a little bit more until he finds out I truly have rules. If he was a woman, Mistress may not have cared enough. But as a man, he could ruin the sale Mistress has made over my womb.

"Can you flip over, please? I'm done with your back," I say, wondering if he will flip over or just demand sex.

"Your hands are as useless as ever. Put the mouth to use instead," he says, sitting on the table instead of lying back down.

"As you wish, sir," I start, getting to my knees to take his member in my mouth.

"Enough with sir, I'm your master right now," he snarls at me. I'm not sure why he is being so bold. I've had one other man make that request, and I haven't seen him or the wives who brought him here again since then.

"Sorry, sir, that is another command I can't follow," I say before wrapping my lips around the head. He's not fully erect yet, so I start to feel him growing inside my mouth as I begin to tease the head. He grabs my horns and slowly forces me down his shaft. I'm careful with my teeth as they are sharper than most other races. It wouldn't just hurt. It would draw blood from even the lightest scrapes.

I quickly find my nose touching his stomach, his dick just reaching my throat. He tries pushing farther in, but my nose won't let him. So, he instead decides it is time to fuck my pretty little face. Using my horns, he forces me up and down his dick as fast as his arms will make me go.

His penis is reaching the average depth, just where my throat starts, so I don't have any gagging problems. Not that this changed the sounds forced out of my mouth. His low moans were overshadowed by the sloshing of my spit, his precum, and mouth all made.

For a few minutes, this continued my head a slave to my gripped horns. My nose started hurting, and his arms began to tire, but the sounds got louder. He was getting close, I believe. I wasn't using any actives but have a high oral skill level. Unsurprisingly, he didn't want to finish in my mouth, so he forced my head off his dick, throwing my head to the side in an attempt to get me bent over.

"Stay like that slave. I want to see if I can get a free breeding session out of you," he says, a sadistic smile looking down at me. I'm forced to stay still as his hands move to my dress. He grabs it at the top and starts to rip it. I release my mana and direct it to the emergency device with a small smile as I think about him being banned. I hear the rip start and then continue till the dress falls apart. I'm not sure about the thought process. My arms are still in the sleeves, so it didn't help him get my top off. He next grabs the bandages for my wrap and rips it as well. I guess he didn't care about me being naked. He just wants access to my breast.

As he starts on my underwear, I begin to worry. Why hadn't someone come in to stop him? He hasn't paid for breeding, and I know how much my womb sells for. Hundreds of gold, a small fortunate. That alone should make it so I didn't need to warn Mistress about the situation. She should have someone spying ready to step in. Maybe they think I can make him cum before he gets my bottoms off?

I start my skills, both touch and aura, to the max. I hear him moan and feel him fail to rip my underwear. He takes a deep breath and goes again, this time succeeding. My dick fell out erect, and my pussy was made bare, slightly wet. I hate how they both are ready for sex right now. I know it is just in response to the sexual stimuli, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

I make one more effort to call for help as he starts to rub my pussy. No response, and as if to mock my failure, he slaps my ass hard. A mark most likely formed as I can feel the mana he put in it.

"There's the slave bitch I hear so much about. So much mana, this feels a hundred times better than before. You must want me fuck your worthless pussy. Don't worry, I'll give you everything you want. That slutty mouth got everything nice and wet for us, now didn't it. So stick that ass up, and I'll give you semen that is too good for you."

Giving up, I let the beautiful slave collar force me into position. Ass rising, legs spreading, I start to cry softly. Then, the moment I thought couldn't happen today started. My labia were forced apart. He quickly moves in, hips smacking my ass. Once again, I'm just a tool for his pleasure.

I hope to end it soon, or maybe I just freeze. I keep my skills going, and moans are forced out, mixing with my ever-growing sobs. His moans overpower any sound I make. He starts slapping my ass hard. I can feel them bruising underneath the assault from his hand and hips. The other hand is forcing my ass still for his use.

I don't keep track of the time, and I don't think; my entire body just waits for it to finish. I feel a new liquid invade. He pumps a few more times and gives me a hefty slap. He slowly pulls his dick out. Some of the fluid follows, but most stay inside, moving deeper.

"That is what all the praise is about? Good for a low-class whore I guess. I can dress myself and walk out. So stay like that for a bit and let my semen get in deep," he says, laughing. I hear his soft chuckles as he leaves. His command keeps me there. I wish I could fall over.

I hear the door open again as I finally fall over. I don't look, I don't do anything.

"Get up for me, please," I hear a soft, sorry voice behind me. I do as instructed. The newcomer takes off my ruined shirt and directs me to the bath. I only see her arms, but  I know it is Kelly from the voice. I sit in the tub, still only following instructions, staring at some spot in the bath. She starts to bathe me, humming a soft song. She's gentle with me. She just does my shoulders and breasts, then stops. I hear cloth moving and then a tiny splash as she steps in the bath, continuing onto my stomach and lower body. She stays behind me to do this, forcing her breast to my back. As she starts on my thighs, I decide to lean back a little, my wings feeling her breast press against them.

"If you lean that far back, I'll have to move much sooner, you know," she sings into my ear. It was just loud enough to allow the pleasant tone into my ear. Wanting her to stay hugging me as long as possible, I sit up.

Finally, she struggles to reach my lower thigh, and she's forced to my side. She sits on her knees, one against my tail and ass, the other under my thigh. She finishes shortly after and gets up.  I hear her looking through the cabinets behind me. Not a peep escapes my lips, still staring at nothing. She seems to find what she is looking for and returns behind me, though not touching me this time.

"Relax, I'm going to wash your hair, so let me dunk your head," she whispers in a pleasant tone back in my ear. She gives it as a command, so I don't need to process what she said. Just enjoy the excellent sound she made. I feel her support my back and head as it lowers into the water. A few moments later, she brings it up and massages the shampoo into my hair. I have a lot of hair, so we sit there, her humming a song and working my hair. Once she is complete, she commands me out of the bath with a whisper and dries me off.

"Step into these for me," she commands, her enchanting tone louder this time. I step into the simple pants, and she brings them up to my waist. I started to return to normal as she dried me off, but I decided to let her baby me for a bit longer.

"Arms up," she says. I follow, and she puts the shirt on me. This one wasn't made to accommodate my wings, so it hurts. Everything is tight. Both my wings and breasts push against it. My nipple outline can be seen in the front.

Unfortunately, I only have a few tops due to how expensive it is to have them tailored correctly, whether to cover my wings or holes to be put in for my wings. I better not be punished for mine being destroyed. I warned them. I did as I was told.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to get the right clothing. You need to hurry. I've kept you longer than I should've already," she said. The command made me turn and swiftly walk through the door to the front. I slowly smiled and acted like all was right in the world.

A few women are talking at the opposite counter, probably asking for their favorite girl. I take my place, knowing the light will go on and I will need to do it again.

I don't remember the rest of the night, just that the girl left happy after leaving her taste in my mouth. I slowly walk back to the massage room and wait for Yuki to come.

"Hello, my dear," she says, walking with her tails spread behind her. She walks straight to me and wraps me up in a hug. Both arms and nine tails envelop me in their warmth. I feel my eyes water, and then tears fall.

"Why, she said I wouldn't do that. If that was allowed, why tell me it isn't? She said not to; how did that change? Why did it have to be him?" I managed through the sobs.

"Kelly didn't know why, but Mistress asked if you could get pregnant today. She told her no. That is most likely what changed. You may not realize this, but men never travel alone. One of his wives asked for him to be able to do it, most likely knowing he didn't care about the rules. Mistress asked for a steep price and got the gold. Kelly is sorry. She wasn't thinking about why she would be asked that when she answered," she says, running a hand along my head. "I felt your magic in my room. I almost stopped and ran down myself. I wish I could do more, my love."

"You do everything you can for this stupid slave. Thanks, but we need to start," I respond. My crying slows as I help her strip. She gets in the bath, and I get the soap and begin cleaning her. I go through the well-practiced steps. I've long mesmerized her body, from her toes to each hair on her head. We don't talk this time, and I'm too tired to converse. I just relax, going over my friend's muscles. When I'm done, we hug, and she leaves. I clean up and then walk out the back to my room. I strip off my ill-fitting clothes and curl up on my bed.

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