Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 18: Rita Skeeter Redux

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Anyways, back to Harry handling Rita~
Harry can’t help but be amused when the first thing Rita does upon meeting with him in the Room of Requirement once more is grab him by his shirt and pull him into a long, tongue-filled kiss. His hands go to her hips as she makes out with him quite heatedly, and he easily turns the tables on her, dominating the kiss in his own way and making sure to rub soothing circles into her hips with his thumbs while also injecting small bursts of his magic into her.
Is she already so addicted to him that she has to get off before she can even chase her next story? No… that idea rings false to Harry, despite Rita’s current actions. Even still, the blonde doesn’t let up, not even as he takes over their kiss. Instead, seemingly sensing that she’s losing control, she spins him around and walks him back towards the bed that she’s summoned in the Room ahead of time.
Harry lets her do so, curious to see what her plans are. As she quickly begins stripping them both naked, he even helps her get out of her clothes and get him out of his own as well for good measure. Soon enough, she’s pushing him back onto the bed… and climbing aboard, her pale body fully exposed and her nipples rock hard as she straddles his waist and takes his cock in her hands, giving it a good, long stroke.
“You were amazing today, Harry. Positively fantastic.”
Her purring tone conveys how deeply impressed and in awe of him she is. But Harry still doesn’t buy it. That said, he doesn’t let her know that. Instead he just grins at her, emerald eyes twinkling as she fondles his balls and jerks his shaft.
“I saw your article this morning, Rita. You were in rare form yourself in that one. Making powerful enemies…”
Rita just smirks and leans in close, her tits dangling right in front of his face.
“Why should I worry about powerful enemies when I have such a powerful ally, Harry?”
She doesn’t wait for a response, she just lifts herself up and sinks down onto his cock, moaning as she impales herself upon his member right then and there. Harry groans, enjoying her wet tightness… and enjoying grabbing her by the hips again, this time with direct contact with her flesh. It’s much easier to push his magic into Rita through skin contact than it is through clothes.
Watching her shiver and shudder and feeling her pussy walls flex on his cock, Harry grins as the older witch has to quickly center herself before beginning to ride him. She starts off with just bouncing on his dick for a good little while before looking him in the eye, her breathing coming out in heavy pants.
“Watching you today was… spectacular, Harry. You were amazing out there. Penning this morning’s headline article wasn’t just my duty as a reporter… it was my pleasure. Karkaroff needs to be called to account by someone for his flagrant favoritism… and the Daily Prophet’s readers have a right to know just how dangerous the Triwizard Tournament really is.”
If those words were coming from anyone else, or if Harry had already bound Rita to him via his ritual, he might actually have believed her. Indeed, he certainly believed that she enjoyed their time together. She enjoyed having his cock inside of her. He was making sure of that, making her feel extra good whenever they fucked.
But… he didn’t necessarily believe this whole charade she was putting on. She was trying to make it seem like his power had intoxicated her. However, Rita Skeeter had NEVER been a witch that was intoxicated by power. Rather, she had always been the kind of woman who went after those in power, who tried to tear down anyone with an ounce of fame or fortune that she didn’t like.
Her scathing biographies were even more proof of this than her articles, really. But then, in this timeline she hadn’t written half of her most vitriolic and scandalous biographies just yet. She hadn’t written one for Dumbledore, or him, or Snape. The only biography that this younger version of Rita had under her belt was Armando Dippet’s and given the previous Hogwarts Headmaster wasn’t NEARLY as famous as his successor or Harry himself, that had sort of flown under the radar.
Regardless of all that, it was obvious that Rita was fishing. Her next words all but confirm it, even as she leans forward again, arching her back and running her hands down his chest as she moans them right into his face.
“How did you do it, Harry? Where did you learn such powerful magic?”
He can feel the greed wafting off of the older witch. He can tell the blonde thinks she has the scoop of an age here. Something about how he’s clearly been trained by not just Dumbledore but all of the most skilled wizards and witches of the age behind closed doors. If only it had been like that. Maybe his first life wouldn’t have been such a shitshow.
Then again, if Harry had actually been trained by Albus and others, he would also have been more indoctrinated into their way of thinking. It was safe to say that he attributed his current adaptability and even his willingness to do something as insane as trying to travel back in time, to the fact that he had one foot in both worlds. If he’d been All Wizard, All the Time in his first life… he probably wouldn’t even be here right now.
Of course, he’s not planning on telling Rita any of that. He’s not planning on telling her anything TOO juicy, not this time. Rather, she’s not ready yet… she’s not quite ripe. Which is why he gives Rita a cheeky grin as he thrusts up into her from below, making her squeak from the sudden powerful and deep penetration.
“Why don’t I tell you about the Thousand Year Old Basilisk I fought in my Second Year.”
Rita’s eyes widen at that, and she leans forward again, quickening her pace upon his cock almost like a dog wagging its tail. Amusing, to say the least.
“You can’t be serious…”
Now her breathless excitement sounds more real. She’s not faking it anymore. Harry just laughs at that, his hands moving from her hips to cup her ass, his fingers digging into her cheeks and continuing to intensify the experience for her through bursts of magic. She gasps as she cums on his cock, but she’s good enough to hide it, to not react in any meaningful way as she stares into his eyes imploringly.
She’s all but begging for him to tell her more… so Harry does. As Rita rides his dick and he fucks her from below, Harry begins telling the blonde all about his Second Year at Hogwarts. He tells her about Slytherin Salazar’s Chamber of Secrets and how it was reopened. He also tells her about how it wasn’t the first time… and that once again, Voldemort himself turned out to be behind everything. But not the actual Voldemort… rather, a shade of his younger self. Of the boy he’d once been.
That causes Rita to go still atop his cock.
“I… I never even considered the Dark Lord’s past before. But he had to have one, didn’t he?”
Smirking up at her, Harry bounces her on his cock for a second, to remind her of their current ‘transaction’. Though if one did call this a transaction, Harry wasn’t sure he was getting his ‘money’s worth’. Especially since Rita had already cum half a dozen times for him. Ah, but he wasn’t complaining. Every orgasm took her one step closer to being thoroughly addicted to his magic, to his cock. No other man would ever satisfy her again at this rate and she simply wouldn’t know why.
“Indeed he did. Once again, I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you want to poke that particular hornet’s nest Rita… but Voldemort’s original name was Tom Marvolo Riddle.”
 Rita’s brow furrows at that.
“Riddle… I don’t recognize the name…”
Harry just smiles at that. He’s not about to give Rita ALL the answers. Besides, she completely avoided mentioning Voldemort in her first article. He doesn’t doubt she’ll continue to do so here so why should he tell her anything more? He certainly wasn’t going to mention horcruxes to the older witch. Not while she wasn’t bound to him and thus under his control.
Instead, Harry just shakes his head and continues to dig his fingers into Rita’s ass. It’s not very plush, admittedly. In fact, her ass is a bit boney. But she’s got a nice enough pair of tits at least, he supposes.
“We’re getting off track. Where was I? Ah yes, Ginny had been possessed by the Dark Lord’s shade and taken down to the Chamber. And so Ron and I went there… that’s where I finally faced off against the Basilisk.”
As he describes his battle with the Basilisk, the fact that he barely survived it, and how he used the fang to destroy the diary, Rita is actually surprisingly quiet. She even keeps her moans to a minimum as she listens to him intently. Finally, Harry falls quiet and Rita, with a look of consternation on her face, asks the most relevant question on her mind.
“How… how did I not hear anything about t-this? You’re telling me that Albus Dumbledore was nearly deposed by the Hogwarts Board of Governors when a dozen children were petrified by catching glimpses of a Thousand Year Old Basilisk’s reflection… and not a single word of it got out?!”
Harry chuckles at Rita’s indignation. Of course THAT would be what she would be focused on. And to be fair, she was right. Even more than Harry’s First Year, Harry’s Second Year should have been the scandal of the century. There was no way that Dumbledore should have been able to keep his job, even if everything had turned out okay in the end. After all, it wasn’t like the Headmaster had actually DONE anything besides make sure that all of the petrified students were unpetrified by the end of the year.
He’d wondered at times how the Headmaster got away with it… but in the end, had come to only one conclusion. And, magnanimous as he’s feeling, he goes ahead and shares it with Rita.
“I’m pretty sure it has to do with how things ended with Lucius Malfoy, seeing as he was the one on the Board of Governors pushing most for Dumbledore’s ousting.”
Rita immediately zeroes in again, her gaze turning hungrier than ever.
Grinning at her, Harry nods.
“Oh yes. After all… the book that Voldemort’s shade came from, the diary that possessed Ginny Weasley? It was originally entrusted to Lucius Malfoy by Voldemort himself. It stands to reason that he didn’t want that information getting out… and so even though it might have gotten Dumbledore removed, he helped to suppress the events of my Second Year to the best of his considerable political abilities.”
Rita is damn near vibrating with excitement now upon his cock.
“… Show me. The Chamber. I need to see it for myself.”
Harry tilts his head to the side at that and considers her request for a long moment. He almost wants to comment that she’d never needed to see anything for herself before publishing a bundle of lies, half-truths, and blatant misinformation before. But no, there was no reason to be antagonistic at this stage in his and Rita’s relationship.
Instead, Harry looks down at where they’re joined before lifting an eyebrow at the older witch. He doesn’t have to say a word, funnily enough. Rita flushes… and then immediately hops off of his cock and kneels between his legs. The very eager and VERY enthusiastic blonde quickly takes him in her mouth and begins to really go to town on his cock. Her lips and tongue are going haywire, all while her hand fondles his balls.
Harry groans and after a few moments more, he cums in her mouth, letting her fellate him to completion. Her enthusiasm is second to none, though he knows it’s not because she actually wants to drink down his seed, but rather because she wants to get a move on and see the Chamber of Secrets for herself.
That doesn’t stop Harry from enriching his jizz in a big way, making sure that as Rita swallows down his cum, she gets another healthy dose of his magic. A wanton moan reverberates up the length of his cock as her eyes flutter in surprised appreciation for the taste and overall enjoyment she doesn’t expect to get from guzzling down his load.
Then, it’s over and she’s pulling off of his cock with a pop, her eyes dancing with excitement.
“Show me. Please.”
Well now… a ‘please’ from Rita Skeeter? If that’s not substantial progress, Harry doesn’t know what is. Chuckling, he rises from the bed and the two of them get dressed before he leads her out of the Room of Requirement and down through a quiet Hogwarts, all the way to a certain abandoned bathroom on the Second Floor…
The next day, there’s no article about the Chamber of Harry’s Second Year to be found in the Daily Prophet. Harry can’t help but be a little bemused by that. He’d shown Rita the Chamber. The Basilisk itself was long gone, but its remnants in the form of shed skins and what not were actually still there, giving her an impression of just how big it had been. He could have shared a memory of his fight with it he supposed, but he didn’t feel like him and Rita were quite there yet.
Still, she had plenty to write another article lambasting Dumbledore and raking Hogwarts in general through the mud if she wanted to. And yet… she hadn’t published a thing. Could it be that Rita Skeeter of all people was actually sitting on a story? Could it be that she was taking her time with this one? Madness. Simply madness.
Of course, Harry doesn’t have much time to contemplate Rita’s current machinations, because as he’s leaving the Great Hall after breakfast, he finds himself… accosted by someone he was expecting to approach him later. But then… Fleur Delacour was nothing if not swift, Harry supposed.
“Monsieur Potter. I wish to discuss our wager regarding the First Task.”
She then glances around for a moment before pressing her lips tightly together.
“… In private.”
Tilting his head to the side, Harry lifts an eyebrow and then gestures for Fleur to lead the way. She does so with such efficiency that it becomes obvious she’d picked out a location ahead of time. Entering the abandoned classroom Fleur has led him to, Harry watches as she quickly spells the door shut behind him, locking it with magic and then crossing her arms over her chest.
The look that Fleur Delacour gives him is… assessing rather than mulish like Harry is expecting. She’s staring at him like he’s far from what she originally thought.
“Well? You ‘ave won our wager against all odds, ‘Arry Potter. What iz this favor you wish to ask of me?”
Harry takes slight issue with the ‘against all odds’ bit. He would have won this wager even if he was his original Fourth Year self, after all. But… he doesn’t say that. Instead, he considers just what it is he’s going to ask of Fleur Delacour…
The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Go for broke, push for sex and then blow Fleur's mind - 14%
[X] Be modest and fuck with Fleur's head by asking for a single kiss and nothing else - 52%

[ ] Strike a middle ground, make his favor be him taking Fleur to the Yule Ball - 33%


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