Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 19: The French Champion

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Harry gets his kiss, Fleur gets her world view turned upside down.


He would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it. He wasn’t quite at the point where he could perform the ritual with Fleur, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t push for sex and then blow her mind with the showing. But… no, that felt a little too fast. And while Harry was confident that he could have Fleur coming back for more if she actually agreed, getting her to agree to fuck him at this juncture would be the hard sell.

Of course, he’d also considered making the favor a date. Specifically, a date to the Yule Ball. It would be quite the coup for Harry to walk into the Yule Ball with not just another Triwizard Champion on his arm, but arguably the most beautiful woman in the entire school. Fleur Delacour was quite the catch, and he was reasonable sure that unlike sex, she would agree to be his date, even if begrudgingly. It would be well within the realistic bounds of what he could ask of her.

… The thing was, he wasn’t sure he wanted to do that anymore. It had certainly been an idea at one point, but now Harry found himself thinking it might have been a shortsighted one. Being the talk of the Yule Ball and parading Fleur around like a trophy might have been nice in the short term, but how exactly would it progress his actual goals? The short answer was, it wouldn’t.

The long answer was a bit more complex then that though. Put simply, was there any date he could take to the Yule Ball that would progress his long term goals? If you’d asked Harry that back when he’d originally made the bet with Fleur, he would have said ‘no’. But after his latest conversations with Hermione, he was starting to realize that the benefits of pulling the brunette closer to him could not be understated. Her eagerness to help and her devotion to their friendship… it was giving him ideas.

That all said, he was no longer thinking about taking Fleur to the Yule Ball. But he also wasn’t going to try to get her to fuck him right now. That would be crude, crass, and likely blow up in his face. Still… what to ask for? While he technically COULD have banked the favor for later, the fact that Fleur had so quickly sought him out made it clear she wasn’t inclined to wait. She wanted this over and done with now.

… Heh, very well then.

“What do I want from you, Fleur? I’ll try not to impose on you too much. All I want… is a kiss.”

The beautiful part veela pauses at that and blinks. Her naturally pouty lips purse together and she narrows her eyes at him, her tone incredulous.

“… A kiss? Zat is all you desire?”

Harry grins a roguish grin, albeit with the knowledge that he might still be a little too young in appearance to pull off said roguish grin. And he nods.

For a long moment, Fleur just stares at him. Then, she sniffs haughtily.

“Very well. If zat iz what you wish, ‘Arry Potter, I shall give you a… kiss.”

Her derisive tone makes it clear she’s once again revised her opinion of him downwards, back to him being nothing but an ‘immature leetle boy’. At the same time, Harry suddenly feels her allure rising up from within her. Oh, she wants to play dirty. Harry makes sure not to let his knowledge show in his eyes or face, even as he grins at her while Fleur moves forward.

Suddenly, the part veela looks downright… predatory. It’s obvious what she’s planning to do. With her allure blasting at full power, she’s going to give him his kiss… and then leave him bespotted with her and desperate for more. More which she’ll almost certainly not give to a ‘leetle boy’ like him.

As she approaches, she all but admits to it before she leans in to do the deed.

“You will get your kiss, ‘Arry Potter. But… how iz it said? Hm. Be careful what you wish for~”

Then, she moves in and plants her lips on Harry’s… before freezing in place. Internally, Harry is crowing in victory, even as he kisses Fleur Delacour right back. It starts out chaste enough. Nothing special. But see, if Fleur is going to cheat, then Harry is going to cheat as well. Ah, but who is he kidding really? It was ALWAYS his intention to cheat.

Regardless, where Fleur turns on her veela allure and blasts it full force in his direction, Harry’s own efforts are a bit more subtle. Oh, don’t get him wrong… it’s a good attempt on her part. However, Harry was barely effected by Fleur’s allure back in his original Fourth Year. The Harry of today? The Harry who traveled back in time? He’s felt the full force of Pure Veela Allure. In comparison, with Fleur being only a quarter veela, her allure is nothing. Child’s play.

Meanwhile, Harry has his own magic to bring the bear. And he concentrates it specifically on his lips. When Fleur kisses him, she gets a taste of that magic… and as part magical creature, she finds it absolutely delicious. The most delicious thing she’s ever tasted? Well, Harry doesn’t want to get too full of himself or anything.

Still, what Fleur clearly intends to be a simple, chaste kiss that leaves him begging for more winds up turning into something that… lingers. And completely of her own volition, Fleur tries to deepen it. Key word being ‘tries’. Harry could have let her go further. He could have let her turn it into a full-blown makeout session. Maybe even with some over-the-clothes groping. But that would leave her with wiggle room. She might convince herself that he’d come onto her, rather than the other way around.

And so Harry has to be the one to pull away. He’s the one who leaves Fleur leaning forward, her pouty lips puckered up and a tiny strand of saliva dangling from the French Witch’s mouth. Taking a step back, Harry is all smiles as he gives the part veela a small bow.

“Thank you, Fleur. That was all I wanted.”

Fleur blinks, struck dumb for a moment. Then, she realizes what happened and hurriedly straightens up, pulling her lips out of their puckered state and hastily wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Then, amusingly enough, she checks to see if he’d noticed of all things. Harry just smiles guilelessly at her, but his emerald eyes are twinkling. Fleur quickly colors in embarrassment.

To her credit though, she’s quick to recover. And despite the minor humiliation she must surely be feeling, she manages to hold her head high and grace him with a slight nod.

“… Of course, Monsieur Potter. I shall take my leave of you now. Good day.”

Harry’s grin only widens as Fleur stiffly makes her way to the door and tries to leave the classroom… only to run into the magical lock SHE put on it when they first entered. The French Witch’s embarrassment intensifies as she quickly pulls out her wand and unlocks the door, before finally exiting the room. Harry watches her go for a moment before letting out a sigh and looking down at his crotch.

Thank fucking god for voluminous Hogwarts Robes. Because really, while it was easy enough for him to mentally ignore the effects of a quarter veela’s allure, it wasn’t so easy on the physical side of things. His body wanted what it wanted; Harry supposed. But Fleur… well, they’d have to wait and see if anything wound up progressing where she was concerned. There was still the Second Task after all, and if everything went as it did before, Harry could easily score more brownie points with her through that.

But it was also possible that Fleur might come crawling back before the Second Task. Especially after that lengthy kiss of theirs. For now… Harry was only human. Specifically, he was only a man. And as a man, he had needs. Needs that Fleur would not be satisfying today. Fortunately for Harry, he has… options.


“Ah! Fuck! Nnngh yes Master! Use me! Ruin me! Make it hurt!”

Grunting, Harry fucks Bellatrix from behind on a bed in the Room of Requirement. One hand fisted in her hair and forcing her back to arch to an almost painful degree, his other hand is on her hip for stability purposes, even as he pounds her cunt with all his might, fucking her hard, fast… and yes, making it hurt just the way she liked it.

Bella howls as his cock barrels its way into her stretched pussy over and over again, knowing full well that she can be as loud and enthusiastic as she wants in the Room. No one is going to hear her. No one is going to stumble across them. Not unless they somehow know to look for ‘the bedroom that Harry Potter and Bellatrix Lestrange are currently fucking in’. Otherwise, the Room of Requirement will shunt them off into another version of itself. It’s nice like that.

“Merlin, I love how randy that silly French Tart made you feel, my Lord. She really got you all riled up, d-didn’t she?”

Snorting, Harry just shakes his head.

“You know full well the effects of a veela allure. It’s one thing for me to appear to be unaffected by it. It’s another to not be affected at all. I’m not gay, after all.”

Bella cackles at that, before letting out a shaky, almost cute moan as her pussy walls clench around his cock and she rides out another orgasm upon his pistoning member. Once she’s done with that, she speaks up again, panting all the while.

“On that note, Master… I’m r-ready when you are.”

Harry pauses at that. He knows what she’s talking about immediately, of course. She wants him to use her modified version of the Ritual in order to steal the magic of Rudolph Lestrange. Using Bella as a conduit, due to the magical wedding vows they’d taken back when they were married, it should work. And Harry HAD told Bella that he would consider doing it after the First Task.

If not now… then when? With a grunt, Harry pulls out of Bellatrix, his cock throbbing and swinging back and forth, covered in both their fluids as he lets go of her hair and gives her a nod when she looks back at him hopefully.

Squealing gleefully, Bella immediately hops off the bed. Harry feels her request of the Room to provide them with the necessary ingredients and while he could have blocked it if he wanted to, he doesn’t. Crawling off the bed himself, Harry watches as Bella draws out the ritual circle in the center of the room. He notes how she’s altered it and changed it from the original.

Once she’s done, he very carefully double, triple, and quadruple checks her work. Bella waits patiently on her knees next to the circle, not making one word of complaint. After all, she knows she’s loyal. Any mistakes he finds will be just that, mistakes. But no… there’s nothing wrong with this modified ritual. It will do exactly what Bella said it would, and Harry will remain in control the entire time.

With that said… Harry reaches for Bellatrix and grabs her by the neck. He forces her face down into the middle of the ritual circle with her ass high into the air. He inserts his cock back into her as she squeals in excitement, kicking her feet a little bit and moaning up a storm as he penetrates her again.

The ritual circle begins to glow all around them, even as Harry savagely fucks Bella into the Room of Requirement’s floor. He doesn’t have to ask Bella if she’s willing or eager this time. He doesn’t have to do any prep… because he already owns Bellatrix. He owns the eldest of the three Black Sisters in every way possible. But most importantly, he owns her magic.

Reaching out along the pathway that he already forged between them, Bella’s magic happily answers his call. It rises up to greet its Master, even as Bella herself is cumming her brains out beneath him. Not just because he’s fucking her silly, but because she’s so excited about what’s about to happen. Harry just snorts in amusement at her enthusiasm, even as he reaches PAST her magic… to Bella’s other bonds.

Hm, there is Bella’s Dark Mark, of course. He’d locked it down but he hadn’t removed the connection that Voldemort had to Bella’s soul. However, Harry doesn’t even try to touch that right now. The Dark Mark is the proto version of Harry’s ritual. Meaning that the connection through which it is bound to Bella’s soul completely favors Tom in the same way Harry’s ritual connections to Bella and Aurora favor him entirely.

If Harry tried to reach out through the Dark Mark and do away with the Dark Lord right now… it didn’t matter how physically weak Voldemort currently was. It didn’t matter how diminished Tom was. It would turn Bella’s body and soul into a battlefield, and while Harry might win and Tom might lose, Bella would DEFINITELY lose.

He has no intention of wasting his most loyal servant when Voldemort can be dealt with in due time. But he does file away the potential for using Bellatrix’s ritual alongside a NUMBER of female Death Eaters all bound to his magic in order to destroy Voldemort. Just a question of whether he can find that many willing to switch sides and let him fuck them, given his own personal code.

That said, his own personal code doesn’t stop him from taking the magic from maniacal murderers like Rudolph Lestrange. And the marriage vows between him and Bellatrix aren’t nearly as one sided as Voldemort’s Dark Mark.

Reaching out along THAT connection as he continues to fuck a howling, squealing Bellatrix into the center of the brightly glowing ritual circle, Harry seizes upon Rudolph Lestrange’s magic. He can feel the man, all the way in Azkaban. The other wizard snaps awake at feeling his magic being tugged so viciously. But there’s nothing he can do. Rudolph’s resistance is miniscule at best and with the power of two full grown witches alongside his own, Harry can do whatever the fuck he wants with the Death Eater scum.

Hm. Actually, he does have a choice to make here. He could take Rudolph’s magic carefully, a bit more slowly, and leave the bastard alive. It wouldn’t be particularly difficult, just a bit more time consuming. It would leave Rudolph as little more than a muggle in Azkaban Prison… a fate worse than death, some might say.

Or he could just rip it away from the man, almost certainly killing him on the spot. The easier, simpler way to be sure. Much quicker too.

Harry considers it for a moment… and then grins as he makes his choice.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Leave him alive to live and suffer as a squib with the Dementors - 66%

[ ] Just tear his magic out and kill him quickly - 34%


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