Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 23: Rest

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Harry puts Amelia to bed~


“Well done, Madam Bones.”

Amelia jolts as he appears before her again, a man wreathed in shadow with his voice distorted. But to her credit, she doesn’t bother drawing her wand. That said, the older witch does narrow her eyes at him, her hands curling into white-knuckled fists as she studies him in silence for a moment. Harry lets her, knowing she’s not going to get much just from staring at him.

Finally seeming to realize this herself, Amelia lets out a tired sigh and leans back in her chair.

“… Your information was accurate. Three Dark Wizards are behind bars awaiting trial because of you. We have enough evidence to lock them away for a long time too.”

“Indeed. It was inspired, raiding all three at the same time. It speaks of an aptitude that I’d hoped you would have, Madam Bones.”

Amelia’s jaw clenches at that.

“Hoped… but didn’t know for sure. Is that it?”

Harry lets out a distorted chuckle, seeing as he can’t just smile at her purposefully from within his disguise.

“I won’t lie to you, Madam Bones. I wanted you to prove me right, but I couldn’t be sure until today. Whether the incompetence inherent in the Ministry of Magic could be laid at your feet as well, or if it was merely seeping into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement from other sources and you were doing your level best to hold it at bay as long as possible.”

She grimaces at that, looking like she wants to defend the Ministry as a whole… but also knowing she doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Humming, Harry continues on.

“Unfortunately, you are just one woman Madam Bones. You alone cannot stem the tide.”

THAT she takes more of an issue with, huffing as she glares at him indignantly.

“I am not alone. There are good people here in the Ministry, both in my department and others. I am far from alone.”

Harry doesn’t chuckle at that, though he does smile. Not that Amelia can see it. Still…

“I’m glad to hear that, Madam Bones. Then why are you here again, forsaking sleep and working through the night once more? You had quite the win today, after all. And yet… you act as though your work is far from done after all of your subordinates have already gone home for the night.”

She hesitates at that, clearly not having much of an answer in the face of his brutal truths. He’s not wrong, after all.

“… That is not a failing on the part of my subordinates. Rather, it is only a failing on my part.”

Oh? She sounds so sure of that too. Trouble sleeping? But Harry had seen her abusing potions. She could have easily gotten one that acted as a sleep aid, but instead she was doing the exact opposite. Heh.

“Very well. Then I shall help you with that, Madam Bones.”

Amelia’s eyes narrow all over again at that, her lips pursing into a thin line.

“That will not be necessarily.”

Harry lets out another distorted chuckle, and then raises an arm wreathed in shadow.

“Ah, apologies. I was not offering. I was telling.”

Now the Director of the DMLE’s eyes widen and she finally goes for her wand. But it’s far too late for that. In fact, as far as Amelia is concerned, she doesn’t even see any magic come her way. Just as her wand is hitting her palm and she’s lifting it up, a wave of impossible drowsiness hits her.

“You… bastard…”

With a slump, the DMLE Director winds up draped over her desk, wand still pointed in his general direction even as she begins to quietly snore. Adorable, really… but also liable to be incredibly uncomfortable for her if she were to sleep like this. Even if she got the full night’s sleep Harry intended for her, she would wake up in significant pain, no doubt.

That just wouldn’t do. With a flick of his magic, Harry levitates Amelia out of her chair and over to the couch in her office. He settles her in after removing her robes and any outer garments like jewelry and the like that might dig into her body while she sleeps. He doesn’t strip her… he has no need to make their relationship in any way acrimonious at this early stage.

Finishing things up with a nice big fluffy blanket to tuck her in, Harry steps back with a smile as he regards her peaceful, sleeping face. Only to frown as said peaceful, sleeping face only lasts for a moment before contorting into an expression of anguish and grief and heartbreak.


The single word leaves Amelia’s lips in a murmur but is filled with such emotion that Harry is rocked back on his heels. As he watches her, Harry realizes… she’s having a nightmare. And he starts to wonder if perhaps her insomnia isn’t entirely related to her trying to save this sinking ship of a Ministry after all.

Well, that just won’t do. He’s trying to make Amelia feel better, after all, not worse. By forcing her to sleep and thus endure nightmares, he’s not exactly helping her as intended. Still, easily enough rectified, right? Drawing his wand, Harry leans forward and taps it against Amelia’s forehead. Almost immediately, her facial features relax. It’s a simple bit of magic, really. Nothing so perverse as mind control or anything like that. All it does is chase away the nightmares and give a good dream of some sort based on the recipient’s own thoughts.

Eyes still closed, Amelia Bones gains the barest hint of a smile to her relaxed expression, even as she finally begins to sleep soundly. Harry won’t lie, he’s curious for a moment to see what sort of dream she might be having. But… no. Best not to intrude on the poor woman’s mind. For now, his work here is done. Well, almost done.

With another flick of his wand, Harry summons a fresh stack of files onto Amelia’s desk. More Death Eaters for her to go after, along with all the information she’ll need to find evidence that will ensure they’re put away for their crimes.

Then, he turns and leaves. Best to get back to Hogwarts for the time being… but he promises himself he’ll visit Amelia very soon.

Of course, if he’d stayed just a little longer, he might have heard something interesting. He might have heard the softest of wanton moans leave Amelia Bones’ lips, even as the Director of the DMLE squirms under her conjured blanket in a very… unprofessional fashion.


“Good girl.”


Amelia Bones isn’t quite sure what’s happening. She knows she’s dreaming. Just as she knows moments before that she was in the middle of a nightmare. For a long time now, the past decade and a half at least, she’s suffered from lucid nightmares. The kind where she knew she was in a nightmare; knew she was asleep… but found herself trapped all the same. The knowledge didn’t help her wake up before the nightmare wanted to let her go, nor did it help her fight against the nightmare in any way.

She’d even had someone at St. Mungo’s look her over in case the lucid nightmares were the lingering effects of one of the many hexes, curses, or spells she was hit with during the Second Wizarding War. But no. Sometimes the mind betrayed you in a way that wasn’t magical in the slightest. Sometimes… you were just broken.

After receiving that unhelpful diagnosis, Amelia hadn’t bothered seeking a second opinion or ever seeing another Mediwitch or Mediwizard ever again. She’d just gone on living her life, doing her best by her niece Susan as well as climbing the ranks of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement until she found herself as its Director.

She’d found a way to live with her lucid nightmares. It largely involved avoiding sleep in general through the usage of certain potions. Though some might call it ‘abuse’ of said potions, it was the only way for Amelia to remain functional. Of course, she would eventually have to sleep from time to time, her mind suffering through the nightmares until her body decided it had had enough rest. But those times were few and far in between.

This though… this was a first. Despite finding herself bound and gagged and dangling from the ceiling, this was a… good dream, surprisingly enough.

“I’m proud of you, Amelia. Proud of your strength. Proud of your willpower.”

Amelia shivers as hands glide up and down her body, groping and kneading certain parts of her bound flesh. The voice that washes over her is ephemeral in quality. Not nearly as distorted as it was out in the real world. But the hands? The hands are wreathed in shadow.

A shiver goes up Amelia’s spine, even as those hands move around to her buttocks and she feels the tip of something long and hard pressing against her dripping wet slit.

“You’ve earned a reward, darling. Just relax. Let me do all the work.”

The throbbing mast of shadow spears up into her a moment later and Amelia shudders, her eyes fluttering from the pleasure.


“Yes… you like that, don’t you? You enjoy submitting. Funny that someone hiding such a deep, powerful submissive streak would wind up in a position of power with no one to turn to. The Minster of Magic is a cowardly toad of a man, after all. And no one else in your entire life is worthy.”

It’s true. All of it is true. Amelia whimpers through the gag. This is a secret she always intended to take to the grave. The truth regarding her… sexual proclivities. After all, everyone else who knew about this was dead. And no, she didn’t kill them. Rather, the Second Wizarding War had. Not just large swathes of the Bones Family had died, but everyone Amelia had ever confided in, ever trusted in… none of them had survived the war.

They were all bone-headed, courageous wizards and witches one and all. The sort of people that Amelia could trust herself with, that she could truly submit to behind closed doors and lots of security wards.

That’s why… she knows this isn’t the shadowy figure’s doing. Oh, she’s sure that the bastard had a hand in turning her nightmare into a dream after he put her to sleep against her will. But this? This fantasy… it’s all her own mind betraying her in an entirely new way.

She can only hope he’s not watching somehow. Because if he is… well, that’s incredibly embarrassing. As things stand, Amelia can do nothing but enjoy the dream sex as she’s fucked by the facsimile, pounded into from behind while hanging from the ceiling in a bondage setup she hasn’t gotten to experience in over a decade and a half.

After all, she might be lucid… but she’s still helpless. It’s just that in this scenario, she enjoys that helplessness. She enjoys it all too much.

Until finally, she wakes up. Not before the dream version of the shadowy bastard gives her a kiss on her cheek and a whispered ‘Good girl, Amelia’ of course. But still, she wakes up, opening her eyes and staring up at the ceiling of her office. A full body shudder overtakes her and Amelia gasps as she realizes how wet she is down between her thighs.

Pulling the fluffy blanket off of herself, she sees that the bastard only removed as much clothing as necessary to ensure she slept soundly. He didn’t take advantage of her in any way. That was… good. That was a good thing.

… So then why did she find herself almost wishing he had? Amelia shivers, licking her lips as her hands begin to inch towards her body. At the last second though, the Director of the DMLE pulls then back, clenches them into fists, and swings her legs off of the couch. She needed to get it together. She feels better than she has in months if not years, but that… that’s dulling her edge. She has to keep her mind sharp, not let herself get lost in the… almost gentle way he forced her to obey him, to sleep a good night’s rest.

Rising from the couch, Amelia doesn’t quite know what she’s going to do… until she sees the bundle of files on her desk that weren’t there when she was knocked out the night before. Slowly making her way over, Amelia circles her desk and flips the top file open. As expected… its more information on new Death Eaters. Dark Wizards for her to put away, hopefully for good.

A shuddering breath leaves Amelia’s lips as she slowly sits down at her desk. For a moment, she wonders if he’s watching her even now. But in the end… it doesn’t matter. Because her next steps are still the same. She has work to do, after all.


Harry probably would have headed back to Amelia’s office again as soon as he’d put in some time to keep up appearances at Hogwarts… mostly just to see how a full night’s sleep would have enhanced the already impressive DMLE Director’s work. But alas, before he could do so, he received another message from one Rita Skeeter asking for him to prioritize another meeting with her.

He had to admit, he was curious. After all, the last time they’d talked, Rita hadn’t used the story he’d given her. She’d held it all back, keeping his information about the Chamber of Secrets to herself despite him giving her a literal tour so she could see it with her own eyes.

Why was that, exactly? He couldn’t help but wonder what Rita was planning. At the same time though, he had no reason to deny her a meeting now. Especially not after all the work he’d put into getting them both to this point. In the end, turning Rita against him by ignoring her would only be to his detriment at this point.

Still, did he continue stringing her along, perhaps with a tale about his third year and the Ministry’s incompetency? Did he push her to tell him why she’d held the Chamber of Secrets back from her sensationalist articles? Or did he finally push for full disclosure and bind her to him at long last? It was possible Rita was only asking for this meeting because she was reaching the point where she needed more of him and his big fat cock.

If that were the case… well, it might be time to make Rita Skeeter his woman properly. To offer her everything that would come with agreeing to submit to him completely and permanently. If nothing else, once she was bound to him, she would tell him why she’d kept the Chamber of Secrets story back at least.

Or perhaps there was something to be gained in stringing her along for a little while longer…

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Continue stringing Rita along for a little while longer with the truth of his Third Year - 72%
[ ] Go all the way, offer Rita everything in exchange for binding her to him - 28%

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