Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 24: More Rita

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Rita turns out to be further along than Harry thought, so he puts her to use.


He’s already made up his mind that Rita isn’t ripe just yet when he goes to meet her. Which is why he’s caught off guard a little bit when the moment he steps into the Room of Requirement, the reporter ambushes him. Not actually, but with her hands and lips, grabbing him by the face and kissing him deeply. And with her already naked at that.

Harry still responds as if it were an actual attack though, which is somewhat embarrassing for him. His magic whips up in retaliation and even without a wand, Rita finds herself locked in place, seized by his sheer will and held fast by his magic. It takes Harry half a moment to realize that she’s not actually assaulting him but instead kissing him… but by that point, the damage is already done.

Pulling away from the older woman, Harry watches her for a moment as her eyes dart back and forth, literally the only part of her that can move. Then, he sighs and raises his wand, which has dropped from his holster into his hand. Tapping her on the forehead, he releases Rita and watches as she staggers back, hoping that she thinks he just already had his wand drawn or something, rather than doing that all silently, wandlessly, and seemingly effortlessly.

Stumbling for a moment before righting herself, Rita flushes. He expects her to get angry, but instead she actually looks embarrassed for once. Frankly, Harry hadn’t known that a woman like Rita Skeeter could even feel embarrassment. The sensationalist writer had certainly never shown a capacity for it before.

“Ah… apologies. V-Very quick on the draw, Mister Potter.”

Harry raises an eyebrow at Rita, trying to gauge where her head is at right now. He finally takes meaningful note of her current nudity. His eyes flick up and down Rita’s body and he hums to himself. Is she using more glamor charms today? It certainly seems like she’s given certain portions of her figure a magical ‘lift’ so to speak since the last time they spoke.

“Like it?”

Rita’s hands move up and down her form and she smiles at him in what she probably imagines to be a sultry, seductive manner. Then, not waiting for a response, she drops to her hands and knees and crawls back up to him. The blonde licks her lips and carefully reaches for the front of his robes but when Harry doesn’t stop her this time, she hastily extracts his cock from its confines and puts it in her mouth, beginning to suck him off right then and there.

Harry is a little surprised by that. She didn’t even ask for information, reaffirm their arrangement, or anything. In fact, if he didn’t know any better, he’d say she was already ready for the binding. But he did know better. This… this wasn’t Rita Skeeter ready to be bound to him for the rest of eternity. She was close now, but she wasn’t there quite yet.

This was Rita almost at rock bottom. This was Rita who had realized she had become addicted to having sex with him, but still thought she could control things between them. That was why she’d practically attacked his mouth with her own when he’d first stepped into the room. And why she hadn’t bothered getting upset with him for his reaction. No, instead she’d gone directly for Plan B, which apparently involved sucking his cock.

As he stares down at her, watching her bob up and down on his dick, Harry decides he’s actually happy that he didn’t come here tonight with any plans of going all the way with Rita Skeeter. She’s not ready yet. But after tonight, she’ll be a few steps closer at least. First though…

Reaching down, Harry slides his hand through Rita’s blonde locks and grips down on her head, slowly pulling her back off of his cock. She’s reluctant to leave his dick but doesn’t truly fight him on it even as her tongue swirls around his member all the way to the last possible second as his cock leaves her ruby red lips with a pop.

Panting on her knees before him, pupils dilated with desire, Rita licks those same lips.

“S-Something wrong?”

In her current state, she wants his dick more than she wants his next story. Harry hums and decides that now is as good a time as any to ask her why she didn’t run a story about the Chamber of Secrets. He might not get the truth, but he’s still curious to see how she’ll respond.

“Yes. I had a question for you about our last meeting, Rita. I told you all about Salazar Slytherin’s Chamber of Secrets. I even showed you it personally. I gave you a tour. And yet… where’s the story, Rita? I was expecting something in the Daily Prophet, but there was nothing.”

Rita freezes for a moment but recovers admirably, to her credit. She gives him a sickeningly sweet smile and giggles.

“Well, I didn’t want to endanger you, Harry.”

Harry raises an eyebrow in response to those words.

“… Endanger me.”

His doubtful tone makes Rita huff as she rises from her knees and saunters away over to the nearby bed. Sitting down on its edge and crossing her legs, the naked blonde leans back on her palms.

“Well… yes. I know the Headmaster arranged a meeting with you the day after my first article went up. It was obvious he suspected you at least in part as the leak. You should know I do my absolute best not to burn my sources, Harry. Of which, you are decidedly one of them.”

That gets a blink from the emerald-eyed wizard. Actually, now that she mentioned it… Harry looks back at his memories from the future that never was and has to admit she might just be telling the truth about that. Rita liked to use ‘undisclosed sources’ a lot when it came to her sensationalist ‘journalism’. And the Daily Prophet loved to let her too.

Harry had always assumed Rita’s ‘undisclosed sources’ were by and large just her in her Beetle Animagus form using unethical means to eavesdrop and spy on people. She could quite literally ‘bug’ people to learn the information she wanted to learn most of the time. But that was only most of the time, wasn’t it? The rest of the time, she probably DID need to have at least a few people who knew they could trust her not to drag them through the mud if they told her things. Apparently he was one of those people now.

Except… no. It’s a lovely excuse. Very quick thinking on Rita’s part too. But it’s also a lie and Harry can tell that it’s a lie. In the end, Rita has another reason for sitting on the Chamber of Secrets Story. What that reason is, he doesn’t know quite yet. He supposes he’ll find out once he’s bound her magic to him and claimed her as his own though. Once the ritual is over and done with, Rita will belong to him. Her secrets will be his secrets and she will tell him the truth willingly.

Until then… Harry just hums and nods, pretending like he bought it as he slowly approaches her and the bed.

“Well then. Thank you, Rita.”

Grinning wickedly, the blonde reporter scoots back onto the bed and spreads her legs wide, showing off her glistening pussy lips to him as she leans back on her elbows.

“I know how you can thank me properly, Harry~”

It’s a sign of how far gone she already is. He’s turned on the charm, heightened the taste of his magic in the air, and abused the Room of Requirement to really give Rita a proper dose of him during each of their meetings. And she’s already like this. She’s not quite ripe yet of course… she still thinks she’s in control. She doesn’t even realize how not in control she truly is.

After all, even as he climbs onto the bed and moves between her legs, Harry reflects that Rita in her right mind would have at least demanded the start of another story from him by this point. He’d come here today all too ready to tell her about his Third Year. About the corruption inherent in the Ministry, about their abuse of Dementors to effectively turn Hogwarts into Azkaban Two Point O all year long just for one man. An innocent man, no less.

But hey, if he didn’t have to tell her anything to get his dick wet, he wasn’t about to be the one to offer up that information freely. At least… not yet.

Grabbing Rita by the hips, Harry buries himself inside of her a moment later. Her squeal turns into a moan within the second and her limbs come up to wrap around his body. Her legs cross behind his back and her arms clasp behind his neck. Harry grunts, proceeding to fuck her hard and fast while making sure to bombard her with more of… himself, really. His magic was just more of him at the end of the day, after all. And Rita was getting an overwhelming dose of it every time they met like this.

He'd probably feel bad if it were anyone but Rita. And if she didn’t keep coming back for more. But the blonde doesn’t seem to care so long as she’s getting her fix. She moans beneath him, her eyes rolling back in her head in record time. That’s another thing Harry has noticed from encounter to encounter with the older woman. She cums faster and faster each time they fuck.

Her inner walls flex and squeeze along his pistoning length and Harry is treated to the sight of a glamor-coated Rita Skeeter’s face contorting in pleasure. To be fair, the blonde wasn’t ugly in any way without the glamor charms. She was decently pretty enough by herself. But clearly she’d wanted to ‘dress up’ for him so to speak and who was Harry to complain? He especially appreciated the half a cup size she’d given her breasts.

Thanks to the glamor charms, they even felt real, his hands groping and squeezing her larger tits as she moans under him, her thighs squeezing him for all they’re worth. Of course, as things go on… Harry decides he wants a change in position. No point in letting that fine glamored ass of hers go to waste after all.

Pulling out of her, Harry grabs Rita by her hips and flips her over onto her front before she can react. Dragging her up onto her hands and knees, he thrusts into her from behind a moment later, making her cry out all over again and cum right then and there on his cock. Now fucking her doggystyle, he enjoys the way her plush, enlarged, heart-shaped backside feels as he drives into it with his hips.

At the same time, he doesn’t have to stop molesting her tits either, leaning forward over her and grabbing her by her breasts as he really starts to go to town on her. Rita squeals and shrieks, creaming herself again and again upon his cock. If it wasn’t for the privacy afforded by the Room of Requirement he would have been more worried about her giving them away. As it is though, Harry doesn’t have to bother with silencing spells or anything like that. He can just focus on plowing Rita silly.

That said… well, even if she forgot, Harry isn’t about to let their arrangement die so easily. Especially when the story of his Third Year was the one nearest and dearest to his heart. Admittedly, it had been a long, long time for Harry since Sirius Black died. In this timeline, he was still alive, but in the future, there had been many, many years between his demise and Harry traveling back in time.

But that didn’t mean Harry didn’t want Sirius exonerated. So long as the man was still on the run, he would remain under Dumbledore’s thumb after all. And while Harry didn’t hate Albus… he also saw the older wizard as an obstacle to his ultimate plans.

With that in mind, he begins to slow down even as he continues to jackhammer in and out of Rita’s cunt. Reaching out, he grabs the blonde by her hair and yanks her head back, his other hand moving from her breast to her neck.

“You know Rita… you didn’t even ask for a story before we got started today. Were you perhaps expecting me to pay up after I’d already received your services?”

Once his words penetrate through the haze of pleasure over Rita’s mind, she freezes for a moment under him before responding.

“A-Ah… y-yes, that’s it… that’s it exactly.”

Chuckling into her ear, Harry hums.

“But what reason would I have to give you anything when you’ve already given me everything I could desire, Rita?”

He makes sure to punctuate that sentence and her name with a powerful thrust, making Rita squeal as he drives deep inside of her. For a moment, she just pants breathless, unable to respond. But finally…

“B-Because… because you’re a good man, H-Harry. I know… I know I can trust you.”

He resists the urge to scoff or snort at that. It’s a lame excuse, even worse than her earlier lie about wanting to ‘protect’ him. Regardless, he doesn’t care.

“I suppose I’ll tell you right now, Rita. So focus up. Because this time you’re going to be doing something for me with this story, alright?”

“Ah… alright…”

“You’re going to do your own due diligence for once. You’re going to follow up on what I’m about to tell you. You’re going to want to before you run this story, because frankly… it’s a doozey. Understood?”

“Y-Yes… yes sir…”

Harry raises an eyebrow at that last word, but chalks it up to their current circumstances. He certainly has Rita in a compromising position worthy of a ‘sir’ right now.

“Good girl. Now listen carefully. Sirius Black wasn’t my parents’ Secret Keeper. That was Peter Pettigrew. And the reason that this never came to light, the reason that Sirius Black went to Azkaban for thirteen long years… was because he was never given a trial by the Ministry. The man who sentenced him to life imprisonment without a trial was Barty Crouch Senior. And the man who’s testimony helped make that decision was Cornelius Fudge.”

Rita has gone entirely still as he’s speaking. Even through the haze of pleasure, his words have permeated. The depth of what he’s saying has completely blindsided her. In some amusement, Harry pulls out of Rita and flips her back over one last time. As she gapes at him in shock, he goes ahead and blows his load all over her face and tits.

Of course, such magically-charged seed is too much for Rita to resist. Before she knows it, she’s moaning and going to town on herself, scooping up his jizz and stuffing it into her mouth like it’s the best thing she’s ever tasted. Harry watches her for only a moment later before pulling away and getting off the bed, fixing up his robes as he goes.

“Don’t forget, Rita! I want you to do your due diligence… and then I want you to hang them all out to dry for me!”

Rita’s moans are all he hears in response as he leaves the Room of Requirement. But Harry isn’t worried. She’ll do as she’s told. And next time they meet up… he’ll finish what he started and bind her to him, magic and soul.

The Patreon Vote:
[X] Stick with Harry's POV - 57%
[ ] Switch to Amelia's POV - 13%
[ ] Switch to Hermione's POV - 23%

[ ] Switch to Bellatrix's POV - 6%


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