Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 38: Narcissa’s Submission

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Well, Harry reveals himself to Narcissa as himself. Let's see how that works for him :P


“Hello Narcissa.”

In the end, he chooses to appear as himself, positioning himself so that he’s behind her as she’s in the midst of pacing to the other side of the room. To her credit, the Lady Malfoy doesn’t hesitate. She whips around, her wand already in her hand. Harry doesn’t stop her, if she wants to cast something at him, she can… it won’t matter.

But no, she stops herself, belatedly realizing that if he managed to sneak up on her like this, he can only be the new Lord that Bellatrix spoke of. Of course, then she actually gets a good look at him, realizes who he is, and damn near drops her wand in shock.

Her eyes widen, her jaw drops open, and Harry takes a moment to enjoy the gobsmacked expression on her face as she regards him. But… it’s only for a moment, and not from anything he does on his end. The moment suddenly passes as Narcissa schools her expression and straightens up, lowering her wand. Abruptly, she looks cool as a cucumber as she regards him from the other side of the hotel suite.

“You must be the one who got Bellatrix out of Azkaban and modified her Dark Mark then. Her new… Lord and Master.”

… Really? No ‘it can’t be’ or ‘you can’t possibly be who I’m waiting for’? Harry is almost disappointed, though he lets none of it show on his face. Instead, wordlessly, he casts Legimens and skims the surface of Narcissa’s mind.

Oh. She thinks he’s disguised. Harry almost laughs right then and there. He’d waffled over whether to reveal his true identity to her or not all this time, and now here he was, standing before her as himself, as Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. And yet… Narcissa thinks he’s wearing an illusion, or that he’s polyjuiced or something. She doesn’t quite know which it is, she just knows that he can’t possibly actually be himself.

Ironic to say the least. In trying to give her some minor respect by letting her know exactly who she would be getting in bed with, Harry had unintentionally disguised himself more effectively than he ever could have done intentionally. It makes sense from Narcissa’s point of view, of course. After all, what’s more likely? That a young wizard like Harry Potter broke her sister out of Azkaban and found a way to modify and take ownership of the Dark Mark… or that whoever was actually behind all of this was merely using Harry’s likeness for their own ends?

“… I am, yes. And your new Lord and Master as well, soon enough.”

Fuck it, she could think what she liked. In the end, it didn’t matter who he was, not really. What mattered here and now was who Narcissa Malfoy truly was deep down inside.

“That remains to be seen. Did Bella tell you my conditions? Are you amenable to them?”

Humming rather than answering immediately, Harry dives beneath the surface of Narcissa’s mind, deeper than he had so far to get to the real heart of the matter. He learns several things by doing so. For one, this isn’t a trap. Obviously he’d already known that from his own reconnaissance, but it’s good to have confirmation that Narcissa hasn’t told anyone about her meeting with Bellatrix, nor did she tell anyone she would be here tonight.

For two, Narcissa hates Lucius Malfoy and doesn’t even realize how much. She thinks that they just share a mutual disinterest bordering on dislike for one another, but the reality is, she feels like Lucius took something from her. She can’t explain what it was though and that’s part of the reason why she doesn’t even realize how deep her hatred runs for her husband.

For three, Narcissa truly does love Draco Malfoy. Her son is the most important thing in her whole world right now. The only bright spot in her life. For all her luxuries, for all that she’s a spoiled trophy wife who gets whatever she wants, it’s all become dull and grey over time. Draco though, Draco is ever changing, constantly growing, and has Narcissa’s full attention. Only, he’s becoming more and more like his father, something that scared Narcissa to her core.

Finally, last but not least… Narcissa doesn’t love Draco as much as she thinks she does. And while he’s the center of her universe for now, the truth is… she wants more. She yearns for it without even realizing it. With Lucius out of the way and total control over House Malfoy’s holdings and finances until Draco comes of age, Narcissa will finally have the power she’s longed for all her life. She might come to realize that Draco is an obstacle. She might even want to remove him at some point.

Harry considers this all in a split second, even as he pretends to consider her ‘conditions’. Finally, he smiles and nods.

“I am. You will swear yourself to me. You will help me deal with your husband. Your son will be safe so long as he does not interfere with my plans. Keep him out of my way and you will remain in nominal control of House Malfoy until he comes of age.”

Of course, they might revisit that caveat when it got closer to Draco’s ascendance to the position of Lord Malfoy. Looking past what Narcissa believes about herself to her true nature, Harry can see a woman who might decide to do away with her own son if it proves necessary. Others might shy away from such a thing… but for Harry, that represents an opportunity he would be remiss to pass up on.

For a moment, Narcissa looks surprised by his easy acceptance of her conditions. Her mouth opens and then closes as she swallows thickly before nodding.

“I… very well then. I accept your offer. I will… pledge myself to you in exchange for all you’ve offered me.”

Narcissa reaches down and pulls up her sleeve then, exposing the faded Dark Mark on her arm. She holds it out to him, like he’s going to take control right then and there. Harry lets a crooked smile spread across his face, causing her to stiffen.

“Bella didn’t exactly tell you how this all works, Lady Malfoy. Usurping ownership of your soul from the Dark Lord is not so simple. It requires a ritual… a tantric ritual.”

Narcissa’s eyes widen at that and she blushes crimson as her gaze slides up and down his body.

“I… I see.”

He half-expects her to object to him ‘wearing’ one of her son’s peers as a disguise then. He’s anticipating her calling him out for ‘disguising himself’ as Harry Potter. He even thinks she might ask him to change. Narcissa does none of those things, much to Harry’s bemusement. Instead, after barely a moment… she begins to strip.

Harry watches her curiously before shrugging and preparing the ritual circle. It’s easy with the power he has these days, quite frankly. And the hotel suite that Narcissa has chosen is quite spacious, allowing him to set up the ritual right in the open area where she’d been pacing while waiting for his arrival.

By the time she’s done stripping, he’s done with his preparations as well. And yet… why rush it? Vanishing his own clothes, he lets his cock flop out of its confines, even as he feasts his eyes upon Narcissa’s naked body. The youngest of the Black Sisters is still a total MILF. Innate magic combined with what is likely a very expensive beauty charm regimen has kept her body in tip top shape. A shame that Lucius takes advantage of the beautiful wife he married so damn infrequently because Narciss is a bombshell under her dress.

Full pale breasts, wide flared hips, a nice thick ass, and an itty bitty waist. Her eyes dart to his cock as she licks her pillowy lips, her hands going to her front and lacing over her abdomen in tense anticipation. Finally, the naked witch begins to move towards the ritual circle… which is when Harry stops her.

“No. Not yet.”

Pausing, Narcissa narrows her eyes as Harry points to his feet, his desires obvious.

“… Is this part of the ritual?”

Shaking his head in amusement, he’s bluntly honest with her.

“It is not. There can be no doubts in a ritual such as this one. There’s a reason Bella made sure you were on board before going into detail about my offer. Show me how badly you want this, Lady Malfoy.”

Narcissa’s breath hitches and from his intrusion into her thoughts, Harry can see that she hasn’t fellated many men in her life. Not even her own husband. Still, she makes her way over to him and slowly descends to her knees, staring up into his emerald eyes and shivering for a moment before making her decision.

Rather than just using her inexperienced mouth, Narcissa quite smartly decides to include her tits as well. She lifts up her large breasts and wraps them around his throbbing mast. Her breath hitches as he grunts, the heat reverberating off of his cock pulsing through her tits and into her body. Along with it, Harry sends a little bit of his magic, much as he’s been doing with Rita Skeeter to make her feel better than she’s ever felt before every time they’ve fucked so far.

Technically, Harry doesn’t have to ‘waste’ such a thing on Narcissa. She’s already on board and he can see in her mind that she’s not going to back out, not for anything. However, it’s not really a waste when it doesn’t cost him anything permanent to do. And besides, the good will generated in return is… invaluable.

Narcissa lets out a cute, surprised moan at how good wrapping her tits around his cock feels. The MILF of a witch shudders for a moment, even forgetting what she’s supposed to be doing. But she remembers quickly enough and dips her head down, never letting her eyes leave his face as she opens those beautiful pillowy lips of hers and takes the first couple inches of his cock into her mouth.

From there, she begins to pleasure him in earnest. Normally, it’s she who would be receiving the oral right now in a place like this. The young men she has take care of her needs in hotel suites just like this one would usually be between her thighs by now, licking and lapping away at her cunt.

But they aren’t here right now. Harry is. Reaching out, he smiles thinly as he slides his fingers through Narcissa’s blonde hair. She pauses briefly, gazing up at him as he tightens his hold but doesn’t take control. Not yet anyways.


He watches as his order washes over her mind. Despite how much she hates her husband, despite how much she longs for control of her own life, Narcissa Malfoy has still been raised to obey. She’s a Pureblood Witch, a daughter of House Black, and her place has always been at a wizard’s feet. It’s just as Narcissa told Bellatrix at the tea house. There’s no such thing as freedom in this world for witches like them.

Harry will be a kinder Master than Voldemort or Lucius though. He swears that much, even if only to himself. And so he lets Narcissa control the tempo, neither forcing her further down his cock then she’s prepared for, nor thrusting forward down the back of her throat as he’s tempted to do. Instead, he stands there and enjoys the way she fumbles and fondles her own breasts up and down his cock, all while suckling at the head of his member.

His hand remains in her hair as an ever-present reminder that she’s about to belong to him however, and Harry keeps a close eye on her mind, checking for any resentment or indignation or even burgeoning hatred.

He sees none of that, but definitely plenty of desperation. Not only does he represent a way for Narcissa to finally be out from under her husband’s thumb, but also… Bellatrix had told her sister outright that Voldemort was still out there. Harry, for all that she didn’t think he was himself, represented her only protection against the Dark Lord returning to ruin her and her son’s lives.

She’s grasping at lifelines, and his is the one that’s currently looking to be the most secure in the face of the coming storm.

Smiling, Harry relaxes his hold on her hair, running his fingers across her scalp for a moment instead. Narcissa moans at this touch, her eyes half-rolling back in her head for a moment before rolling forward again.

“I’m getting close now, Narcissa. Swallow it all.”

He’d told her the truth when he said that this wasn’t part of the ritual. But that didn’t mean it couldn’t be. As he cums and the prepared witch kneeling in front of him does her best to drink the sudden deluge of his seed, Harry makes sure to suffuse it with plenty of his magic. The result in Narcissa gurgling and moaning as she swallows, her thighs clenching together and her nipples growing even harder as they stand on end and protrude out from her chest.

Her toes curl behind her as well, Harry notices from over her head as he lets out a pleased sigh. She enjoyed that. She REALLY enjoyed that.

Pulling her back off of his cock, he grins down at her. She, in turn, looks a little dazed as she stares up at him.

“What… what was that?”

Unable to help himself, Harry chortles.

“A taste of what’s to come.”

Yeah, it’s incredibly cheesy… but he still likes the line all the same. And Narcissa is a little too delirious to even notice the joke he’s just made anyways. Though, she’s not too delirious to ask things of him, even as he gently but firmly begins to push her onto her back in the center of the ritual circle behind her.

“Please… Bella said you might not take my husband’s life. That you might not require it. I want… I want you to take it anyways. I beg you… please kill him for me… Master.”

He’s not her Master yet. But he appreciates the submissive form of address all the same. Humming consideringly, Harry runs his hands over Narcissa Malfoy’s body, finding her pliant and eager to succumb to him. He considers his options… before deciding to make them her options instead.

“I could kill him for you tonight, Narcissa. If that’s what you want. Or I could simply strip him of his magic and leave him no better than a muggle. The Lord Malfoy, a magicless squib. Or we could save his death for another time, I suppose. I leave it up to you.”

Narcissa is staring at him, focused up now. The moment he’d said he could kill Lucius tonight; she’d become far more alert. Then when he’d mentioned turning Lucius into a muggle, her eyes had widened before narrowing in thought. Harry just smiles as he rubs his cockhead against the MILF witch’s drooling lips, waiting for her to make her decision.

The Vote:
[ ] Narcissa asks for Harry to kill Lucius outright - 19%
[X] Narcissa asks for Harry to turn Lucius into a muggle - 78%

[ ] Narcissa rethinks her hastiness and asks for more time to decide Lucius' fate - 3%


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