Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 39: Shifting Power

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Narcissa joins the fold~


He’s serious when he says he’s leaving it in her hands. Either way, tonight Harry Potter makes Narcissa Malfoy his woman. His cock is pressed against the entrance of her dripping, drooling cunt and she’s laid out on her back in the middle of the ritual circle with a belly full of his magic-infused cum.

As she ponders his offer, Harry begins to slowly push magic out into the ritual circle as well, filling it with his energy and taking control of the ritual so he can direct it as he likes. Of course, just because he’s letting Narcissa decide doesn’t mean he’s going to wait forever. Teasing her entrance with his cock gets her attention easily enough, a soft moan leaving her lips as she shudders and quivers beneath him.

Finally, she focuses her gaze back on his gaze, staring up into his emerald green eyes as she makes her decision.

“… Strip him of his magic. Leave him alive but powerless. He’ll lose everything. He’ll be nothing.”

Heh, she wasn’t wrong. There were reasons that squibs weren’t talked about very much and were usually regulated to the bottom rungs of society. There were also reasons that muggle relatives of muggleborns had never made any true forays into magical society. There was no muggle-run business in Diagon Alley for instance. Nor any squib-run business either for that matter.

Why? Some of the more ignorant muggleborns would shout it was discrimination, plain and simple. That the Purebloods were just keeping muggles out and oppressing their squib relatives due to pure bigotry. And while it was true that many Purebloods were bigots and thus incentivized to do their best to keep those they considered lesser away from the levers of power… things were never as simple or clear cut as they might seem.

The truth was the Wizarding World was built on magic. That might seem like it should be obvious, but it was more than that. The Wizarding World and its apparatuses fundamentally could not exist without magic. From the Ministry of Magic tracking underage magic through wands, to needing magic to be able to set up a Floo Connection, to even needing magic to have a vault at Gringotts bank.

And most importantly for their purposes, you could not hold a seat in the Wizengamot and claim the position of Lord of a Magic House if you did not have magic. There had never been a squib Lord of any magical family in the entire Wizarding World’s history, not just because of the Purebloods hiding squibs away like they were a stain on their honor, but also because squibs could not properly inherit magical property without magic of their own.

In the same regard, this was why muggles could not hold property in the Wizarding World, or open bank vaults at Gringotts, or apply for a Floo Connection at the Ministry. Because all of these things expected you to be magical. All of these things expected you to have magic of your own. And if you didn’t… you were quite literally less of a person in the eyes of Magical Society.

Musing on all of this, Harry reflects that he can’t really think of a more appropriate fate for one Lord Lucius Malfoy. So, with a smirk on his lips, he begins to push into Narcissa, beginning to fill the beautiful buxom blonde witch with his cock.

As he does so, he looks into her eyes and speaks the words.

“Are you ready, Narcissa Malfoy?”

Shivering, Narcissa nods.


“Are you willing?”

“I… I’m willing.”

“Are you eager?”

Narcissa blushes at that, glancing down at where they’re slowly being joined. Her sopping cunt already betrays the answer to that question, but still… she nods again.

“I’m eager…”

The ritual circle begins to glow as Narcissa signals her readiness, willingness, and eagerness to join with him. She might not necessarily want to do this because she specifically wants to submit to him, but her reasons don’t matter so long as she goes in with her eyes wide open. Chuckling, Harry thrusts into Narcissa Malfoy with every last inch of his cock, causing the circle beneath her to fully come alive with his magical power.

In response, Narcissa’s eyes widen and her jaw drops open as her back arches and she lets out a loud, moaning cry. Her pussy walls clench and flex down around his invading cock, and her body shakes and spasms beneath him. Harry holds her firmly by the hips, so he’s not too worried about her accidentally flopping away from him or the ritual circle at this point.

Still, he quickly picks up the pace, beginning to fuck her harder and faster by the moment. His cock slams into her sloshing, quivering quim with ferocity and speed, and his hands grip down harshly on her flesh. Once he’s set the proper pace for the tantric sex ritual, Harry reaches out with his magic and pushes into Narcissa’s very essence.

Like with Bellatrix, he starts by securing the Dark Mark. Voldemort’s claim to Narcissa’s soul would normally supersede any other claim of dominion over her. He was her Master and so long as even a fragment of him lived, she would belong to him just like her husband did, just like every other Death Eater did.

But Harry didn’t share… certainly not with pissant Dark Lords who were just in the way of his real goals. Reaching up, he grabs Narcissa’s bared arm, placing his palm right over the Dark Mark. He reaches in and locks down the simple soul brand, taking it as his own and chaining it up just like Bella’s.

Narcissa gasps and moans. On her end, it doesn’t feel like too much is happening. After all, Voldemort already owned her. This was just a transfer of that ownership from the Dark Lord to one Harry Potter. Once that’s done, then Harry goes deeper… then he goes for Narcissa’s magic itself.

He forges the connection between them through a series of thrusts into the mewling, shuddering MILF laid out under him. Narcissa Malfoy groans and moans, cumming around his cock as he continues to fuck her soundly. She’s not a woman who usually gives up control to the boy toys she would bring to this hotel suite normally. But now she’s submitting, surrendering control to Harry and giving up… everything in the process.

At the same time though, she’s gaining everything right back. Harry has no intentions of betraying his promises to her. He’ll give her exactly what she wants… knowing full well that she will never be able to fight back against him. In the end, her magic belongs to him now. He is her Master.

Narcissa lets out one last lurid, pleasured cry beneath him as he fills her with his seed, cumming inside of her. It’s not technically a necessity, but creampieing the MILF does solidify the new connection he’s forged with her, completing the bond between them now. He is her Master and she is his Servant, her magic now belonging to him.

Of course, with submission comes understanding and knowledge as well. Narcissa knows him as her Master now, but she also… she also knows him for who he really is. It would be impossible for her to not know him intrinsically after he just got done rummaging around inside of her very essence.


Harry smirks as he leans back, still buried inside of Narcissa’s freshly spunked cunt, his cock still rock hard and throbbing in her pussy.


Narcissa looks up at him, a little mortified, a little horrified, but more than anything… amazed.

“You’re actually him. You’re actually Harry Potter.”

Harry chuckles and inclines his head.

“Guilty as charged.”

She looks down at where they’re joined together, rapidly coming to terms with his true identity. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have questions.

“H-How? How are you… this?”

Harry understands. Really he does. Because it’s one thing for him to be lauded as the Boy-Who-Lived and praised as the one year old who somehow slew Voldemort. It’s another entirely for someone her son’s age to have such a mastery of magic that he not only freed her sister from Azkaban, but proved capable of usurping the Dark Lord’s soul brand and binding Narcissa to him in a ritual that made her magic his own.

That doesn’t mean he’s going to tell her about the time travel though. She might be irrevocably tied to him now, but he doesn’t owe her anything. Instead, he goes for a half-truth.

“Because I had to be. Because I need to be for what’s coming next.”

Narcissa’s eyes flicker with understanding… or what she thinks is understanding.

“T-The Dark Lord…”

But Harry scoffs and shakes his head, much to her surprise.

“Voldemort is nothing. He’s a literal shadow of his former self right now, and I have no intention of letting him get a body back. No, Narcissa. He’s nothing more than an obstacle. Once I’ve dealt with him, we’ll have far worse things to deal with.”

The MILFy Matriarch of House Malfoy stares at him blankly, clearly not able to imagine anything worse than Voldemort. Harry just smiles and changes the subject.

“You’re mine now, Lady Malfoy. I’ve bound you to me and your magic is now mine to do with as I please. As you have willingly joined my service, I will allow you to continue to use your own magic in your day to day life, as well as live your life normally, outside of when I call for you. That said… do you still wish me to deal with your husband and strip him of his magic tonight?

Narcissa hesitates for only a moment before biting her lower lip and nodding enthusiastically.

“Y-Yes… yes, I do. What do we have to do?”

Smirking, Harry brings his hands to Narcissa’s breasts, fondling them. At the same time, the ritual circle begins to rotate around them, parts of it changing as he uses his newly enhanced magical reserves to modify it on the fly.

“You? You don’t have to do anything but lay back and look beautiful. I’ll do the hard work.”

Narcissa moans as he reaches out through his newly formed connection to her, deep into her magic itself. Finding the magical vows of marriage she made to Lucius Malfoy and following them back to the man himself is simple enough.

And since he already started it with Rodolphus Lestrange… why not continue his little act with Malfoy as well?


As Harry fucks Narcissa on her back in the ritual circle, using Bellatrix’s modified version of his original ritual to reach through the Lady Malfoy and grasp at her husband’s magic, he also projects himself into Malfoy Manor, easily slipping through the wards given that some of his magic comes from Narcissa Malfoy now and she herself is keyed into the wards.

Lucius twitches in his bed as Harry latches onto his magic like a parasite and begins to siphon it for himself. It’s both easier and harder than it was with Bellatrix’s husband. On the one hand, Lucius is in much better shape and health than Rodolphus was. Over a decade in Azkaban Prison would leave anyone weak and vulnerable, but by comparison, Lucius is in his physical and magical prime.

On the other hand, Harry has twice as much power as he did when he took Rodolphus magic from him. And Lucius Malfoy has made the mistake of selling his soul to the Dark Lord, leaving him uniquely vulnerable to this type of attack.

The Lord of House Malfoy suddenly sits straight up in his bed, awoken at long last by the increasing discomfort he’s experiencing. Finally, he sees Harry… or rather, he sees a shadowy presence with piercing red eyes at the foot of his bed.


 To his credit, Lord Malfoy doesn’t hesitate to summon his wand and fling the strongest curse he knows at the shadowy figure. Even if he thinks it is Voldemort, he can always pretend he didn’t know. Unfortunately for him, Harry isn’t really there… and in the end, all Lucius does is create another connection between them with that magic, allowing Harry to take from him all the faster.

Gasping for breath, Lucius shudders as he shakily climbs out of bed.

“Wha-… who…”

“My dear Lucius. Tell me… what became of the diary I entrusted to you? What did you do with it? Did you keep it safe, as I ordered?”

Lucius jerks back as if struck. Not only does he now fully believe he’s facing the Dark Lord, but he also remembers exactly what he did with Voldemort’s diary. He did not keep it safe. Not even remotely.

“I… m-my lord, it was stolen from me. By your enemies! I tried to-!”

“A shame. But I suppose you can still serve me in another way.”

Lucius drops to his knees now, mostly because he doesn’t have the strength to remain standing. But he’s also quick to act like he meant to do it, all but prostrating himself before his supposed master.

“P-Please my lord… of course I will serve you. Please, tell me what I must do.”

“Nothing. It is already being done. Know that your sacrifice will not be in vain, Lucius. Your magic will be put to good use.”

Lucius’ eyes widen in horror and recognition and in that moment Harry has confirmation that while Narcissa didn’t know about Rodolphus yet, Lucius already did. The Lord of House Malfoy had in fact heard about Rodolphus losing his magic, and no doubt heard the ramblings of the maddened prisoner for himself.

“No… please my lord, please. There are many others in Azkaban who you could take from instead. I am still positioned to serve you on the outside! I have the Ministry wrapped around my finger, they answer to me! Please!”

Harry lets out a bit of sibilant laughter, perfectly mimicking Voldemort’s mocking tone as he does so.

“Shameful and cowardly to the last, dear Lucius. Do not fret. It is almost over now.”

To his mild surprise, Lucius’ face contorts in rage all of a sudden and he snaps up his wand, casting spell after spell at Harry’s projection. None of it helps the ailing Lord Malfoy of course… in fact, he actively drains his own magic for Harry all the faster, until the wand in Lucius’ hands won’t even let out a spark because he’s been reduced to nothing but a muggle. The wand that’s served him faithfully all this time has become nothing but a nicely carved stick.

“No… no! No, no, no!”

Harry smiles and pulls his projection back, leaving Lucius kneeling on the floor of his bedroom, powerless and helpless. Literally in fact. The man can’t even move through his own mansion without potentially activating the wards at this point. They will no longer recognize him as their Master. Not even his own House Elves will recognize him as their Master.

Pulling out of Narcissa’s cunt, Harry moves his cock back to her mouth, letting her suck him the rest of the way to completion as he revels in the power he gained tonight. Only after cumming in her mouth again and watching the Lady Malfoy dutifully swallow does he announce it.

“It is done. Lucius Malfoy is now as magicless as any muggle. And best of all, he believes Voldemort took his magic.”

Narcissa’s eyes widen at that, before her lips curl into a wide, wicked grin.

“… Thank you, my lord. I swear to serve you faithfully… Master.”

Harry just smirks, knowing how ambitious and power-hungry Narcissa truly is. But in the end it doesn’t matter. She’s tied to him more tightly than she was tied to even Voldemort. She’s his now, and they both know it.

The Vote:
[X] Stick with Harry's POV - 39%
[ ] Switch to Narcissa's POV - 28%
[ ] Switch to Lucius' POV - 4%

[ ] Switch to Amelia's POV - 29%


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