Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 6: Aurora Sinistra

The way the ritual worked, the connection was easier to forge if he performed it with an older witch. This was because the older witches and wizards were, the more solid and settled their magic became. At younger ages, magical people suffered incidents of ‘accidental magic’, which happened because their magic was unsettled and untamed, wild and reaching out in all directions.
One might assume that this untamed, wild magic reaching out would make connecting to younger witches easier, not harder. And technically that was true. However, Harry’s ritual made him the sum of his parts. Add too much of that chaotic magic to the mix, and his power became positively unstable. Sure, he technically held control over every witch that he bonded with… but at the same time, if he let himself be connected to too many unsettled sources, he was liable to explode along with all of them.
In the end, it all came down to the foundation. If you built your house on shifting sands, you could only ever expect it to collapse on you no matter how well you made the walls and everything else. If your foundations were poor, then you had a recipe for disaster on your hands. Eventually, Harry would have enough power to be able to connect to any witch he wanted. But until then… he needed proper foundations.
That was where the female Professors of Hogwarts, of which there were actually several, came into play. They were perfect examples of witches with settled magic, and while he’d decided to strike McGonagall off the list for the time being, the others were certainly still of great interest to him. That led him to where he was tonight. In the Astronomy Tower with the rest of the Gryffindors.
Technically, Harry didn’t have to go to Astronomy. It was one of the classes that being a participant in the Triwizard Tournament gave him a free pass out of for the rest of the year. Given it was held at midnight, people expected him and his fellow contestants to pass on Astronomy and get as much proper sleep and training in as possible.
And yet, here he was. Why? Well, that should be obvious. Astronomy was where he would be bagging and tagging his first quarry.
Aurora Sinistra, Hogwarts’ Professor of Astronomy for all of Harry’s years in the Castle, was a beautiful woman and a capable witch. The dark-skinned Professor had actually been a facet of Harry’s life in the future that he intended to prevent from ever coming to pass. He knew an Aurora who had managed to overcome her fear after Voldemort’s second defeat, and who had stood tall in the face of the looming apocalypse, despite it being worse than anything the Dark Lord had ever managed to accomplish.
To put it bluntly, the two of them had been fuck buddies, but they’d never been close. With things… ending, propriety had fallen to the wayside. Even as they’d worked damn hard to save what they could, those of them who’d survived had turned to each other for comfort. Harry had never been Aurora’s closest confidante, and Aurora had never been his. In fact, he and the Astronomy Professor couldn’t have even been said to have been in each other’s inner circles in that future that would never be.
But they had fucked once or twice. And the pillow talk the pair of them had engaged in had been very enlightening. The future had made things that they would blush and cringe about today seem pointless to worry about then. That was how Harry knew more about Aurora than the version of her in the present would probably have ever preferred.
The Professor Sinistra of this time period was a strict and serious woman who was still afraid of Voldemort and what the Dark Lord represented. She hadn’t gotten over her fear and she had yet to find her courage, at least when it came to the Death Eaters and their ilk. But at the same time, no one was defined solely by one or two characteristics. For all that Aurora presented herself as a very serious, no-nonsense women… she hid her true nature behind a façade.
Professor Aurora Sinistra… was in fact a complete and total pervert. She’d told him as much as they’d cuddled the couple of times they’d fucked in the future. What she’d been like all these years ago, back at Hogwarts. Her confessions had been scandalous even then, but ultimately harmless. It wasn’t like Harry was ever going to judge her, nor was there anyone left to punish her for her actions either.
Now though? Well, Harry supposed if the Aurora of his future had ever thought for even a second he might make it back in time, she never would have told him the things she told him. Like for instance, the fact that she commonly wore magical piercings under her robes and carried magical toys inside of her orifices even while teaching class on nights like this.
It was shameful behavior for a Professor of Hogwarts to take part in. Why, if anyone found out, she could be ruined. Bad enough that her nipples and clit were pierced under her robes, but that they were also pierced with magically enchanted piercings that could be activated at a moment’s notice to pleasure her? And more than that… she carried a butt plug inside of her at all time as well.
When Aurora had confessed her indiscretions to him their first time together, he’d made her promise she would bring her toys on their next time. That that second time also happened to be their last time together wasn’t relevant, their paths just hadn’t crossed again. Ah, but Harry could admit he wished they had.
Seeing her standing there in all of her beautiful dark-skinned nudity, with glittering piercings in the shape of shimmering stars on her nipples and clit… and then to have her turn around, bend over, and spread her cheeks for him to see the equally glittering, shimmering star at the end of her butt plug… yeah, he’d greatly enjoyed having her that night. And she’d enjoyed being had.
Of course, Aurora was no slouch. In this current time period, she wasn’t so foolish as to leave obviously magical toys connected to her body unprotected for anyone who might have been looking for sources of magic to discover. Sensing magic wasn’t difficult after all. Even as much as a simple Revelio Charm cast in the right place would have made certain… unfortunate parts of her voluptuous body light up like the starry night sky she was so fond of if she hadn’t taken the proper precautions.
But she had. Her toys were all properly shielded so that not even one of her fellow Professors could accidentally detect them, let alone a curious student. And since such shielding was rather normal for most witches and wizards of some level of strength to partake in, and indeed it was a common enchantment to avoid the sort of magic that would let a perverted caster see through your clothes… well, no one was any the wiser.
Harry, however, was completely aware of what exactly Aurora was protecting. And it wasn’t something as simple and plain as her modesty. No, it was far more than that. With Bellatrix’s magic combined with his own, he should be just strong enough to be able to… tease out a proper response from the Hogwarts Astronomy Professor.
It was during that second time that Aurora Sinistra had confessed another secret to him. A dark fantasy of hers that Harry would be fulfilling today in fact. She’d always longed for someone to catch her out. Not to expose her… but to take advantage of her weakness. Of her helplessness.
As Professor Sinistra lectures them all about the stars and the night sky, Harry keeps his wand sheathed and focuses on using his magic both silently and wandlessly. Not only would having his wand out potentially draw the attention of his fellow students seated around him… but he also needed to practice in this younger body of his if he ever wanted to regain the mastery he’d once laid claim to. He was still proficient at this type of magic, especially now that he had access to Bellatrix’s magic, but proficiency alone wasn’t going to be good enough for what he would need to do in the future.
For this much though? For giving Aurora Sinistra a nice, proper scare? It was more than good enough. Hiding his grin, Harry’s emerald eyes flash as the Astronomy Class continues on. Reaching out with his magic, careful not to be too obvious, he runs his senses over the shields covering Aurora’s toys. The shielding charms that the Professor is using are solid, standard, and strong… but also over a decade out of date.
It’s not her fault of course, but Harry can’t help mentally tsking in amusement, even as he finds the weaknesses in her shields and slips right on through. From there, he’s able to detect the nipple and clit piercings that she’s currently wearing under her robes. Such naughty, naughty little toys, Professor Sinistra. For shame. For… shame.
Once he can detect them, knowing what they are, it’s child’s play to take control of them. The hard part is usurping control without Aurora herself noticing. After all, they’re attuned to her magic first and foremost. If he’d been ham-fisted about it, the Astronomy Professor would have immediately known that something was wrong, and might have even tried to stop him. She might have succeeded too, because it wasn’t as though Harry could turn this into an overt duel in the middle of an ongoing class.
But he was good. Better than her. Better, maybe, than anyone else alive at this point in time. He’d experienced things that none of them had experienced. He’d come back from a future he wouldn’t want to wish on any of them. Regardless, the point was… he’d backdoored her piercings with the Professor none the wiser. And that meant it was time to… play.
He starts off subtle. Waiting until Aurora is not only mid-sentence, but also mid-motion… he sends out a twinge through her left nipple right as she turns.
“And so you can see Class, how the-ah!”
The sting that she experiences on that breast is more than she should be experiencing from just some simple movement and friction… but it can still be waved away as nothing more than that. Still, the Astronomy Professor does have to pause for a moment, as well as wave off the concerns of a few of the students.
“I’m fine. Where was I?”
Harry, allowing a small smile to creep onto his face now, sits patiently, waiting for the next opportunity to present itself. When it comes… when there’s a natural moment with which he can tweak her right nipple the same as he tweaked her left, he does exactly that. This time, to his mild chagrin, Aurora is almost ready for it. Her breath hitches, but she doesn’t completely stop in her tracks. No one else in the class even seems to notice her reaction, though Harry can definitely see it.
Moving on from her nipples, he reaches out with his mind for her clit instead. This piercing, he knows from experience, is more sensitive than both of her nipple piercings combined. Out of respect for Aurora, he waits until she’s standing behind her desk before reaching out and giving it a prod. The sudden sting as she moves to sit down makes the Astronomy Professor jump and almost double over as a gasp leaves her beautiful, plump lips.
But ultimately, she manages to recover admirably, and barely anyone notices that one either. Sitting there behind her desk, the Astronomy Professor continues her lecture without seemingly any intention of standing up further. If Harry didn’t know any better, he’d say he managed to scare her into planting her gloriously fat ass in her chair so that no further movements could cause her piercings to sting her in such a manner again.
Amusing to say the least, but Harry supposed now was as good a time as any to move onto the main event. So far, it’s obvious that she doesn’t suspect the truth. But then to be fair, it shouldn’t have been possible for someone like him to usurp control of her toys. Not without the Professor at least knowing that control had been usurped.
With her voice regaining strength and her lecture returning to it’s previous volume, Harry tilts his head to the side… and reaches out with his magic towards the last of her toys. Namely, the large butt plug buried in her anus. The large MAGICAL butt plug that Harry currently had complete control over.
Smirking idly now, the time-displaced wizard ultimately goes with the simplest option. He turns the butt plug on. After all, it has a multitude of settings, which Aurora had confessed she never used while she was in class. She’d parade around in front of her unknowing students with piercings and a butt plug buried in her ass, but actually using it? That was a step too far for her.
Which is why it’s so gratifying to see the shocked expression on the Astronomy Professor’s face as she goes silent from the sudden vibrations in her positively weak asshole. Aurora’s ass was even more sensitive than her nipples and her clit. The butt plug she chose to wear up there, when vibrating at full force, could bring her to a rapid climax all on its own. Obviously, Harry wasn’t trying to make her cum her brains out in front of her own students. That would be too far.
He goes for half-power instead, and watches as she has to clutch at the edge of her desk, her teeth clacking shut mid-sentence once more as she damn near bites her tongue. There’s a pause as silence falls over the classroom, and then the Professor speaks.
“Class is… dismissed.”
The funny thing is, Harry can tell what she’s thinking. She’s a little afraid of being found out… but more than that, she’s aroused. Likely, she imagines her toys are on the fritz. That they’re betraying her because they’re breaking down or something. That does seem far more likely than what’s actually happening, doesn’t it? There’s a small tendril of panic in Aurora’s voice, and it’s obvious she fears being found out by her students and thrown out of Hogwarts if the butt plug in her ass suddenly decides to go to full power without her say so.
However, there’s also a hint of pleasure in Aurora’s voice. She likes this. She’s enjoying herself, enjoying being brought to the brink of discovery like this. She wouldn’t be averse to being toyed with outside of her control some more, but her good sense is keeping her from trying to continue the lesson all the same.
Harry, meanwhile, can feel her attempts to shut her toys off, to deactivate them all. He doesn’t let that happen, blocking her efforts from the shadows without her any the wiser. This only furthers her arousal, but also her panic. In the end, her only choice is to kick them all out so she can have some privacy.
“Professor? Are you-?”
“I said class dismissed! Out! Now! All of you! Unless you wish to lose House Points and serve Detentions!”
That gets everyone moving. Even Harry, though he only does so because he doesn’t want to make it too obvious that he’s doing this. After all, he hasn’t decided just yet whether he wants to confront her here and now, or let her stew for a little while longer. There are a lot of female Professors at Hogwarts after all.
A lot of work to be done in convincing a lot of witches with settled, solidified magic that he was their best bet at a prosperous future.

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