Lightning Strikes Twice (Harry Potter)(Time Travel)

Chapter 7: Aurora Sinistra Pt. 2

It would have made sense not to push too fast right now. Maybe it was even the smart thing to do. After all, while the clock WAS ticking steadily downwards towards doomsday, Harry still had time. He could have taken things slowly. But put simply… he didn’t want to. Call it what you will. Impatience. Recklessness.
Perhaps it was a byproduct of his time spent constantly trying to put out fires in the future that never was. He hadn’t had the luxury of time then. He hadn’t had the ability to take things slowly. Not ever. Everything had to be done as fast as possible… and disabusing himself of that mindset would take time to say the least.
Or maybe that was just an excuse. Maybe he was just confronted with an incredibly aroused, naughty Astronomy Professor who had been caught red handed being very inappropriate indeed… and he simply wanted to pounce while the iron was hot. He wanted her… and he knew, deep down inside, Aurora Sinistra would want him too.
As such, making sure he’s at the back of the class, Harry casts something of a disillusionment charm on himself. This one isn’t just disillusionment though, it has the added component of making it so no one else from the class will wonder where he’s gone or where he is. Then, as everyone else files out and the door to the Astronomy Tower slams shut behind them, Harry stays right where he is.
He watches in amusement as the door shimmers with the tell-tale magic of an arcane lock. A glance back shows Aurora holding her wand up, her arm trembling as she finishes silently casting the spell. He waits, hidden only for a moment… only long enough for Aurora to truly expose herself. It doesn’t take long at all, to be fair. As soon as the Professor is confident that she’s alone, she all but rips her robes open, exposing her dark, chocolate-toned flesh and her beautiful bust. She also exposes the star-like nipple piercings she’s wearing at the same time, whimpering as they drive her absolutely wild.
But they’re not going nearly as crazy as her plug is, and to inspect that, she has to remove her robes the rest of the way and conjure a floor-length mirror. Harry doesn’t wait that long. He’s already decided he’s going to confront her here and now. But that doesn’t mean he’s going to be foolish about it…
“Professor? What are you doing?”
The look on Aurora’s face as she finally registers his presence… is absolutely one of a kind.
Aurora Sinistra knew she was a pervert. She hid it well behind a stern, authoritarian sort of attitude, but there was simply no denying it. She regularly taught classes while wearing things beneath her robes that were… entirely inappropriate for the position she held at Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. To be fair, it wasn’t like she was ever going to be found out, she figured. No one had ever been able to discern just what lay beneath her robes.
However… the truth was, deep down inside, Aurora had always fantasized about being caught. She’d always found the idea of being discovered, of being fingered as a total pervert… to be immensely arousing.
And now here she was. In her own classroom, high up in her tower. Something had gone wrong during her last class. Her magical toys, the starry nipple and clit piercings, along with the butt plug buried in her asshole… they’d all gone haywire. Something in their magic must have malfunctioned or degraded. It was possible, even though it shouldn’t have been. Aurora was quite good at the upkeep of her toys. None of them should have broken on her like this. Certainly not all of them.
Yet… standing in front of her class, trembling as her toys played with her and messed her up like they had a mind of their own, Aurora had never been more aroused. She’d sent her class away not just out of fear of being caught, but fear of what she might do in front of them if she didn’t. How she might… act. She couldn’t let them see her true self. She couldn’t. So she’d ended class early.
But… she’d been so certain that everyone had left. She’d checked and double-checked before locking the door behind them all. No one should have been left in the tower except for her. No one should have been able to enter the tower after she locked the door with magic. And yet here she was, with her pierced nipples and her dark breasts bared… to one Harry James Potter.
The young wizard is looking at her with hooded green eyes. Where he came from, she doesn’t know. But… he’s staring at her like he’s seeing her for the first time. He’s staring at her like he knows who and what she truly is. A perverted, lustful bitch who has fully lost control of both herself and her toys. He sees her… and Aurora can’t help but whimper as her thighs clench together and she cums from being so very… seen.
It’s not too big of an orgasm, thank Merlin. Not so much that she collapses to her knees, or even lets out a moan. But it definitely happens. Harry Potter needs to only look at her for a moment as she is right now… and she cums. Shameful. Humiliating. Mortifying and embarrassing. This is how her career ends. This is how she falls from grace and here she is more aroused than afraid. More turned on than terrified. She truly is the worst sort of woman.
Belatedly, she tries to salvage some small scrap of her dignity, pulling together her robes in an attempt to hide her chest from him once more. Swallowing thickly, Aurora stammers a reply.
“M-Mister Potter… you shouldn’t… you shouldn’t b-be here. I dismissed you and everyone else.”
Frankly, he shouldn’t have been in her class at all. The boy was the Fourth Triwizard Champion. Unprecedented to say the least, but even still, his status as a Champion let him skip certain ‘unnecessary’ classes. Now, if you’d asked Aurora when she wasn’t in her current state, she would have scowled and said Astronomy was ALWAYS necessary. But right now? When his presence represented the end of her career? She found herself wishing that he hadn’t bothered. Just a little bit.
“I was worried about you, Professor. I thought you might need help. And frankly… it looks like you do.”
Aurora opens her mouth to deny it instinctively, but the words never leave her lips. Instead, she chokes on her own spit as the butt plug buzzing away in her ass suddenly redoubles in strength. A squeal leaves her lips and she barely catches herself on a nearby desk as the magical toy threatens to drive her mad with pleasure. Worse still is the fact that she’s being watched by Harry as it happens. It makes it all the more arousing for a despicable, reprehensible creature such as her.
“I-I am… f-fine.”
But rather than back off, Harry steps closer. Those emerald eyes of his glitter as he moves up to her, causing Aurora to stiffen. Her grasping at the desk has let her robes fall open again… leaving her glittering nipple piercings visible on the backdrop that is her black chest.
“You don’t seem fine, Professor. You seem… like you’re having trouble.”
Her piercings choose that moment to sting her, causing Aurora to gasp and thrust out her chest… right into one of Harry’s outstretched hands. Her eyes go wide as his fingers fall upon the piercing… and much to her shock, his very touch seems to calm it down. The stinging stops on that side of her chest, leaving the effect rather lopsided in its intensity, as her other breast continues to experience the full brunt of the magical nipple piercing’s power.
That is, until Harry takes mercy on her and reaches up to that one as well, pinching both the piercing and her nipple between her fingers and calming it down. Of course, even as his magic touch somehow releases her chest from its torment, her clit piercing and the butt plug she’s wearing… are still going wild. And yet, Aurora barely pays them any mind. She’s too busy staring at Harry, mouth agape and eyes wide at what he’s just done.
“Is that better, Professor?”
Aurora Sinistra isn’t an idiot. She’s actually quite intelligent. And so, with all of the evidence right in front of her, it’s not difficult for her to establish what’s going on here. It seems ridiculous. Utterly impossible… and yet, it’s not impossible. It’s just highly improbable.
“You… you d-did this.”
Harry doesn’t even try to deny it. The boy smiles, his emerald eyes shimmering as he chuckles at her. Aurora blushes profusely under that gaze. Under his knowing eyes. She should have clocked on immediately. From the moment he somehow showed back up in a classroom she was SURE was empty. He had some way of hiding from her senses… and so of course he had some way of making his usurpation of her toys concealed as well.
He’d engineered this whole situation… not that that changed anything. Aurora was still completely at his mercy. Though, there was one difference. Now she knew that he’d always known about her toys. She knew that instead of going to the Headmaster about her indiscretions, he’d decided to confront her. And she knew… she knew he would probably want more from her.
That excites her to no end of course, even more than it terrifies her. But at the same time, she can’t believe that this is something the young wizard is even capable of. It doesn’t make sense. But then… the proof is right in front of her eyes, isn’t it?
“What… what do you want from me?”
Harry removes his hands from her nipples, though thankfully her piercings don’t return to stinging her. Each of his hands moves in a different direction. The left goes up to her chin, his thumb pressing against her lower lip until she opens her mouth and lets him slide it right on in for her to suck on. The right goes further down, deeper into her robes, cupping her mound. He touches her clit piercing and the stinging there goes away… and then he slides his fingers across her sopping wet slit.
If he didn’t know she was aroused before, he definitely knows now. Aurora trembles, shivering in perverse arousal and total humiliation. He’s caught her out so effectively, and walked her right into his trap. She’s completely at his mercy now and they both know it. She shouldn’t be so turned on by that fact… but she is. This plays into her darkest desires, her deepest fantasies. It’s almost like he knew who and what she truly was, inside and out.
“It’s not about what I want from you, Aurora. It’s what I want to do for you. I’m going to give you everything your heart desires…”
Aurora shudders, as he slides his fingers into her cunt, playing with her insides, toying with her folds. The dark-skinned witch moans around the thumb in between her lips, finding it impossible to keep from lewdly sucking on it. She knows she shouldn’t be letting this happen. The dynamic between them is supposed to be one of teacher and student. Not… not this. And yet… and yet, Harry has her right where he wants her.
When he finally removes his thumb, Aurora tries to put up a token protest, though it’s not really much of a protest at all.
“I can’t… I can’t help you with the Tournament, if that’s what you’re a-after. Not only are we n-not supposed to give the Champions assistance… I haven’t really b-been told anything of use anyways…”
Harry pauses at that… and then lets out a chuckle.
“No, I suppose you wouldn’t have been, Professor. But you don’t need to worry. That’s not what I’m after. For all that the Headmaster and Headmistress of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will happily break that rule and help their Champions… I don’t need assistance with the Triwizard Tournament.”
Then what… what could he possibly want from her? As though reading her mind, Harry lets out a sigh and steps forward again. He’s still fingering her. He removed his thumb from her mouth, but not his digits from her cunt. His free hand moves down to her breasts, playing with them as he invades her personal space. Aurora’s eyes dart down to his crotch in turn. Perhaps he means for her to free his cock from its confines and return the favor? She shouldn’t… and yet, her hands move in that direction after a moment of hesitation all the same.
Harry doesn’t say a word as she opens his robes and works his cock free of his pants. He just continues to finger her, watching as she takes his member in her hands and slowly strokes it up and down. After a moment, Aurora looks up… and freezes at the mirth she sees in his emerald eyes.
“I didn’t even ask you to do that, Aurora.”
She flushes in embarrassment and shame, not that she can feel much more of either at this point. And yet… she doesn’t remove her hands from his cock. He’s playing with her… it’s only right that she return the favor, right?
“P-Please… just tell me what you want from me.”
There’s a beat of silence, and she half-expects him to sidestep her question again. But this time, he just smiles mysteriously in a way that makes him look far older than his actual age.
“I want you, Professor. I want you.”
There it is. The ultimatum. He owns her now, obviously. If he wanted to ruin her life, he could. If he wanted to destroy her career, he could. There’s no way out for her, except to obey him. And he wants her. He wants to fuck her, no doubt. The terrible thing is… Aurora wants him to fuck her too. Even as she strokes him to full erection with her hands, she’s trembling in anticipation of it. Of the order for her to turn and bend over so he can fuck her against her own desk, or something like that.
She’s waiting… but it doesn’t come. At least, not immediately. Instead, Harry almost seems to be in thought as they continue to fondle each other, his fingers dipping in and out of her pussy while his thumb rubs against her pierced clit. Her hands, meanwhile, stroke up and down his shaft as it gets bigger and bigger.
Finally, he speaks… but to her surprise, it’s not to issue an order… but rather, to ask a question.
“When I fuck you, Aurora… would you prefer the plug off or on?”
She’d almost forgotten about it. The last active sex toy, completely under the control of Harry Potter, buzzing away in her ass. She’s so used to the intrusion that she’d legitimately let it slip her mind. But now… now it’s certainly at the forefront, even as she makes her decision.

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