Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 32: Aftermath

Too tired to double check the draft. Hopefully single check was enough.

James awoke in a strange realm that seemed to exist between worlds. He found himself in a partially ruined chamber with two standing walls and an open void on the other sides. Dim torchlight flickered, casting haunting shadows that danced like ghosts.

Across from James sat Lilia, her voice was warm as she greeted James with a disturbingly warm smile.

"How was it?" she asked lightly, as if discussing something trivial.

Confused, James asked "How was what?" His voice echoed slightly in the vast chamber.

"Your first proper feeding," Lilia clarified with a tilt of her head. "You drained the life force of a Priest, but you didn't stop there. No, no, you even robbed him of his very soul."

Her words slammed into James as the memories of his battle came rushing back. Anger flared within him, and he protested "I didn't want to do it - this is your doing!"

Lilia chuckled, the sound melodic yet chilling. "Oh, James, you know I had nothing to do with your actions. The choice to indulge was yours alone."

James shook his head in adamant denial. "That's impossible! I would never..." But even as the words left his mouth, doubt gnawed at him. Flickering memories teased the edges of his mind, of explosive euphoria and a primal hunger satiated.

"Don't you remember how good it felt to take that zealot's soul?" Lilia taunted, her voice musical. "How easily you let emotions control you..." She leaned forward, her eyes burning intently. "Can you truly claim it was not you?"

"No! I'm still human!" James insisted, though his voice quavered uncertainly. He may have transformed into Lilia, but he clung to the belief that his human soul persevered deep down.

Lilia arched an eyebrow, looking unconvinced. "Are you so sure?" She conjured a mirror and held it up to James. But instead of his own reflection, it was Lilia with a sadistic smirk staring back at him.

With a strangled gasp, James lurched away, the mirror slipping from Lilia's fingers and shattering on the stone floor. He collapsed to his knees, clutching his head as doubt and self-loathing threatened to overwhelm him.

"It's true... I lost control," he whispered wretchedly. "The instincts, the euphoria... I couldn't stop myself." Revulsion churned inside James. He hadn't just killed the High Priest; he had utterly destroyed him in the throes of twisted ecstasy. What sort of abomination did that make him?

Lilia watched James silently as he grappled with the horrific truth. She made no move to comfort him as despair threatened to swallow him whole.

After some time, James lifted his head, his eyes shiny with unshed tears but also hardened with resolve. "So, what if I enjoyed it?" he challenged the silence.

As James spoke, Lilia's expression gradually softened into an approving smile. The oppressive darkness receded slightly as his self-perception shifted. He was beginning to understand and accept this part of himself, monstrous though it may be.

He took a steadying breath before continuing. "Maybe that does make me a monster. But I still saved those girls from being sacrificed. Stopped a dangerous fanatic from gaining more power. My actions were never motivated with self-interest." James met Lilia's gaze unflinchingly. "If doing monstrous things is what it takes to be a hero, then so be it. I will gladly become a monster."

As he continued, Lilia's visage slowly morphed into that of James. He now realized she was merely a projection of his own mind, an embodiment of his doubts and fears.

With this realization, James abruptly awoke with a gasp, finding himself back in the cult's inner sanctum. He was still in Lilia's body, lying next to the withered corpse of the High Priest.

Before James—or rather, Lilia—could reflect further, the chamber doors burst open. An armed team from the New Atlantis Bureau of Control flooded in, weapons raised warily. Lilia slowly raised her hands, signalling that she posed no threat.

Lilia looked up as Collins and Akari entered the ravaged ritual chamber, their eyes wide as they absorbed the scene of destruction. A massive crater dominated the centre of the room, still emitting a faint smoke from the explosive force of the meteor's impact.

Collins let out a low whistle as he peered into the crater's depths. "Would you look at that? I haven't seen this level of damage since the Blacklight incident."

Akari's eyes locked with Lilias'. "I warned you not to get involved with these fanatics!" She gestured angrily at the carnage around them. "You demons never listen, always sticking your noses where they don't belong."

Collins placed a calming hand on Akari's shoulder before turning to Lilia. "Just tell us exactly what transpired here," he said in a measured tone.

Lilia nodded and began her account, explaining how she had scouted the area but was captured. After escaping, she returned to search for Alistair, fighting off cultists along the way.

"When I reached this chamber, the High Priest was mid-ritual. He... he sacrificed his acolytes to fuel some profane magic," Lilia continued, her voice tinged with regret. "We battled, but he was too powerful. In the end, we were locked in a stalemate. To survive, I had no choice but to drain him of his life."

Collins scrutinized the body intently before turning back to Lilia. "That crater seems beyond the work of any mortal. What magic could have wrought such devastation?"

Lilia hesitated. She recalled summoning the meteor but decided against revealing that power just yet. "As I said, the High Priest had become incredibly powerful after sacrificing his followers. I do not fully understand how he created that crater, only that his magic had become incredibly deadly."

The agents shared a look but seemed to accept her story. Collins said, "We'll need you to remain here while we document the scene and collect evidence."

Lilia nodded. "Of course. I will provide any details I can recall that may be relevant."

As Collins moved off to inspect the scene, Akari stepped closer to Lilia, arms folded across her chest. Lilia tensed reflexively. While Collins had been professional, almost friendly, Akari's body language radiated disapproval bordering on hostility.

"I warned you not to get involved with the Children of the Apocalypse," she repeated her point. "Their affairs are not for amateurs to meddle in. Even your usual heroics are already causing enough problems for us."

Lilia bristled at the accusation. "I never intended to confront the cult directly," she replied defensively. "I only wished to gather information on their plans. But they discovered me and left me no other option."

"Hmph. Convenient excuse," Akari scoffed. "What if you had failed to stop their leader? Your actions likely drove him to such extremes in the first place. These fanatics become more dangerous when threatened."

Stung by the criticism, Lilia protested, "I was only trying to help! I couldn't stand idly by with innocent lives at risk."

Akari's eyes flashed with anger. "Typical demon! You think yourself above the law, free to act on your whims. But your carelessness could have doomed many innocent lives!"

After a long moment, Akari let out a weary sigh. When she spoke again, her tone had softened slightly. "But I suppose, despite your recklessness, you may have prevented a greater disaster today. So, you have my thanks."

Lilia's eyebrows shot up in surprise. She hadn't expected even grudging gratitude from Akari. "I," she began cautiously, "I only did what I felt was right."

Akari nodded, a hint of a smile touching her lips. "Just try to exercise more patience and discretion in the future. We may not always be here to clean up your messes."

Their conversation was interrupted when Collins returned to their side. "Well, I've pieced together what happened here. Their leader implanted a powerful relic within himself, and in an act of desperation, he used his followers to fuel it. Though he certainly didn't expect that he'd face someone that could steal that energy from him."

He gave Lilia an approving look. "Your actions may have provoked this, but in the end, thanks to your swift intervention, you've managed to thwart their long term goals. You have my thanks."

Lilia blinked in astonishment. She had braced herself for anger and recriminations, not praise. "I... thank you," she managed. "But doesn't it bother you that I killed the High Priest?" She hesitated before adding softly, "I devoured his very soul."

Collins waved a hand dismissively. "I assumed as much. Your kind feeds on vital energies. What matters is that you stopped him before he could endanger others. Sometimes the ends justify the means."

His casual acceptance surprised Lilia. She knew most would be horrified by what she had done, even if justified. Yet Collins seemed wholly pragmatic about her questionable methods. It was a sobering reminder of how different their world was from hers.

After gathering the last of their evidence, Collins and Akari prepared to depart. But first, Collins left Lilia with a warning.

"You may have dealt this cell a serious blow, but the Children of the Apocalypse remain dangerous fanatics. They will be warier now, less likely to underestimate you. Tread carefully if your paths cross again. And should you uncover anything concerning the cult, inform us right away. Do not act recklessly on your own."

Lilia nodded solemnly. "You have my word. I won't."

Satisfied, Collins and Akari exited the chamber, leaving Lilia amidst the debris. She let out a weary sigh, hoping for a respite after this harrowing ordeal.

Exhausted from the day's events, Lilia slumped against a broken pillar to catch her breath. The chamber lay in utter devastation, with chunks of stone and twisted metal strewn across the floor. Closing her eyes, she tried to steady her ragged nerves.

The sound of footsteps caused her to look up. Alistair emerged from the shadows, concern etched in his eyes. "Mistress, I'm relieved to see you're alright."

Lilia offered a weary smile as she rose to her feet. "I'm glad to see you too, Alistair," she said, her voice tinged with fatigue. "I could certainly use a hot shower and some rest after today's ordeal. Come on, let's head home."

Together, they exited the underground complex and made their way through the city as dusk settled in. Lilia maintained her human guise, attracting minimal attention as she navigated the bustling streets. Alistair, in his cat form, trotted loyally at her heels.

By the time Lilia arrived home, weariness weighed down her every step. She yearned to wash away the grime and dirt from her body—a hot shower sounded particularly inviting. Slipping quietly inside, Lilia decided against discussing the day's events for the moment. And headed straight to the shower.

Once in the bathroom, she turned the shower as hot as she could bear. As water cascaded over her, she watched the dirt swirl down the drain. A soft sigh escaped her; the heat and steam were a balm to her frayed nerves. Stepping out of the shower, Lilia felt almost reborn.

After towelling off, Lilia retreated to her bedroom, clad in a robe. She hoped that after feeding on the cultist's essence, she wouldn't get stuck inside Lilia's body, similar to what happened after Akari's kiss. Missing school was not an option this time.

Engulfed in her spiralling worries, Lilia barely noticed the subtle tingling that heralded the impending transformation. Moments later, the now-familiar shift overtook her. Blinking, she found herself in James' body once again.

Catching his breath, James realized his voice sounded different—higher, lacking its former masculine edge. He approached the mirror, his curiosity piqued by the change.

His reflection revealed softened features, an androgynous mix of masculine and feminine. Silver hair framed a delicate face, and his frame had slimmed, slight curves replacing his usual figure. James now appeared to be perfectly balanced between male and female, capable of passing for either.

With his heart racing, James examined his altered body. Tiny mounds had formed beneath his shirt. He gulped, hands trembling as he checked below the belt. To his immense relief, that critical part remained unchanged.

Sinking onto the bed with his head in his hands, James grasped the gravity of his situation. His actions as Lilia were affecting his real body more deeply than he had anticipated. Recalling the previous feedings, a realization struck him: each time he fed as Lilia, the changes to his body accelerated.

A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. Lilia's mother entered, carrying a tray. "I heard you come in, so I thought you might be hungry..." May's voice faltered as she took in the unfamiliar teen before her.

"James? Is that you?" His mother asked, her brow creasing with uncertainty.

James blushed, acutely aware of his mother's scrutinizing gaze. "Y-yes, it's me," he stammered, avoiding eye contact. "It seems more of Lilia's traits carried over this time." He gestured awkwardly to his altered form.

Understanding dawned in May's eyes. She set the tray down and enveloped James in a comforting embrace. "Don't worry. I've told you before, you'll always be my child, no matter what you look like."

James clung to his mother, drawing strength from her soothing presence. Perhaps things would turn out alright after all. As long as Ren could figure things out with his changes, he might be able to return to a normal life.


Meanwhile, in her underground club, Moira lounged on a plush divan, idly trailing her fingers along a young woman's throat. The woman bore a passing resemblance to Lilia - curvy and silver-haired. A delightful little pet for the evening.

Yet Moira found her thoughts drifting back to the intriguing sister who continued to surprise her. She had received an informant's report of Lilia's activities involving her tip. Such a bold, reckless move to storm their lair alone. And yet...she had intentionally allowed herself to be captured. Why? What designs were spinning through that beautiful mind?

Then, by all accounts after freeing some prisoners, Lilia had ripped through the cultists' ranks. Had that been her plan all along? Letting them believe they had the upper hand, then striking when their guard was lowered? Clever, if true. But so, unlike the composed cunning Lilia had displayed previously.

And in the end, she had somehow defeated and utterly drained their High Priest of his newfound power. Lilia always presented herself as virtuous, yet she had feasted upon that stolen power as greedily as any other succubus. She had everyone believing her heroic facade it seemed. Everyone but Moira.

What intricate schemes was Lilia spinning that she could not decipher? Calling the human authorities in to clean up the aftermath had been an especially unexpected move. What could she gain by this? Did she knew she was observed? Was she trying to throw her off? Moira was thrilled at the idea that Lilia's plans might exceed her understanding.

Gazing down at the frail beauty trembling beneath her, Moira lamented that she was not Lilia. Still, she would sate her desires on this pale imitation for now. Her mind swam with possibilities of how she might lure the elusive Lilia to her side. What pleasures they could indulge in if she bent that cunning mind to a shared purpose.

Moira dragged her eager pet off towards her private chambers, already imagining it was Lilia at her mercy. Soon, she told herself. Soon she would make that fantasy a reality.

Shoutout to all patrons who wish to support this story as well as to a first member of bird aristocracy: Matt Schlutz

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