Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 33: Truth

James sat on the couch in Ren's apartment, fidgeting with nervous energy. He had come to discuss the ongoing changes to his body after the intense battle with the cultists. Ren sat across from him, her expression serious yet compassionate.

"So, did your colleague find anything yet?" James asked, unable to keep the worry from his tone.

Ren sighed and shook her head. "I'm afraid not. He's never seen anything like it and says he'll need more time to even begin to understand it."

"Then there's no way to stop this? To go back to how I was before?" Despair tinged James' voice. He hadn't realized how much he'd miss his old, simple life.

Ren reached over and grasped his hand reassuringly. "Don't lose hope yet. Just because we don't have answers now doesn't mean we won't find them."

Despite her encouragement, scepticism gnawed at James. He felt himself drifting further from his original self. The fear that one day he might never change back loomed over him.

"But what if there's no going back?" he replied bleakly. "I'm becoming less like myself each time. Soon, I might be stuck as Lilia permanently."

Ren frowned, considering his words. After a moment, she said gently, "Even if that happens, we'll still support you, James."

Frustration welled up in James. "That's easy for you to say! But I'll be the one with a reputation as the guy who turned into a girl!" His voice grew more agitated. "No one will look at me the same again." James clutched at his hair, feeling the unfamiliar smooth locks between his fingers. Even now, traces of Lilia remained.

Ren looked thoughtful, clearly choosing her next words with care. "I understand this is difficult," she began delicately. "Your life has changed in ways beyond your control. But you're not alone in this."

She scooted closer on the couch, her expression open and compassionate. "If you'd prefer, you could attend school as Lily while we look for solution. Her identity is already established, so no one would need to know."

James immediately shook his head, rejecting the idea. "What am I supposed to tell my friends then? I didn't want to tell them before because I was afraid of their reaction, not to mention the danger it could put them in. But now, if I want to keep those relationships, it seems I'd have to tell them the truth about my changes."

He let out a hollow laugh. "Can you imagine that conversation? 'Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I'm partially a girl now. Pretty crazy, huh?' They'll think I'm some kind of freak!"

"Give them some credit," Ren chided gently. "Your friends care about you."

James nodded "I know it's just tha…"

A knock at the apartment door interrupted their conversation. Ren rose to answer it, returning a minute later with a large package. "Special delivery from Dr. Wolf, he is the colleague that worked on your case." she said, handing it to James. "You can open it yourself if you want."

James eagerly tore open the package, which contained a sealed letter, a USB drive, and a small box with five ampules inside, all carefully packaged. Hands trembling, he broke the letter's seal and quickly read its contents.

When he finished, James looked up at Ren, scarcely able to believe the news. "He was able to use the samples to create a serum! It can revert my changes."

"What? That's wonderful!" Ren replied, equally surprised and relieved.

James' excitement dimmed slightly as he reread the next part of the letter. "Well, it's not a perfect solution. The serum is only temporary, and its effects will weaken with each use."

Ren's brow furrowed thoughtfully. "It buys us time but doesn't solve the underlying issue." She took the letter from James, reviewing it herself.

"At least we have a way to reverse the changes when needed. And he included instructions for making more doses if necessary." Ren tapped the USB drive meaningfully.

James nodded, but his relief was tempered by the letter's warning that a permanent solution seemed unlikely. Still, even a temporary reprieve was better than nothing. It would grant him some semblance of control over his transformations.

As he reflected on this small victory, James became aware of subtle emotions swirling within him. Amplified nervousness, a melancholy tinge to his thoughts. It felt almost like being an observer to his own feelings.

"This is going to sound strange," James began uncertainly. "But I think I'm feeling things more intensely than usual. Like my emotions are tuned sharper."

Ren looked thoughtful. "Your biochemistry is changing. It could be related to hormones changing as well," she offered with an encouraging smile. "Don't worry too much. You're still the James I know."

Despite Ren's reassurance, James couldn't fully shake his disquiet. This creeping disconnect from his own emotions unsettled him. Was he losing his grip on his mind as well as his body?

Sensing his lingering distress, Ren pulled James into a hug. "Whatever comes, know that you're still my little brother. Nothing will ever change that."

James clung to his sister, drawing comfort from her words. With her support, he hoped he could weather any future storms. For now, he chose to focus on the upsides, rather than dwell on uncertainties. The serum offered a lifeline during his ongoing metamorphosis into Lilia.



James stood in Ren's bathroom, steeling his nerves as he prepared to take the serum for the first time. According to Dr. Wolf's instructions, a single injection should temporarily revert his altered looks back to its original male state.

With trembling hands, James carefully inserted a dose of the opaque liquid into an injector. He rolled up his sleeve, pressing the tip into the crook of his elbow. As he pressed the button, he felt a prickling sensation followed by odd tingling spreading through his body.

For several long moments, nothing seemed to happen. James held his breath, praying the serum would work. Then, before his eyes, the delicate contours of his frame sharpened and thickened. Silver strands faded back to blonde, and the tiny mounds on his chest flattened completely. The changes to his body regressed rapidly, his androgynous characteristics melting away until James' familiar masculine appearance was restored.

Catching sight of himself in the mirror, James let out a shaky breath. The serum had succeeded, at least for now. But its efficacy would gradually decline with repeated use. Still, James allowed himself a moment to simply appreciate looking like himself again. It granted him hope that some small part of his old life could be salvaged.

Emerging from the bathroom, James found Ren waiting anxiously in the living room. Her eyes lit up at the sight of him. "It worked!" she exclaimed.

James nodded with glee. "Yeah, I'm back to normal, for the time being anyway." He shook his head, his expression turning serious. "But we both know this is just delaying the inevitable."

Ren's face fell slightly. "Don't say that. This gives us more time to find a permanent solution."

James sighed. "Maybe, but I can't rely solely on 'maybes' anymore." He met his sister's gaze resolutely. "I've made a decision. I'm going to come clean to my friends about everything."

"Are you sure you want to tell them?" Ren asked, looking concerned. She wanted to know if James was serious about the idea, so that he wouldn't regret his decision later.

"They deserve to know the truth," James replied firmly. "Especially if I end up stuck as Lilia. I don't want to lose their friendship over this."

Ren still appeared worried but didn't try to dissuade him any further. "Just be cautious in deciding what to reveal," she advised. "Their lives may never be the same once they know."

James nodded solemnly. He understood such knowledge, once given, could not be taken back. But he was tired of half-truths and evasions. His friends meant too much to keep deceiving them.

After leaving Ren's apartment, James sent a group message asking to meet up at their usual cliffside hangout spot. One by one, his friends confirmed their availability that evening. The time had come for revelations.




As the afternoon waned, James stopped by his house to pick up drinks and snacks to bring to the meetup. His stomach was a roiling mess of anxiety, but he tried to project an air of normalcy. He didn't want to worry his mother with his inner turmoil.

Once James arrived at the cliff, he found Nathan and Alex already there chatting amiably. Mia showed up shortly after. Together, they watched the sunset paint vibrant hues across the sky as they sipped beers and joked around. James both savoured the familiar camaraderie and mourned its impending loss.

After delaying as long as he could, James steeled himself to rip off the band aid. As his friends quieted from their lively discussion, he hesitantly cleared his throat.

"So, I actually had something serious I wanted to share with you all," James began, his mouth dry. They turned to him attentively, faces open and curious. He took a deep breath. No going back now.

"You guys may have noticed some changes in me recently, like the hair and stuff," James continued awkwardly. His friends nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.

"Well, the truth is, I sort of developed...powers, after getting caught in a super fight awhile back." James forced himself to maintain eye contact despite their confused expressions.

"I can, well it's easier if I just show you." Not giving himself time to change his mind, James swiftly triggered the transformation into Lilia. His friends' eyes bugged out in shock as they took in the sudden appearance of a horned, blue-skinned woman before them.

"Wha- James? Is that you?" Nathan sputtered out finally. Mia and Alex seemed struck speechless, gaping at Lilia's voluptuous figure. She suppressed the urge to cover herself reflexively.

"Yup, It's me, The one and only James," Lilia said gently. "I know this is a lot to take in."

"Holy shit!" Nathan exclaimed. "It really is you! But how...?"

Alex seemed to regain his composure. Pushing up his glasses, he asked slowly, "But why do you look like this?" His analytical mind was clearly struggling to process this.

Lilia nodded. "It is my game avatar from Endless Fantasy. I somehow got turned into her." Comprehension flashed across her friends' faces at the mention of the game.

"Wait a minute, you were that badass demon chick who helped us at the bar?" Nathan said excitedly. Mia's eyes widened as she too made the connection.

"That's right," Lilia confirmed.

"Holy crap, to think it was you all along!" Nathan exclaimed.

Lilia raised her hands placatingly until they quieted. "Let me explain everything, then I'll answer your questions." She went on to summarize discovering her powers, learning to cope with the transformations, and how 'Lily' was actually James all along.

Her friends listened raptly, visibly struggling to reconcile this revelation with the James they knew. When Lilia finished her account, Nathan spoke up first.

"So, all those times you mysteriously disappeared...that was because of this?" At Lilia's confirming nod, understanding crossed Nathan's face.

"Well, that also explains why your 'cousin' Lily acted so much like you," Mia chimed in with a small, amazed laugh. "She was you the whole time!"

Lilia smiled. "Yup. Lily Song is just an identity Ren created for me. Though the cousin bit was me improvising on the spot."

The others murmured in agreement, piecing together the truth of Lilia's double identity. Their shock was gradually giving way to curiosity rather than fear. Heartened, Lilia decided to drop her last bombshell.

"There's one more thing you should know," she said seriously. "The transformations have been affecting my real body too." Seeing their alarmed faces, she quickly clarified.

"Well it's nothing to worry about, thanks to a serum my sister's work colleague developed, I can revert the changes. At least for now. But I may end up fully transforming into Lilia someday." Lilia swallowed hard before continuing.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, whether I change completely or not, I hope you guys can still see me as the same old James." Lilia searched her friends' faces apprehensively, fearing disgust or rejection.

To her immense surprise and relief, Nathan simply grinned and slung an arm around her shoulders. "Come on, you think we'd ditch you over something like this? You're still our friend no matter what you look like. Doesn't matter if you're hot or not."

Alex gave a firm nod of agreement. "Honestly, after everything we've been through, this isn't so strange." His steady, analytical gaze reassured Lilia in its familiarity.

Mia smiled warmly, placing a hand on Lilia's arm. "I think I speak for all of us when I say we'll be here for you, James."

Lilia blinked back the sudden sting of tears, deeply moved by her friends' unconditional acceptance. She had braced herself for disbelief or disgust, never expecting such immediate understanding and support.

"Thank you, all of you," Lilia said thickly. "You have no idea how much this means to me." Impulsively, she pulled them all into a group hug, uncaring of how the gesture might seem uncharacteristic of her usual self.

As they parted, Nathan clapped his hands together eagerly. "Okay, now you gotta tell us everything! Have you been fighting crime in secret?" His eyes were alight with excitement.

Lilia laughed, some of the tension easing from her shoulders. Settling in around the fading fire, she regaled them with a few stories of her exploits. Their camaraderie remained untarnished by her revelations. For the first time since gaining her first transformation, Lilia felt her stress fully melt away.

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