Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 34: Heist

Lilia and Mia stepped off the bus, waving goodbye to Nathan and Alex as it pulled away. It had been an emotional evening, one where Lilia had come clean to her friends about her powers.

As they walked, Mia glanced over. "So, are you still up for practicing some magic tonight?"

Lilia smirked. "You bet. Maybe if you get good enough, we can go on magical adventures together."

Mia laughed. "I think you're the one who needs to keep practicing, James. Or should I say Lily?" She nudged Lilia playfully.

Lilia shrugged. "Actually, both names are fine. I'm already somewhat used to 'Lily' when I'm like this. Besides, in the game, everyone called me Lilia." She paused, her thoughts shifting. "Anyway, magic seems to come much more naturally to me in this form. I think it's connected to that spellbook we found in the library."

Mia looked sceptical. "What makes you say that?"

"Because the spells in that book are straight out of Endless Fantasy," Lilia explained. "They're described just like in the game, but with more detail and instructions on how to actually cast them. I'll show you when we get to my place."

Soon they arrived at Lilia's house. May looked surprised to see Mia accompanying her son-turned-daughter. "Oh, hello, Mia! I'm afraid James isn't home."

Lilia rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "Mom, I've told my friends about my powers; there's no need to pretend."

May smiled warmly. "Oh, I see! I'm glad you've decided to trust your friends." She looked at Mia again. "We have a spare room available. You're welcome to stay the night if you'd like."

Mia agreed happily and followed Lilia upstairs. Once in her room, Lilia logged into Endless Fantasy on her computer, showing Mia the in-game descriptions of various spells.

Mia looked astonished. "This is exactly like that notebook! Do you think the game developers actually know real magic?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," Lilia mused. "But there's definitely more to this game." She recounted her encounters with monsters like the Sanity Devourer that seemed to originate from the game. Yet, when she checked their in-game information, it was mysteriously absent.

Before Lilia could speculate further, May returned with sandwiches for their dinner. She encouraged Mia to make herself at home before departing.

After finishing their sandwiches, Lilia and Mia spent the next few hours poring over the spellbook, absorbing its arcane knowledge. Mia, as always, proved to be a quick learner, and by the time exhaustion overtook them, she had already mastered another spell.



Over the next few weeks, life returned to a semblance of normalcy for James. Thanks to the serum provided by Dr. Wolf, he was able to maintain his normal appearance at school and in his day-to-day activities.

However, the serum effects would fade whenever James transformed into Lilia. But a single injection after reverting back restored his original appearance once again. It was a temporary solution, but James held onto it, hopeful that with more time, a permanent solution might appear.

In their free time, both Mia and James advanced their magical skills. Mia grew adept at modifying water and ice spells from the book, blending them together in innovative ways tailored to her particular strengths. James, on the other hand, focused intensely on honing his mana control and spellcasting fundamentals. His goal was to reliably perform magic without needing to transform into Lilia first. Moreover, this training also granted him greater efficiency and power when utilizing spells as Lilia.

During this peaceful interlude, James occasionally still found some free time to stop petty crimes around the city. These minor heroic acts helped hone his skills in preparation for greater threats ahead. Though he tried to keep a low profile, rumours of the mysterious heroine appeared.

Three weeks passed in this manner until the day of the Phantom Thief's promised heist arrived. Lilia had received an exclusive invitation from the roguish figure to attend the event. James saw it as a perfect chance to reclaim the Blade of War before the thief or other parties obtained it. He'd use the commotion caused by the Thief and swipe the relic for himself.

After triple-checking his plan, James triggered his transformation into Lilia. She finished suiting up in her stealth outfit before securing her staff, and potions. She was as ready as possible for whatever awaited at the museum. Steeling herself, Lilia set out to meet her destiny.



Lilia arrived at the extravagant mansion of millionaire Victor Dalton under the cover of night. The sprawling estate was surrounded by high stone walls and elaborate metalwork gates. Spotlights illuminated the perfectly manicured grounds, while heroes and security guards patrolled around the perimeter.

According to the Phantom Thief's letter, the Blade of War resided somewhere within Dalton's private collection. Lilia knew the mansion's security would be on high alert tonight, but this was likely her only opportunity to reclaim the powerful relic before it fell into the wrong hands.

Slipping into the estate's shadowy corners, Lilia pulled a small vial from her inventory. It contained a precious potion of invisibility, one of the few she had. The effects would last up to an hour but would immediately dissipate if she attacked someone or used any magic. She would have to rely solely on stealth and subterfuge tonight.

After drinking the potion, Lilia's body vanished from sight. Only a faint shimmer remained where she stood. Alistair, who had accompanied her in his feline form, gave an approving nod before slinking off to keep watch around the perimeter.

Now invisible, Lilia began infiltrating the mansion's grounds, relying on her enhanced senses to avoid the patrolling guards. More than once, she barely sidestepped them at the last second, holding her breath until they passed. The invisibility offered no protection from physical contact.

At one close call, Lilia accidentally brushed against a guard's shoulder. "You smell that, Joe?" the guard asked his partner. "Almost like a vanilla scent."

Lilia froze, praying her contact had gone unnoticed. After a pause, the other guard chuckled. "Lay off the booze, Rick. I don't smell anything."

Relieved, Lilia continued onward, hugging the mansion's walls until she located an open window on the second floor. She easily scaled the stonework and slipped inside, finding herself in a long hallway lined with paintings and decorative armour.

According to the museum's floor plans she had studied, the private collections were located in a secure wing on the east side of the mansion. Lilia stealthily traversed the ornate halls, ducking into alcoves whenever guards approached on their patrols. So far, she had avoided raising any alarms.

At last, Lilia reached an unassuming door labelled 'Trophies.' Locked, naturally, but it was nothing to an enchanted skeleton key. As the key crumbled the door swung open smoothly, revealing a room filled with display cases and shelves holding rare artifacts from around the world.

And there, mounted in a place of honour on the far wall, behind a glass cover, hung an ominous short sword. Its hilt was black as midnight, etched with spidery veins of glowing crimson. This had to be the Blade of War.

But the time was not yet right to act. The blade was clearly attached to some alarm device that would activate as soon as she picked up the blade. Lilia would wait for the distraction and chaos caused by the rogue's entrance before making her own move.

Settling against the wall, Lilia slowed her breathing and steadied her nerves. She strained her senses, hoping to detect the thief's arrival. Around her, various artifacts seemed to watch in silent judgement, as if resenting her intrusion into their sanctuary.


Few minutes later Lilia heard footsteps approaching from the hallway outside the archive room. A man's voice echoed through the door, announcing in a theatrical tone, "Ladies and gentlemen, your entertainment for the evening has arrived!"

She recognized the voice - it was the Phantom Thief. He continued his dramatic monologue, "To my special mystery guest, I hope you've arrived on time. The real show is about to begin!"

Lilia tensed, realizing this was her chance while the Thief was occupied with his theatrics. Moving swiftly, she smashed the glass case containing the Blade of War with her staff. As shards tinkled to the floor, the invisibility potion wore off, though her hood still concealed her face.

Lilia grasped the Blade's hilt and attempted to store it in her shadow inventory. To her surprise, the relic refused to sink into her shadow. She would have to carry it out manually.

At that moment, alarms began blaring deafeningly. Red emergency lights flashed throughout the mansion. Lilia knew she had only moments before security swarmed this room.

Just then, the Phantom Thief sauntered in, oblivious to the alarms. "My, my, aren't we being daring?" he nodded approvingly. His eyes widened as they settled on the Blade in Lilia's grip.

"You! Not just anyone could have slipped past my notice," he exclaimed, his gaze scanning her from head to toe. "Ah, but of course. We meet again, mysterious beauty."

Lilia tensed, uneasy that he had recognized her so quickly. The Thief continued amiably, "I must say, the way you stole my heart last time, and now this priceless continually impress me!"

Suppressing a scoff, Lilia edged toward the room's only exit. But to her chagrin, the Phantom Thief fell into step behind her.

"Please, allow me to assist your escape! I simply must see how this thrilling heist concludes." He followed her enthusiastically despite her attempts to signal him away.

With no other choice, Lilia took off down the hall, the Thief close on her heels. "Wait for me, darling!" he called after her teasingly. "I insist on escorting you to safety!"

Lilia grimaced in frustration as his flamboyant antics drew the notice of the mansion's security. She was forced to tap into her enhanced reflexes to evade the guards' grasp and duck into side rooms whenever possible. The Phantom Thief seemed to take it all as part of the game, using his gadgets to slip past obstacles with acrobatic flair.

Several times, Lilia lost the guards around corners only for the Thief to catch up and draw their attention again with his showboating. "This way, my dear!" he would call loudly, or pause to leave a mocking note for his pursuers. Lilia was quickly losing patience with his interference.

At last, she neared an exit, having lost the guards once again in the labyrinth of rooms. But just as she reached for the door, the infuriating Phantom Thief caught her hand.

"Please, I must know who you are!" he implored, slightly out of breath from the chase.

Before she could wrench her hand away, the guards spotted them again. The exit was blocked, leaving them cornered.

Lilia braced herself, prepared to force her way out despite the risks. But abruptly she felt an arm around her waist as the Phantom Thief fired his grappling gun toward the roof. To her shock, they were yanked upwards right as the guards closed in.

"Hold on tight, my dear!" he said with a roguish wink as they reached the apex of their swing. Adjusting his grip, the thief angled them toward the outer wall just as the grapple detached. They cleared the spikes lining the wall's top by inches.

Moments later, they landed in a tumble on the grass outside the mansion's grounds. Lilia quickly freed herself from the thief's embrace, stumbling to her feet. Her mind spun as she tried to process their dramatic escape.

The Phantom Thief stood and swept into an elaborate bow. "Tristan Kidd, at your service," he introduced with a flourish. "Might I have the pleasure of your name as well?"

Lilia hesitated, then simply said in a harsh tone, "Lilia." She was in no mood for flirtatious banter.

Tristan flashed his signature roguish grin. "Ah, why so abrasive, my dear," he lamented, his eyes twinkling behind his domino mask. "I hope that upon our next encounter, you will be more willing to open up, perhaps over a romantic dinner. But for now, I bid you adieu!"

With that, he fired his grapple gun once more, propelling himself onto the rooftops and vanishing from sight. Lilia stood alone in the enveloping darkness, her heart racing from the night's events yet triumphant in having secured the Blade. Despite this victory, she couldn't shake the feeling that she had somehow failed in her mission.

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