Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 37: Serene Wrath

I'm not feeling very well, fever and so on. I might have to take a break for a week or two, depending on if I get better tomorrow or if it gets worse.

James drifted off to sleep, exhausted after the tumultuous events of the past few days. As his consciousness faded, he found himself standing in the familiar, empty void of his dreams.

He had expected to once again encounter Lilia within this strange space between worlds. But instead of the enigmatic woman, the imposing form of the Blade of War hovered before him, its size magnified to twice his height. Overcome by curiosity, James reached out to touch the dark metal.

The moment his fingertips brushed the blade's surface, searing pain scorched his palm. With a strangled gasp, James watched as the flesh of his hand transformed from pale skin to Lilia's characteristic azure hue, the transformation rapidly spreading up his arm. Simultaneously, vivid images and emotions flooded his mind in a disorienting torrent.

He saw caverns glittering with rare minerals, their latent power waiting to be tapped. Forges glowed white-hot, ready to impart their fiery might. Hideous beasts were slaughtered, their magical essence extracted and bottled. A lone figure tirelessly gathered these ingredients, driven by cold determination.

The visions carried James deeper until he found himself standing before a towering anvil wrought of blackened iron. The rhythmic ring of hammer on metal filled the air as he felt himself working the bellows, sweat beading on his brow from the forge's sweltering heat.

James could only watch helplessly as his body moved with a proficiency no mortal possessed, folding immeasurable power into the rapidly forming blade. Every strike of the hammer imprinted the smith's simmering fury into the metal, making it nearly sentient with wrathful intent.

After what seemed like an eternity, the blade was complete, crystalline veins of red adorning its obsidian length like spiderwebs. The smith lifted the finished sword reverently with a bluish hand. In a voice both alien and achingly familiar, the smith murmured a name for her creation: "Serene Wrath."

The visions evaporated as quickly as they had come, leaving James reeling. He found himself back in the empty void, flexing his hand in bewilderment at the absence of any lingering pain or discoloration. The only evidence of what he had witnessed was the fiery tattoo wrapped around his forearm, signifying the Blade's current dormant state.

Before James could grapple with the implications of what he had seen, Lilia herself suddenly materialized before him. Her fathomless violet eyes regarded him with an air of satisfaction.

"Well done on taking the first step in reclaiming what is ours," she said with a smile. Noting his stunned expression, she elaborated, "The blade revealed itself to you, proof that it acknowledges your claim."

James shook his head in disbelief. "But how? Those visions... that was you creating the Blade, wasn't it?"

Lilia's smile held a touch of sadness. "In a distant past, yes. Its forging drew upon my deepest pains and purpose at the time." Her gaze turned distant, as if peering across the ages. "But do not dwell on past shadows. Focus on the path ahead."

Before James could demand answers about her ominous words, he felt himself being pulled back to waking life. As Lilia and the void faded, her final words echoed after him

"The first step is taken. When the time comes, you will find your way through the dark."

James awoke with a gasp, his heart pounding. The first light of dawn filtered through his window, signalling the start of a new day. Yet his thoughts remained ensnared in darkness, grappling with the meaning of Lilia's cryptic messages and the visions bestowed by the blade.

What was Lilia's connection to these ancient weapons? Why had she chosen him to recover them? And who—or what—was the enemy she had created the blades to vanquish?

As James prepared for school, his thoughts kept drifting back to the vivid dream. The memories and emotions evoked by the Blade of War—no, the Serene Wrath, as it was truly named—were etched sharply in his mind.

He could still sense the cold, simmering wrath that had fuelled the forging of the blade. Beneath the fury lay a powerful urge to protect something invaluable, though James couldn't pinpoint what that was. Despite its daunting appearance, Serene Wrath had not been a mere instrument of destruction. It had been a vessel of righteous fury, directed toward an unspecified threat.

The recollections were so vivid that James was convinced he could craft a sword himself, given the proper tools and materials. It would be far from the calibre of Serene Wrath, but still an impressive weapon by modern standards. The meticulous steps of the forging process had imprinted themselves indelibly in his mind.

With this newfound understanding of the blade's history, James also realized that the tattoo on his forearm was merely a projection of how he imagined the dormant Serene Wrath to appear when unused.

In reality, he could manipulate the tattoo at will, moving it across his skin or altering its shape into various forms. James could even make the marking vanish completely if he so desired. The tattoo wasn't the Blade itself, but a manifestation of its presence intertwined with his essence.

This epiphany led to another question in James' mind—was Lilia truly just a character from his game? He couldn't remember anything about Serene Wrath or its lore existing in Endless Fantasy.

Shaking his head, James resolved to seek his sister Ren's perspective after school. Perhaps her keen analytical skills could shed light on the enigma of Lilia's origins and true nature. The disquiet churning within him demanded further exploration if he was to comprehend the journey that lay ahead.


James glanced at his watch as he hurried along the sidewalk, not wanting to be late for school. As he passed by the small Shinto shrine nestled between some buildings, he was surprised to see Akari standing outside in her shrine maiden outfit.

He hadn't seen her dress that way for some time. Pausing, James debated whether to approach her. She seemed preoccupied sweeping the shrine's steps, her brow furrowed in concentration. As he drew nearer, Akari glanced up, her expression morphing into one of irritation.

"Oh, it's you," she said bluntly, resting the broom against the wall. "I suppose I shouldn't be shocked to encounter your kind loitering around a holy site."

James blinked in confusion. "My kind? What are you talking about?"

Akari's scowl deepened. "Don't play innocent. I'm referring to whatever trickery you used to charm the bureau higher-ups."

"What? No, I didn't do anything like that!" James protested, holding up his hands.

"Hmph, likely story," Akari huffed, though she seemed slightly less certain. "I just can't fathom why they're being so accommodating to a meddling succubus like you."

James shifted uncomfortably. He knew Akari still saw him as Lilia whenever they interacted, assuming the worst of the mysterious his motives.

"I told you, that was just a random thought," James insisted. "I never expected them to actually consider it. I certainly didn't influence anyone."

Akari's eyes narrowed. "But how else could a demon gain such trust so quickly? Your kind are deceivers by nature, saying whatever is needed to prey upon others."

Akari frowned as she continued her tirade. "Not only that, but the terms they've proposed are too good for your kind. All carrot, no stick."

She shook her head in disbelief. "I suppose I should be glad they haven't granted you access to the Blade of Pestilence yet."

Her eyes narrowed, scrutinizing him closely. "You haven't perchance... charmed or seduced some higher-up, have you?" She let out an exasperated sigh. "No... That should be impossible. Only board members have access to each other's identities."

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Look, maybe they see this as a way to keep a closer eye on me, I don't know. I'm still just a high school student, not some demonic mastermind."

Akari chewed her lip, conflicted. She wanted to cling to her assumptions about Lilia's deceitful nature, but James seemed earnest. "I suppose you've never given me reason to doubt your intentions before," she admitted reluctantly.

"Very well, I will try to keep an open mind about this arrangement," Akari conceded. She levelled a stern finger at James. "But don't think for a moment I've lowered my guard."

James nodded quickly. "I understand. Thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt."

Akari's expression softened marginally. "Hmph. I merely wish to avoid any rash judgements. Prejudices can cloud one's perceptions."

Akari's features softened slightly, though wariness lingered in her eyes. "Very well. But understand, you will not be an official agent. At best, a contracted consultant, given your...nature. This is merely a partnership of convenience."

"Of course," James agreed. He was relieved they seemed to reach an understanding, however tentative. Akari's suspicions were somewhat justified, given he hoped to use this role to access the other Blade. But his intentions remained noble at heart - or so he told himself.

"I should get to school now. Thank you again for hearing me out," James said respectfully. As he turned to leave, Akari's voice stopped him once more.

"Lilia...despite our differences, I hope this arrangement can foster mutual trust over time," she said, a touch awkwardly. Before James could respond, she hastily resumed sweeping the shrine steps, signalling the conversation was over.

James walked away feeling cautiously optimistic about this potential partnership with the NABC. True, Akari likely saw it as a way to restrict his actions. But if they could move past their wariness, perhaps it would be mutually beneficial in the end.


The school day passed in a blur for James. He went through the motions of attending classes and conversing with friends, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the vivid dream. The revelation that Lilia herself had forged the ancient Serene Wrath raised so many questions.

When the final bell rang, James bid his friends goodbye before heading to Ren's apartment. His sister's analytical nature might provide some fresh perspective on the mysteries surrounding Lilia.

Ren looked surprised when she opened the door to find James there. "Hey, little brother. Everything okay?"

James quickly summarized the intense dream where he'd witnessed the creation of the Blade of War. Ren's eyes gradually widened as she absorbed his account.

"That's...incredible," she breathed when he finished. "I hypothesized your transformations might be manifesting from the psyche, but this suggests something much deeper."

Ren began pacing, her mind racing. "The fact Lilia herself confirmed she forged that blade, long before you started turning into her, proves she's no mere game character."

She shook her head in bewilderment. "But then why is she so similar to it? It makes no logical sense."

Ren paused, looking thoughtful. "I know this will sound unscientific, but what if Lilia, the blades, all of it...originated from some alternate universe?" She spoke faster, following the thread.

"Maybe whoever created Endless Fantasy stumbled upon notes from that other world. Or they themselves were originally from there." Ren sighed in frustration. "It still doesn't explain your connection, though."

James nodded slowly, mulling over her speculative theory. In the corner, Alistair listened intently, equally invested in unravelling his and his mistress' origins.

"You're right, it seems far-fetched," James said after a moment. "But at this point, nothing else makes sense either. Lilia herself said my collecting the blades is only the 'first step,' so there must be more revelations to come."

He stood, feeling energized by their discussion despite the lingering uncertainty. "Thank you, Ren. Just talking through it helps, even if we still have more questions than answers."

Ren pulled him into an impulsive hug. "Don't worry, we'll unravel this mystery together, one step at a time." Her unwavering support never failed to hearten James.

They parted ways, both their minds churning over speculative theories about Lilia's origins. James returned home with Alistair, the weight of his unasked destiny hanging over him. But he clung to hope that the path ahead would become clear in time.


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