Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 38: A Meeting of Minds


James and Mia sat on cushions on the floor of Mia's living room, sipping teas as they waited for their friends to arrive. Today was the day they had decided to start teaching Nathan and Alex some magic, now that they knew about their secret.

"I hope this goes well," James said. "Hard to know how much innate talent someone will have for spellcasting."

Mia nodded, setting down her mug. "We'll start them off slowly. Getting the basics of sensing and shaping mana is the first big hurdle."

Soon enough, the doorbell rang, signalling Nathan and Alex's arrival. Mia let them in, and the two guys joined James on the floor cushions.

"Man, I am so pumped for this!" Nathan said eagerly. "Teach me how to shoot fireballs, sensei!"

James chuckled while Mia rolled her eyes in amusement. "It's not quite that simple, Nathan. We'll be starting with some meditation and focusing techniques today."

Alex nodded along seriously, pushing his glasses up. "A solid foundation is logical. No sense rushing ahead recklessly."

They spent the next hour walking Nathan and Alex through mana sensing exercises. James and Mia took turns guiding them through visualizing energy flowing through their body, feeling its subtle pulses and currents.

At first, Nathan fidgeted and sighed, struggling to sit still and focus inwardly. But eventually even he settled into a contemplative state along with the others.

After the meditation session ended, Mia had Nathan and Alex attempt moulding motes of mana into simple shapes while she and James observed. Alex furrowed his brow in deep concentration, but no matter how intensely he focused, the mana refused to bend to his will.

Nathan didn't fare any better. "Come on, you stupid energy, do something!" he grumbled in frustration after his latest failed attempt to feel mana.

James gave them an encouraging smile. "Don't worry, it takes time and practice. I could barely make a flicker when I first started."

They took a break for snacks and relaxing conversation before trying the exercises again. But despite their best efforts, Nathan and Alex made little progress sensing and shaping mana.

"Ah well, guess we can't all be magicians," Nathan said, trying to sound upbeat after the disheartening session.

"Perhaps my affinities lie elsewhere," Alex mused philosophically. "I appreciate you taking the time to attempt to teach us."

Mia gave them sympathetic smiles. "We'll keep working at it together. Maybe we just need to try some different methods."

To lighten the mood, she showed off a few flashy spells, making shapes out of water and frost. Nathan clapped excitedly at the display.

They ended the evening watching a light-hearted comedy film together while joking around and chatting. Though magic training hadn't panned out yet, they well determined to carry on.

"We'll get this magic stuff down eventually," Nathan said confidently as they were leaving. "James managed it, and he's nowhere near as awesome as me."

Laughing and shaking their heads, the group made plans to meet up again soon for more mystical practice, along with plenty of fun downtime together.


James waved goodbye to his friends and began the walk home, Alistair padding along beside him in his cat form. The magic training session had been enlightening, affirming his suspicions about his friends' talents.

"Well, that certainly was interesting," James commented lightly to the feline. "Doesn't seem spellcasting will come naturally to Nathan or Alex."

Alistair flicked his tail, glancing up at James knowingly. "As expected, the energetic one lacks the focus required to manipulate mana. But the studious boy shows some potential, given rigorous training." 

James nodded thoughtfully. "I agree. Alex seemed able to sense the mana at least, so with practice he may get spells to work eventually. Nathan though..." He shook his head ruefully.

They continued on in pensive silence. As they passed by the lively shops and restaurants lining the street, a familiar voice caught James' attention.

"...cannot believe that succulent morsel has eluded me again!"

James spotted Moira down a side street, currently in her human guise. She paced in frustration, apparently talking to herself.

"I was certain I detected Lilia's essence nearby earlier. Is she avoiding me on purpose?" Moira stopped, tapping her chin.

Hearing Lilia's name, James pressed into the alley's shadows, signalling for Alistair to make himself scarce. The perceptive cat swiftly vanished from sight.

Unfortunately, Moira's senses alerted her to James' presence. As her eyes locked onto him, her frustrated scowl shifted into a sly, covetous smile.

"Well, must be one of Lilia's little pets," Moira purred as she sauntered closer. James tensed, unsure how to respond. The succubus' eyes roamed over him hungrily.

"Mmm, I can see why she enjoys your company," Moira continued, now circling James slowly. "Such a pretty face and athletic build... But you belong to my dear sister for now it seems."

Swallowing his unease, James replied evenly "I belong to no one. And I don't know any sister you speak of." He tried edging away subtly, but Moira moved with him.

Moira laughed, a musical yet dangerous sound. "Come now, her scent clings to you like perfume. There's no use denying your association." She leaned in, inhaling his hair deeply.

"Yes, Lilia's sweet vanilla fragrance mingled perfectly with yours..." Moira purred. "I wonder, has she claimed a taste of you herself yet?" Her eyes flashed with envy at the thought.

"That's none of your concern," James answered brusquely, cheeks flushing despite himself. "Now I must be going."

But Moira caught his arm, her grip deceptively strong. "Not just yet. I think you can help me get to know my dear sister much better." Her smile was all teeth.

James yanked his arm back. "I told you, I'm not associated with her," he insisted angrily.

Moira looked momentarily taken aback by his defiance before letting out an indulgent chuckle. "My, she has trained you well! But it's no use lying to me, pet."

She stepped closer once more, trailing a finger along James' jawline. "Be a good boy now and reveal where I can find her," Moira purred, her breath hot on his ear. "I promise to reward you handsomely..."

James jerked away sharply. "Enough! I am not interested," he said coldly.

Moira's eyes flashed with irritation, but she swiftly composed herself. "Hmph." She eyed James thoughtfully. "I admire your steadfastness, misplaced though it may be."

With a nonchalant shrug, Moira stepped back. "Very well, keep your secrets for now. But when you see Lilia, inform her I wish to speak with her. I have a mutually beneficial proposal she won't want to miss."

James remained wary, unsure if this was some new manipulation. "I'll pass along the message if I happen to meet anyone by that name," he answered neutrally.

Moira smirked. "See that you do." With a graceful turn, she sashayed away, her hips swaying hypnotically. At the alley's mouth, she glanced back over her shoulder.

"Such a devoted pet you are. I hope to meet again soon and continue our little chat." Blowing James a kiss, Moira disappeared into the night.

James let out a shaky breath once the succubus was gone. That had been a dangerously close call. If Moira realized he was Lilia, things could have gone very badly. He would have to be warier moving forward.

Once certain the coast was clear, Alistair reappeared at James' side. "Forgive me for not intervening, mistress. But that vile creature would surely have discerned my true nature."

James nodded wearily as they resumed walking. "You made the right call. Hopefully she loses interest in Lilia soon." But he knew better than to underestimate Moira's tenacity and cunning. Their paths were likely fated to cross again, under more perilous circumstances.

He walked home lost in thought, trying to discern what Moira's intentions could be this time. The succubus had previously tipped him off about the cult, leading him into a dangerous confrontation. What was her aim now? He would have to pay her a visit soon.

He needed to learn more about this hidden world so he could stop being led blindly by others' machinations, allowing him to finally start acting instead of reacting. Perhaps he could use the Phantom Thief's group as an information source, since they were also hunting relics and had most likely developed extensive contact network.

But the infuriating rogue hadn't left any way to contact him, clearly expecting Lilia to simply show up at his next heist. James shook his head in frustration. No, he would do this his own way.

Tomorrow, he decided, he would meet with the NABC and review the terms of their proposed arrangement. If the contract was unacceptable, he could always reject it. Though wondered if he should inform them about Moira's disturbing fixation on Lilia - though they likely kept tabs on her activities already.

Satisfied with this plan going forward, James picked up his pace. He would stop reacting and take control of his destiny. With determination, he strode onward into the gathering dusk. The path ahead remained obscured, but he would navigate it with care and purpose.



Moira sauntered leisurely back to her underground club, her thoughts swirling around the intriguing encounter with Lilia's enraptured pet. A sly smile curved her lips as she reminisced over his steadfast refusal to divulge anything despite her most beguiling tactics. Truly, Lilia had trained the boy well, instilling such unshakable loyalty that he hadn't even flinched when she employed the full persuasive power of her charms. Most mortals, especially virile young men like him, would have crumbled like putty in her hands. Yet this one had resisted with admirable willpower.

Lilia was clearly a mistress worthy of devotion if she could foster such fealty in her followers. Moira wondered where exactly her elusive sister was concealing herself these days. There were so many tantalizing mysteries surrounding Lilia that she was simply dying to unravel. She would have loved to probe the boy toy for everything he knew about Lilia's recent activities and whatever grand schemes she was surely spinning. Alas, his lips had remained firmly sealed. Such a pity.

At least her inside contact within the Bureau had relayed some intriguing details about the contract terms they were offering Lilia. It was utterly absurd - they clearly thought she was some harmless creature, not even barring her from feeding on mortals they didn't even include the clause of not causing permanent harm. Never in her life had Moira heard of the Bureau granting a demon such leniency. Lilia was certainly proving herself a master manipulator to have them eating out of her hand so readily.

And that boy...he had sent tingles of delight through her with his defiant glares and stern refusals. Moira had wanted nothing more than to shove him against the alley wall and ravish him right then and there. But alas, he was Lilia's toy to play with, and Moira made it a point never to break other demons' belongings without permission. Still...she hoped their paths crossed again soon. She did so love feisty ones like him. They were ever so much more enjoyable to break.

Reviewing the footage from the recent Phantom Thief heist, Moira felt certain she had figured out part of her sister's designs. Clearly, Lilia was collecting these so-called Blades of the Apocalypse for some purpose. And she had even managed to wrap that flamboyant Phantom Thief around her finger, using him to assist her goals. It was highly entertaining to watch the roguish mortal vie so desperately for Lilia's attention and approval.

Since Lilia was seeking out the mystical blades, perhaps Moira could aid her in recovering them. It would be an excellent chance to prove her worth as an ally and slowly sway Lilia over to joining her cause. At the very least, it could provide opportunities for them to grow...closer.

A shiver of anticipation ran through Moira at the thought. There were so many delightful possibilities if she could win Lilia's trust. Together they could indulge in pleasures beyond imagination, away from the prying eyes of the Bureau. She need only be patient and ready to seize any chances to forge a bond between them.

Just then, Moira felt a familiar presence resonating in her domain, that distinct presence she had come to recognize. Lilia had entered the club! It seemed her devoted pet had delivered the message after all. What exquisite timing.

Smoothing back her fiery hair, Moira hastened down the corridor toward the club's entrance. It would not do to keep her guest waiting. This was the perfect opportunity to demonstrate her sincerity and perhaps learn more about Lilia's goals. With an extra sway to her hips, Moira stepped through the shrouded doorway to greet her mysterious sister.

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