Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 47: Forgotten Sinner – Part 2

The group sprinted through the shadowy tunnels, guided by the bouncing beams of their flashlights. Lilia brought up the rear, ready to defend the others if the golem got within striking distance. She glanced back frequently, monitoring their pursuer’s progress.

The hulking sentinel stomped after them relentlessly, its footfalls echoing ominously off the crumbling walls. Though slower than them, each lumbering step covered yards of ground. It would catch up before long in these confining spaces.

Lilia’s mind raced, calculating their odds. This particular golem had devastating area attacks, but low speed. If they retreated cautiously while pelting it with spells from a distance, victory was achievable without casualties.

Heart pounding, Lilia prepared to turn and make a stand. But Akari suddenly slid to a halt beside her, determination blazing in her eyes.

“I’m staying to fight with you,” Akari declared, hand drifting toward the hidden talismans within her robe. “Together we have a better chance of stopping this monstrosity.”

Taken aback, Lilia studied the resolute shrine maiden. Allowing Akari to aid her was risky, but refusing help would likely only breed resentment. This was a prime chance to build trust between them.

Lilia nodded briskly. “Very well but stick close and follow my lead.” Akari looked mildly irritated at being told what to do but offered no argument.

The two stood their ground as the lumbering golem drew nearer, the ground trembling with each step. Lilia swiftly traced fiery runes, launching a barrage of searing bolts. But the flames dissipated harmlessly against the construct’s stone hide.

Cursing under her breath, Lilia switched tactics, tracing jagged symbols to summon crackling lightning instead. The arcs of electricity sizzled over the golem’s body, causing chunks of stone to explode away. It was slower work but seemed to be damaging their foe.

Beside her, Akari drew several paper talismans, imbuing them with power before launching them at the golem. The holy wards erupted in blasts of divine energy, blowing holes in the construct’s thick hide.

Together, the two kept up a steady barrage, gradually chipping away at the ancient sentinel. They retreated carefully whenever it drew too close, never letting its mighty fists find purchase.

The golem fought relentlessly, smashing its arms against the ground and walls. Stone debris rained down around them as Lilia and Akari deftly rolled and dodged.

Lilia briefly considered using her more explosive spells but decided against it. The confined tunnels amplified the impacts, already shaking loose stone and soil. She didn’t wish to bring the ceiling down on top of them.

As the fierce battle wore on, a careless dodge put Akari directly in the path of a hunk of stone blasted free by the golem’s wild swings. The heavy shard caught her shoulder, slicing through robe and skin in a spray of crimson. Akari cried out in pain but remained on her feet, teeth gritted against the searing agony.

“Keep your distance, I can finish this!” Lilia called out, redoubling the ferocity of her lightning strikes. She didn’t wish to risk Akari taking further injuries.

But the stubborn shrine maiden shook her head, wiping blood from her lips. “I can...still fight,” she groaned, launching another volley of purified talismans.

Together, they slowly whittled down the ancient sentinel, neither willing to yield until it lay inert. With a final, echoing boom, the construct toppled ponderously to the ground at last, sending tremors through the tunnel. A ringing silence followed, broken only by Lilia and Akari’s ragged breaths.

Once certain the golem was neutralized, Lilia hurried over to Akari, who was pale and clutching her wounded shoulder. This partnership had been unexpected, but she couldn’t help but admire the girl’s bravery and determination, misguided though her prejudices may be.

"Here, allow me," Lilia said gently. Before Akari could react, she summoned a basic healing spell and mended the lacerations.

Akari looked startled as soft radiance enveloped her injuries. " wield white magic?" she asked in disbelief. "But that's impossible for your kind..."

Lilia gave a small mysterious smile. "I'm different from the demons you know," she said simply, leaving it at that rather than explaining origins of her abilities which would only raise more questions that she wouldn't want to answer.

Akari studied her silently, seeming to re-evaluate her assumptions. "I see there is indeed more to you than meets the eye," she conceded eventually.

Their conversation was interrupted as the researchers came hurrying back now that the danger had passed. Professor Rossi stared at the rubble in amazement.

"My word, you managed to defeat that hulking monstrosity!" he exclaimed. "You have our deepest gratitude for protecting us."

The others echoed his sentiments, regarding Lilia with awe tinged by wariness. She had proven herself an ally against the catacombs' ancient threats. Perhaps now they would view her with less suspicion.

Lilia brushed aside their earnest thanks politely. In truth, she felt responsible for leading them into peril in the first place. This marked dungeon held far darker secrets than any realized.

Now that the adrenaline of battle had faded, weariness settled over Lilia. The extensive use of magic had drained her reserves. She discreetly reached into her shadow inventory for a potion to restore her mana, not wanting to risk another kissing incident.

Drinking the sweet elixir sent a surge of vitality through Lilia's body. She discretely tucked the empty vial away, glad her companions seemed too distracted to notice the item's sudden appearance.

Professor Rossi clapped his hands briskly. "Right then, I believe that's enough adrenaline for today. Let us make our way back above ground."

The others readily agreed, shaken by their close brush with the ancient sentinel. Together, the group began the long trek back through the shadowy catacombs, eager to leave this place behind.

Lilia followed at the rear, muscles tensed for any further threats. But the tunnels remained eerily still, as if the guardian golem had been their sole occupant. Before long, they arrived back at the surface access without incident.

Blinking in the afternoon sunlight, Lilia felt some of the lingering tension ease from her body. The mysterious familiarity of the underground site still plagued her, but those were concerns for another time.

As the group dispersed, Akari lingered a moment. "I misjudged you," she said quietly, not meeting Lilia's gaze. "You have my gratitude for your actions today."

Lilia sensed how much it cost the proud shrine maiden to offer even this olive branch. She smiled gently. "We have our differences, but I hope in time we may truly see eye to eye."

Akari gave a brief nod before swiftly turning away, her usual stoic mask back in place. But Lilia took heart that real progress had been made, however small.

The remainder of the expedition into the ancient catacombs beneath Vatican City proceeded smoothly over the next two days. Though Lilia remained wary after their encounter with the stone golem, no further threats emerged to endanger the group.

Professor Rossi led them in meticulously documenting a number of additional chambers and passageways. Each room seemed to align with some portion of the Tomb of the Forgotten Sinner from Endless Fantasy, though thankfully devoid of the deadly monsters.

Lilia assisted as best she could with her "expertise," trying her utmost to conceal the fact that her knowledge came from the game. She was immensely relieved when no one questioned the convenient familiarity she displayed. Either they assumed it stemmed from her demonic nature, or else her act was more convincing than she realized.

During breaks in the expedition, Lilia took the opportunity to explore Vatican City and take in the awe-inspiring architecture and artworks on display. Though she resisted the urge to play tourist too openly, it was delightful to witness so many historically significant landmarks and artistic masterpieces in person after seeing them previously only through photos.

At Cardinal Ricci's insistence, Doctor Moretti thoroughly cleansed and sealed away the ominous relics retrieved earlier in secure blessed chests to transport back for further study.

On the final day, with the underground ruins fully documented, Professor Rossi declared the expedition concluded. "I believe we have gleaned all we can from this unholy site," he announced wearily. "Further study will need to take place back in our laboratories and archives."

The others readily agreed, shaken by their harrowing encounters over the past days. Together, the group navigated back through the sinister catacombs one last time as Lilia guarded the rear vigilantly. She breathed an audible sigh of relief once they emerged safely into the afternoon sun.

With the mysterious dungeon fully explored, Lilia felt the pressing weight of her unanswered questions return in full force. This supposedly ancient site should not have mimicked a virtual location so flawlessly. She needed to uncover the truth behind Endless Fantasy's strange connections to reality.

Fortunately, the overseas trip provided the perfect chance to discreetly seek those answers directly from the game's developers without drawing too much attention. Lilia knew the time had come to make her move. She needed to divert to London and seek answers from the Endless Fantasy developers before returning home.

Lilia approached Akari discretely as the group prepared to depart Italy. "There is a small matter I must attend to in London before we fly back," she began carefully. "I hope it would be acceptable for us to make a brief stopover on our return journey."

Akari's eyes narrowed, instantly suspicious. "What sort of 'personal matter' requires you to detour across the country on a Bureau sanctioned trip?" she asked sharply.

"I wish to meet with someone," she admitted. "There are...questions I must ask them, regarding these ruins we explored. I promise it's nothing malicious, I just think they might hold answers to what we've encountered."

It was not the full truth, but near enough. To her surprise, the shrine maiden nodded reluctantly after a pause.

"Very well," Akari conceded. "But do not cause any incidents that could stain the Bureau's reputation." Her eyes glinted with warning. "The Brits are far stricter than us, and they despise any unsupervised paranormal meddling in their city."

Lilia blinked, not having expected such easy acceptance of her request. "You have my word I will be discreet," she promised.

Privately, Lilia wondered at the shrine maiden's unexpectedly lenient reaction. Perhaps their shared battle in the catacombs had fostered a degree of mutual understanding between them. Or Akari simply wished to avoid an argument she knew she would likely lose. Either way, Lilia was grateful.

They parted ways with the Vatican expedition members, who returned to Rome while Lilia and Akari boarded a commercial flight bound for London. Lilia gazed out the window in excitement as the plane lifted off, thrilling at the notion of visiting such an iconic European city for the first time.

But such frivolous thoughts swiftly faded as their destination drew nearer, replaced by pensive contemplation. Soon, she would come face to face with those who had created Endless Fantasy and all its content...including Lilia herself, in a sense.

How would she approach them? What would she ask them? Lilia pondered how best to broach the subject without sounding utterly absurd. She needed to tread carefully lest they dismiss her inquiries as delusion.

Yet even without revealing her full circumstances, surely the developers must have some insights into the game's occult elements. Lilia refused to believe the perfect alignment between Endless Fantasy dungeons and real world was sheer coincidence. Maybe sneaking in was the best option.

The hours passed swiftly. Before long, the plane began its descent toward Heathrow Airport. Lilia peered eagerly out the window at the sprawling city growing larger below. Dense clusters of buildings and squiggly streets stretched as far as the eye could see. She had made it to London at last!

The aircraft touched down smoothly on the tarmac. After disembarking, Lilia and Akari navigated the bustling airport and headed for the train that would get them into the heart of the city.

Stepping outside King Cross Station, Lilia breathed in the crisp air, gazing at the iconic red double-decker buses and black cabs navigating the busy roads. It felt surreal to actually be standing here in one of the great European capitals she had read so much about.

Before long, they arrived at the hotel Akari had booked for their stay near the city's centre. Lilia took a moment to settle in and refresh herself in the modest but comfortably appointed room. Soon, she would venture out in search of the first fragile thread that could unravel this maddening mystery.

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