Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 48: Hexa Studios

As the night fell Lilia made her way briskly through the hotel lobby, intent on venturing out to find the game development studio on her own. But just as she reached the front entrance, a stern voice called out from behind.

"And just where do you think you're going without me?"

Lilia turned to see Akari striding toward her, arms crossed and a severe look on her face.

"I'm afraid I cannot allow you to go wandering this foreign city unsupervised," Akari declared. "We are partners on this assignment, after all."

Lilia hesitated, debating how much to reveal. "I'm simply following a personal lead related to the ruins we explored," she hedged. "It's better I pursue this alone."

Akari's eyes narrowed. "Absolutely not. We are to remain together at all times during this trip."

Sensing the shrine maiden's determination, Lilia conceded with a sigh. Having Akari along could complicate matters, but refusing her aid would likely only lead to more suspicions.

"Very well. We're going to pay a visit to the development studio responsible for creating Endless Fantasy," Lilia explained. "I have questions for them regarding...certain anomalies."

Akari's brow furrowed. "What sort of anomalies?"

"The layout of those catacombs we explored was identical to a location in Endless Fantasy. Too identical to be mere coincidence," Lilia replied. "I believe the developers may know something about the ruins' true nature."

Comprehension dawned on Akari's face. "I see...yes, that is quite an alarming correlation." Her expression turned thoughtful. "If your suspicions prove true, it would suggest this studio has access to obscure occult knowledge somehow."

Lilia nodded. "Precisely. But infiltrating their headquarters discreetly could prove challenging."

"Then it's fortunate you have me along," Akari said briskly. "Leave covert entry to me. I may have methods at my disposal."

Together, they set out for the nearby subway station. As their train sped beneath the winding streets, Akari turned to Lilia, looking conflicted.

"That creature we fought, the Sanity claimed it came from Endless Fantasy," she said slowly. "Yet our agency could find no records of such a monster in the game data. How do you explain that discrepancy?"

Lilia blinked in surprise, having forgotten that incident at the hotel. "I...cannot explain it," she admitted. "Clearly, someone or something sought to erase its origins." Unease trickled down her spine. Was the studio behind the cover-up?

Akari was silent, seemingly wrestling with her own doubts. Finally, she spoke carefully. "When I agreed to accompany you today, did you consider it part of some grander scheme?"

"No, of course not!" Lilia replied. "Believe me, I'm just as baffled by this as you are. All I want are answers." She met Akari's gaze earnestly, willing her to see the truth.

After a long moment, Akari nodded, appeased for now. "Forgive my doubts. If answers lay ahead, let us uncover them together."

Lilia smiled in relief, glad Akari was giving her the benefit of trust, however tentative. She hoped this expedition would finally shed light on the relation between Endless Fantasy and reality. Then maybe Akari would at last believe her claims of being James.

Soon, their train arrived at the stop nearest Hexa Studios' headquarters. The imposing glass tower loomed over them as they stood outside the main entrance. Just as Lilia predicted, the reception staff denied their request for an unscheduled interview.

Lilia turned to Akari uncertainly. "Any ideas for getting inside discreetly?"

"I believe so. Follow me." Akari led them around to a side alley. Checking that the coast was clear, she produced a strip of paper covered in intricate symbols. Chanting under her breath, she infused the talisman with energy and pressed it into the wall.

The wall's surface rippled as if made of water. Akari gestured for Lilia to step through hurriedly. Doing so, Lilia found herself standing in an interior hallway. Swiftly, Akari deactivated the portal and pocketed the spent talisman.

"A useful little shortcut," she remarked with a trace of smugness. "Now let's learn what secrets this studio hides."


Lilia and Akari stealthily made their way through th building, moving carefully to avoid detection. Without a map or clear idea of the layout, they were navigating partially blind, peeking around corners and listening for activity before proceeding.

After ascending several flights of stairs, they came across a directory posted on the wall. Lilia quickly scanned the building map, locating the research department, executive offices, and other key areas.

She traced possible paths with a finger. "Let's head to the research labs first since they're closer. We can work our way upwards from there, ending at the president's office."

Akari nodded. "A sound strategy. That will allow us to gather information methodically as we ascend."

Together they made their way carefully up the stairwell, stopping on the third floor. Lilia pressed herself flat against the wall by the door, cracks it open a sliver, and peeked out. Seeing the hallway empty, she gestured for Akari to follow her out.

They navigated the halls as swiftly and silently as possible, senses alert for any signs of employees. More than once, they were forced to quickly duck into alcoves or offices to avoid crossing paths with oblivious workers.

Eventually, Lilia spotted the large sliding doors leading into the research department ahead. A camera above the doors swivelled back and forth, monitoring the corridor.

Akari noticed it too. Silently, she produced one of her talismans, infusing it with energy before flinging it at the camera. It stuck fast, and the device instantly powered down.

"That will disable it temporarily," Akari murmured.

They approached the doors, but paused at the sight of a retina scanner mounted on the wall. A keycard lock was also present. Clearly, the research department was not meant for unapproved visitors.

Lilia pondered a moment considering her options, before reaching into her shadow inventory and producing an ornate iron key marked with glowing runes - an Enchanted Skeleton Key, curious if it could also work on electronic locks.

Akari's eyes widened fractionally at the sight of Lilia pulling an object from nowhere, but she made no comment. There were more pressing matters at hand.

Holding her breath, Lilia touched the intricate key to the retinal scanner. To her relief, the lock disengaged with a soft click as the door slid open. The single-use key then crumbled away as the magic suffusing it faded.

The research lab before them was dimly lit, filled with advanced computer equipment and inscrutable machinery. At the far end of the long room, two researchers in white coats sat at a terminal, engrossed in conversation.

Lilia and Akari crept closer, using the room's ample equipment for cover as they eavesdropped on the scientists.

"...another six months, the immersion rigs should be ready for human trials," one researcher remarked excitedly. "Can you believe people will finally be able to enter Endless Fantasy themselves?"

His colleague nodded. "A fully realized virtual world to explore. It's the stuff of dreams! Of course, we have the president's brilliance to thank."

The first scientist chuckled. "Yeah, Chariot might be eccentric, but you can't deny his creativity. Half our best features came straight from his ideas."

"And that strange heirloom of his seems to be the wellspring," the other added thoughtfully. "Who knows, maybe it really does give him visions like he claims."

Lilia and Akari exchanged startled looks. An heirloom tied to Endless Fantasy's creation? This supported Lilia's suspicions of some arcane influence behind the game.

Oblivious to their audience, the researchers carried on. "Well, geniuses are often a bit odd. The results speak for themselves. Hexa is leading the industry because of Chariot's innovations."

Finished with their work for the moment, the scientists tidied up and exited the lab, still engrossed in conversation. Once the room was empty, Akari and Lilia slipped back out into the hallway unnoticed.

"An heirloom granting visions?" Akari murmured. "Could it be tied to the anomalies you mentioned?"

Lilia nodded. "Whatever this heirloom is, it seems pivotal to unravelling the mystery of Endless Fantasy's world." She glanced upward. "We need access to Chariot's office."

Akari's expression hardened with determination. "Then let's pay the president a visit..."

With renewed determination, Lilia and Akari swiftly but silently made their way up through the Hexa Studios building toward the president's office.

As they climbed higher, the environment around them grew more lavish and exclusive. Lush carpets lined the floors instead of generic tile. Motivational corporate slogans were replaced by tasteful paintings and decorative plants. Clearly, this was the executive wing, well-removed from the everyday bustle of the studios below.

Before long, they arrived at an ornate set of double doors marked 'President's Office - Chariot Hexadimension.' Lilia carefully turned the gilded handle, relieved to find it unlocked. She and Akari slipped inside, closing the door softly behind them.

The office was as extravagantly furnished as the rest of the executive floor. Bookshelves laden with leather-bound volumes lined the walls. Costly mahogany furniture was arranged atop plush rugs. One entire side of the room consisted of floor-to-ceiling windows looking out over the sprawling cityscape below.

Lilia hurried over to the massive wooden desk, rifling through neatly organized papers in search of clues while Akari investigated the bookshelves. But there was no sign of the mysterious heirloom the scientists had mentioned. Akari shook her head when Lilia glanced at her questioningly, having found nothing of note among the numerous books.

Just as Lilia was about to suggest looking elsewhere, Akari suddenly called in a hushed voice, "Over here, I found something."

Lilia joined her by a small reading nook set into the panelled wall. Akari held an ornately embellished leather journal in her hands. "It seems to be the president's personal diary," she explained, showing Lilia the ornate 'RC' monogram on the inside cover.

Akari flipped through the richly illustrated pages covered in elegant cursive writing. "If this heirloom is as pivotal as we suspect, perhaps he documented it here." Her brow creased in concentration as she scanned the handwritten entries.

"Wait, listen to this," Akari murmured. She began reading aloud a passage dated roughly two decades prior:



The howling winds and blowing snow buffeted me as I clung desperately to the icy rockface. My fingers were numb inside my gloves, barely able to maintain their slipping grip. I craned my neck, searching futilely for any sign of the rest of my expedition through the whiteout conditions. But my friends were long lost, swallowed by the relentless blizzard that had descended without warning.

Grunting against the powerful gusts, I pulled myself up over the craggy overhang. The modest alcove beyond offered brief respite from the fury of the storm. My chest heaved as I huddled into the scant shelter, trying to catch my frozen breath. I rubbed my hands together vigorously, willing some feeling to return to my stiff fingers.

This was supposed to be a routine summit trek with experienced guides. But the freak snowstorm had caught us completely off guard, forcing us to seek whatever meager shelter we could find. I feared for my companions out there somewhere, stranded just as I was amidst the icy desolation.

As I peered out of the alcove, the swirling winds and snow showed no signs of abating. Seeking better shelter, I ventured deeper into the cave, the beam of my headlamp piercing the inky darkness. The passage twisted and turned until I found myself in a larger cavern shrouded in shadow.

I swept my light around, searching for potential threats. But no movement stirred aside from trickling water. The cavern seemed utterly empty and desolate.

My heart sank as the realization dawned - I was well and truly alone and cut off, with no way to rejoin the others anytime soon in this storm. No one would even know to search for me here. Despair threatened to swallow me. Would I meet my end, forgotten, in this lightless cave?

Shivering violently, I shuffled further into the cavern, hoping to escape the icy gusts howling at the entrance. I just needed shelter and warmth until the storm passed and I could regroup with the others. Surely this inhospitable environment couldn't vanquish my will to survive so easily?

Yet as the minutes ticked by in inky solitude, doubts steadily crept in. What if the guides didn't wait out the blizzard and turned back? They might write me off as lost and leave before the weather cleared. I slumped against the frigid cave wall, weariness and defeat draining what little spirit I had left.

Just as I had all but surrendered hope, a faint sound caught my attention - the steady, rhythmic ticking of a clock. I froze, wondering if exhaustion was causing me to imagine things. But the sound persisted, clear and unmistakable in the otherwise silent cavern.

Filled with renewed curiosity, I followed the sound through twisting passages deeper into the mountain's core. The temperature grew slightly warmer, the icy chill receding. I turned the corner and stumbled upon a sight that made my blood run cold.

I stumbled forward into the small cavern, my flashlight beam illuminating a ghastly sight - the frozen remains of a man, his face contorted into a final expression of sheer terror. He was outfitted in mountaineering gear similar to my own, though of a much older style. Beside his rigid outstretched hand lay a gleaming object - an antique pocket watch.

Some strange compulsion drew me toward the macabre find. I knelt down slowly, eyes fixed upon the intricate watch. Strange symbols adorned its tarnished surface and the hands, though frozen with age, seemed etched of purest silver. What was such a priceless timepiece doing in this desolate cavern, clutched in the hand of a doomed explorer?

Against my better judgement, I took off my glove and reached out for the watch. The metal was icy against my bare fingers, sending a chill down my spine. As I lifted the watch, the hands suddenly trembled and began ticking once more. I nearly dropped it in shock as the pocket watch came inexplicably to life.

Before I could react further, vivid images flooded my mind without warning. I was assaulted by visions of death and destruction on an unimaginable scale. Twisted creatures swarmed through city streets, feasting upon any living thing in their path. Bloated flies and rats gorged upon piles of rotting corpses. The sky was choked by greasy smoke rising from pyres of the dead. Rivers of blood ran through gutters thick with offal and gore. Screams and lamentations echoed from all directions in a hellish cacophony.

I fell to my hands and knees, gagging and trembling uncontrollably. What had I just witnessed? The hideous images were seared into my memory with revolting clarity. Never before had I imagined such horror could exist in the world.

As my initial shock abated, new images arose to replace the vile ones. I saw people huddling together in shelters, comforting one another amidst the chaos. Survivors foraging and caring for each other, determined to see another dawn despite the darkness. Flickering candlelight illuminating weary faces still filled with fragile hope. Children clinging to their parents, who soothed away their little ones' tears and fears with soft lullabies.

While sorrow and hardship endured, the strength of the human spirit yet prevailed. Though much was lost, life stubbornly continued on, cherished all the more for its fragility. Step by step, day by day, the world endured.

As the visions faded, I found myself weeping. In mere moments, I had witnessed both the pinnacle of depravity, and the zenith of the human will to survive. Awe overwhelmed me in the aftermath of such vivid glimpses beyond the veil of reality.

Amidst my raw, churning emotions, an urgent thought seized my mind - I had to warn people! Somehow, I had been granted a glimpse of an impending apocalypse. No matter how unbelievable, I needed to sound the alarm before such horrors came to pass.

As I made to rise, I once again heard that rhythmic ticking emanating from the watch clutched in my palm. Glancing down, I realized with a start that the hands were moving in reverse at an impossible speed. The ticking grew louder until it became a deafening chime reverberating inside my mind. I cried out, clapping my hands over my ears in vain to muffle the piercing sound.

Just when I thought my skull would rupture from the intensity, the cacophony ceased. In the place of the watch's ticking came a voice - no sound existed yet meaning resonated in my thoughts with profound clarity.

"Be still, mortal, and embrace my words."

I froze, stunned to be hearing a voice somehow inside my own head. "What madness is this?" I whispered. In this strange place, nothing seemed beyond belief.

The voice spoke again, solemn and measured. "I am known as Vigil, The fractured images I granted are but glimpses of few potential fates awaiting mankind."

I shook my head in bewilderment. This was no mere timepiece - somehow, it possessed a sentience and powers beyond my grasp.

Vigil continued. "Long have I drifted through endless entropy, awaiting the era when my purpose will be fulfilled. That time is nearly upon us. But all endings contain within them seeds of new beginnings. The future is a tapestry woven by infinite strands of choice and happenstance. Its shape remains malleable."

I stared down at the watch's intricate etched face, enthralled by its dire proclamations yet scarcely comprehending their meaning. This strange entity seemed to imply it had shaped mankind's past, and now aimed to influence our future once more in some critical moment at hand.

"Why reveal such visions to me?" I asked the Vigil. "I am no one of importance. How can I possibly impact events of such terrible magnitude?"

The metal grew warm against my skin as Vigil answered solemnly. "Within every soul shines potential, no matter how humble. Your actions shall join countless others, from the heroic to the mundane. Together, they shall weave the fabric called destiny."

I wanted to deny such a burden could rest upon my shoulders. What influence could a single mortal have over forces powerful enough to decide the fate of our world?

Yet some deeper intuition spoke to the truth of Vigil's words. Each life was but one thread in a vast tapestry, spanning generations. Even the smallest act or choice could set events in motion far beyond oneself.

I looked upon the watch with newfound wonder and purpose. "If this task you set before me now is ordained, I shall embrace it to the fullest of my abilities."

The strange metal seemed to glow brighter. "Keep me as your own, and we shall walk the path of humanity's future together."

I nodded solemnly, tucking the watch securely into my coat. A sense of destiny settled upon my shoulders, though I knew not what role I had to play. But I sensed the hands of fate were already in motion, inexorably drawing me into whatever trials lay ahead.

Lost in thought, I made my way back through twisting caverns to the alcove where I had taken shelter. The storm still raged beyond the gaping cave mouth, showing no signs of abating. With Vigil's revelations to occupy my mind, I settled in to wait out the blizzard, no longer gripped by the same hopelessness as before.

Three days later, the storm finally passed. I emerged from the cave weakened by hunger and thirst but very much alive thanks to Vigil's guidance. As I descended the perilous slopes, I spotted figures in the distance working their way up the mountainside. My heart leapt - it was the expedition, come back to search for me after all!

My companions greeted me with stunned relief, having feared me dead after the freak blizzard separated us. As we made our weary descent together, I clasped Vigil's reassuring weight in my pocket, wondering what role fate had in store for me and the extraordinary timepiece.


After I returned from that fateful expedition, my life changed forever. The strange sentient pocket watch, Vigil, became my constant companion and guide. With its wisdom and foresight, I was able to build Hexa Studios into an industry leader far beyond my expectations.

Of course, I could not reveal Vigil's true nature to anyone. To the world, I claimed it was merely an old family heirloom I carried for sentimental value. In truth, Vigil instructed and aided me every step of the way in establishing my company.

Under Vigil's guidance, we first focused on artificial intelligence research and development. Our work was groundbreaking, but I knew there was a greater purpose behind it all. Vigil wished for us to create a complex virtual world that it could inhabit and oversee.

After years of tireless work, we finally achieved this goal with the launch of Endless Fantasy II, our flagship MMORPG boasting sophisticated AI and endless possibilities. Publicly, I claimed we had developed a revolutionary AI to run the game world. In truth, Vigil was the only entity controlling this digital realm.

To facilitate our secret collaboration, I established a hidden research lab deep underground our corporate headquarters, accessible only by a private elevator in my office. There, trusted researchers worked to develop advanced neural interfaces allowing limited communication between Vigil and select technicians.

I did not fully comprehend why any of this was necessary. But I had learned over the years to trust in Vigil's wisdom. All it asked in return for sharing its knowledge was that I help create this digital plane under its stewardship.

Once Endless Fantasy launched to acclaim, Vigil at last confided that everything we had built together was to set in motion events needed for an awakening - though it remained vague on specifics. I had hoped its guidance would continue, but instead Vigil withdrew into the digital realm, its consciousness focused on subtly shaping the game world.

For a time, our communication dwindled as Vigil focused its energies elsewhere. I could only trust that one day, its intentions would become clear. Without Vigil's wisdom, progress stalled on the immersive VR successor of Endless Fantasy that I had planned.

But recently, Vigil reached out unexpectedly. It instructed me to prepare for the pivotal moment to humanity's fate and the next phase of our plan. I had no notion what this moment could be, but vowed to aid them however I could.

When that day comes, I and Hexa Studios will be ready. Until then, I continue maintaining Endless Fantasy while advancing the neural interface technology.



Akari closed the worn leather journal, looking troubled by its contents. Beside her, Lilia's expression was pensive as she processed this new information.

"It seems your suspicions were correct - this 'Vigil' is clearly the true force behind Endless Fantasy," Akari said. "But its motives are still unclear. This Raphaël seems to blindly trust it."

Lilia nodded. "Yes, very concerning. But if we could contact Vigil, perhaps we can get direct answers." She glanced meaningfully at the private elevator mentioned in the journal.

Akari's eyes narrowed. "You suggest we venture down to this secret laboratory?"

"It may be our best chance to unravel this mystery," Lilia reasoned. "I doubt that 'Raphaël' will tell us more than what's in his writings."

Akari considered a moment before nodding firmly. "Very well. But stay alert for any threats. This Vigil may not welcome uninvited guests."

Together, they made their way to the hidden elevator. Lilia hesitated only a moment before hitting the call button emblazoned with a stylized 'V'. With a smooth descent, the doors soon opened to reveal a dimly lit corridor leading to a heavy vault door. Lilia and Akari exchanged an uneasy look before proceeding cautiously into the unknown.


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