Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 59: Diving deep to the surface.

Yes, the title is a reference.

Sunlight filtered through the curtains as James awoke with a yawn, stretching his arms above his head. As he sat up, he noticed the now-familiar weight of his longer hair brushing against his shoulders. Glancing at the clock, he realized it was already mid-morning. Normally, he would have been rushing to get ready for school, but today was different.

With a sigh, James reached for the serum case on his nightstand. He hesitated, his fingers hovering over the vials. After a moment of contemplation, he withdrew his hand. Today, he would forgo the injection. Since he planned to skip school anyway, it seemed prudent to conserve the serum's effectiveness for when he truly needed it.

Besides, Ren was working on enrolling him as Lily, a process that apparently required quite a bit of time and effort. Whenever James inquired about the details, Ren would simply reply with a cryptic "it's confidential" and assure him that her government connections made it relatively easy. James couldn't help but wonder what strings his sister was pulling, but he trusted her judgement.

Rising from the bed, James caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. The changes in his appearance had progressed even further, leaving him with an undeniably feminine look. His hair, now cascaded past his waist in soft waves. The contours of his face had softened further, his jawline less angular and his lips fuller. Even his body had taken on a more curvaceous shape, with subtle curves accentuating his hips and chest.

For a moment, James simply stared at his transformed image. It was becoming increasingly difficult to find any traces of his old self. Yet, despite the drastic changes, he couldn't deny that he still retained an undeniable attractiveness. If he had to become a girl, at least he was becoming a pretty one, he mused wryly.

Shaking off his introspection, James focused on the task at hand. Today, he would begin his search for the Blade that the thieves had hidden deep in the ocean. Armed with the coordinates they had provided, he just needed to figure out how to reach the location. Renting a boat seemed like the most logical option.

Fortunately, the payment from the Bureau after his previous mission in Italy had left him with a decent sum of money. It should be more than enough to cover the expenses of his maritime excursion.

As James pondered the logistics of his plan, a sudden thought struck him. With the way his transformations had progressed, he wondered if he might now be able to tap into Lilia's abilities even in his current form. In the past, his attempts to access her abilities outside of a full transformation had proven futile. But now, with his body so drastically altered, it seemed worth another try.

Closing his eyes, James focused inward, seeking the familiar tingle of magic that accompanied Lilia's abilities. To his surprise, he felt a faint spark of energy respond to his call. It was weaker than when he fully became Lilia, but unmistakably present.

Encouraged by this development, James concentrated on activating Lilia's glamour ability. He visualized the demonic features fading away, replaced by a more human appearance. Slowly, he felt the magic take hold. The process was slower and more laborious than when he was fully Lilia, but after a few moments of intense focus, he felt the shift complete.

Opening his eyes, James examined his reflection once more. Gone were the obvious demonic traits, replaced by a passably human appearance. Though the apparent feminization, such as his softer features and curves, remained unchanged, but overall, he looked like a normal, albeit quite pretty, young woman.

Satisfied with his disguise, James headed downstairs, Alistair trailing behind him in feline form. As he entered the kitchen, his parents looked up from their morning coffee, their eyes widening slightly at his appearance.

"James, honey..." May began hesitantly, her brow furrowed with concern. "Did the serum stop working?"

James shook his head, offering a reassuring smile. "No, Mom. I just decided not to take it today."

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "I've been thinking a lot lately, and I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that there might not be a permanent fix for my condition. I mean, even without the serum, I already look like a girl." He gestured to his feminine features with a wry chuckle. "At least I still have my, uh, original equipment under these clothes."

Arthur and May exchanged a worried glance, but remained silent, allowing James to continue.

"Ren and I have been talking," James went on, "and she's already working on enrolling me as Lily at school. It seems like the most practical solution, given the circumstances."

May reached out, placing a comforting hand on James' shoulder. "Oh, sweetheart. I can't even imagine how difficult this must be for you. But we're here for you, no matter what."

Arthur nodded in agreement. "Your mother's right." He stumbled over his words awkwardly. "We're proud of you for facing this with such maturity and grace."

James felt a lump form in his throat at his parents' continuous support. "Thanks, Mom, Dad. I won't lie, it definitely was hard to accept at first. But I've had some time to sort through my thoughts, and I've realized that if this is my fate, I'd rather face it head-on than try to run away from it."

He straightened his shoulders, a determined glint in his eye. "I'm still me, no matter what I look like on the outside. And I'm not going to let this change define me."

May pulled James into a tight hug, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "That's the spirit, honey. You've always been a fighter, and we know you'll get through this with your head held high."

Arthur joined the embrace, his strong arms encircling his family. "We love you, kiddo. Always have, always will."

As they separated, James felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had a mission to focus on, a Blade to retrieve. With his family's love and support behind him, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"I should get going," James said, glancing at the clock. "I have a boat to rent and a mystical artifact to track down."

May frowned slightly, her parental instincts kicking in. "Be careful out there, I know you're capable, but don't take any unnecessary risks."

James nodded, understanding her concern. "I'll be cautious, Mom. I promise."

With a final round of hugs and well-wishes, James set out, Alistair padding alongside him. Together, they made their way towards the marina, ready to embark on the next leg of their journey.

James stepped out of his house, Alistair trailing behind him in feline form. The sun was already high in the sky, bathing the street in a warm glow. He raised his hand to hail a taxi, and within moments, a yellow cab pulled up to the curb.

As James climbed into the backseat, the driver glanced at him in the rearview mirror. "Where to, miss?" he asked politely.

James suppressed a sigh. It seemed that everyone recognized him as a woman now. With his body so closely resembling Lilia's, it was impossible not to mistake him for a woman. Though he had grown accustomed to this sort of attention as Lilia, it still felt strange to realize that this would likely be his reality for the rest of his life.

"The marina district, please," James replied, his voice soft and unmistakably feminine.

The driver nodded, merging into traffic. As they drove, he attempted to make small talk. "Heading out for a day on the water?"

James smiled politely. "Something like that. I have some business to take care of offshore."

The driver chuckled. "Well, you picked a perfect day for it. The weather's supposed to be beautiful out on the ocean."

Soon enough, they arrived at the marina. James paid the fare and stepped out, Alistair leaping gracefully from the cab to join him. The salty sea breeze whipped through James' hair as he surveyed the rows of gleaming yachts and sailboats bobbing gently in their slips.

"Alright, Alistair," James said, squaring his shoulders. "Let's find a place that can rent us a boat and a captain to take us to those coordinates."

The imp-turned-cat nodded in agreement, and together they set off down the dock. As they walked, James mentally ran through his inventory, hoping he still had the gills potion he would need for this mission.

According to the thieves, the seafloor at the coordinates was around 500 meters deep. There was no way he'd be able to reach those depths with standard scuba gear. As Lilia, her resilient body might be able to withstand the pressure, but James didn't want to push his luck and take that risk.

He cursed himself for not learning the water breathing spell. At the time, it had seemed like an unnecessary skill. But now, faced with this underwater challenge, he realized how shortsighted that decision had been.

Focusing inward, James attempted to summon the potion from his inventory. To his relief, he sensed one remaining vial, a remnant from his early days in Endless Fantasy where he had farmed experience in the underwater levels.

No, that wasn't quite right, James corrected himself. This was clearly Lilia's inventory, not his own. She was a separate entity from the game, and he needed to keep that distinction in mind. It was becoming increasingly apparent that Lilia was more than a mere game character. Yet somehow, he had managed to recreate her faithfully within the digital world.

Was this connected to her cryptic statement about him being this world's version of her? The thought sent a shiver down James' spine. There were still so many unanswered questions surrounding his transformation and Lilia's true nature.

Shaking off his introspection, James refocused on the task at hand. He couldn't afford to get distracted now. Finding a boat and captain was his top priority.

After a few minutes of searching, they came across a small shop advertising boat rentals for divers. The sign above the door read "Neptune's Dive Adventures" in bold, blue letters.

James pushed open the door, a bell jingling cheerfully to announce his arrival. Behind the counter stood a young man with sun-bleached hair and a deep tan, the very picture of a stereotypical beach bro.

"Welcome to Neptune's!" the clerk greeted with a wide grin. "What can I do for you today, beautiful?"

James fought the urge to roll his eyes at the casual endearment. He was getting tired of being seen as just a pretty face. But he plastered on a friendly smile, reminding himself that he needed this guy's help.

"I'm looking to rent a boat and captain for the day," James explained, leaning on the counter. "I need to get to some coordinates about 80 miles offshore."

The clerk's eyebrows shot up. "80 miles? That's pretty far out. What's the occasion?"

James hesitated, not wanting to reveal too much. "Just some personal business I need to take care of," he said vaguely.

The clerk shrugged, seemingly accepting the non-answer. "Fair enough. Let me just check our availability." He turned to a computer and began typing, his eyes occasionally flicking back to James appreciatively.

James suppressed a sigh. Even though the guy was keeping his thoughts to himself, it was clear he was still ogling James' feminine form. But at least he was managing to remain professional, focusing on the task at hand.

After a few moments, the clerk looked up with a smile. "You're in luck. We have a boat and captain available for the day. Let me just get you the paperwork to fill out."

As James completed the necessary forms and made the payment, the clerk couldn't seem to resist adding, "You know, if you ever want some company out on the water, I'd be more than happy to join you. I know all the best diving spots in the area."

James gave a polite laugh, brushing off the unsubtle invitation. "Thanks, but I think I'll manage on my own."

The clerk nodded, looking slightly disappointed but not pushing the issue. He handed James a set of keys and a map. "Your boat is in slip 24. The captain will meet you there in about 15 minutes."

James thanked him and headed out, Alistair trotting alongside him. As they walked down the dock towards their designated slip, James couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. Here he was, a teenage boy turned pretty girl, about to embark on a magical underwater mission. His life had certainly taken a strange turn.

When they reached slip 24, James was surprised to see a familiar face waiting for them. It was the same clerk from the rental shop, now dressed in a captain's uniform.

"Hey there," the guy greeted with a grin. "Looks like we'll be sailing together after all. What a coincidence, it seems I was the only available captain."

James blinked, taken aback by the 'coincidence'. But he quickly recovered, offering a friendly smile that didn't betray anything. "Well, what are the odds? I guess I'm in good hands then."

The captain helped James and Alistair aboard the sleek motorboat, stowing their minimal gear in the small cabin. As he prepared to cast off, he glanced at James curiously.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what brings a pretty lady like you out to the middle of nowhere?"

James hesitated, weighing how much to reveal. He settled on a partial truth. "I'm searching for something. A lost artifact of sorts."

The captain's eyes widened with interest. "Treasure hunting, huh? Sounds exciting. And dangerous."

James shrugged, a mysterious smile playing on his lips. "Let's just say I'm no stranger to a little adventure."

As the boat pulled away from the dock, speeding out into the open ocean, James felt a thrill of anticipation. He was one step closer to recovering the Blade of Silence. With Alistair by his side and his newfound abilities, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The salty wind whipped through his hair as the boat cut through the waves, speeding towards the coordinates provided by the thieves. James stood at the bow, the salty sea breeze whipping through his hair as he watched the shoreline recede into the distance. Beside him, the captain deftly navigated the vessel, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

"I don't think I properly introduced myself," the captain said, glancing over at James with a friendly smile. "Name's Brad. Brad Thompson."

James hesitated for a moment before responding. "Lily," he said, the name feeling strange on his tongue. "Lily Song." He figured it was time to start getting used to his new identity. If his current situation was indeed permanent, Lily would likely become his primary persona moving forward.

Brad nodded, his smile widening. "Pleasure to meet you, Lily. So, what brings a lovely lady like yourself out to the middle of the ocean?"

James, now fully embracing his role as Lily, smiled enigmatically. "Oh, just a little treasure hunting expedition. I'm searching for a lost artifact."

Brad's eyebrows shot up in interest. "No kidding? That sounds like quite the adventure. You some sort of Lara Jones or something?"

James laughed, shaking his head. "Hardly. But I do enjoy a good mystery now and then."

As they continued their journey, Brad kept up a steady stream of friendly conversation. Contrary to James' expectations, he turned out to be a quite normal person. It was a far cry from the lecherous advances he had been dreading. Maybe him being assigned his captain was truly a coincidence.

At one point, Brad's questions took on a more personal tone. "So, Lily, you got a boyfriend back on shore?"

James tensed slightly, unsure how to respond. He knew Brad was just making conversation, but the question hit a little too close to home. "Actually, I'm not into guys," he found himself saying, the words tumbling out before he could stop them.

Brad blinked, a flicker of disappointment crossing his face. But he quickly recovered, offering an understanding nod. "Ah, I see. My apologies for assuming."

Under his breath, James heard him mutter something about "all the hot chicks he meets being lesbians." He suppressed a chuckle, his superhuman hearing picking up the comment easily. It was a relief to know that Brad was backing off gracefully.

For the rest of the journey, Brad remained friendly and professional, keeping the conversation light and focused on their surroundings. James found himself enjoying his company, grateful for the distraction from his swirling thoughts.

As they approached the coordinates, Brad slowed the boat to a stop. He glanced at the GPS, then back at James with a sceptical expression. "You sure this is the right spot? We're literally in the middle of nowhere."

James nodded confidently. "Positive. This is where the artifact is supposed to be."

Brad frowned, peering over the side of the boat at the deep blue water. "I hate to break it to you, but there's no way we'll be able to reach the bottom with standard diving gear. The seafloor here is at least 500 meters down."

James grinned mischievously. "Don't worry about that. I've got a little magic up my sleeve."

Brad raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "What, are you some kind of witch or something?"

"Something like that. Just wait and see." James replied.

Excusing himself, James slipped into the small bathroom on the ship. Once inside, he reached into the shadows, summoning a scuba-like outfit from Lilia's inventory. It was a rather low-quality item in the game, used mostly for cosplay purposes. But it had one key property that could prove invaluable – it enhanced the wearer's mobility underwater.

Unfortunately, the outfit didn't come with a helmet. But James hoped that the gills potion would provide sufficient protection, just as it had in the underwater levels of Endless Fantasy. According to the game's lore, those levels were supposed to be set at depths of up to 1000 meters.

James began to don the outfit, but quickly realized that his body, while almost identical to Lilia's, wasn't a perfect match. The tight-fitting material clung uncomfortably in some places and hung loose in others. Sighing in frustration, James triggered a full transformation, allowing himself to become Lilia completely.

As the change took hold, Lilia noticed that the glamour she had applied earlier remained intact. The transformation didn't revert her to her demonic form, she still appeared human to outside observers.

Now fully transformed, Lilia quickly downed the gills potion. The effect was almost instantaneous – a tingling sensation spread through her body, followed by an itching sensation on either side of her neck. Moments later, a pair of gill-like structures emerged, fluttering gently as they adjusted to the air.

Satisfied with her preparations, Lilia exited the bathroom. Brad's eyes widened as he took in her form-fitting outfit and the strange new additions to her neck. He let out a low whistle of appreciation, his gaze roving over her curves.

To her surprise, Lilia found that she didn't mind the attention. In fact, a small part of her revelled in it, enjoying the feeling of being admired. She cursed silently, realizing that Lilia's instincts were reasserting themselves along with the transformation. It was a relief to know that these impulses didn't seem to carry over to her original body.

Brad's voice broke through her introspection. "Damn, Lily, you should have told me you were a super! I had no idea I was in the presence of a genuine mermaid."

Lily laughed, shaking her head. "Not quite a mermaid. Just someone with a few tricks up their sleeve."

Brad grinned, his earlier scepticism replaced by excitement. "Well, colour me impressed. I can accompany you part of the way down, but we'll probably have to split up around the 40-meter mark. My gear can't handle much more than that."

Lilia nodded in understanding. "That's fine. I can manage on my own from there. Just wait for me up here, okay?"

Brad agreed readily, already moving to change into his own diving suit. Within minutes, they were both ready, standing at the edge of the boat. Lilia took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself for the challenges ahead.

"Ready?" Brad asked, his hand poised over his mask.

Lilia nodded, a determined glint in her eye. "Let's do this."

Together, they leapt into the water, plunging beneath the surface in a flurry of bubbles. The cool embrace of the ocean enveloped Lilia, her gills flaring to life as they extracted oxygen from the water. She marvelled at the sensation, so different from anything she had experienced before.

As they descended into the depths, the sunlight slowly fading above them, Lilia couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. She was venturing into uncharted territory, both literally and figuratively. Whatever awaited her on the seafloor, she was ready to face it head-on.

Brad stayed by her side as long as he could, his presence a comforting anchor in the vast expanse of blue. But eventually, he had to turn back, his equipment unable to withstand the crushing pressure of the depths.

With a final thumbs-up, Brad began his ascent back to the surface, pulling himself up the rope, leaving Lilia alone in the silent world beneath the waves. She watched his form recede into the distance, a tiny speck of light against the endless ocean.

Taking a steadying breath, Lilia turned her attention downward. The seafloor stretched out before her, an alien landscape of jagged rock formations and swaying fronds of kelp. Somewhere down there, hidden among the endless expanse of sand and stone, lay the Blade of Silence.

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