Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 60: Another Blade

Lilia glided gracefully through the azure depths, her suit slicing through the water with ease. The blue expanse stretched out before her, an endless sea of mystery and untold secrets. Brad followed close behind, his gear barely allowing him to keep pace with her superhuman agility.

As they descended deeper into the abyss, the sunlight faded, replaced by an eerie twilight. The pressure increased with every meter, but Lilia felt no discomfort. Whether due to the Gills Potion or her own unique physiology, she was able to withstand the mounting pressure.

Brad, however, was not so fortunate. Despite his equipment, he could only safely dive to a certain point. With a series of hand gestures, he conveyed to Lilia that he had reached his limit. She nodded in understanding, signalling for him to wait while she continued the search alone.

Lilia swam onward, her powerful strokes propelling her further into the inky darkness. The weight of the ocean pressed down on her from all sides, yet she pushed forward undaunted. Her violet eyes scanned the seafloor, searching for any sign of the artifact she sought.

Suddenly, a faint azure glow piercing through the dark abyss. Lilia approached cautiously, her heart racing with anticipation. There, lodged in the silt and rock, was a crystalline sword. Its blade shimmered with an otherworldly light, casting an ethereal glow across the abyssal plain.

Lilia's breath caught in her throat. This was the same sword from her vision - the one she had used to stab Mordecai. With trembling fingers, she reached out and grasped the hilt.

The moment her hand closed around the grip, Serene Wrath, which was now merged with her, reacted violently. The water around the Blade of Silence began to boil and churn, bubbles rising in frenzied streams. Yet Lilia felt no heat emanating from the hilt. It remained cool and solid in her grasp.

Unlike her experience with Serene Wrath, where its history had been revealed to her in a dream, the Blade of Silence wasted no time in sharing its secrets. A thunderous bang reverberated inside Lilia's skull as another vision assaulted her mind.

Once again Lilia found herself experiencing the memories from a first-person perspective. Memories that showed her creation of the blade. She saw herself collecting rare minerals and exotic herbs, her hands deftly selecting only the finest ingredients. But instead of a sweltering forge like last time, she stood before a massive altar hidden deep underground.

With painstaking precision, Lilia used her magic to weave the components together. Each element floated in the air, suspended by invisible threads of power. Slowly, meticulously, she merged them into the hilt of the blade. The level of willpower and finesse required was staggering, far beyond anything the current Lilia could achieve.

For twelve days and nights, vision Lilia laboured tirelessly over the altar. Her focus never wavered as she poured every ounce of her being into the sword's creation. Satisfaction swelled within her at the magnitude of her accomplishment. Though none would likely ever know the true extent of her efforts, she revelled in the knowledge of what she had achieved.

Finally, after an eternity of unwavering dedication, the blade was complete. Vision Lilia held it aloft, a smile of triumph gracing her lips. She had done it - the seventh and final sword in her arsenal. Reverently, she spoke its name: "Reticent Pride."

Though forged in secrecy, Reticent Pride represented a crucial first step toward Lilia's ultimate goal. With all the blades she could finally— But just as the Lilia was about to learn her predecessor motivations, the vision abruptly ended.

Stunned, Lilia blinked, finding herself once again submerged beneath the ocean's surface. Frustration welled up inside her at the vision's untimely conclusion. She had been so close to understanding the true purpose behind the blades. Sighing, she looked down at Reticent Pride, still clutched tightly in her hand.

Acting on instinct, Lilia infused the sword with her mana. She wondered if it would merge with her body as Serene Wrath had done. To her surprise, the blade did indeed begin to integrate with her, but in a distinctly different manner.

Rather than melting and crawling up her arm like molten metal, Reticent Pride simply sank into her flesh as if she were no more than a ghostly apparition. The sensation was an unusual mix of hot and cold, sending shivers across her skin. Lilia could feel the tattoo forming, intricate lines connecting to the flaming chains that marked Serene Wrath's presence.

Though she had willed the tattoo to vanish before, the act of merging with Reticent Pride caused it to resurface. Even obscured by her diving suit, Lilia swore she could feel the elaborate design etching itself into her skin.

Curious to see the tattoo with her own eyes, Lilia began her ascent back to the surface. She kicked powerfully, propelling herself upward through the gradually lightening water. As she rose, her mind whirled with questions about the swords' origins and the mysterious Lilia from ages past.

Lilia was consumed with thoughts about the past Lilia and the swords' true purpose as she broke the surface. Brad's relieved expression greeted her as he helped her back onto the boat. He had been anxiously awaiting her return.

"Thank goodness you're alright," he said, his voice tinged with concern. "I was starting to worry when you didn't come up for so long."

Lilia offered him a reassuring smile. "No need to worry. I found what I was looking for." Though she didn't elaborate further, Brad seemed to understand that the details were not for him to know.

As they began the journey back to shore, Lilia retreated to the boat's small cabin to change out of her diving gear. Alistair trailed close behind, clearly unwilling to separate from his mistress after the long wait for her return. Lost in contemplation, she stripped off the form-fitting suit, eager to examine the new tattoo adorning her flesh.

Standing naked before the cabin's diminutive mirror, she took in the sight of the new tattoo. There, winding its way around the flaming chains of Serene Wrath, was a serpentine creature representing Reticent Pride. The snake's scales glinted like the blade itself, shimmering with an otherworldly iridescence.

Lilia traced the intricate lines with her fingertips, marvelling at the artistry. She wondered what other secrets the swords held and what role they had played in her predecessor's life.

As Lilia pondered the implications of the tattoos adorning her body, her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the cabin door opening. Startled, she turned to find Brad standing in the doorway, his eyes widening in shock as he realized she was nude.

For a moment, Lilia froze, uncertain of how to respond. But her instincts didn't have trouble deciding, a sudden urge surged within her, wanting her to flaunt her body and revel in the desire evident in Brad's gaze. She felt an overwhelming desire to strike a seductive pose, to encircle him with her arms and draw him into an intimate embrace.

But it was Alistair's hiss at the intruder that jolted her back to reality, allowing her to rein in these base instincts just before they took hold. She drew a deep, steadying breath, pushing back against the primal desires that threatened to overwhelm her. It was becoming increasingly clear that she needed to find an outlet for these urges soon, or risk being consumed by them.

The thought of indulging the desires still felt wrong on a fundamental level, yet Lilia struggled to conceive of any viable alternatives. Moira's offer grew more tempting by the day, even as her rational mind whispered that it was a bad idea.

Meanwhile, Brad quickly averted his eyes, stammering out an apology. "Shit, sorry! I thought you were done changing." He backed out of the cabin, stealing one last furtive glance at Lilia's exposed form before shutting the door.

Lilia sighed, shaking her head ruefully. She couldn't really blame Brad for his intrusion. After all, she had been the one to forget to lock the door. Besides, if their roles were reversed, she doubted she would have been able to resist sneaking a peek either.

"It's fine," Lilia called out, her tone surprisingly calm. "Just knock next time, okay?"

With that minor awkwardness behind them, Lilia finished dressing and rejoined Brad on deck. They continued their journey back to shore, the sea breeze whipping through their hair as the boat cut through the waves.

As they sailed, Brad attempted to strike up a conversation. "You know, you're pretty cool," he remarked, grinning at Lilia. "I don't meet many chicks like you. Feels almost like I'm talking to one of the guys."

Realizing how that sounded, Brad quickly backpedalled. "Uh, not that I'm saying you're mannish or anything! I just mean it somehow feels easy to talk to you, unlike with other women, you know?"

Despite herself, Lilia felt a small smile tug at her lips. It was validating to hear that even in this hyper-feminine form, her original personality still shone through.

Under his breath, Brad jokingly mumbled, "I wonder if all lesbians are just female dudes." He was unaware of just how close to the truth he was in Lilia's case.

Lilia, however, heard his mumbled comment clearly thanks to her superhuman senses. "Nah, it's just me," she replied with a playful wink.

Brad looked momentarily thrown, surprised that Lilia had caught his remark. But she simply laughed it off, putting him at ease once more.

As they pulled into the marina, Brad helped Lilia disembark. "Hey, listen," he said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I really am sorry about walking in on you earlier. Total dick move on my part."

Lilia waved off his apology. "Don't worry about it," she assured him. "It was also my fault for not locking the door."

"Still, I feel like I owe you one," Brad insisted. "Tell you what - you ever need to do some more diving, give me a call. I'll hook you up with a solid discount, since you're so chill." He grinned, giving Lilia a friendly clap on the shoulder.

Lilia smiled, touched by the offer. "I appreciate that, Brad. I just might take you up on it sometime."

They parted ways with a wave, Brad heading off to tend to the store while Lilia made her way down the dock. Her mind already turning to the next steps in her quest. The Blade of Silence was now in her possession, but the true purpose of the swords remained a mystery. And then there was the issue of her instincts, the dark desires that threatened to consume her if left unchecked.

Lilia knew she couldn't keep running from these instincts forever. Sooner or later, she would have to confront them head-on. But for now, she pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the sense of accomplishment that came with securing another piece of the puzzle.

With Reticent Pride safely merged with her being and Serene Wrath thrumming with power beneath her skin, Lilia felt more prepared than ever to face whatever challenges lay ahead.



The Phantom Thieves gathered in their hideout, the atmosphere thick with unease. Tristan paced back and forth, his brow furrowed in thought. Tina sat cross-legged on the couch, idly fiddling with a gadget. Aria leaned against the wall, her expression pensive, while Zymir stood stoically, arms folded.

"I don't like this," Tristan declared, breaking the silence. "Did you see the look on Lilia's face when she returned with the ring? She was clearly distraught."

Tina scoffed, setting aside her gadget. "Come on, she's a succubus. Isn't seduction and temptation kind of their whole deal? Why would a demon be upset about a little flirting? Maybe she was just upset about Delgado's poor stamina."

Tristan shook his head vehemently. "No, there's something different about her. I've been saying it from the start. My instincts are telling me that Lilia isn't your typical succubus."

Aria pushed off the wall, her brows knitted in thought. "I have to admit, I was surprised by her reaction too. She looked like we had forced her into something deeply uncomfortable, something that went against her principles."

"Exactly!" Tristan exclaimed, gesturing emphatically. "We shouldn't have sent her there. It was a mistake."

Tina's eyes widened, a flicker of disbelief crossing her face. "Wait, are you saying we're the bad guys here? That we coerced her into doing our dirty work?"

Zymir, who had been listening silently, finally spoke up. "Let's not jump to conclusions. Lilia agreed to the mission. We didn't force her hand."

Tristan whirled to face him, his expression fierce. "Didn't we though? We dangled the location of that blade in front of her like a carrot, knowing how badly she wanted it. It was a low blow, and you know it."

Aria sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Tristan has a point. We should have at least asked Lilia if she was comfortable with this kind of mission before tempting her with the prize."

Tina slumped back on the couch, looking deflated. "I hate to admit it, but you're right. Those blades are clearly important to her. With how she looked when she returned the ring, It really feels like we used that against her, manipulated her into being our honeypot."

A heavy silence settled over the group as they grappled with the implications of their actions. Finally, Zymir broke the tension. "What's done is done. We can't change the past. But moving forward, we need to be more mindful of how we treat her."

Tristan nodded, his resolve hardening. "Agreed. If we're going to work with Lilia, we have to stop thinking of her as a typical succubus."

Aria and Tina murmured their assent, both looking somewhat chastened. Tristan began to pace again, his mind racing.

"There's something else that's been bothering me," he said, his tone thoughtful. "Lilia's methods, even her mannerisms... It's subtle, but it's feels like she's playing a role and on top of that she's new to her role."

Aria cocked her head, intrigued. "What are you getting at?"

Tristan paused, choosing his words carefully. "I think there's more to Lilia than meets the eye. She's not just some random demon who showed up in New Atlantis recently. There's a deeper story there, and I intend to find out what it is."

Zymir stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Tristan may be onto something. Lilia's fixation on these blades, her atypical behaviour for a succubus... it does suggest a something else at play."

Aria nodded slowly. "So, what's our play? We can't just come out and ask her. If she's keeping secrets, she's unlikely to spill them just because we're curious."

"We could try, but we could also do what we do best," Tristan replied, a glint of determination in his eye. "We gather information and piece together the clues."

Tina sighed, throwing up her hands in surrender. "Fine, I'm in. But I think it is a bad idea."

Tristan pointedly ignored the comment, turning to Aria and Zymir. "What about you two? Are you with me on this?"

Aria and Zymir exchanged a glance before nodding their agreement. "We're a team," Aria said firmly. "If you think it's important, then it's important to all of us."

A smile tugged at Tristan's lips, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thank you, guys. I know we can unravel this mystery if we work together."

As the Phantom Thieves began to discuss their next steps, a newfound sense of purpose settled over the group. They had made mistakes in their dealings with Lilia, but now they had a chance to make things right. By uncovering the truth behind her motivations and identity, they hoped to truly understand their mysterious ally, and forge a partnership based on understanding not suspicions and tenuous trust.

Tina leaned back on the couch, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, fearless leader, what's our first move in cracking the case of the mysterious succubus?"

Tristan grinned, rubbing his hands together. "We start by digging into Lilia's background. Where she came from, any notable incidents or sightings before she arrived in New Atlantis. If we can trace her origins, it might give us a clue about her true nature."

Aria nodded, already pulling out her phone. "I'll reach out to my contacts, see if anyone's heard whispers of a succubus matching Lilia's description."

"Good thinking," Tristan approved. "Zymir, can you see about accessing any surveillance footage from around the time Lilia first appeared in the city? Maybe we can track her movements, get a sense of her patterns."

"On it," Zymir confirmed, moving to boot up his computer setup.

Tina stretched languidly, a cat-like grin on her face. "And what about me, boss? What's my role in this little operation?"

Tristan considered for a moment. "I need you to dig into the lore surrounding these Blades of the Apocalypse. Lilia's obsession with them has to be significant. See if you can find anything more that we already know about them in historical texts or mythological accounts."

"Aye aye, captain," Tina said with a mock salute. "One deep dive into ancient, dusty tomes coming right up."

As the team set to work on their assigned tasks, a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose filled the hideout. The Phantom Thieves were no strangers to unravelling mysteries and uncovering hidden truths. With their combined skills and Tristan's newfound understanding of Lilia, they were confident they could get to the bottom of the enigmatic succubus' secrets.

Many thanks to another member of Bird Aristocracy: Noita

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