Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 61: Kiss

James awoke to the familiar chime of his alarm, his mind still hazy with the remnants of sleep. As he sat up, he instinctively traced the spot on his arm where the snake tattoo had been before he willed it to vanish. The memory of the serpentine mark sent a shiver down his spine, a tangible reminder of the strange path his life had taken.

He couldn't help but feel a twinge of melancholy. These were to be his final days attending school as himself before his sister finalized the paperwork to enrol him as Lily. The impending change weighed heavily on his mind as he went through his morning routine.

James knew he couldn't simply vanish without a word. He owed it to his teachers and classmates to bid them a proper farewell. They deserved an explanation, even if it couldn't be the whole truth.

After a quiet breakfast, James set out for school, Alistair faithfully accompanying him as always. The imp, disguised in his feline form, would keep a watchful eye on him from the school grounds.

As James entered the classroom, he steeled himself for the conversations to come. He had rehearsed his cover story, hoping it would hold up under scrutiny.

Summoning his courage, James began informing teachers and classmates alike that he would soon be transferring abroad. The news was met with a chorus of surprised reactions. Some expressed concern, questioning whether it wouldn't be wiser to complete his education here first. James did his best to allay their worries, assuring them he had arrangements in place to finish his studies overseas.

Curious classmates pressed for more details on his destination. Thankfully, James had anticipated this and came prepared with a ready answer. "I'll be heading to the US," he explained, keeping his tone casual. "Got a job offer from a company there, so it's a great opportunity."

Of course, his close friends—Nathan, Mia, and Alex—already knew the truth behind his impending 'transfer.' They played along with the ruse, offering congratulations and well-wishes to sell the story.

However, when Akari approached him, her expression unreadable, James found himself at a loss for words.

"What's this I hear about you leaving?" Akari asked, her tone carefully neutral.

James hesitated, weighing his options. Finally, he decided to take a leap of faith. "Can we talk somewhere private?" he asked quietly.

Akari raised an eyebrow but nodded, following him to a secluded corner of the courtyard.

Taking a deep breath, James met her gaze steadily. "Do you remember when I told you the truth about who I am? That I'm not some demoness, but James a human, and I somehow gained the ability to transform into my game character?"

Akari's eyes narrowed slightly, but she remained silent, waiting for him to continue.

"Well, it seems my body is changing permanently into that of Lilia," James explained, his voice low. "Soon, I won't be able to turn back into myself anymore. That's why I can't keep attending school as myself."

A flicker of conflicting emotions played across Akari's face as she processed this revelation. Part of her had come to believe James's claims, having witnessed his sincerity firsthand. Yet a tiny, persistent voice in the back of her mind whispered that this could all be part of Lilia's ploy. Perhaps 'she' had only pretended to be James, and now that Akari had bought into the ruse, 'she' no longer needed to maintain the facade.

Akari quickly silenced that insidious thought. She knew Lilia had nothing to gain from such an elaborate manipulation. Demons always had a reason behind their schemes; they didn't deceive merely for the sake of it.

Schooling her features, Akari met James's gaze. "You becoming demon permanently doesn't change anything between us," she stated, her tone carefully neutral. "I won't think of you any less or more because of it."

Her tone was stiff, almost awkward, as if she were trying to offer reassurance but didn't quite know how. James couldn't help but feel a flicker of warmth at her attempt, clumsy though it was.

Akari cleared her throat, averting her gaze. "I should get back to class," she muttered, turning to leave.


As the final bell rang, James met up with his friends, ready to unwind after an emotionally taxing day. They made their way to Mia's place, the easy camaraderie between them a balm to James's frayed nerves.

Once they were settled in Mia's room, Nathan flopped onto the bed with a dramatic sigh. "Man, I can't believe you're really doing this," he said, shaking his head. "Getting a completely new identity? It's like something out of a movie."

Mia swatted at him playfully. "It's not like he has much of a choice," she pointed out. "Besides, we'll still know it's him, even if he looks different."

Alex nodded in agreement. "Mia's right. It might take some getting used to, but you'll always be the same old James to us."

James felt a lump form in his throat at his friends' unwavering support. "Thanks, guys," he managed, his voice rough with emotion. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Probably crash and burn," Nathan teased, ducking as James threw a pillow at him.

Laughter echoed around the room following Nathan's quip, diffusing the emotional tension. They lounged in various states of relaxation, sprawled across the couches and floor of James's living room.

"So, when are we gonna crack open that mystical tome again?" Nathan asked, his eyes alight with excitement. "I bet there's something that will allow me to finally use magic."

James hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty passing over his features. "I don't know," he said slowly. "To open the tome, I'd have to turn into Lilia first. And honestly, I kind of want to spend my last days as myself, well, being myself."

Understanding dawned in Mia's eyes. "Oh, right. Of course." She gave his hand a sympathetic squeeze. "We can always study magic another time."

Nathan, sensing the shift in mood, piped up. "Hey, I've got an idea! Why don't we have an old-fashioned anime marathon, like we used to? It'll be just like old times."

Alex and Mia voiced their agreement, and soon the four friends were settled comfortably in Mia's living room, an anime series from their childhood playing on the screen. As the familiar opening theme filled the air, a wave of nostalgia washed over them. For a little while, it was as if nothing had changed, and they were just a group of ordinary teenagers enjoying each other's company.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, filled with laughter, inside jokes, and good-natured ribbing. But as the credits rolled on yet another episode, Mia cleared her throat meaningfully, catching Alex and Nathan's eyes. A silent understanding passed between them.

Alex and Nathan exchanged a knowing glance. Quietly, they gathered their things and made their excuses to leave. James and Mia barely noticed their departure, too caught up in the sudden intensity that had sprung up between them.

"Well, I should probably head out," Nathan announced, stretching theatrically. "Got some errands to run for my folks."

Alex stood as well. "I'll walk out with you. I need to swing by the library before it closes."

James watched them go, a flicker of confusion furrowing his brow. Their sudden departure seemed oddly abrupt.

Beside him, Mia shifted slightly, angling her body to face him more fully. James felt a prickle of awareness skitter down his spine at the intensity of her gaze.

"James, there's something I need to tell you," Mia began, her voice uncharacteristically hesitant. "Something I've been holding back for a long time."

James swallowed hard, his heart suddenly hammering against his ribs. The atmosphere in the room had shifted, growing heavier with unspoken words.

James looked at her, his eyes wide and uncertain. "Mia, what's going on?"

Mia took a deep, steadying breath. "I like you, James. As more than just a friend. I have for a long time now."

She reached out and took his hand, lacing their fingers together. "Even with everything that's happening, even though you're changing, my feelings for you haven't changed. If anything, they've only grown stronger."

Mia's gaze dropped to her lap, a self-conscious smile tugging at her lips. "I know it's silly. We've been friends for so long, and I don't want to ruin that. But I can't keep pretending that friendship is all I want from you."

James stared at her, stunned by the revelation. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind, jumbled and incoherent. He had always dismissed the possibility that Mia might feel something more for him, too focused on maintaining their easy camaraderie.

But now, with her confession hanging in the air between them, he couldn't help but reevaluate every interaction they'd ever had. The way she always seemed to gravitate towards him, the lingering glances he'd sometimes catch her sending his way, the subtle flush that would colour her cheeks when he complimented her.

Even his mother had once teasingly remarked that Mia might harbour feelings for him, but he had brushed it off as a joke at the time. Now, he realized just how oblivious he had been.

"Mia, I..." James began, his voice trailing off uncertainly. He could feel something stirring within him, a warmth that suffused his chest whenever he looked at her. But was it truly love? Or simply the effects of their long-standing friendship?

Mia seemed to sense his inner turmoil. She reached out, her hand coming to rest gently on his arm. "It's okay if you don't feel the same way," she said softly, though her eyes belied the hurt she tried to conceal. "I know this is a lot to take in, especially with everything else you're dealing with."

James shook his head, struggling to find the right words. "No, it's not that. I care about you, Mia. So much. But I'm just... I'm confused." He ran a hand through his hair, frustration evident in the gesture.

"I don't want to hurt you by giving you false hope. The truth is, I don't fully understand what I feel. I know that I like being around you, that you make me happy. But is that love? I'm not sure."

Mia smiled softly, reaching out to take his hand. "It's okay, James. I understand. I'm not asking for any promises or commitments right now." She gave his fingers a gentle squeeze. "I just needed you to know how I feel. And that I'll be here, waiting, until you figure things out."

Mia listened intently, her expression softening with understanding. "It's okay," she said gently. "I'm not asking for an answer right now. I just needed you to know how I feel, before..." She trailed off, her gaze flickering to the floor.

James felt a pang in his chest at the unspoken implication. Before he turned into Lilia permanently. Before everything changed.

Mia took a deep breath, seemingly steeling herself for what she was about to say next. "Can I... can I ask you for one thing?" she said hesitantly, her cheeks flushing pink.

James nodded, unsure what she was going to request but willing to hear her out.

"I know that even when you become Lilia, you'll still be James on the inside. But I was hoping... could I have one memory of us, just as we are now, before that happens?" Mia's voice was barely above a whisper, her eyes fixed on his with an intensity that took his breath away.

Slowly, giving him time to pull away if he wanted, Mia leaned in closer. Her intent was clear, and James found himself instinctively mirroring her movements, drawn in by the magnetic pull between them. Their breaths mingled, noses brushing with aching tenderness. And then, finally, their lips met.

Kissing Mia was like coming home and setting out on an adventure all at once. There was the comforting familiarity of her raspberry lip balm, the scent of her citrus shampoo. But there was also an exhilarating newness, a current of desire thrumming beneath the surface.

Unlike when Moira had kissed him, there was no feverish urgency, no clash of teeth and tongue. Mia's mouth moved against his with a gentle reverence, pouring a lifetime of pent-up adoration into the chaste press of lips.

It stole James's breath in an entirely different way, filling him with a warmth that seeped into his very bones.

After a small eternity, they drew apart. Mia's cheeks were flushed, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.

"Wow," James breathed, not quite trusting his voice.

"I know I said only one, but..." Mia whispered. And then they were kissing again, James's arms coming up to encircle her waist and draw her closer.

He lost himself in the velvet slide of Mia's mouth, in the sweet ache building behind his ribs. For a blissful span of minutes, the outside world fell away. There was no impending transformation, no uncertain future. There was only him and Mia, pouring every unspoken feeling into the meeting of their lips.

When they finally parted, both were flushed and short of breath. Mia's eyes sparkled with a mixture of joy and bashfulness.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, ducking her head. "I shouldn't have pushed for more. Especially not with everything you're dealing with."

James shook his head, reaching out to gently tilt her chin up until she was looking at him again. "You have nothing to apologize for," he said firmly. "I wanted it too."

Mia's eyes widened fractionally, hope flaring to life within their depths. But she quickly tamped it down, not wanting to get ahead of herself. "Still, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything. Like I said, I'm not expecting an answer right now."

James nodded, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "For being so patient with me. I promise, as soon as I figure out my feelings, you'll be the first to know."

Mia smiled at that, a real smile that lit up her entire face. "I'll hold you to that," she said teasingly, though there was an undercurrent of seriousness beneath the words.

They lapsed into silence then, both lost in their own thoughts. James found his mind swirling with conflicting emotions—the lingering warmth of the kiss, the confusion over his true feelings, the fear of what the future might hold.

Did he love her? James still couldn't say for certain. But he knew that the kiss they had shared held the promise of something beautiful, something worth exploring. And even if his transformation ultimately pulled them in different directions, he would always cherish the memory of this moment, perfect in its simplicity and honesty.

In the shadows, unseen by the pair, Alistair observed the scene with a knowing glint in his eye. His mistress's charms were as potent as ever, it seemed. Even in this mortal guise, she effortlessly ensnared hearts and inspired devotion.

Yes, the future was ripe with possibility indeed. And Alistair had no doubt that, whatever form his mistress took, she would continue to leave an indelible mark on all those fortunate enough to cross her path.

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