Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 6: Transformations

Lilia huddled in the shadows; her shape shrouded under a rough blanket she had snatched from an unattended clothesline. Her only aim was to hide her unnatural features from prying eyes, since the cool night air was hardly a discomfort to her infernal skin. She stayed perfectly still, her ears picking up the faint buzz of conversation and the hum of a news broadcast from a bar not too far off. She hoped to catch even a snippet of information that could shed light on the chaos that had erupted back at the karaoke bar.

She imagined her family and friends, likely frantic with worry. How could she possibly reveal herself in this state and explain that underneath it all, she was really James? Two hours had slipped away since her hasty exit from the karaoke bar, and yet her transformation stubbornly persisted.

Her thoughts drifted back to when Lilia was still only a video game character, altering her looks to avoid unnecessary fights with other players. It was a racial ability inherent to Lilia, suggesting that maybe, just maybe, she could access it in real world too.

She remembered the lore of the game, where luxa demons were sly predators, masters of disguise, cloaking themselves in illusions to make their prey easier to catch. Maybe, with a little focus, she could morph back into James, despite being stuck in Lilia's body.

At first, there was no change. But after some experimenting, she sensed a shift, like discovering a limb she never knew existed. Upon opening her eyes, the blue tint had vanished from her skin, yet the curved outline of her figure remained. She attempted the process several more times, to no avail—she was unable to shed her feminine form.

Then it dawned on her, in game this ability never allowed her to switch the gender of her character. No matter which races she turned into, she always looked like Lilia if she was that race.

"It's still something, I guess." she murmured, clinging to any shred of positivity in her plight.

Realizing there was no point in waiting any longer, she tossed the blanket aside, noting with some relief that her clothes had also changed. They resembled James's usual garb but bore a distinctly feminine touch. Frantically hoping her phone had somehow made through the transition too, she patted her pocket.

To her immense relief, she felt the unmistakable shape of her phone. She quickly pulled it out, heart sinking at the sight of 32 missed calls, half of them from her mother alone.

Hesitant to make a call in her current state, she rapidly sent out a flurry of texts to friends and family, assuring them she was safe, and concocting a story about her phone dying and not being able to respond until she had found a charger.

Taking a deep breath, Lilia resolved to face her parents as she was. She believed one of them, at least, might understand. She also decided she'd prefer to keep this secret from her sister and friends—at least for now. The thought of their reactions was too embarrassing to entertain.


Across town, in the cozy living room of the Brooks household, May and Arthur Brooks paced with clear worry etching their faces. The clock on the wall pressed onward, its seconds seeming to stretch on forever. The TV, turned down low, displayed the chaos of the ruined bar, now swarming with police.

Mia's call had sparked nothing but dread. She'd mentioned a monster outbreak and that they'd gotten separated from James, sending a shiver down their spines. Arthur, whose days of heroics were behind him, still felt an urge to jump into action.

"Maybe his phone just died," May suggested, though her shaky voice undercut the reassurance.

Their phones chimed simultaneously, kindling a flicker of hope. Arthur grabbed his phone and read the new message from James. Relief flooded through them, but they were left puzzled by his plea not to call.

"He says he's okay, but why doesn't he want us to reach out?" Arthur mused, exchanging a worried glance with May.

"Maybe he wants to explain in person. You know how James is, likes to handle things on his own," May offered, trying to make sense of the situation.

Another gentle chime from Arthur's phone sliced through the tense atmosphere. He picked it up, hope alight in his eyes, half-expecting to see James's name. Instead, it was Ren calling, which brought both relief and fresh curiosity.

"Ren?" Arthur answered, his voice tense.

"Dad, have you heard from James?" came Ren's voice, calm yet laced with unease.

Arthur let out a sigh before replying, "Yes, we just got a text. He's safe. What's going on?"

A pause hung in the air, then Ren let out a breath. "I got the message too. But I'm tied up at the lab right now, some issue with my research. Can you keep me updated on James? I'm worried."

May, who had been listening, chimed in, "Of course, Ren. We'll let you know the moment we hear anything. Just focus on your work, and call if you need us."

"Thanks, Mom," Ren said, and quickly added, "And make sure to give him an earful for worrying you."

"We will, Ren. Don't worry. Just focus on your work," Arthur reassured him.

With the end of the call, the room lapsed back into silence. The minutes dragged on heavily. May watched her phone intently for any word from James. Arthur resumed his pacing, his mind racing with the unsettling events of the night.

After an hour of nerve-wracking waiting, a sharp knock shattered the quiet. Exchanging a look, May and Arthur approached the door with caution.

Arthur peered through the peephole but saw no one. With caution, he eased the door open. To their astonishment, an unfamiliar woman stood on the doorstep. She looked sombre yet poised, her eyes locked on Arthur and May.

"Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, I presume?" she asked in an even tone.

"That's us. How can we help?" Arthur asked, his voice laced with caution.

"I'm Akari, from the New Atlantis Bureau of Investigation," she introduced herself, flashing her badge with a professional flair.

Tension filled the room as Akari held their gaze. May, her curiosity shadowed by concern, was the first to speak up. "The NABI? Is there a problem?"

Akari's face remained calm, her eyes darting between the two. "I'm looking into an incident concerning individuals with superpowers. It seems your son, James, might be involved."

Worry carved deeper lines into Arthur's face. "James? What's happened? Is he okay?"

"He's not hurt, to our knowledge," Akari replied, unshaken. "But we've seen some unusual activity from him. Have you noticed any new behaviour, or has he made any new friends—possibly a girlfriend?"

Exchanging a swift, troubled look with Arthur, May responded, "We haven't heard about any new friends or relationships. James hasn't mentioned anything."

Akari nodded, taking note. "We've found evidence of a super who we think has been in contact with James. Did he bring up anyone or anything strange lately?"

Arthur knit his brows, sifting through recent memories. "No, nothing unusual. He's been himself, as far as we're aware."

"He's been hanging out a lot with his usual friends—Nathan, Alex, and Mia. They've been tight for years," May chimed in.

Akari's stare didn't waver; she paused, then shared, "We suspect that this super could be manipulating minds. There is a high chance that James might be under her influence."

The atmosphere turned dense with worry. Arthur grappled with the thought of his son in danger. "Mind control? How can we tell if he's... affected?"

"Look for out-of-character behaviour, mood swings, or unexplained absences. Anything along those lines." Akari instructed, her composure intact.

"It's critical to act swiftly, but cautiously in these situations," Akari stressed, her demeanour unyielding. "Behave as you normally would and inform us of anything out of the ordinary."

With that, Akari handed them a business card with a contact number and disappeared into the night. The Brooks family stood in the echoes of her visit, their minds racing with concern and unanswered questions, a pervasive unease settling over their home.


After an hour's walk, Lilia finally reached her house, only to spot a black van parked outside. Curiously, she took cover behind a neighbour's fence to observe. The doors of her home were open, and she could see her parents engaged in conversation with Akari, the mysterious woman she'd encountered twice before. Unsure of Akari's motives, Lilia opted to stay out of sight and wait.

Straining to listen, Lilia was frustrated by the car engine's low rumble that dulled the voices. Minutes ticked by, and eventually, Akari departed. Still, Lilia stayed hidden a while longer, just to be safe. Then, in a twist of irony, just as she braced herself to confront her parents, her form shifted back—she was James again.

"Why now?" James muttered under his breath. He had been ready to disclose his secret transformation, but now, as himself, the explanation felt much more daunting.

With a mix of relief and anxiety, James headed for his house. The sight of it brought a certain solace, yet the anticipation of a difficult conversation made his heart heavy. He took a deep breath and nudged the front door open.

Inside, the living room was dimly lit. His parents sat on the couch, their expressions a complex weave of relief and worry.

"James!" His mother's voice pierced the quiet as she leapt up to hug him. Her arms clung to him, her eyes brimming with concern. "We've been so worried. Mia said something about monsters, and that you'd gotten separated."

Confronted with his parents' distress—and perhaps looking for a reason to delay the truth—James chose not to confess just yet. He made a silent pledge to share everything when the time was right. But not now.

"Ah, yeah, Mom. It was crazy," James replied. "Sorry I didn't call. My phone was dead, and I couldn't get a hold of a charger." Arthur studied James with a sharp eye. "We're just relieved you're back and safe, Son. But you could've found a way to let us know sooner. We were this close to starting a search party for you."

"I know, Dad. I screwed up. I was just... taken aback by everything," James admitted,

May's face still showed signs of worry. "Well, it's a relief you're here now. Can you tell us what happened?"

Taking a deep breath, James recounted the night's events. "A bunch bat-like creatures showed up out of nowhere, Mom. It was complete chaos. They were attacking people. We tried to leave together but got split up."

Looking at his parents, he continued "Fortunately, I've managed to find another route and fled through a back door." Pausing for a second to think of plausible resolution he then added "After I escaped, I just sat down for a while to gather my thoughts."

May and Arthur shared a look that spoke volumes, sensing that something wasn't quite right. They felt as if their son was not telling them everything.

"Okay, James," Arthur finally said, his voice revealing his lingering doubts. "Go on and get some sleep. I can see you're tired, we'll pick this up in the morning."

"Thanks dad," James replied, the fatigue real but not as heavy as the secret he clung to. He trudged upstairs, leaving his parents in the living room, still wearing their troubled expressions.

Once in his bedroom, James let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. His act had held up, but the guilt was eating at him. He changed into pyjamas, hoping the familiarity of the routine would somehow calm him.

As James lay in bed, the weight of the events pressing on him, a determination began to stir within. He couldn't let this transformation control him. With a newfound resolve, he rose from his bed, abandoning the idea of sleep.

"I need to master this," he muttered to himself. "There must be something triggering these transformations."

James replayed the recent events in his mind, analysing every detail. Then, in a moment of clarity, he recalled the moment before transformation. His desperation to save his friends, feeling of powerlessness and an intense desire to become Lilia, a force that seemed to overpower every other thought. It was as if that longing was the key.

Focusing on the memory, he closed his eyes and repeated the scene in his mind. All he now wanted at that moment was to be Lilia, to get enough power to save his friends.

To his surprise, his method worked. His body shifted albeit slower than before. His skin turning a shade of purple, masculine features replaced by feminine ones, and finally, horns and tails sprouted. Lilia stood before the mirror, astonished by the transformation.

"I can control it," she whispered, a mix of awe and relief washing over her. However, the bigger challenge remained – she still didn't know how to turn back.

Contemplating her next move, Lilia reached for her phone to set a timer, thinking it might be a timed transformation. But just as she was about to start the stopwatch, the door creaked open. Panic seized her as she realized she forgot to lock it.

In walked Ren, James's older sister, her expression a mix of concern and teasing. "You still playing games at this hour? Don't you have school tomorrow?"

Before Lilia could respond, Ren's eyes widened as they fell upon the transformed figure before her. "Who the heck are you?" she exclaimed, a mix of confusion and surprise on her face.

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