Lilia: A New Dawn

Chapter 7: Confession

In a rush and teetering on the edge of panic, Lilia lunged at her sister, clamping a hand over her mouth before Ren could utter a sound. Lilia's biggest fear was that a shout or scream might draw their parents' attention, which was the last thing she wanted right now.

The force of Lilia's sudden move nearly sent them tumbling, but she swiftly regained her footing. With a quick backward glance, she shut the door and pulled Ren further into the safety of her room. Now, there was no avoiding it; she had to come clean about her newfound ability to transform.


It all happened so quickly that Ren was still trying to make sense of the situation as she found herself pushed onto the bed, a stranger holding her down, muffling her cries. Ren's eyes, wide and searching, darted around the room for her brother. She thought back to something her parents had mentioned—that James might be in trouble. But she never imagined he'd bring a woman into his room without their parents' knowing, especially a super, judging by the woman's looks.

"It's me, James," the woman murmured, a hint of panic in her voice. "I'll explain everything, just don't yell, okay?"

The absurdity of the situation wrung a silent laugh from Ren. The idea was ludicrous. They'd tested James for superpowers. The results were unequivocal: no hidden talents, certainly not something as extraordinary as shapeshifting. Yet Ren's curiosity won out. She nodded, feigning compliance, eager to hear the elaborate tale this woman would spin.

"So, you expect me to believe you're my brother?" Ren said, propping herself up to sit. She gave the woman a sceptical once-over. "I never knew he was into demon girls."

The woman's frustration was palpable. "It's not a joke, I'm telling you the truth," she insisted.

"Right, then prove it. Tell me something only James and I would know," Ren countered, raising an eyebrow.

"You asked for it." The woman's expression turned grave, sending a shiver down Ren's spine. "Remember, when you were sixteen, you thought you were alone at home and decided to try out your theo…"

"Stop!" Ren cut the woman off. That was one memory she longed to erase; one that even her parents were unaware of. "I believe you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.


One lengthy explanation later the room finally fell into a thoughtful silence. The revelation that her brother, James could transform into his game character, Lilia, left Ren stunned.

"So let me get this straight," Ren began, breaking the silence. "You turn into your game character at random, and you only just started getting a handle on it. How long has this been going on?"

Lilia sighed, running a hand through her hair, which snagged on one of her horns. "It started a few days ago. Remember the incident on my way to school? I got injured and then woke up perfectly fine in the park. It's been happening since then."

Ren nodded slowly, absorbing his words. "And you didn't tell anyone? Not even Mom or Dad?"

Lilia hesitated before answering, "I was scared, maybe more embarrassed than scared. I thought it might be temporary. Plus, it just felt... weird."

Understanding dawned on Ren's face as she sighed. "I get it, James. It's a lot to handle, but you can't keep this a secret forever. You need someone to confide in."

Lilia looked down, clearly torn. "I know, but I needed time to figure things out. I didn't want to worry you or parents for no reason."

Ren smiled and put a comforting hand on Lilia's shoulder. "I understand, but that's what family's for—worrying, so you're not alone in this. I won't pressure you to share your secret, though. I trust you to make the right choice for yourself."

"Thanks sis," Lilia replied, giving her sister a grateful smile.

"So, when do you plan on changing back?" Feeling the mood lighten, Ren switched the topic. "Or are you perhaps planning on staying like this? "She teased, grin wide on her face.

"That's the issue. I haven't figured that part yet," Lilia responded with a wry smile, demonstrating her ability to switch to a human form. "That's all I've managed so far."

You're not permanently stuck like that, are you?" nudging her playfully. "What should I call you now? Jamesa? Jamesina?"

Knock it off, Ren," Lilia scolded, her eyes rolling but her lips betraying a smile.

"You expect me to call this sweetheart 'James'?" Ren gasped in mock disbelief, throwing her hands up for added effect.

Lilia sighed, resigned to the fact that her sister wouldn't drop it. "Fine, call me Lilia. That's the name I've picked for this character anyway," she relented.

"Done. Lilia it is," Ren affirmed, sealing the deal before Lilia had a chance to back out.

With Ren now in on her secret, Lilia felt a weight lift off her shoulders. Her situation seemed more manageable. And while she had been most nervous about telling Ren, it turned out she was the best confidant she could have hoped for.

They chatted a while longer until Ren finally headed out. Left alone, Lilia couldn't stop thinking about Ren's plan to take her out that weekend. Was her sister plotting to run experiments on her in the lab?

Deciding that dwelling on it all night would get her nowhere, Lilia locked her door and resumed her attempts at transforming back into James. Despite her efforts, her body stubbornly refused to revert. Accepting her reality for the night, she grabbed her phone and set a stopwatch. If nothing else, she was determined to time the duration of her transformation.


The next morning, James was riding shotgun in his mother's car on their way to school. The air was thick with unspoken tension. He could sense his mother's concern.

"James," she started, her voice soft yet laced with worry, "you know you can talk to us about anything, right?"

James nodded, giving his mother a small, comforting smile. "I know, Mom. It's nothing, really. I'm just a bit tired; didn't sleep well after what happened last night."

Pulling up next to the school, May turned to her son. "If you're still uneasy, we can go back home."

"Thanks, Mom, but I'll be okay. My friends are probably wondering where I am, and it's easier to distract yourself when you're busy," James replied.

With that, James got out of the car, backpack shouldered. The school was alive with the hustle of students heading to class. Spotting his friends at the entrance, he called out, "Nathan, Alex, Mia!" and waved.

Seeing James, his friends' faces lit up with relief. Nathan enveloped him in a bear hug. "Man, we were worried sick!"

Laughing, James hugged him back. "It takes more than some ugly bats to bring me down."

Alex, usually reserved, allowed a smile. "We were really concerned. You good now?"

James nodded, grateful for their care. "Yeah, it's all good now."

Mia eyed him with concern. "You sure you're alright? You seem a little pale."

"It's probably just the light, or because I'm tired," he said. "But enough about me—how's your leg?"

"Thanks to my mom's ability, it's mostly healed now." She chuckled.

The bell rang, cutting Mia off before she could delve further into conversation. "Guess we'll catch up later."

James entered the classroom hoping that mundane lessons could offer a temporary escape from the chaos that had become his life. As he settled into his seat, the door creaked open, and the teacher announced the arrival of a new student.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. Please welcome Akari," the teacher introduced, gesturing towards a serious-looking girl with long, black hair.

James's pulse quickened as he recognized the shrine maiden who had been weaving herself into his life. To his dismay, she took the vacant seat next to him.

As the class progressed, Akari appeared to be completely engrossed in the lecture, scribbling notes here and there, but James felt her gaze on him more than once.

Once the lesson wrapped up, she didn't waste a beat before approaching him. "Hi, I'm Akari. Do you mind if I sit here?" She gestured to the seat beside him. "We've met before, haven't we?"

With no solid reason to object, James replied, "Sure, sit down. And yes, I remember you." He scooted over to give her space. "You handed me a card. What was that about?"

Though caught off guard, by a question Akari answered quickly, "Oh, that was for my research on supernatural occurrences."

"Right," James said, a hint of suspicion in his voice as he suspected it might be just a cover story.

Undisturbed by his scepticism, Akari shifted the conversation. "You seem pretty knowledgeable. Maybe you could show me around? I'm still trying to get my bearings."

Before he could respond, Mia, who was walking by, spotted them. "Hey, James!" she called out, approaching with a warm smile. "I didn't peg you as a ladies' man," she teased, though there was a slight tension in her voice.

James gave a nervous laugh, not quite comfortable with the spotlight. "Ah, it's not really like that. Akari's new here—we just met, and—"

Akari cut in, her voice even and calm. "James was about to consider giving me a tour and introducing me to everyone. Isn't that right, James?"

Caught off guard by Akari's directness, James faltered. "Oh, I... haven't exactly said yes to that yet."

Mia, ever competitive, flashed a playful grin. "If you're handing out tours, James, maybe I can join in too. After all, I'm a senior here as well."

With a slight tilt of her head, Akari replied, "That would be efficient, Mia. A joint tour could work well."

The air crackled with unspoken challenges as Akari and Mia locked eyes. James, caught in the middle, felt like an unwitting bystander in their silent standoff. Looking for a way to break the ice, he chimed in.

"Hey, have you guys checked out the new smoothie spot by the park?" James asked, hoping to redirect the conversation with Mia's favourite dessert.

Mia's eyes lit up. "Smoothies? Count me in! What do you say, Akari?"

Akari gave a slight nod. "I'm fine with that."


The bell above the smoothie shop's entrance jingled as the trio walked in, welcomed by the sweet scent of blended fruits and the low buzz of chatter. They found a cozy booth in the corner, leisurely sipping on their smoothies as they chatted about school, the latest fads, and—no surprise—superpowers.

"So, Akari," Mia teased with a playful glint in her eye, "what's up with your project on the supernatural? Do you really believe in all that stuff?"

Akari hesitated, glancing at James before responding, "I think our world is more than meets the eye. People tend to dismiss what they don't understand. But, I mean, there's definitely something out there, things we can't see."

James caught Akari's glance and fidgeted. As they talked through Akari's background, the culture shocks she'd faced, and her fascination with the unknown, James had a nagging feeling that Akari was feeding them her cover story.

As time slipped away and James realized he needed to head home, he got up from the table. "I'll be right back—I've gotta settle the bill."

With James gone, Mia leaned forward, a trace of jealousy in her voice. "What's your take on James? You've been stealing glances at him all evening."

Akari met Mia's gaze, her expression unreadable. "James is... different. But he's not special, not like you are, Mia."

Mia raised an eyebrow. "Special? What's that supposed to mean?"

Leaning in, Akari lowered her voice. "You have the aura of a nascent sorcerer, Mia."

Mia's eyes widened, a mix of skepticism and interest crossing her face. "Sorcerer? Are you serious?"

Akari slipped Mia a business card with 'N.A.B.C.' emblazoned on it. "Call this number, and you'll find out. Your gifts could change a lot, for you and for everyone else."

Before Mia could ask more, James returned to the table, picking up on the change in atmosphere. "What did I miss?" he inquired, sensing the odd tension.

"Nothing much," Akari deflected with ease. "Just sharing some thoughts on life's mysteries. Let's get back to our smoothies."

They resumed their conversation, but Mia's attention kept drifting to the business card, contemplating the unexpected proposition. N.A.B.C.? Could it be some sort of secret organization?

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