Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 607: Reluctance

Arna and Ivan reached the Imperial hospital quickly. As soon as they entered, Eva sent Ivan to meet his father's mother then she looked at Arna. 

"Aunt Eva," Arna greeted as she glanced at the old woman on the bed, "How is grandmother?"

Eva breathed in relief when Ivan sat and started talking to her mother-in-law. Being the only daughter for her parents and Issac being the only son of his parents, Ivan was the only grandchild for the elders. They couldn't rest at the hospital at ease assuming it could be their last day.

Eva patted Arna's arm looking at her worried, "Snow… Blood sugar was low hence mother had fainted. She is fine now."

Eva took her to the couch where Isaac was preparing a fruit bowl for his mother. Arna greeted Isaac before she sat down without disturbing the grandmother and grandson.

Eva asked after fetching water to Arna, "You had a collaboration meeting at Skyline. How did it go?"

Issac became ears to the response, and sensed Arna shaking her head, "The management isn't ready to take the risk. They rejected the collaboration." 

Both Isaac and Eva knew the special case of her brand. Eva nodded as she continued to ask, "But your project and investment isn't big for Skyline. The risk isn't that big as the finance is low."

Isaac responded to Eva's question, "The business size is small but Snow is well known in numerous countries hence she would need vast PR support."

Arna hummed agreement to Isaac's words as she continued, "I and Momma are different sides of the coins. If I say in simple words, Momma's designs are timeless. They are everlasting hence they stay classic over the changing time. The management would prefer it. But my designs are specific and the lifetime of it is limited hence the risk is high. My new designs might not have the same impact and attention as old so even if my project would be small, Skyline looks for long-term management so they won't agree so easily."

Eva and Isaac nodded at her words. They were proud that she was accepting the rejection, understanding the consequences instead of demanding her mother or scolding the management board.

"So what are your plans?" Isaac asked to know if she had plans to return back to country S. That would break his son's heart.

"I am shifting my recent show from country S to here. The results of it will decide if I will become a CEO or remain as a designer."

Isaac and Eva understand she will open a company of hers if Skyline doesn't notice the worth of her brand. Isaac rubbed her head adoringly, "Let me know if you need our help." 

Arna nodded adorably and put up her request immediately acting cute, "then please be my guest at the show. It will be my first show in our country."

Isaac was satisfied and was glad his son would get his love and no more longing.

The two didn't have objections and approved her invite before their eyes fell on the two. The weakly lying old woman was energetic after speaking with her grandson. She was already reprimanding him for something, trying to hit his arm while Ivan was laughing. 

Ivan called Arna after a few minutes, "Snow…" He beckoned her. Arna innocently went to Ivan and stood by thinking he might have called her to say hi to the old woman but she didn't get the chance.

"What do you think, Grandma?" Ivan asked Arna.

The old lady looked at Arna, examined her and she was perplexed, "She is so thin. How will she give me a great-grandson?"

Arna was thunderstruck.

Eva choked on her spit and Isaac was speechless at his son. They had heard the tits and bits of the talk. The old lady was always worried to see Ivan single till twenty-five and she gives Isaac's instance as he got Eva at 22. It was common in their house so they weren't thinking too much.

Instead of saying anything positive about their relationship, Ivan twisted his words, "Snow, make sure to eat well and give my grandma a baby."

Eva slapped her forehead without reading too much into his words and thinking of it as their shameless joke. Isaac wanted to smack his son, the harder the better.

Arna stomped his feet. She couldn't believe he said it just like that in front of all. She wanted to knock on his head and demand him to make their relationship official. Wait, she wanted a confession first.

She retorted, "You aren't thin. Why don't you get pregnant and bear a child for your grandmother?"

The old lady burst into chortles. The wrinkles of old age deepened and her soft laughter spread in the room bringing a smile to everyone's face. She loved the younger ones around.

Ivan was thankful for his leather shoes. He needed to get rid of her stomping habit which she does only to him. He will lose his feet one day at this rate.

The old lady calmed down before she scolded both of them in a breathy voice, "What wrong with this generation of children? You guys should be faster than your parents. And you guys are still single and boring."

Eva was delighted, "Isn't Mom still proud of us for dating early?" 

Issac shook his head, "She was angry at me for letting you study for three years in a different country."

Eva: "..."

She understood elders will find one or the other reason to scold them.

Meanwhile, Ivan announced, "Grandma, don't worry, I will find a granddaughter-in-law for you soon."

Find? How could Arna standstill without smacking the sense out of him? She grumpily went and sat with the couple.

She had thought she might get time with Ivan but her team was waiting for her, so she bid the Ross family and left to her studio. She had a lot to take care of at work and also at home.


At Morgan mansion,

Arna was late and exhausted. She reached home at dinner time and immediately called over there. She smiled at Noor who came to the Morgan mansion after a really long time. 

She noticed Noor blushing when Arsh was just serving her. She was proud of her brother for slowly taking the turtle steps instead of scaring the little girl away.

Her smile lasted till her eyes landed on her parents. She flushed in embarrassment immediately. Alan looked away to serve his wife but her mother propped her head on her fist and sweetly smiled at her. It was too sweet to believe but Arna had nothing to say yet. 

Even though she understood Ivan had feelings for her, he didn't confess yet. She wanted him to speak out with her before she could tell her family.

She flashed a helpless smile at Aria before taking a seat next to Rooney as Noor was seated between Aria and Arsh.

Aria slightly frowned, discerning Ivan didn't confess his feelings yet. Remembering his grandmother, she let out an understanding breath of a sigh.

Alan noticed her overworking her little brain so he stuffed her little mouth with prawns, silently reminding her to stop worrying.


Meantime at the Ross Villa,

Ivan had exploded the much-awaited bomb for her mother. She sat wide-eyed and frozen but not in delight. Rather in uneasiness and reluctance that appeared in deep frowns on her forehead.

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