Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

Chapter 608: Objection

At the Ross Villa,

Ivan brought his grandmother and parents home. Once his grandmother had her dinner and went to sleep, Ivan stopped his parents from going to their bedroom.

"What's wrong?" Isaac asked as he took a seat on the couch with his wife.

Ivan sat opposite them while looking at Isaac. Being smart, Isaac understood the situation. Remembering Arna was happy around Ivan at the hospital, he was glad they were together. At the same time, little tension about Eva, who wasn't so cool about Arna.

Ivan exploded the bomb so that his mother could rest early. "Mom, I want to get married."

Isaac: "..."

His son, who was patient and gentleman, had no more patience to wait. But shouldn't he tell Eva that he loves Arna? Then talk about marriage?

Eva was excited, the exhaustion of the whole day disappeared just like that, and she happily asked, "Who do you like? What is her name? Don't you want to date? Why didn't you tell me?..."

Isaac didn't want Eva to be so thrilled because it would be worse if she doesn't like Arna. So he quickly held her arm and interjected, "Eva, listen to him first."

Eva shrugged his hand and asked, "Are you bringing her home tomorrow? When did you propose to her?..."

Ivan was quick to cut in before another question. He could only hope her excitement stays the same hearing the name, "I didn't propose to her." 

Isaac shook his head resignedly as he loudly sighed. He wanted his son to be a gentleman but he felt like his son was too obedient, assuming he wanted their permission before proposing to Arna. Whereas, Ivan actually wanted to propose to her two weeks ago.

Eva slapped her forehead, she wanted to beat her husband for making him such a good boy. She wanted Ivan to be like her,  "Why are you taking our permission? I will support you with any girl you choose."

Ivan nodded and breathed out. His voice sounded clear and audible, "It's Snow." 

"That's amaz…" She froze, her eyes widened as the excitement vanished slowly. She didn't fake emotions from her son so her uneasiness and reluctance appeared in deep frowns on her forehead.

She asked to confirm, "You mean our Snow... Arna Morgan."

Ivan again nodded without averting his gaze away from his mother, "Yes, Mom."

Eva breathed out as she leaned back on the couch. She slowly glanced at her husband whose eyes were on her. Looking at him showing no reaction but worried about her, "You knew?" She asked.

Isaac promptly responded, "Ivan liked Snow for more than a decade now."

"Oh." Was the plain response that came from Eva.

A few seconds passed before she nodded, "Alright. Do as you like." She stood up as she deeply sighed, "I am tired, I will go to bed." She said and went towards the stairs.

She had taken steps before realizing her husband and son were still sitting. She felt tired of handling these stubborn creatures. She again let out a sigh. 

Going back to the living hall, she sat down before revealing, "Do you know? More than anybody, I always wished you could marry Arna. It wasn't just because she is Arrie's daughter, Arna brings smiles, and if she likes you, she would follow you to hell."

She flashed a feeble smile as she continued remembering Arna's phases of life, "Even when she was self-centered while growing up, I still liked her for you because it was just a phase of her life."

Isaac knew that, in fact, he had heard her planning how amazing Ivan and Arna could be for each other. Ivan had the idea Eva liked Arna.

"But…" Eva turned to Ivan, "Now I am afraid if she is the right one." She pursed her lips, "She left her family, what if she leaves you if you two fight?"

Isaac reminded her, "Eva, she was young and Naira had influenced her. Now she is grown up, she has been through a lot, that even our spoiled son hasn't faced anything."

Ivan: "..."

He wanted to retort but it was the fact.

Eva nodded in acceptance, "I know, I know. But it's just…" She tried to pick the right words and ended up saying, "A fear left behind." A fear of her son struggling in his married life. She didn't want to see her son in pain as the Morgan family members suffered.

Ivan was about to speak for Arna, Eva stopped him lifting her hand at him, "I have no objection to your marriage or choice." 

Despite hearing it, none were happy about it. Ivan wanted Eva to be as excited as when she had heard he plans to get married. This behavior would definitely affect how she will treat Arna.

Eva continued as though she could read his mind, "Give me some time, I will be fine, alright?"

Ivan had expected Eva to go against him, get angry but she didn't. She had unconditional support for him without the happiness of getting a daughter-in-law. He wished her to accept heartily unlike accepting for him,

Having no choice, Ivan could only nod as pushing her hard will have a negative effect. "Okay, mom."

She went upstairs hearing Isaac coax Ivan, "Give her some time."

Ivan nodded and Isaac continued, "And propose to Snow. Don't leave her hanging."

Eva paused on the stairs and scolded her husband, "Isaac Ross, you didn't even propose to me… Forget about it, you didn't give me a proper confession, what are you teaching him? He knows better than you." Then she went upstairs, grumpily.

Isaac was speechless.

Ivan pursed his lips and patted his father's shoulder, "Hopefully, you don't have to sleep in the guest room, Dad."

Isaac swung his hand and punched Ivan's stomach, "You brat, you will stay awake if I am out of the room." Then he ran upstairs. His wife was definitely angry, She might throw him out for hiding Ivan's feelings for Arna.

Ivan thought to confess to Arna first and wait for Eva.

Or should he get married and wait for Eva to accept Arna before the wedding?

With those thoughts, he went to bed peacefully after many days.



Aria was listening to Noor who was confused about her feelings without mentioning Arsh's name, no matter what.

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