Lord of Fire is a Gamer

41 Home Sweet Home

Megumin blushed madly as her hands covered her face.

'Going to my home? Am- Am I going to meet his parents? Isn't it too early for that???'

Hundreds of thoughts flied around her mind as she tried to keep her composure.

She sneaked a peek at Kunyo.

'Good, he didn't notice. He can't see his glorious Goddess blushing like this!'

She coughed to her hand and got herself under control as Kunyo was thinking to himself.

He suddenly turned towards her and asked a question.

''How does time work in this realm?''

''It doesn't pass as long as I'm not here. Why?''

''Ughhh, I wanted to hatch my dragon egg by leaving it here but I gu-''

''WAIT WAIT WAIT! YOUR DRAGON EGG!?'' she asked, bewildered.

'Where would he even find one? I was with him the whole time!'

Kunyo had a calm face as he scolded himself on the inside.

'How am I even...' Kunyo started making up a lie.

''I had it for a while. You know my soul storage ability, right? When things are in my storage, they don't age. Similarly to your divine realm, time doesn't move inside my soul storage.''

''That doesn't make any sense.''

''That's how it works. I don't make the rules. Anyway, the reason I was looking for a dragon was because I didn't want my future companion to be lonely. It's a shame we couldn't find one, but it's not the end of the world.''

''I see.'' Megumin nodded, losing interest in the topic.

''Anyway, I wanted to let him stay here until he hatched from his egg. But whatever. I can deal with it later.''  Kunyo dismissed the conversation.

''Alright, get us out of here. I have a library to explore and a dad to visit.''

''Kay.'' she opened the divine realm and they hopped onto his Zuko.


''You never mentioned your family until now.'' she said curiously.

''Yeah, there isn't much interesting about them except for giving birth to me. I figured you wouldn't care so I never busied your mind with them.''

''Hmm.'' she nodded her head quietly.

'I didn't mention about my family to him as well... Should I?'

Minutes of silence later, she coughed into her hand.

''My father is a crazy scientiest, my mother is the most intelligent woman in the existence, and my sister is the cutest girl in the excistence, not to mention her abilities are exceeded by only me!'' she said while slightly blushing, thankfully he couldn't see her face.

Seconds later, he laughed.

'Where the hell did that come from? Well, I guess I don't have much else to talk about either.' Kunyo gave in.

''My father...


''Ahhh, the royal capital. Didn't change even a little bit.'' Kunyo sucked in the air around him. 

Due to industrialisation in the Fire Nation, most of the cities had a filthy air. Not Royal Capital. The nobles and the rich families didn't allow anything dirty the air they were breathing and they pushed all their factories to the other cities of the nation.

After traveling around the Fire Nation where most of the poor cities smelled like shit, this air felt really fresh despite its high population.

Megumin and Kunyo stepped down their Zuko and went to a shady and quiet alleyway to take the Zuko into Kunyo's inventory.

''Eyyy, what a cutie we have here!'' a skinny guy with tattoos all over his face comes behind them with several other, laughing at his 'joke'.

Megumin, now in her twenties, throws him a disgusted look as Kunyo sighs with dissapointment.

'We are in the capital for fucks sake. How can there be any thugs in this place? What is this, a xianxia novel? Should I avoid restraunts as well?' Kunyo quickly dismisses the thought as he realizes that he is a young master that would kick out the other.

'What do you mean I'm not a underdog protagonist? I was going to hide my abilites until somebody acted arrogant with me. That's basically 'the op mc who doesn't want trouble' 101.' 

''I will have to reveal my abilites because of you retards...''

The thugs who were ignored until now shievered.

'Is his eye glowing? No, it doesn't, BUT HER EYES ARE DEFINETELY GLOWING RED!'

A Megumin in her twenties without the hat and the blindfold glared at them with a smug smile as she whispered to Kunyo.

''This is one of those situations you were talking about, right? Can I blast them now?'' 

''Please don't.'' Kunyo said as he suddenly appeared behind the thugs with a poisoned dagger in his hand.


Dairin sighed to himself and took a break from his paperwork, leaning behind to his expensive chair.


He didn't exactly know what to make of his son.

He loved him of course, that was undeniable. He was even proud of him due to his courage to leave his comfort zone and get out to the world.

On the other hand

'My stupid son... Ugh WHY WOULD YOU DITCH YOUR GUARDS!?'

Because his son ditched his secret guards after killing bunch of assasins in cold blood, he couldn't get any proper news about him.

Apperantly, he was seen in a village not very far from here, but he completely dissapeared after that.

'How did you even kill those assasins so easily?.. Should I be proud or scared?'

He shook his head as he remembered the day he got the news.

When the secret guards came with an awkward and geniunily sorry expression, he thought of the worst. He thought that they failed their mission and his son was dead.

Dairin immediately sent the guards to be tortured after hearing the news. They failed at their job so spectacularly after boasting about their skills and taking so much of his money.

How would he believe their words? His son was most likely dead and these retards were trying to deceive him.

'You should have escaped. At least you would have a week more to live.' was his thoughts as his cold eyes watched them getting whipped.

He sent more people to investigate and at least recover his son's corpse for a proper burial.

'I'm such an idiot. He's just a child, how could I let him go so easily. Kunyo just wanted some excitement, I should have brought him to a brothel or something...' 

When the investigators he sent came back, he was already prepared to see his beloved son's dead body.

But, no.

Kunyo was alive and hidden from his guards eyes. 

People he sent throughly investigated everything and found out that Kunyo's guards were telling the truth.

He chuckled to himself as he remembered his past.

'I wonder how did my face look at that moment...' he shook his head, ready to get back to work.

He got a glass of water to clear his throat.

*Knock Knock* just as he was drinking water his door was knocked.

''Come in.'' he said and contniued drinking water.

''M-Master. Young Master Kunyo is here! And he... AND HE HAS A BRIDE!'' said his maid.


He spilled all the water in his mouth onto her pretty face


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