Lord of Fire is a Gamer

The Library and A Sudden Visit

''So you're from the Crimson Demon Tribe?'' asked Dairin with a stone face despite the turmoils he had on the inside.

'You've been out for just a few months, and you're bringing some random girl from the streets as a bride!?'

He studied the blushing and denying young woman in front of him. Admittedly, she was bautiful. But it would take much more than that to marry into this family.

''For the last time, she's not a 'bride', OKAY?!'' Kunyo said for the third time, this time raising his voice as he rubbed his face. If he didn't love his father, he would have flipped the table already.

''Yeah, yeah. Suuure... Anyway, do you have any special skills? Can you do paperwork? How is your firebending?'' Dairin deadpanned.

''Alright, we're getting out of here. It was nice seeing you again dad. I will be in the Royal Library.'' Kunyo said and got up to leave the house after taking Megumin's hand.

''What!? You just came 10 minutes ago. Haruhin is preparing your favorite dishes!''

''I will be back in a few hours at most!'' Kunyo waved his hand for the last time and exited the house.

Minutes later, Megumin opened her mouth as they walked on the neatly designed road.

''*Cough* That, that just happened.'' Megumin said awkwardly as she coughed into her hand.

''Yeah, just ignore that... But asking just in case, what is your opinion on Polygamy?''


I took a deep breath.

''Ahhh. Isn't the smell amazing?'' I turned to Megumin.

''Yeah, yeah sure.'' she dismissed me. Fine, not everybody loves books.

Honestly, the biggest reason I came to the capital was because I wanted to see my father. Last time I ditched my guards without saying anything to him and he must have been really worried because of that. I felt like he deserved seeing me doing just fine on my own.

I have hopes of finding some decent things about energy bending here, but my biggest chance is at the Si Wong Desert.


The thing is, I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Anakin is absolutely right about it, there is nothing good about sand.

So, I will go to that damned desert and find that damned library only if I can't find anything here. It's childish, I know. Somebody less spoiled would just man up and go to that shitty place, but there is no actual reason to torture myself with that place if I can find energy bending here, right? I'm not racing against time or anything. I have no big threats waiting for me or any emergency that I have to resolve right now. I don't need that sweet power-up immediately, so there is no reason to rough myself up for it.

I shake my head as I wander around the library. Right now, I'm in the firebending section. I know I came here for the energy bending, but there are many techniques I didn't even bother to look up in the past. I will just see if there is anything interesting.


40 minutes later, I'm very fucking satisfied.

I underestimated the culture and the accumulated experience of thousands of generations of firebenders.

There were many interesting techniques that, almost literally broadened my vision.

Of course, with my talent I instantly learned everything, but I got excited and looked through the whole library to find as many techniques as I could.

''Sigh, alright Megumin. Just go to your divine realm.'' Unfortunately, I'm the only one who is having fun.

''H-huh? Oh I'm okay.'' said Megumin with a clear lack of interestest.

''I can almost feel how bored you're. You were literally sleeping just now. You don't have to waste your time with me, you can go. I won't be offended.''

At first, she was excited too. She looked around for any combustion release shit she could find. But this library was nothing compared to the one they had back in the Crimson Devil Clan. So, after about 5 minutes she came back defeated and disappointed. She just sat on a chair and pouted for a while and dozed off shortly after.

She just quietly shook her head at that.

''If you're done, let's go.'' she said with no energy behind her words.

''I haven't gone into the airbending stuff yet.''

''UGHHHH! Okay, I'm done. I didn't want to leave you alone but this is really fucking boring. I will see ya later.'' she threw her hands on the air in defeat and left.

I shook my head in amusement and went towards the receptionist.


Kunyo came up to the receptionist.

Unfortunately, the receptionist wasn't a cute young woman or a milf. It was an old hag.

'Tch. No luck these days.'

He wore a smile and greeted her.

''Hi. I'm Kunyo of the Long house. I ask for permission to enter the Air Nomads section.''

Air Nomads section wasn't exactly forbidden, but not everybody could just walk in there casually too.

They couldn't let anybody get 'corrupted' by the teachings of those monks.

Old hag eyed him suspiciously.

''Why?'' she spat out shortly, displeased with his appearance.

''I wish to broaden my horizon.'' he couldn't just say he wanted to learn energy bending, so he activated his refined bullshitting powers.

She narrowed her eyes.


''Why do I want to broaden my horizon? I want to serve our nation better.'' he said with a burning fire of passion in his eyes.


After a few seconds of awkward silence, she finally sighed and stood up to open the door.

''You have 90 minutes. Standart amount given to nobles your age. Not a minute longer, do you understand?''

''Yes Ma'am.''

'90 minutes is plenty enough. Worst case, I can force my way into here. It's not like I have to be scared of Ozai.


20 minutes later, a defeated Kunyo came out of the room.

'Just some spiritual bullshit. JUST THAT! There aren't even any airbending scrolls... What a waste of time.'

Seeing his defeated face, the old hag just snickered and locked the door after he came out, but Kunyo couldn't even care less about her mocking.

'I have to go to a desert and talk to a fucking spirit who hates humans. Fucking greeeattt.'

''Hello Kunyo, it has been a while. It's great to see you again.'' a sweet voice drawled from the corner of the library.

There, a girl with red royal attire came out.

Her hair, make-up, manicure, everything done perfectly to complement each other.

'Do I even want to deal with this psycho..?' Kunyo thought on the inside, but still put up a smile.

''No, it hasn't. In fact, this is the first time we've ever talked. It's an honor to meet you, your highness.''

She laughed sweetly at his rebuttal.

''Indeed, I just wanted to test your intelligence. Forgive me.''

They both smiled sweetly at each other, both perfectly practised and natural looking smiles.


https://[email protected]/lowkeygoodstuff

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