Lord of Fire is a Gamer

43 Azula

'How intriguing...' Azula thought as she studied the young man, in front of her. He was a few years older than her and looked just above average with bright brown eyes that showed little to no emotion.

She had heard rumors about someone that looks exactly like him using blue fire just like she did.

Rumors being her spies around the nation of course.

Normally she would send somebody else to investigate him, but since he was around and she was free, she decided to see his worth with her own eyes.

''Isn't your little friend around here?'' she looked around to see his rumored sibling(?). A 12 year old girl with a unique clothing style.

''Who?'' Kunyo asked with a clueless face.

--Kunyo POV--

I kinda understand why she is interested in me.

When I decided to come back to the royal capital, I was pretty much the strongest human alive. Possibly the strongest human in history as well. So, I didn't have any reservations when I used my powers. I didn't need to restrict or hide my powers in any way. I had nothing to fear.

I still don't have anything to fear. I can still just destroy this nation if I want to. But, it seems too troublesome. Too little reward for what? Ruling a nation? Why would I even want that anyway? Not only that, if I do something drastic like that, it would affect my father. I can protect my father if I'm with him but I'm unwilling to be with him all the time. I can't just drop him to Megumin's divine realm or something.

I might be a selfish person most of the time, but I won't be a dick to my father if its price is just some minor inconvenience like talking to Azula.

I tried not to show my pitying gaze. I used to think of her as a monster, and yeah, she's kind of a monster. But she's not a monster by choice. Ozai is just a fucking piece of shit that turned her into this. She's more of a pitiful child than a monster.

''I will cut it short. I heard you were a talented fire bender and I want to see how talented you are with my own eyes.'' Azula said, drawing closer to his face.

''I humbly refuse.'' I said while cringing on the inside. I will never get used to this sort of talk.

''You can be more casual with me, don't worry.'' she said casually, but her voice sharpened the next second.'' But it's bold of you to assume that you had a choice.''

''Princess, I really don't want to waste your time. What you've heard must have been my father's ramblings. I apologize for that, he gets quite proud and passionate when he's drunk. Now, if you will excuse me.'' I finished and left the library.

There were better ways to end this conversation, but fucking hell that was annoying. Cute or not, a 14 year old girl talking to me like that isn't something I adore.

I glance back secretly to gauge her reaction.

She's frozen. I don't think her life was extremely easy or anything, I'm sure she went through her own bit of troubles. But I guess getting rejected inside the royal capital by someone roughly her age is something new for her. Yeah, Kunyo from a few months ago couldn't even dare to do that. She has quite the reputation among us nobles.


Name: Azula

Title: Fire Nation Princess

Class: Firebender


HP: 100%








She had really unbalanced stats, which is understandable. She was born a genius, so high intelligence isn't much of a surprise. What held her back was her clear lack of wisdom. She wouldn't be controlled by Ozai, or break down so easily if she was wiser.

She simply lacks unbiased life experience. She might know how to conquer a city, have incredible wits or learn anything easily, but what is the use of intelligence if you can't make use of it?

'I could send her to the mother of faces. She could live a normal life an- or not. I don't owe her anything. Why am I even wasting my time like this.'

Megumin popped behind a bookshelf and stuck herself to me. Since her divine realm can't move without her moving physically, she has to walk with me to home.

'Thankfully she's in her adult form now. If she was 12 years old like in the 'rumors' Azula heard, it might have been troublesome.'

I open the giant doors of the library and walk down the sta-


'For fucks sake!'

I turn to my back and bow slightly to Azula.

''Anything else, your highness?''

Azula had a furious face that changed into her classic calm one under a second. I would have thought I was imagining things if I didn't know any better.

''Kunyo of the Long house, you're being drafted.''

'This bitch...'

''I'm not sure wha-''

''Don't worry, you won't be going in as a normal foot soldier, not even a commander. You're selected as a member of my elite team.'' she said calmly, but her face turned excited and slightly scary after a second.'' But first, I will have to check your talent myself. I will see if you're worthy of being in my team. Be glad, this is a huge honor many would die to get.''



''Fine.'' After a moment of silence, I spat out.

She grinned viciously for a second before it turned back to her usual calm and collected pretty face once again.

''I'm not a fan of wasting time. Come with me, you can bring your friend as well.''


'HOW DARE HE?!' Azula was used to negotiating with actual strategists, old men, important people, etc. She rarely wasted her time with people her age as they were far inferior to her both in talent and intelligence. They simply couldn't keep up and it was a waste of time for her.

And this random guy thinks he is the shit just because he has some talent?!

'I haven't seen little Zuzu for a while anyway, this guy can be my stress relief.' She grinned on the inside.

He could be used for his talent (which she was yet to confirm) but a hierarchy was necessary. If he couldn't see who was superior clear enough, she would have to drill it inside his head.

On the other hand.

'Sigh, it's really not worth the trouble, is it? If I beat her, the famous genius and the golden child of the royal family, one way or another, my name will be spread. Then Ozai will get interested. Than this and that wil happen, bla bla bla. Just unnecessary trouble...'

Kunyo kept his pride in check. There was literally nothing he could gain from beating Azula. The best he could do was losing and acting like a crybaby so she would lose interest.


[Quest: Teach the golden child some humility.]

[Objective: Beat Azula in a fair firebending battle]

[Side Objective 1: Beat her without getting any injuries.]

[Side Objective 2: Beat her without giving her any serious injuries (physical injuries, pride doesn't count)]

[Reward: Wa Shi Tong's Library's location marked on the map, Random Stat Rank Upx1]

[Side Reward 1: Increased respect and affection from Azula, Random Stat Rank Upx1]

[Side Reward 2: Decreased respect and affection from Azula, Random Stat Rank Upx1]

Well, I'm beating the shit out of a girl then. I will use Kazuma's teachings wisely.

Why does defeating her without serious injuries decrease her love and respect though? Ehhh, probably because her pride would get hurt or something.

Maybe I should spend more time interacting with people. The quest rewards are at worst random stat points and even they're precious.

I nod to myself as I follow Azula to a private training area owned by either her or somebody she knows.



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