Lord of Fire is a Gamer

51 Young Master ShenLong

Kunyo had to hold back from quipping childishly

''Sup, mister edgelord.'' he said simply with a casual voice, holding back the 'looking for your honor again.'

Dude was too obsessed with honor, he couldn't help but want to point at it and make fun of it, no matter how immature and bad his jokes were.

Katara's eyes widened as she saw the broad back of a guy taller than her.

Zuko squinted his eyes 'Who is this?'

Seeing them unresponsive, Kunyo continued.

''I'm sorry, but I can't let you harm the avatar.''

Zuko growled, this was taking too long. He saw that white haired girl disappear not long ago. She would get reinforcements soon.

He didn't waste time talking and started attacking with simple fire jabs.

Kunyo easily dispersed them with simple swipes of his hands as he kept talking.

''It's not worth it Zuko. Your father is a dickhead. He won't love you even if you get him the avatar's head.''

Zuko's fireballs got stronger as his anger flared.

''You should listen more to your uncle you know. He's not just some old fat guy. I assumed even you would understand that, despite your thick head.''

''YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!'' Zuko opened his arms widely, only to close them back and shooting massive amounts of fire towards him.

Kunyo sighed. 'My talk-no-jutsu's level isn't high enough...' then he cheered himself up 'Even Iroh needed years to force some wisdom into this guy, so the problem isn't me, it's him!' he convinced himself.

He glaned at the small quest window that came out minutes ago.

Honestly, he would intervene even if the quest didn't ask him to. He had already chosen to aid the GAang for this small mission.

[Quest: Save the Baldy!]

[Description: Avatar is the bridge between humans and the spirits. His value to the both worlds is can't be underestimated, and lending him a hand will always met with great rewards.]

[Objective: Save the Avatar and don't let anybody disturb him before he comes back from the spirit world.]

[Side Objective 1: Don't harm Zuko (severely)]

[Reward: Greatly increased closeness and respect from most spirits and humans. Random Stat RankUPX2]

[Side Reward: Greatly increased closeness with Iroh, mildly increased closeness with With Lotus, Random Stat RankUPX1]

Rewards were underwhelming, but it was justified. Kunyo didn't even expect such an easy mission to give any rewards in the first place.

''You're a firebender!'' Katara screamed behind him, almost startling him.

She was confused about what to do. On one hand, he was a firebender. On the other hand, he saved both her and the avatar's life.

''No way! How would you figure it out?!'' Kunyo asked with an exaggerated expression.

She gave him a deadpan look as he reminded her of someone she knew very closely.

'There is no way somebody like Sokka could be a bad guy... right?' she though to herself.

His soft, cute and almost handsome face gave the impression of a naturally good person. He looked like he couldn't hurt anybody.

She grabbed her head. 'BUT HE IS A FIREBENDER!'

Kunyo watched her battle herself for a few seconds before chuckling to himself and giving his attention back to the fallen prince.

He was still fuming with anger, sending out fireballs after fireballs.

Although he was angry, he could clearly see that he was outmatched. His madness wasn't bad enough for him to let go of all the reason and logic he had.

'He is clearly strong enough to kill me any time he wants. But he hasn't harmed me yet...'

He took a deep breath and took control of his anger.

'Is it because I'm a prince?'

''You're a firebender too, why don't you join me? We can share the glory and the honor!'' he tried to tempt him to his best effort.

Seeing Kunyo unmoved (even slightly amused for some reason), he continued,

''When I become a prince again, I will surely rise to the throne as I'm the only male descendant of the royal family. I will grant you riches, glory, and any position you want! I swear on my honor!''

He waited a few seconds to gauge Kunyo's reaction, only to see him chuckling.

''Honor this, honor that. Do you really think that everybody is like you?'' Kunyo gave a soft sigh as if he was sorry for the banished prince ''Life isn't just those 3 things you listed Zuko. Deep down, you know stopping right now is the best choice. You're actually a good person on the inside, I know it... It's okay, it's not your fault. Living with that monster from the start of your life, everybody would have a warped view of the world.''

''This isn't about me! Stop giving lectures like my uncle, and answer me.''

Kunyo gave a deep sigh and turned back to Katara who was watching them both intensely, ready to attack the instant Kunyo gave in to the temptation.

She raised her guard as he faced her

He had a 'do you see this shit' on his face.

''Please don't blame him. His father is an actual monster. Like grade-A asshole. He's like that because of him.

She slowly nodded with a confused face.

'What's he even talking about?'

Kunyo turned back to Zuko,

''Doesn't your uncle always tell you to listen to your heart or something? Do it. You'll see the right way, I guarantee you.''

Kunyo took out a couch from his inventory and sat down as they watched him with wide eyes.

''Go on, look inside of yourself.'' he made shush gesture with one hand and patted the empty place on the couch next to him with another hand.

''You wanna sit? It's comfy as fuck, I promise.''

Katara and Zuko looked at each other in confusion.

Katara spoke first.

''T-that wasn't a bending power. How did you do that?'' she couldn't help it. It was incredible and her curiosity got over her.

She was still on guard of course. She was still guarding Aang with most of her attention, but she had slightly relaxed after seeing how this new guy behaved.

He was clearly on their side.

''Oh, just a neat trick. It was already there actually, but you couldn't see it.'' Kunyo tried to use his bullshit-no-jutsu.

''...Suuuuure.'' she said skeptically.

His bullshit-no-jutsu failed miserably.

'You could have just told me that you didn't want to tell me.' Katara rolled her eyes.

''How do you know my uncle.'' this time Zuko spoke up.

''He's kinda famous. It's hard not to know him. Since you know, he IS the dragon of the west.''

Seeing his shocked eyes, Kunyo clicked his tongue.

''You didn't even know your uncle was a famous 'the last dragon slayer'?''


Man, this is more fun than I thought it would be.

Since my face is disguised, I can flex my power and fuck with them however I want as long as I don't reveal my blue fire.

Blue fire is literally the only thing (apart from my face of course) that would reveal my identity.

So I can just play the mysterious boss as much as I want.

I chuckle to myself. I never thought my first talk with those two would be like this.

It can't be helped, I'm leagues above them by now.

Name: Zuko

Title: Fallen Prince

Class: Firebender


HP: 49%







Mister fallen prince over here was pretty balanced. Kind of disappointing, considering his younger sister is waaay stronger than him.

'Well, you can't breach that line of immense talent unless you're cheating like me.'

He would learn lightning bending, lightning redirection, dragon dance, gain a lot of battle experience and grow as a person in the future. I'm going to go ahead and assume he would be about... B+ maybe? Yeah, B or B+ by the end of the show. Maybe even A-?

Eh, whatever.

This guy basically has the perfect wisdom grinding machine living next to him, but his wisdom is still pitiful. I would smack him in the face if I didn't know he would actually grow in the future. Don't waste such a precious person! You made Iroh cry bro. Not fucking cool.

On the other hand, we have Katara.

Literally the golden child of the water benders, just like Azula.

Born with talent surpassed by very few.

I think she was the most talented water bender in the show, until Legend of Korra came and power levels all got messed up.

I can't help but get mad at that. Lightning bending is supposed to be a very high class technique that even talented people can do it after intense training with stable emotions. They went ahead and said, 'ohoho lightning bending is a peasant shit now. Look, we even have factories where no-name people lightning bend for pitiful amounts of money! It's common, easy and almost worthless!'

Oh, not to mention the people who could do blood bending and energy bending so fucking casually?!



I stop myself from ranting. If I kept going, I probably wouldn't stop until Appa came down. I should get back to the topic.

Katara is similar to Azula, with high talent and low wisdom due to being a child. Surprisingly, her wisdom is higher somehow. All that 'my mother' talk helped I guess?

Name: Katara

Title: South Water Tribe Princess

Class: Waterbender


HP: 89%







''Hm? Were you saying something? I kinda got lost in my thoughts.'' I smile sheepishly as I rub my hair.

She blushed slightly a- wait. Blushed? Ugh, I made myself too handsome. Fuck, what is she like 13-14?

I will just wisely ignore that.

''As I was saying, who are you?'' she said after lightly coughing to her hand.

Oh, it was a simple question.

''I'm yours truly, ShenLong'' I said, casually stealing the dragon's name that's corpse was still sitting in my inventory.

''ShenLong? Spirit Dragon?'' she asked with a face that was just asking 'are you fucking serious?'

''What can I say, my parents were wise people. They saw my greatness the moment I was born and named me accordingly. Truly, I'm a dragon among men.''

Man, this young master role is kinda addicting. I won't accidentally become like this full-time, will I?

'A mask worn long enough, becomes your true face.' words came to my mind and I shivered.

I don't want to actually become a fucking young master!

''Oh wait! You know ancient tongue?'' I asked in surprise.

They don't use that language around here anymore. I only knew it because of my 'culture' and 'History' lessons. Damned worthless school subjects. Thankfully, the teacher my father got me didn't force me to re-learn that shit.

She got her nose up and huffed. ''Yes.''



''You're supposed to explain and brag about it right now.'' I deadpanned.

She coughed to her hand and opened her mouth to talk, only to be interrupted by Zuko.

''He's lying. Although we don't worship the dragons anymore, it's still forbidden to name your child a dragon.''

''Oh shut up.''

I was about to squelch Zuko with my brilliant mind but a flying bizon came down.



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