Lord of Fire is a Gamer

52 We friends now?

Sokka and Princess Yue quickly came down, ready to fight.

Only to see the awkward air with nobody fighting.


''Alright, what's going on here? Who's this guy?''

''Hey.'' Kunyo greeted with a nod.

''Sup.'' Sokka greeted back. ''I like him, he's chill.''

''DON'T JUST LIKE HIM BECAUSE OF THAT YOU IDIOT!'' Katara screamed from Kunyo's back.

''Yeah, that's so dangerous. What if I, I dunno, hurt you or something.''

Sokka squinted his eyes at him.

''... Nahh. He's chill.''

Katara's mouth fell down, as veins popped up on her forehead from anger.

Kunyo gave a hearty laugh and patted the empty couch.

''I knew I would like you. Come here sit down. I offered your sister but she like standing up or something I guess.''

'He's really relaxed. He sees my boomerang and knows that I'm a close-range fighter, yet invites me to sit next to him... Is he an idiot or just confident?' Sokka quietly looked around. 'He's strong and confident. If he wasn't strong enough princess Honooor wouldn't just be standing there.'

He instantly smiled and sat next to Kunyo.

''Name's Sokka. Southern Water Tribe. Nice to meet cha.'' he said cheerfully.

''ShenLong. Somewhere from the Fire Nation. Nice to meet you too.'' Kunyo shook his head.

Sokka stiffened for a second after hearing the 'fire nation' part, but became cheerful and relaxed again after a second.

''Princess Yue.'' Kunyo greeted the shocked young lady.

'What is a couch doing here, and why is a fire na-?' she stopped her thoughts to greet back.

''Nice to meet you.'' she smiled and gave a perfect greeting with a small bow.

''Well, since we all know each other, we can talk nicely, right?'' he said.

Seeing everybody nod, he continued.

''Zuko, I will warn you, you have absolutely zero chance of kidnapping the avatar. If you want to leave, leave right now. But I suggest you to re-think your actions.'' Kunyo's voice got serious suddenly as everybody stiffened slightly from the sudden mood shift.

Kunyo waved his hand and a few more couches appeared.

''You guys can sit down as well, if you would like to.'' he said.

Both Katara and Yue sat down, unconsciously listening to his commands.

''Now, let's get some small misunderstanding out of the way. Although I'm a fire bender, I don't serve the fire nation. I serve to myself and I have no enmity towards you people. I'm protecting the avatar simply because I want to protect him.''

''The real reason I'm here is because I came here to protect the twin spirits. Ocean spirit, and the Moon spirit.''

Yue gasped at that.

''Zhao wants to kill the spirits to cripple the water benders forever. I'm confident that I can prevent him from realizing his plans, but I would rather if you guys worked with me rather than against me.''

'Telling them my goal should help them trust me. I set a common enemy, I set myself as the good gu-. Wait. Why am I trying to play mind games? There is absolutely no fucking reason to do that.' I almost facepalmed.

''Anyway. Just thought letting you guys know would be better.'' I finished shortly.

Everyone was looking at me with wide eyes. Zuko looked skeptical.

''And how do you know that?'' he asked

''I just do.'' don't question me you little emo bitch

''Well, that wasn't ominous at all.'' said Sokka, trying to lighten the mood. ''But yeah, how do you know that.''

''I have literally no reason to lie to you guys. Look, it doesn't matter if you don't believe me. It's not like you all possess any kind of threat to me anyway. I'm just saying it so that you don't get confused when shit starts going down.''

Well, that was kinda douchey.

Come on Kunyo. You said you would become a better person!


I sigh deeply before continuing.

''Alright, that sounded rude as hell. I'm sorry for that. You just need to know that we're on the same side. You will see the actual villain coming in a few minutes anyway.''

After a few seconds of silence, Katara spoke up.

''I think we can trust him.'' she said slowly. ''He saved my life along with Aang's life from Zuko just a few minutes ago. He still hasn't hurt Zuko, but I can tell, he is strong enough to take on all of us. If he wanted to do something bad, he would have done it already.''

Yue nodded slowly.

''Hey, I wasn't in the top condition either.'' Zuko barked.


Zuko was feeling conflicted. On one hand, killing the avatar or the spirits would help their nation in their war A LOT.

But, on the other hand, was this really necessary?

Could he go so far?

Could he kill an innocent spirit?

Growing up, he learned that their nation was helping the poor nations of the world with their technology.

Some of them didn't want it, sure. But they all would bow down sooner or later. They all would learn from them.

It would take some time, but when they conquered the world, they would be sharing their technology and wisdom to help their lesser nations.

But, after traveling the world, he learned what happened to the people who didn't appreciate their... kindness. He didn't exactly agree with forcing his beliefs on people, even if they were for their own good. He rarely did it if he had to, but he never enjoyed it.

Looking at the young man roughly his age, but clearly, leagues above him talk like his uncle... It was weird.

'Do I really want my father's attention and his love so much? What did he do to deserve such loyalty from me?' said one said of his head

'But my honor?!?' screamed the other side.

'Am I doing the right thing?'

''Ugh'' he shook his head in confusion.

''When in doubt, think what your uncle would do.'' said Kunyo silently with an amused face.

''SHUT UP!''

As Zuko went back to his brooding, Kunyo took out some glasses from his inventory, showing off his powers to the poor normal people.

'It's no nice to have such a cheat. Heh, casuals.'

''Do you guys want to drink something until Zhao comes? Oh, wait. You're too young... Um, I have pomegranate juice! It's really underrated, don't judge it by its color. It's really good, trust me.'' he started selling the glory of pomegranate like a master salesman as he took out bottles of dark red juice.

''They're fresh as well.'' he said with a smile.

Princess Yue coughed into her hand to get his attention.

''Um, since you're so strong, why don't you help our tribe defend against the tyranny of the fire nation?''

''You need to think big Yue. Saving the spirits is much more important. Also, I think you can replace one of the if they died, but you don't really want to die and become the moon or something do you?'' he said, flexing his knowledge to see their surprised faces.

'Damn, I really should do this more.'


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