Lord of Fire is a Gamer

C11 The Plan

I checked my inventory again to see if everything was ready.

I added some new things in case things went south.

Like explosive barrels.



'I'm a fucking genius.'

Normally, you can't carry a big barrel of alcohol or explosive shit, because it's not worth the trouble. Not to mention they could be used against you.

But, as a firebender with explosive barrels in his inventory? I can just chuck them out suddenly and with a small fire fist, I will have very strong bombs ready to be thrown any time I want.

Problem Number 1: You can't keep carrying them around is solved

Problem Number 2: They are too visible is also solved.

I should have thought of it earlier.

I put a confident smile on my face and walk out of the inn, going towards the place June gave directions of.

Minutes later, I'm greeted with June waiting for me on top of her mount Nyla.

Observe tells me it's a male shirshu...

'Poor boy.'

Did she name him Nyla like a sadist on purpose or she doesn't know his gender?

Questions for later, I doubt he cares about his name anyway.

I greet her with a silent nod and she smiles at me, greeting me back.

Having a mount like Nyla would be fucking great. It's poisonous enough to paralyze even Appa, even though it took more than just one lick. Also, even if I don't get tired it's still boring to walk, he could help a lot just by carrying me.

I greet him as well by stroking his neck.

He made some noises but I knew he enjoyed it. It's a simple creature with nothing much to say, so Observe along with his extensive background, just went ahead and told me how to pet it properly. I guess that's a pretty big part of his life huh?

She lends me a hand and I sit behind her on her mount, hugging her stomach purely because I want to.

She raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

We got to road...


If I was going to do this alone, I would have to waste some time finding where they were.

They regularly attack convoys and caravans so if all else failed I would let them rob me (most of my shit is in my inventory anyway) and secretly follow them.

But Nyla makes it easier and simpler. He doesn't know their scents but he doesn't need to. I doubt there is anybody living in the forest except the bandits so he just follows the human-like smell that comes from the forest.

He took off fastly after sniffing the ground a little bit while we talked about our plan.

Go stealth and kill as many as you can alone before they realize it, and then just kill them all anyway

A simple plan that would work only because we were confident in our abilities.

We would attack from the different sides of the camp at the same time to maximize the benefits of our limited time of stealth.

Since it's night, I'm pretty confident I can hide well thanks to my skill, and she is a mercenary who works alone. I'm sure she learned a few tricks along the way.

As we finally find them, I have to hold myself back from whistling.

'That's a really big camp.'

It's about the quarter of a town we were in. Basically a big village at this point.

I can't see much apart from its distance but it's big enough that they need four watchtowers.

Yes, watchtowers. Four of them are at different places. I expected 2 watchtowers at most, but this place is bigger than I thought it would be.

This will make things difficult.

Every watchtower is lit to clearly show the guard with the bow sitting and watching there. If we took one of them out, the others would instantly realize he/she was missing.

If we take four of them at the same time, we would have some time to kill people on the ground before they saw it. But we are only two+ Nyla.


She shook her head and we abandoned the place before we were discovered. Stopping after about 100 meters, we started creating another plan.

''I have some bombs we can use.'' I let her know.

''Oh, you came prepared. Were you that excited to finally have your date with me?''

Please stop with those sexual innuendos.

''Cough* Yes.''

I show her my bombs.

Of course I didn't show her my barrels. She would ask where I took them out of.

I had smaller variants so that I could throw at longer distances. Mostly molotovs actually.

''You are better than I thought. I didn't even see you carry them. Where would you even hide those?''

As if I would tell you.


I took out some strings from my back (inventory) and told her about the basic timed bomb I would make.

''I will put these on the legs of the watchtowers and put small strings, long enough to burn for 3 minutes around them.''

Looking at her face, she probably already understood my plan, but I kept going just in case.

''I will light up the strings and they will burn for 3 minutes until they reach the end, which is inside the bottle. In exactly 2 minutes they will explode and take the watchtowers with them.''

She nodded seriously.

''It's a good plan but 2 minutes is too long. They would find us out by then.''

''It can't be too short. We will go around the whole camp and plant them under the watchtowers. If it takes a minute alone to do that, one of them would explode before even we-''

I stop.

''Fuck, I'm retarded.''

She snorted as my brain got to work.

''I will need to do some quick math and find out how much they would need.'' I mumbled to myself before explaining my plan to her, basically the one before but better.

''I will adjust the lengths of the strings to adjust the time part of these time bombs. While I'm thinking of that, you go and walk around the camp as fast as possible without being seen. I need to know exactly how much time it takes to do that.''

''You will make each one smaller so that by the time we travel around the camp and place them, they all will have the exact same time of explosion.''

She caught on pretty quickly and jumped on Nyla to go around the camp while I did some quick maths in my head.


[An: Started properly editing and I knew there would be some stuff I wouldn't like but wow.  I knew it would be like this since whenever I read my previous fic, I would cringe at my grammar.

Despite my English being better than this, somehow when I'm writing it goes down lol. Hopefully from now on, if I have time I will edit more of my chapters before posting.]

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