Lord of Fire is a Gamer

World’s Hottest Mercenary

[Quest: Be the Hero for Once!]

{Details: Destroy the bandit group that has been terrorizing this town and the merchants that pass from it.}

[Rewards: Random Stat Rank UpX3]

[Secret Reward 1: Stat Rank Upx1]

[Secret Reward 2: Shirshu Mount]

[Secret Reward 3: Stat Rank Upx1]

A simple quest with a simple reward.

I am slightly disappointed that I didn't get something awesome like the last one (wildfyre fragment), but it's okay. I'm not so delusional, that I would expect something crazy and amazing for every quest. And I'm definitely not ungrateful and bratty enough to curse the system or blame it.

Ugh, remembering things like that... Why did this Weeb (oh, that's a new word) even bother to read garbage like that? You deserved to be a virgin loser, nameless neet.

I don't know what Shirshu is but I'm sure it's something good anyway.


Well, this bandit group hasn't been solved for... WHAT? 2 MONTHS?

Okay. I either underestimated their danger or there is something fishy going on.

If they were here for almost 2 months and nobody had cleared them up yet (including the police force of the town) that meant they were way too strong to be a simple bandit group.

Fire Nation might be a cruel overlord to other nations, but it is the safest and richest country in the world for it's citizens, that's a fact.

Even if the police here couldn't handle it, they could ask for help from the capital. An elite force sent from the capital could destroy this whole town under an hour, and I don't doubt they could do the same to a bandit group.

Yeah, something fishy.


2 hours later, slightly exhausted from my small investigation I can proudly say all my expectations were met.

Yes, just as I expected, the bandits were protected by someone in the police force.

If I want to take them down, I need to do it secretly. If the police force here knew what I would do, somebody would snitch instantly, leading the bandit group to raise their guards. No, even worse. They could stop me from doing it directly. They could find an excuse and tuck me to jail or even assassinate me.


'Am I too paranoid?'

Nahhh, it's always good to be cautious.

Shit, I wanted to do it with a partner, but I guess I'm going alone at night since I can't just tell people I'm going to attack the bandits anyway.

Of course, I didn't want to attack the bandit alone. My quest didn't specify whether if I had to do it alone or not. Why would I risk my life when doing it alone gets me absolutely nothing?

I sighed and prepared to go to my room. I needed a good rest before attempting this.

But what I saw froze me.

I gulped at the sight of the very fucking hot and deadly chick


And we locked eyes.


How did it come to this?

I had no expression on my face solely due to the wondrous abilities of my Gamer's mind skill.


The most expensive and if I can trust the show, the best mercenary in the world.

With her shirshu mount- oh wait! So that's what Shirsu is! I will get a mount like she does if I complete the quest. Seeing her here, the secret quest is most likely related to her.

Anyway, probably the hottest girl in the show and definitely the owner of the hottest voice.

I swear to God, if she was in that neet guy's world, she could make millions with her voice alone. She would dominate the Asmr 0nlyFans, Youplub and Patrekos or whatever.

She might also be the strongest non-bender but whatever.

...Am I simping for her? Wait, what does simping even mean anyw-


I fake coughed into my hand to distract myself from my chaotic thoughts.

She smirked at me as I definitely didn't blush.

'So, how you doin?'

No, that won't work.

''Would you like to kill some people with me?''

I had to hold in the urge to face slap myself with all my will as she chuckled at my question.

''Are you asking me on a date?'' She said slowly and seductively, fuck half my blood is in my dick now.

''YE- I mean no... We will go out this night and possibly go into the woods. Is that an ideal date for you? I would take you into a proper one after that if you want''

She chuckled at my very poor attempt at flirting. It's because of the fucking neet's memories. I'm grateful that I have them but why the fuck do you have a crush on a fictional character you fucking weeb?!

''I don't know, are they legal?''

''They should be.''  They are bandits so killing them is legal and I am older than 15 years old. According to Fire Nations laws, it is completely legal and fine as long as I give clear consent. I am an adult.

Please mister boner, you need to shut up.

''What do I get?''

''All the prize money that comes from it.''



''...'' She stayed silent for a few second before chuckling to herself. I think I heard her mumble 'what a cutie' but I will ignore that.

''Why do you not want anything?''

I guess it's suspicious that I wouldn't want anything. Should I be honest?

If I say 'I'am a noble and I have enough money to handle myself, I see this as practise.' she will either rip me off or completely refuse. I would probably sound like a pretentious kid who will be a dead weight to her.

Plan B then.

''My prize is spending some time with you.'' I said with a chuckle, half-jokingly while dying on the inside from the cringe. Oh, 'cringe'. Another new word.

She laughed along with me but

''That's cute, but I need to know why. Otherwise, this conversation is over.''

I held back a sigh. That didn't work as well.

How do I say this without turning her off. I can lie and say I have some grudge with them or something but she is a very experienced and talented mercenary. I don't doubt for a second she would see through my lies.

''I have enough money. This is more of a exercise for me. Don't get me wrong, I will take it seriously of course. I wouldn't mind having the money but I just don't really need it that much. I would rather have an experienced and talented mercenary like you by myside. Your fame is probably bigger than you think. Actually you could say I'm a fan.''

She stayed silent for a while, assesing me with her eyes. I felt naked for a few seconds before she started chuckling and finally having a full-blown laugh.

''Allright my little 'fan'. This big sister will teach you some tricks.''

I smiled at my success.

''Of course, that means you have to pay me.''

Ah shit.

''In bed.''


''I like destroying innocent virgins like you''  she walked away as I stared at the note she left behind, telling me when and where to meet along with the positions she liked along with her weak points and a small note

'study and be ready. Don't dissapoint me my little fan <3'



[An: Please remember Mc is a young noble with little real life experience and lived his whole life in comfort thanks to his father. Both him and the neet are virgins. I know this is really different from my previous novel, but it got really boring for me after a while, so I'm trying new things like this.]

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